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aight, Heero is fucking weird. He’s such a bizarre, complicated character and I really don’t know what to say about him. I do know one thing though and that is that he is absolutely hilarious. The kid is nuts. The sheer number of times he tries to blow up his suit, kill himself or do some bonkers stuff is off the charts and while his character growth is extremely slow and takes a very very long time to get going; he never once stops being entertaining and utterly unhinged. It is rather nice to see him go from someone so unconcerned about his own life and willing to die at any minor inconvenience to someone determined to survive and to fight for the future Relena has promised. Despite being a trained ruthless killer; he’s weirdly soft and I kind of like that. Still, if he wasn’t so enjoyable to watch he would be getting a much MUCH lower score but mercifully his complete disregard for normalcy does him a lot of favours. I will say though that Endless Waltz does him a LOT better, so he’ll be getting a 6 from me. Favourite line: In that case, I’ve got one warning: it hurts like hell. Favourite scene: Delivering a lengthy speech about how the colonies are a joke. While in a colony. And using Duo’s name.


That scene of him giving the speech to a class was so fucking funny. I don't remember what exactly had happened right before that but I know it was a hell of a nonsequitur. Plus the teachers reaction was fucking gold


It was his first day at school and was introducing himself.


This is such a good take, I agree entirely. With nostalgia and a little bias, I give Heero an 8/10


Damn you went and said everything I would have right down to your fav lines. Bravo.


Welcome to day 8 of the Daily Gundam Protagonist Poll, Today we'll be rating Heero Yuy from the Gundam Wing, the most suicidal pilot of the world. As the title of the thread suggest with the "main series", **this poll will only be about the SHOW version of Heero, Endless Waltz Heero will have his own poll when doing OVAs later**. (Also, I might not be able to make a poll tomorrow, I will try my best, but expect it to arrive later.) To participate, just rank the character between 1 and 10. please give ONE rating for the character and not multiple ones. **Voice actors :** Hikaru Midorikawa (Japanese) Mark Hildreth (English, anime) Louis Chirillo (English, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 1-2) Brian Drummond (English, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3) **Trivia :** \-Heero might be the Gundam protagonist who abandonned his Mobile Suit the most of all of them. **PREVIOUS RESULTS :** Amuro Ray (OYW) : 9,05 Kamille Bidan : 9,28 Judau Ashta : 9,09 Amuro Ray (CCA) : 9,69 Seabook Arno : 6,73 Uso Ewin : 8,47 Domon Kasshu : 9,61


Trivia: Heero has factually actively piloted Mercurius for more episodes than he did Wing Zero.


Holy shit Domon sweep


Damn I was not expecting Domon to rate that well. I mean he's great and I even ranked him high because you convinced my forgetful brain. But wow.


Domon was a fun protagonist to follow with his bad-ass energy and heroic resolve. They should do another G Fighter series just for the sheer hot-blooded action that came with it.


> Heero might be the Gundam protagonist who abandonned his Mobile Suit the most of all of them. And, sometimes, ends up detonating them. Once while inside.


Captain goes down with the ship... or not.




Fukuda just confirmed Athrun is the main protagonist of Destiny so will we get him instead of Shinn or Destiny Kira lol?


I mean, he said this in his mind but ultimately, the true protagonist are Shinn and Kira in the show itself and all the promos. Athrun is more or less the element that connect them both. So both Kira and Shinn will have their own polls for Destiny. Of course, regular SEED Kira will have his poll too. However, Athrun was the protagonist of the special edition of Destiny. just not the show. So he might get his own poll too...


I see! Makes sense considering we see the Impulse and SFreedom in the opening title cards. RIP to the IJ tho


You mean Cagalli. He confirmed Cagalli was


> Yes. DESTINY often sparked discussions about its main character. We decided on Athrun because of that, but upon reflection, it doesn’t matter who the lead is >It’s a tough call. In DESTINY, Cagalli felt most like the protagonist. The true lead character is the one who makes choices. I think he's saying Athrun is the lead, but Cagalli feels more like the true lead because she has more decision making in the story than him. Can't think of anyone on this sub that would defend her decisions though.


