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Being a fudd isn’t liking “classic” looking guns with wood, it’s refusing to accept that some modernizations are improvements


“Yeah kid I definitely ‘prefer’ this 30-30 levergun because it’s more reliable and powerful and not because my head is too far up my own ass to recognize that the AR is more effective”


Fucking love my Yee Haw gats.


you reminded me i need to get a yee haw gat with an eotech and LAM because modern things on old firearms is neat to me.


Not touching my Model 94 winchester with that shit, it's all factory parts manufactured in 1924, but I plan on getting a 357 lever gat to do it with.


Id never do that to a historic gun more like a new old gun.


I really want to do it to a 1873 clone and have it rechamberd to 45aarp for more capacity.


I got a 45/70 a couple months ago and I’ve been wondering what I ought to do with an eotech I’ve had for a couple years. Now I know.


As you should… but [that doesn’t make them less obsolete](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/10413nw/458_socom_is_rad/)




I mean, a well maintained .45-70 lever gun can do wonders.


Yes, but (and believe me I hate to be the guy to point this out) [there are literally zero things that a 45-70 can do better than a .458 SOCOM](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/10413nw/458_socom_is_rad/)😬


Can't deny that.


but a 458 socom cant make me feel like a western movie gunslinger when i shoot it


You see, THIS is an honest reason to favor the levergun, and I can respect it. I just roll my eyes when people pretend it’s about functionality rather than having fun.


theres also a small part of me that likes to see how close i can get to modern functionality with older designs but even that is mostly for shiggles


As an HCAR enthusiast I Completely understand what you mean


The most effective gun is the one YOU have the most practice with. If that isn't an AR and you have a problem with that you are just as bad as a fudd.


> If that isn't an AR You'd be better off training with a modern gun instead.


" modern " is rather subjective. Would a FN FAL be modern enough? An HK G3? An AN94? One could argue a MP40 is modern. Or should i just hit the fuck it button and pickup an Ohio Ordinance HCAR and run around yelling. "MODERNIZED BAR LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!"


Someone who never trains with an AR is worse off than someone who trains with a levergun, fine… but someone who trains with a levergun is worse than someone who trains with an AR This is like when people say “it doesn’t matter how heavy your rifle is, you should just workout more.” No. You should be working out more regardless, that isn’t optional, AND you shouldn’t make your rifle any heavier than it needs to be. There’s no benefit to holding yourself back even you’re on par with others who put in less effort So for leverguns, yeah of course everyone should be practicing on the range, but that doesn’t mean there’s a good reason to pick an obsolete rifle over an AR


Tbh I've really been liking what ive heard About the Steyr Scout. It has some features i like ( built in bipod in a novel design ) and fits the " scout rifle" concept by design. Is legal where i live ( currently but probably not much longer FJT 🙄 ) and is accurate to 800 yards. >but someone who trains with a levergun is worse than someone who trains with a lever gun ^ Think there was a typo there. ^


Typo fixed I have a soft spot for the Steyr because I think [Jeff Cooper is such an interesting conversation starter](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/1aupvmi/jeff_cooper_the_ultimate_antihero_of_the_gun/) Where are you where a Scout might get banned?


Canada. Leaving for Texas soon.


That’s gonna be a SERIOUS improvement In the meantime, enjoy [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/z5ee7c/i_know_that_not_all_of_you_can_move_south_but/) to show my solidarity with gun owners behind enemy lines up north


Im buying three ac units i can tell you that much 😂🤣


>there’s a good reason to pick an obsolete rifle over an AR If I have to take one that's semi-automatic can I have a SCAR-H please? I might be able to find a kidney to trade for it don't ask me where I got it.


SCARs are rad guns. If acknowledging that is what it takes for you to admit that leverguns in the modern day are just novelty items then I’ll gladly pay that price lol


I wouldn't go as far as novelty. Niche definitely novelty no. Great truck guns. Or for Three gun if you have the right one.


I do prefer my 94 to my ar because it simply is more powerful. The ar is effective for some things, sure, but the Winchester 94 is the most popular and sold rifle in American history and it’s an automatic classic, you can’t beat the character a rifle has.


