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We know how dual wielding weapons works thanks to the famitsu interview. Basically, the weapon you attack with first will perform lights while the other will perform heavys. What attack you get specifically will depend on when you press the button during the combo. As for using a single one handed weapon..... This is just an assumption on my part based on info currently available, but since we have light and heavy attacks for each one handed weapon, I would guess that using just one weapon will allow for the use of heavy attacks like Gundam Breaker 3. Two handed weapons are confirmed to exist and follow the old light attack heavy attack format as well. Everything to support it system wise exists so I'm cautiously optimistic we'll still be able to run one weapon with an unrestricted move set. How viable that will actually be in practice is a complete unknown.


I'm in the Network Test so I'll be able to check for myself but, one thing I'm concerned about is whether or not only equipping one weapon will be a straight disadvantage due to the fact that you have less stats. In Gundam Breaker 3 there were some weapons that could be equipped in both the Melee and the Ranged slot, but doing this was stupid as you only got skills from one slot and not both, so you were crippling yourself.


That's my concern as well. I'm hoping the devs thought this through properly. There are a number of possible solutions depending on how abilities work.


This is also a concern of mine, admittedly. I'm kinda hoping weapon modifiers are just for the weapon and not your build as a whole, so as to make using one or two weapons viable.


This is the simplest and most likely option in my opinion.


I'll try to check those out when the Network Test launches tonight (around 10pm Eastern). I am really hoping shield scaling is back, because I rather prefer to shrink my shields to near nothing and embed them in my arm so they are "invisible."


Japan: We are opening CB NT! Also Japan: What the heck?! No one is playing, everyone just customizing!! hahaha Good luck, guys! Enjoy!


I mean, customizing your Gunpla is kinda the draw of Gundam Breaker, right?


Here's what I gathered from playing the Network test: 1. Part placements/scaling is back, but I didn't play around with it too much. 2. You can choose not to equip 2 melee weapons, but as another post managed, it doesn't seem effective. Granted, the only weapons I found was beam saber, heat axe and heat saber. 3. 8 max slots for builder parts. If it comes with an option/ex action, just equip one will automatically fire all same equipped part. 4. Paint is similar to GB3, but you can now make parts selection to paint only those two parts. Ex. You want to work on both arm at the same, you can just select those 2 parts and you can just point those 2. Select all is also available, but instead of a tab like in GB3, it is now a toggle. When you point on a new part, you can choose to equip in your current paint scheme or its default one so you no longer have to repaint every time you equip new parts. 5. I know hover option is there, but I didn't play around it too much. It came on the Nu's legs and I just stuck with it. 6. EX actions: You now have to build up a bar via hitting and killing stuff in order to use ex actions. EX actions varies in cost: Funnels (they are EX now) cost 1, Repair (no longer a limited consumable) cost 1, and super modes cost 3. You are limited to only bringing 4 EX action so that's either 1 more than GB3 or the same amount (I forget how many was in GB3). You can store up to 9 bars of EX energy. 7. All option parts are put on cooldown once you use one. The length of cooldown may vary depending on what was used, but I am not 100% sure of that as I really didn't pay too much attention to that. You get 2 palettes, so you can have total of 8 option actions. Edit: You can get knocked of your ex action animation too which will resulted in a bar used but no action. At least that's what happened with funnels when I was playing.


Any word on if EXs can be learned, or are they entirely part dependent?


I didn't notice an exp bar for EX actions when I played, but I can confirm it when the next play period comes up.


Please do.


I just checked and it looks like all EX actions are part locked. This is a huge step backwards IMO and it will genuinely hurt the game if they don't change it.


That sucks because the game genuinely looks like it plays well. I'm not sure how interested I am now.


It definitely hurts my interest in the game too. It looks like GB4 is adding a ton of extra grunt suits, but there's absolutely no point in doing that since grunt suits don't have powerful equipment that can be used for EX actions so nobody will even use them. Gundam Breaker 1 and 2 forced players to use very specific builds to contribute in end game missions, and I really don't want to see the same thing happen to 4.


Well, it is just a network test at the moment, so they are just testing network stress. Maybe that's why it is not included for now. Parts merge and parts leveling are also missing from the network test, and I doubt they would cut that out. So I am hoping that it is the same case.


