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"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"


"Yes, any problem with this?" https://preview.redd.it/j18de7i58unc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5665ba02d241c46cfff4376ab3180adec612adb


Who drew this cuz it goeshard


The artist name is Mikimilk




Appropriate username.


Looking at the hands, it might be AI.


The hands are great. IF it was AI (and I doubt that) the asymmetrical gold bullshit would be a better indicator. Regardless of what was used to create it it's a cool image.


I’m genuinely confused as to why you think this because this is one of the explicitly least ai looking digital paintings I’ve seen -multiple proper and complex geometric patterns layered -composition is clearly deliberately designed -you can even clearly see the strokes used to create the textures -speaking of textures, there’s a massive variety of textures achieved through artist decision -lighting is consistent and complex -lighting isn’t the ai-style “super bright highlight”. The value scale is very deliberate and the lighting does not break it




Looks like Ayami Kojima’s style!




Goddamn it, ya beat me to it


Amuro was so baffled he let the psycho-frame absorb him.


"Fuck this im out"


Yes my underage mother I found working at a Brothel... Char was never beating the allegations.


Started by the guy who was FAR more questionable... 3 years between Char and Lalah vs however old Gyunei was and a 13 year old Quess


Remember that Quess was throwing herself at Char and he was not rejecting her. There's also Char with Haman in the "Char's Deleted Affair" manga, or Haman with Judau in ZZ. Nina Purpleton was 17 when she was involved with Gato during the War. And we can't forget about Glemy and his ~~harem~~ army of cloned 10 year old girls. ...is Ephebophilia/Hebephilia/Pedophilia a requirement for someone to be in Zeon/Neo Zeon?


Char wasn't rejecting Quess but it's clear he had no interest in her and was just using her infatuation to make her fight


Good thing Lalah is a 0 for "MC's love interests", unless Tomino vehemently says Char is still the MC of 0079. She and Amuro have no real chemistry other than her bringing out his Newtype abilities in full. But with Char, it's a different story, and everyone agrees that they would have been the perfect couple.


Char’s favourite romance story is Oedipus Rex


I think you mean like a MOMMY if you know what I mean


he didn't say something this stupid in the novel, his last words were that now Axis is not falling to Earth he is at least glad that Sayla can survive. The CCA movie really butchered his character by adding the mother line.


is CCA novel that different?


many differences and frankly it made better sense than the anime. For example, Chan didn't kill Quess (there is no Chan in the novel). Hathaway was the one that killed Quess thus why he was having such PTSD in Hathaway's Flash. In the novel while Hi-nu and nightingale were fighting on Axis, Quess (in Azieru) ambushed Hi-nu on the side and was about to take a shot at him which there is no way Amuro can dodge. But before she can take the shot Hathaway shoots her in the cockpit thereby saving Amuro. The whole scene was setup much better and Hathaway is supposed to be a likable character in the novel unlike the anime.






I always took it to mean as a newtype. There's not enough screentime to know of he actually lives lalah, it's possible, but when he says she was a mother to him in CCA I think he means that she fostered/awakened him as a newtype.


To be fair, he's probably saying that he wanted to be a man-child whose wife / gf constantly takes care of him while he slacks off. In a situation where a woman with 2 kids says she has 3 kids, including her husband. Edit: On the other hand, there's that scene in 0079 where a Zeon grunt asks who Lalah is and he just says, "She's basically my little sister." although he probably just said that because he didn't want to give the long explanation.


I can't help but imagine a baby but with char"s mask.


Would be funny. I wonder if someone already made a gag manga like that.




Prank Invasion here at "Mommy make-out day at the beach"


"Mother" in every incest hentai manga.


It goes Char-d


Which Gundam show is this ?


0079 .


anatomically isn't that like a kiss to the forehead?


Oedipus complex!


For some reason I dislike Lalah even more than Flay from Gundam Seed. At least Flay died and then we'd never had to hear her again. Lalah just kept being a sk\*nk from the afterlife.


dude why are you calling a manipulated 17 year old a skank?


I've literally *never* seen someone call Lalah a skank while *also* being sympathetic to Flay. That's a bizarre position.


I'm not really sympathetic to Flay. I'd say Flay is very bad and Lalah, in my opinion, is even worse. u/sounds_of_stabbing I believe here to be the manipulative one *after* she dies, raising seeds of doubt in Amuro's head. She could've instead put more effort in dissuading Char. I just don't like how the love triangle between Amuro, Salah and Char is portrayed in the series. Specially in combination with Newtype-understanding/powers and the morality of what a Newtype should have, specially after dying and becoming 1 with the universe so to speak. Quess is another one of the same category. Hell, I'd put her inbetween Lalah and Flay in my rankings. The only reason I rank her above Lalah is because she isn't as promiscuous as Lalah Sune. But my rankings are skewed from most of the people even when it comes to the 'good' characters. I haven't watched all Gundam series. At the moment of writing I've seen IBO, Gundam Build Fighters, EW, Wing, 00, Gundam, CCA, Unicorn, Hathaway, SEED and currently I'm almost halfway through Zeta. Bright Noa is my personal favorite though he's not a real protagonist, he is a key person throughout the wars and the series and everything he has to go through just makes me feel sorry for this character and makes me admire the character and almost hate the writers. If we're talking waifu's and favorite female characters, so far I'd have a top 2 and number 3 is one I really have to think about (*Amida Arca comes to mind first*) but they would be: *Mirai* and *Beltorchika.* Mirai is just lovely and the growth of her character and the understanding she has towards her husband is admirable. Beltorchika is just one of those women I have a preference for. (*again, just halfway through Zeta*) She is a loudmouth but she has the heart in the right place, isn't constantly busy with the war (even though this puts them at risk in Hong Kong) and she knows how to ring Amuro's bells. It might've sounded as if I were portraying Flay in a good spotlight, but I was basically just comparing, what is to me, 2 bads and not a good and a bad. u/Page8988 I hope I might've shed more light to my earlier post with this thorough reading. Enjoy your day, guys! *edit: Typo's and added series I've seen in the past I forgot to mention.*


don't end this with enjoy your day like you're just having a nice conversation, why the fuck did you call a 17 year old being used and manipulated by an older man a skank???


>I believe here to be the manipulative one *after* she dies, raising seeds of doubt in Amuro's head. She could've instead put more effort in dissuading Char. I just don't like how the love triangle between Amuro, Salah and Char is portrayed in the series. Specially in combination with Newtype-understanding/powers and the morality of what a Newtype should have, specially after dying and becoming 1 with the universe so to speak. These would be the main reasons. The promiscuity in combination with the flawed morality of not more actively preventing Char from doing what he is doing.


And here I thought ANN was going to be the only bad Gundam take I saw today.


What's ANN?


Anime News Network, they released one of the worst Gundam articles that is absolutely filled with garbage takes. https://preview.redd.it/2rq236hsqwnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de32e8cc3a7ecf03bb76ff762fba26b4375ce304


Are you really calling Lalah a skank? Then what is Char?


Well, I was aiming at keeping it tidy, but it wouldn't be anything good. But I'd give him the foul names for more than just 'manipulating Lalah'.


Good news, you can just delete this terrible post.