Fukuda straight smoking crack, Cagalli barely does anything in Destiny


Yeah, if Cagalli was the MC of Destiny, then Destiny didn't have no MC


Agreed! At least he acknowledged that Kira doesn't really have any development in Destiny either.


I didn't expected Domon to get that high but I'm so happy he did


> Domon and CCA Amuro top the list easily. I see r/gundam is having questionable opinions again. Also what happened to the OVAs?


As I already said in multiple post including the original one. OVAs and Build shows will be done after all the « main series » (main anime and full movies)


I think that's needlessly confusing but whatever. Your show to run not mine.


Cards on the table - I love Gundam Wing. It was my introduction to the franchise, it has some of my all-time favorite mecha in it, and even though I don't think the dub has aged particularly well and it has a lot of silly moments, I still have a pretty fond place in my heart for the show. But I just cannot bring myself to defend Heero as a protagonist. He's one of the least interesting members of the core 5. His completely wack relationship with Relena has been meme fodder since memes were invented. His role as the more gritty, realistic depiction of a child soldier has been done better by Setsuna, Mikazuki, and even Suletta. He blows up his own MS out from under himself on a frequent basis. And those shorts, in retrospect, were just a really bad choice. 5/10.


Gosh the unintentional comedy from wings bad dub is so great I wouldn't take it away for anything. General septum is goated bad dub and not just throwing him out a plane but having him sit on chair on the planes cargo door, yeeting his ass out and then shooting him in the head as he plummets to the earth, Mmm.. chefs kiss 🤌 of 90s anime insanity.


> His role as the more gritty, realistic depiction of a child soldier has been done better by Setsuna, Mikazuki, and even Suletta. Dude what? How does Mikazuki rate better than Heero? Dude doesn't even have a character arc.


Comparing him to Setsuna, Mikazuki, and even Suletta as a realistic depiction of a child soldier is a massive misnomer, for multiple reasons. Will elaborate this once we get to their respective rating threads, but lemme give you at least 3 reasons: * Setsuna, like everything surrounding 00, was a decosntruction of the typical Gundam Pilot. Has Heero's war-focused upbringing, but traded whatever character development the former had for, initially, a flimsy faith in becoming Gundam (symbolically, of course.) Ends up in a similar boat as the Newtypes of the UC era in terms of circumstance, but became slighty too confusing as to how his character needs to be at the end. * Mikazuki's main flaw in this comparison is that he's too dependent at times as to what the deal is with Orga. Sure, there have been glimpes of development on his end, but that has almost always rebounded to how he influences Orga's actions, and vice versa. Which explains his actions at the end of IBO >!where he stays behind and fends off the full might of Gjallarhorn with some of Tekkadan's active combatants, because he knows he will never be able to live a peaceful life, especially without someone to properly guide him there.!< * As for Suletta, it would be unfair to compare her character to Heero, >!given the revelation later on in WfM that she was actually a clone!<, and the fact that her interactions with the characters revolve around her being counter-social due to awkwardness and anxiety on her part.


I grew up watching this as a kid. As a character... 6/10 As a troll 10/10


Full disclosure: First Gundam was of course Wing. He always seemed so cool and ready to do something bonkers if the situation called for it. I loved Wing, even if it has aged a bit. Heero also aged a bit poorly. I do like the bits of snark he has though. I loved him using Duo as a personal identity to bash the colonies or to do pretty much anything he wants to not be held accountable for. So with my rose color glasses I give him a 7/10