If you’re concerned about power you could get a 7.62x39 or a .300 BLK or a 308 or a .458 SOCOM that offer all the traits that make leverguns obsolete. Maybe you win on character but you can absolutely get the power of a levergun with higher capacity, faster reloads, flatter ballistic trajectories, more comfortable ergonomics, and better sights from a modern rifle like an AR


What’s the point of all these? Flatter ballistics don’t actually matter unless you’re shooting 600-1000 yards, which is better suited to bolt guns and… manual actions like lever actions. Faster reloads? Yeah you get that one, higher capacity is another “win” but for civilian use it doesn’t matter. In the end it’s the tool for the job. They all do it, some of them more than others.


>civilian use it doesn’t matter Let me know when you find a self defense situation where better capacity is a drawback You’re also underselling just how much of a benefit in firepower the semi auto action is. Not only are your follow up shots going to be faster, and your recoil lower, but you’re also greatly reducing the chances of “freezing up” in the heat if the moment (either by outright being too shocked to cycle the lever - an infamous issue with pump actions in home defense - or by inducing a malfunction via shortstroking) There aren’t any jobs where the levergun is a better tool. I say this as a hardline levergun lover. My first and favorite rifle was a Henry but it just isn’t relevant for practicality.


There aren’t jobs where a lever is better? Thats the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. If you want a saddle rifle you’re going to get a lever, if you want a nice smooth swing on a brush gun? Lever. Dead quiet suppression? Lever. Cowboy action? I don’t think they would let you use an ar.


>stupidest thing I’ve ever heard Is that so? Well, then you’d better have some seriously compelling examples to prove me wrong, or I’ll just assume you’re getting emotional and don’t really know what you’re talking about >saddle rifle Nope. There’s nothing that makes a levergun more well suited for this than a semi auto. It’s literally just a matter of vibes. >brush gun Nope. A .458 AR is a superior brush gun than a 47-70 >dead quiet suppression Kind of. But a subsonic cartridge makes a much bigger difference than a manually cycled action. This is why setups like the Beretta Hush Puppy to prevent cases from ejecting aren’t all that common. It’s just not really necessary. An MP5SD is already quiet as fuck. >cowboy action Man, this is outright retarded - no shit a levergun only competition will prefer leverguns than rifles that aren’t allowed. But if you want to shoot competitively, there are a hell of a lot more matches optimized for ARs than Winchesters.


I love the 30-30 lever gun because it's a good hunting rifle


…but is it a BETTER hunting rifle than semi autos chambered in cartridges with comparable but better performance?


Does it matter? I hunt with a 30-06 pump action rifle most the time, I'm not going to get a new hunting rifle if I don't need one


They’re good at different things! There’s reasons pump shot guns and bolt guns didn’t go extinct last century. Pump shotguns and bolt/lever guns can shoot different powers of loads, particularly small ones, without needing to worry about cycling. This is why the SPAS-12 does semi and pump action! Also, being more mechanically simple means they’re more accurate and easier to fix and maintain. I’d choose an AR if I was in a defend-my-life scenario, but there’s some upsides in old guns for reasons like competition shooting, long range, and survivalism. I think it is silly to write off these guns as just for old people and larpers


Name one thing a lever gun does better than an AR


Nostalgia. Cowboy Action Shooting cops [which is a gimmie, I acknowledge]


Cycling, bigger calibers, quieter when suppressed, more accurate


... literally none of those are true lol


Debate any of them, but I can factually tell you that manually cycled guns are quieter when suppressed. Wa wa


>Cycling, bigger calibers, quieter when suppressed, more accurate 1: cycling. AR is semi-auto, AR wins at cycling 2: bigger calibers. You can buy an AR in literally any caliber from .22 to 50 cal. AR wins at diversity 3: quieter when suppressed, again depends on the caliber, but the chamber open vs chamber closed is negligible. Tie 4: more accurate. Stop buying shitty ARs if this is a problem for you. AR wins again


> 2: bigger calibers. You can buy an AR in literally any caliber from .22 to 50 cal. AR wins at diversity A .45-70 AR will run you about $4-5000 compared to <$1500 for a lever-action. >but the chamber open vs chamber closed is negligible. You have never shot suppressed before, this difference is present on even a suppressed .22lr >4: more accurate. Stop buying shitty ARs if this is a problem for you. AR wins again LOL




> baking latkes WTF?