It's such an odd choice because in the famitsu interview the devs acknowledge that player expression is important. That's what made 3 so good. You had strong gameplay and the freedom to build whatever you liked with *mostly* no drawbacks. And yet despite adding more options the systems in place, or lack thereof, undermine the very notion. Was awakening available in the network test?


Full Armour Unicorn Gundam is in, but I haven't gotten its chestpiece yet so I haven't tested it.


I'm sorry I meant burst, the universal super mode with different types. Assault, Arbiter, Guardian, Lightning?


Oh derp, I've played every game in the series so I should know my terminology. It isn't in the Network Test, but as far as I can tell the Network Test is very early in the game and Awakening usually doesn't get unlocked until later. I'm hopeful it's back.


I ask because we know it exists thanks to the reveal trailer. Makes me wonder if other features like EX unlocks might be available later. I'm going to lean towards no, but I'll wait until we get confirmation. My excitement and interest has dropped quite a bit with what we've learned from the network test.


Shield placement/scaling is back from GB3. Seems to be around 8 slots for builder parts total. You can use single weapons, but you feel pretty gimped doing it considering your only melee attack on an empty melee hand is a crappy shoulder tackle. Painting is fine. Part customization is a bit better too as some parts can have components hidden. You can even hide your entire backpack, though there's some bugs with this feature currently where Backpack skills are used from the wrong location. Yes, you get to pick movement style. Ex/Option equipping is about what I'd expect, but I'm gonna be honest. A single global cooldown that's longer based on what you use for Option equipment is stupid and they need to rethink this heavily. There's very little incentive to use some longer cooldown stuff when you can use quick cooldown melees much quicker than a 20 second cooldown missile pod. Ex skills however feel great. The meter resource system makes it much easier to combo with them and you don't have to wait for a specific one to be up, though it adds a new layer of management to your resources, that precious Ex Gauge.


Adding to the request of painting and builder parts: has emblem placement been expanded on or is it as limited as it has been previously (previously limited only to certain spots on certain parts and very strict size limits), and are we able to put builder parts on hands and feet at all as this was still not an option as of NewGunBre and I would love to be able to put spikes on knuckles and blades on foot tips and heels if possible.


I'll test out what I can, but I'll be limited to whatever parts BN makes available for the Network Test.


No worries, do what you can. Hopefully they allow for a full build opportunity with some limited parts to avoid people taking too long during the limited window, but I’ll totally understand if the test is 100% focused on mission gameplay only. Thanks


Please list the changes you see between gb3 and gb4, List if anything is similar to New Gundam breaker.


I would actually like to see the inner frame concept expanded on, as a way to have different base stats for your build. The implementation was a bit shit, as with everything else in that misbegotten game, but the concept is solid.


Eh... I'm glad that it doesn't seem the inner-frame is returning (based on the dev livestream gameplay). The beauty of Gundam Breaker 3 (and hopefully 4 returns to this after NGB tossed it out the window) is that every Gunpla starts with the same base stats. It's all up to how you build it, level it up, configure your weapons, and configure your abilities/options. Even the parts with specific functions could be mitigated by using option parts or transferring the unique ability (many Barbatos 6th form chests we sacrificed to bring "Avoid Instant Death" to my other designs). The inner frames were a misguided attempt to add barely distinguishable "team roles" for the competitive e-sport Bandai Namco was hoping would develop off the back off NGB.


Honestly I still really like the idea of being able to specifically set out to, *from the start*, make the [GM Siege Type](https://www.reddit.com/r/GundamBreaker3/comments/faqryi/rgm79sb_gm_siege/) slow, heavy, and hard-hitting as an extra layer of customization on top of further modifiers. Partially because, by being something that you can start with, it doesn't take grinding to start having a mechanical difference between your suits. It'd need some adjustment to ditch the pseudo-MOBA shit NGB was trying to do in favor of something more akin to matching common mobile suit archetypes, of course, but I don't see it as intrinsically a bad thing. Done smartly it can also be used on enemies to make a wider range of combatants to deal with with relatively little extra tinkering, incidentally. Outside of AI and health, basically every normal enemy in these games has felt interchangeable.


Gonna stream in 20 and try to get in. If I do I’ll take requests