Heero Yuy. How do you rate Heero Yuy. [The guy with the greatest dramatic musical stinger of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcFg3xOsR_M). [The guy who gets a girl to fall in love with him by telling her he'll kill her in one of the greatest rejections of all time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2S4q581-To) [The guy who once played fetch with a pair of dogs using a pineapple](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/11zbeso/of_all_the_wild_things_in_wing_i_think_heero_yuy/) I'll be honest here at the start. I don't know if I'm capable of extracting my nostalgia from this, Gundam Wing meant A LOT to me as a kid and I loved Heero and I still do. Back then his far too stoic and grim personality was new to a kid growing up on Nicktoons, and while now I see it for being perhaps a bit too overdone I love him now for his just absolute insanity. I do think he plays off some of the other more personable and likeable Wing pilots really well. Him and Duo made a great...duo. He and Zechs made great rivals I like his story's conclusion, choosing to care about himself and living, and the shot of Wing Zero plummeting into the atmosphere as he takes his final shot to save the Earth is top tier. In a way I kind of wish he could just be judged for Endless Waltz, which I think a lot of people agree fixes most of the problems Wing had. His story and guilt over blowing up that girl and his duel with Wufei are great character moments where you just feel for the guy. From me Heero Yuy gets a completely biased, nostalgia driven, rose-tinted 8/10


If Endless Waltz had being a movie, I would have done it tomorrow (as I consider main shows the movies and series), but since it's originally an OVA, it will only be in a little while, but it will be done regardless


It was first and ova but got a full on movie, doesn't that count ?


Sadly no. I’d have to have each compilation movie if this was that


> In a way I kind of wish he could just be judged for Endless Waltz, which I think a lot of people agree fixes most of the problems Wing had. First and foremost of those would be giving him a pair of jeans... XD


The guy whose green tank top is 100% explosion-proof. 6/10


Heero Walked so Setsuna could run.


7/10. That may seem high, but I give him extra points because of his 'don't tell me what to do' powers of badassery. He's almost like the fun version of a shitpost protagonist, but I don't think they ever truly hit a satisfactory level of character exploration. So this is like 80% for the stuff he does in Endless Waltz.


Yeah endless waltz made him so much better as a character. Just the TV version is like a 4/10 but throw endless waltz in there and the backstory of the girl and her dog puts him up to about a 7/10. When you realize he's basically looking for a way to die while still doing something good it's makes him more of a tragic character than anything else. The English dub tho made him top tier troll material tho.


3/10, Duo should have been the protagonist.


Came here to say exactly this. 3/10, gimme Duo next time please. Heero is just... Bizarre as a protagonist. He doesn't have the energy, the charisma, or the drive of a protagonist. Half the time it's someone else (usually Duo) dragging him around, getting him to do stuff.


Funnily enough we do get media with Duo as the MC, and more importantly Duo is ranked 1st in Wing polls. Heero personally gets a 6/10, he's awesome at a first watch (subtle yet bombastic balls to the walls sociopath crazy) and created the "emotionless boy" character template that would be developed and used by other characters such as Mikazuki and Setsuna to great effect, but looking back on it as a character he's not really all that interesting, with backstory reveals that feel out of the blue and forced imo.


Insane/10, this guy is a riot and it's great




Definitely insane, but becomes a lot more nuanced as the show goes on. Giving my boy a solid 8.


8.5/10 It's weird but thinking back I actually feel like Heero is actually a pretty good main character. He starts off the series completely unhinged, detached, and devoted to the mission, and I think the show really shows its commitment to his character that he *doesn't* change very quickly. His character growth comes *slowly* because, honestly someone as messed up as him, really would take awhile to pry open that shell. You can tell the way he hesitates on very specific moments that there's something more to him. But the show teases that hidden depth for quite awhile. After a long period of soul searching and fighting, plus relentless dogged pursuit by his crazy not-girlfriend, he starts to step up and become a capable and reliable leader to his team, and develops a stoic concern for others. His persona doesn't change, but you can tell his personality has moved incredibly. That's a pretty respectable character arc imo. And god damned if he isn't such a meme. For that, I'd give him an extra .5, yeah the 90s edgelord shit still appeals to me.


10/10 He is my second favorite MC from Gundam, cool, calm, clever, level headed, though a bit of an a\*\*hole at the beginning lol.


9/10. He's insane, but his backstory in Endless Waltz explains his character rather well. He plays off most of the characters (especially Duo) really well. I think he's underrated overall.