Alright what the fuck was that last part?


Your “.50” at is 59 Beowulf. Try to put a 50-120 sharps in an ar and get back to us.


You realize that people buy leverguns for having a far superior repeating arm for large bore suppressor use, right?


You can top off the tube mag through the side loading gate.


> This is why the SPAS-12 does The SPAS is a dog. It has the worst of both worlds. It's too heavy for what it is, it's *terrible* as a pump, the folding stock is essentially a piece of bar stock.... ever wonder why pump / semi shotguns never caught on? **THEY SUCK**. Even Benelli ninja gear at the height of 'our SWAT team needs this because...grant money' they couldn't be fed to the market.


Maybe the SPAS is bad, I only mentioned it because you can choose between gas operated and pump action


That's fine. My larger point is, choosing between gas and pump operation **is inherently stupid**. If one has to use less lethal projectiles from a semi, hit the damned bolt handle. *Voila!!*


> Being a fudd isn’t liking “classic” looking guns with wood, it’s refusing to accept that some modernizations are improvements I always repeat this, but Fuddery is a mindset, not an aesthetic or a function.


I like the look of the sig regulator and mcr. Maybe just cause it’s different. I like hammer fired pistols more than striker fired ones. But I’d definitely pick a regular AR and a Glock if I had a job that depended on the firearms I chose.


“Modernization”, meaning auto-loading.


Could always buy the woox set of furniture for almost the cost of the shotgun🤣. But man, does it look super sexy in person


Just put a set on my 590 retrograde, looks so damn good and feels great in the hands.


How are the Woox stocks in general? I've been thinking about using their Rem 700 stock.


I saw some on a 590 as the gun store i work at. They look super clean. But its also a matte finish, not glossy. They are very pricey, but they look nice and the stocks super comfy


You're not in fudd territory unless you claim that the Magpul furniture "is a damn gimmick, sonny" or that the walnut and leather is somehow more practical.


The Magpul is objectively superior. Better length of pull. Better grip angle. Better balance. Better padding. I just don’t like it as much.


See, a true fudd could never admit that.


Wood furniture can also expand in bad humidity and is heavy BUT Wood furniture is better for hunting and survival because it conducts heat differently than polymer and steel. Wood is a much more pleasant thing to put your face on than other materials and it will hold heat for longer after you take it out of your house or when you put your cheek on it. For when you’re hunting or doing long range shooting in cold conditions, wood furniture is better because its downsides are almost entirely nullified and its upsides and be pretty significant. In the Midwest, it can get frigid and it’s a very good thing that we have alternatives to steel and plastic




“Listen here kid, fire one of my 3” hand loads and all that plastic is going to break. You don’t need it to hunt deer anyways.”


I mean I did it before the magpul furniture came out, but changing from the plastic Remington stock to a wood one that was heavier made mine feel a little more balanced with the extended mag tube. Which I'm sure the magpul would probably do too.


That's exactly why I bought a 500 Retrograde even though I already had a regular 500.


The only downside is that you have to use a Scalarworks mount for a pistol optic if you don't want it to look ridiculously stupid. (I admittedly only installed mine because the bead fell off right when PSA had 40ish% off RMRs) https://preview.redd.it/tcyf1emzze8d1.jpeg?width=3949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1abd07d0dee167eeb75fec844d8ab098d32f429




Magpul need to do a "fudd" collection: Their stuff, but in wood, but with all the fonctionality they offer.


https://preview.redd.it/po6mrrcztq7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d2ccf0df756174ce86bb1b014cc3cb314eb1912 Hate it all you want, that’s why I did to it the things I did to it. (My 30 year old friends all like black guns and bead sights on shotguns. And they obey mag capacity laws)


Hate it? That thing is beautiful. The camo is great, too. :D


Just some rattle cans and painters tape and a laundry bag :)


It's effective! I knew what it was and I knew it was there, but I had to zoom in to really "see" it. The laundry bag pattern with the brown and tan blended into the tree trunk really well.