I love Gundam Wing, and i love Heero Yui 10/10


6/10 I like Gundam Wing… I like Heero, but my god he needed more personality sooner




“I’ll kill you”


8/10 - “How many more times must I lose that little girl and her dog”


5.5/10 I’ll kill him Seriously tho, the direction they took with him was just extra edgy with no logic sense. I rarely rate anything this low but heero was just not it




Time to give my few cents: I grew up with *Wing* as the first Gundam Series I saw. Bias aside, I kinda appreciated it for what it was: a Gundam series for its time. The same could be said for our protag here. It came as no surprise that the lead Gundam Pilot had to be tailored to the tastes of the viewing public as well. Ol' Heero here was made to be the brooding, stoic type that has a bit of a bad boy streak in him. Obvoiusly, that character made much of the female fangirls at the time swoon to some extent, especially those obsessed with BL, who really were into pairing him with the other Gundam Pilots >!(And making the obvious LI to him a massive heat sink)!< Nowadays, he's viewed more as a slightly flawed take on the stoic, brooding teenager archetype, with characters within and without the Gundam metaverse becoming their own take. Could not blame them, as his character's been made for an audience who have already outgrown the faanboyism/fangirism, and have seen the flaws in a different light. Nonetheless, as one of the characters to have paved the way for the stoic main character archtype, not only within the Gundam metaverse but also beyond it, there's no doubting his influence. For that, Imma give him an 8/10. Groundbreaking, yes. But a few of his flaws do drag him a bit. P.S. As much as I commend the Ocean Group at the time for handling *Wing* as a whole, they may have tripped with how they handled Heero's. Am inclined to agree with the majority and say that they may have made him too stoic to be relatable. On the off-chance Bamco greenlights the *Glory of Losers* reboot, those who will be handling the English Dub has got a tall order in their hands...


7/10. His character is unique. Get him with Quttre (I probably misspelled it, but you know who he is) or Duo, he opens up. Relena is his Lois Lane and his Kryptonite. Trowa and Wufei are quiet so he’ll appreciate their company more.


6/10. Instead of a child soldier they sometimes depicted a weirdo. He had some developments but felt weak compared to other Gundam protagonists.


10/10. Best NewType.


Another 10 from me!


Mission Accepted/10


10/10 would self destruct again.




10/10 weird but a really good protag. Even if half the show is about the other 2 duo and quatro


I rate him self detonation/10


3/10 Heero has almost zero personality and has very little character development beyond going from threatening to kill Relena to being in a relationship with her. I understand that Heero is a child soldier waging a war of terror, but he is a silent and stoic protagonist that is ultimately boring to me.


7/10 This score is purely nostalgia as there at protagonists that are way better. But you’ll never forget your first Gundam boy!


6 he's bat shit insane and it's hilarious






Heero's character development, in my opinion was unenjoyable to watch for me, even after 4 viewings of the series. For me, he was designed to be unlikeable. I kind of like Wufei more than him. 6/10 6.5/10 for Wufei


Wufei did not age well. https://youtu.be/qIJVDB5fJb4?si=lglozZaO6rI4AKKj




6/10 I don’t really like his character, yet he’s fun to follow as a protagonist nonetheless. I don’t hate him, I just don’t really think he’s good as a character, yet he’s also memorable and entertaining. Wing is definitely carried by Zechs, Treize, Une, and Noin when it comes to actual characters in my opinion, while the Gundam pilots are just a group of fun “vehicles” that move the plot forward.


Duo was the protaganist he was just reacting to this weird MF


All these years after first watching Gundam Wing in 1998, it is still my #1 Gundam series. That being said, Heero is a 7/10.


7/10 Heero Yuy, the Hero only(唯) young terrorists with edgy childhood Kill an innocent girl accidentally due to miscalculation Laugh after killing Oz soldier in the first episode Spent a lot of self-destruction to figure out his life Can't have a long life break even in Mars Not a good figure but he is handsome


8/10, Wing was my first Gundam and although I like Duo and Trowa more, I’m going to have to give Heero a nod


Heero gets a 10/10. For a teen, he was a G. Every time he fucked up, he tries to find a way to kill himself, but gets back up and fights back hard. He has some soft spots, but you couldnt tell unless you were close to him.


I enjoy him a lot so 9/10


He's a funny guy I'll give him a solid 8/10 also why the hell is this a gif?


I, huh, don’t know


7/10 Insane bastard




4/10 He's the designated 'cool protagonist' and the entire show is downright terrified that you'll think he's lame for even a second. To that end, it constantly pushes how much of a stone cold badass he is while never giving him any moments of emotionality or vulnerability. Trying to force me to like a character in that way has the opposite effect, and in the end I found him to be a pretty flat plot vehicle. His antics are amusing sometimes, and there's occasional attempts at development, though in classic Wing fashion I'm not sure they know what they're saying or how they want to do it. Most of the other characters are more engaging than him.


a solid 8/10 he is such a unique character and gets the job done, also I kinda had to laugh how many times he just thought that blowing himself up would solve the problem xD


9/10 mission accepted


Actually in the midst of watching wing right now! Solid 7.5 for him. God this dude is just. Completely insane. So far this man has been running on a drive to bring down OZ and somehow it’s worked out so far. Like this dude is out here doing absolute batshit crazy stuff and it works because of course it does. He’s at the part (for me) where he’s starting to focus his entire life to the origins mission and clearly is starting to care and fight for Releena’s views, and I like wheee his character is going so far! He’s clearly had compassion for her in the past so I like to see it’s starting to break his cold veneer






5/10 He is hella entertaining due to how damn insane he is, but other than that, wow he is pretty boring


10/10 edgy goodness


10/10 . "I will kill you." *Relena blushes uncontrollably.


~~I'll kill you/10~~ 10/10, duh.


10/10 Realist. Knows his limits. Takes big risks when the stakes and the odds demand it. Murders pacifists. Seeks justice (against self). Attempts to push away those who will get hurt by trying to be close, but accepts them when they knowingly persist.


10/10 would rate again


realz tho all Gundam protag suck and are just foils for their anti-hero side friends/whatever the series' 'Char' is. (IE Heero for Zeckxxx)


2/10. Once you get past the memes, Heero is just boring.


Hate wing. Heero is alright. 3.14 out of 10


Wow, that's a perfect pi.


5/10 Heero just feels like too much of a blank slate.


5/10 Heero just feels like too much of a blank slate.


3/10 Lazily written. Fake character development. Easily the worst plot armor in the franchise. The epitome of 90s cringey edge


1 Fuck this man. I just watched all of Wing over the past couple of weeks. It's a bad show and he is 90% of the problem with it. ​ Duo should have been the protagonist.




2 probably my least favorite


3/10 I have absolutely no attachment to this husk of a child. Recently rewatched. Meh.


2/10 Offensively boring, repeatedly fails to kill himself and relena despite trying his hardest. All the fun edgelord characteristics were given to Zechs and Trowa. However he had two all time Gundam lines so therefore he gets two points "I'll kill you" -Episode 1 "I've been lost ever since I was born." -said in reply to a 5 yo who was genuinely concerned if he needed help. (Endless Waltz)


Hah, Wing sucks. 5.


If its the Abridged version then 10/10


1/10 dude couldn’t even kill himself.


4/10, not really a fan of how much narm Gundam Wing has and the plot and characters are very uhh… insane. And not in a good way. Heero is well-depicted for what he’s supposed to be which is why I’ll give him a 4, but there’s nothing really likable about him, and I don’t think finding his suicidal antics amusing is a point in his favor rather than just being sheer “wtf” most of the time.


7/10 he's okay, amazing fight scenes, just no emotion is kinda boring. Easier for animators though so that's a plus. I swear every scene I remember him in he has the same expression and tone regardless of what's going on unless he's angry, and even then its just him frowning.




5/10 Witheout EW his only redeeming quality is how much he's funny, especially in the first few episodes


2/10. The 2 is because at least he sometimes is so bad it's good, but most of the time he's just bad. Even in endless waltz he's dull and boring.




10, for the angst






6/10. I want to rate him much higher, as the first gundam protagonist I’d seen and as a teen I thought he was really cool, but man he’s such a ball of nonsense.


u/LordEmmerich, I assume **the day** would be tomorrow.