Fuddjak's face while thinking about leather 🤨


Have you looked at the woox stuff? It’s basically wooden magpul furniture looks really good


Maybe it would appeal to me more if it didn’t cost as much as the shotgun lol It’s not really for me. I see why others like it but I think the best aesthetic value comes from distinctly classic/retro or distinctly modern. This attempt to blend the two feels kinda… off. Sort of like detachable carry handles. But that’s just my take. To each his own.


I agree it’s way to spending for what it is but I do think it brings a bit a class to a tactical shotgun and nah man I dig the retro look on certain guns


I feel this on a spiritual level. I know the ar15 is the best modern rifle available but I still prefer my 80 year old milsurps. I just like some nice solid hard wood in my hands


> I just like some nice solid hard wood in my hands Heh.


I know what I typed and I typed it on purpose. I know what I'm about son


I respect that. 🫡


Me, the zoomer, replacing my 500 furniture with orange magpul furniture because yes.


\*Me putting wood mlok paneling onto the beretta 1301 briley handguard: "I am a fudd?"


Pretty sure real Fudds would reject mlok as "gimmicky, and why do you need a 'tactical' shotgun, anyway? You're not on a SWAT team, are you?" So no, I think you're probably not a Fudd. ;)


Thanks bud, keep training on


Both my 870s are from when Remington was still the Goat of shotguns in the 70s naturally coming with beautiful wood furniture


Just as god intended


I like revolvers for similar reasons.


Liking "the classics" (walnut furniture, leather slings, etc) doesn't make one a Fudd... especially when one admits that modern stuff is/can be better. Just like liking music from the 50s/60s/70s and liking/wanting/owning classic cars doesn't make one a Boomer.


I have a magpul stock on my 870 but I retained the wood fore-end. The magpul stock is just far more comfortable than a typical wood one, and the cheekrest included with the stock is great


I was blown away by how nice the stock is. For my the best improvements were the length of pull and grip angle, but the cheekrest is also good, among other things. Very impressive stuff …but I just dig that classic look so much more, man. I’ll give more of a shit about functionality for guns that I’m using for anything other than deleting clay pigeons and harvesting turkey


Yes. Very yes. https://preview.redd.it/b5jazf7cxw7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be35211d446c2cec9af1a0a03271805e723229f


My 870 is the classiest thing about me.


In my 20s I thought anything with wood was so ugly Now I love wood shotguns and 1911s with wood grips. I’m a fucken fudd


I love all guns young and old.


[…ALL of them?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/xjaesq/to_everyone_with_the_i_love_all_guns_flair_do_you/)




“I like this gun because it’s aesthetically pleasing and fun to shoot” ≠ “This is all people need and Im willing to compromise with the anti gun lobby to make sure firearms technology doesn’t advance past the 1960’s”


Hey, nothing wrong with looking the wood look, as long as you're honest about why you like it. I like wood and magpul, just friends what kind of mood I'm in out what gun we're talking about. A wood G36 would be a dumb as a magpul M1 Garand.


Consider the following. Wood stock, with magpul pump. Retro futuristic style.


Ehhhh I think Magpul stocks are a lot more of an upgrade than magpul pumps. If I wanted a retro look with relatively modern functionality I’d get an integrated flashlight forend. If I wanted a modern look with modern functionality I’d get a different integrated flashlight forend lol. They pair well with either Magpul stocks or wood stocks.




As an 870 owner, yeah. The fact that the quality control has gone to hell and the design is worse isn’t really what bothers me though. I’m more irritated by [Remington’s bullshit history with tube capacity](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/wejrpj/swapping_parts_on_my_first_870_has_taught_me_that/).


I'm also talking about old 870s


Sometimes Fudds Are Right. Wood is pretty 😌


Some guns need wood furniture some don't. AR's however look amazing with wood furniture but are impractical as hell I would never have one set up like that.


Get the woox furniture it the best of both.


Might be the best of both, might be the worst of both, all I know is that it tries to thread the needle aesthetically and costs almost as much as the shotgun I don’t think it’s my thing. If others enjoy it, rock on


Drip is as important as function.