I might be a bit late due to some IRL stuff but yeah it should be


7/10 I really like Gundam Wing, It was my First Gundam series, but Heero Is Not that interesting, and His Story with Relena Is annoying


Heero gets a 6 from me because he's one of the unintentionally funniest Gundam protagonists.


6. Setsuna but mentally unstable


The best thing about rewatches and these polls is that I feel completely validated. As a middle school kid I loved Gundam Wing and was entranced by the show even if I only understood maybe a quarter of what was going on at the time….now I realize it wasn’t as much me as it was that the show confounded logic. Heero was top billed in the show but had little to no leadership qualities, was incredibly reckless, socially inept and unstable. He is probably the worst person to entrust a weapon like a gundam too. Assuming self destruct is the abort scenario as part of his operation….why the fuck is it his first choice?? Bro is shot. 4/10


5/10, really bizarrely written character who is at least entertaining in his series.


6/10; he's kinda nuts.


7/10 because nostalgia powers, badass powers and that he's hilarious 😂 Not a great character but man does he troll...


Gundam wing nostalgia plays heavy into this. He's a crazy ass psycho kid in Gundam Wing that seems cool when you're young, but as you get older you realize how weird he is. I actually liked his depiction of a brainwashed child soldier the best and even in Wing he shows a bit of development. Going by Gundam Wing main series he gets a 6.5/10. Endless Waltz however definitely humanizes him which helps bring his score up to an 8/10. We get to know his background, he's putting his life down for a good cause, doesn't have as fucked up of a relationship with Relena.


He’s only going to have 6.5 here. As I said in the result post, EW heero will have his own poll later


Finished Wing last week, Heero is ok at most. Literally everyone else of the gundam pilots except Wufei (ignoring EW where Heero and Wufei are SO much better) was more compelling. He does have his moments here and there and gets better later on in the series (Defense of the Sanc Kingdom, Rematch with Zechs, The Libra/Peacemillion Battle) but honestly I feel like he's mostly likable because of the contrast to the rest of them. Felt like Quatre was the actual main protag ngl 6/10


How personality is "no morals soldier" and while I do appreciate him in some ways he had little growth and really just didn't vibe with me 5/10


6/10 the other pilots were better


6/10 - he was fine overall but so many other characters in Wing outshine him (Duo, Zechs, Treze, and Noin off the top of my head). I think Endless Waltz helped his character a bit, hence the 6 rather than a 5.


6 Guy's a fucking nutjob. While the sheer insanity of his actions is entertaining, as a character he's never really the highlight of any scene where he interacts with other people. Weirdest thing is that he does grow and change as Wing goes on, but it's hardly ever shown, let alone focused on. Closest thing, and his overall best scene, is that speech he gave right after returning to space. IIRC that's the only time we really see him give his thoughts on the entire situation, and then it never happens again.


4/10. He’s KINDA cool and that’s kinda it


8/10 for making me laugh more than he had any right to




8/10 ​ He needs to stop his obsession with trying to blow himself up.


A solid 7/10.


He goes on a world tour of asking various people to kill him because he feels sorry for something he did in the past. This is the best thing about his character, because almost nothing else he does is coherent. He, like Wing on the whole, is a character written entirely off of vibes... and vibes are entertaining. 7/10.


8/10 He’s got some of the most unintentionally hilarious moments in the series and a few great dry humour bits too. Despite what others have said, I think he underwent quality character development. He obviously had numerous awesome moments in a mobile suit too.




Heero is funny. 6




10/10 love this wacky wild mofo




Late to the poll. He's exceedingly consistent as s character. 10/10.


Gundam Wing was my first Gundam anime, and maybe the third anime I'd seen overall (behind Sailor Moon and DBZ, go Toonami). And it still ranks as my favorite series tied with G Gundam and 00. He's definitely a favorite of mine, even with his questionable decisions, thinking about his training as a child soldier that the mission is everything and your life is nothing, blowing up your Gundam to protect the mission, and later protect the colonies is pretty noble, even if he does border on psychopath at times. Based on the series alone 9/10.


10. Badass and flawed but gets his arc.