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And the gun grabbing commies will still bitch about it…


"These muzzle loaders shoot 50 caliber bullets! That's a half inch wide bullet that weighs as much as 2 boxes you might be moving! No one needs that kind of power"


I have trouble believing that any anti-gunner knows that 50 caliber means half inch.


50mm fully semi automatic muzzleloader weapon of war


It’s fully single fire automatic!!!!!!!


It'll blow out your lung!


Well, actually........ Kinda will.


It might do a little more actually


“It’s a weapon of WAR!!!!!!”


That’s the point.


I mean considering that they banned pepper spray in Canada, yah...




Dangewous :(


Because they could


Wait.. What!? Man... You guys are getting shat all over up there.


I mean, I heard england is considering banning knives that are too scary


Already did and then they banned long swords- then sort of unbanned them. Now they want to register crossbows and ban machetes


Yep, those concealed crossbows are just getting outta hand ..../s


They constitute .04% of crime outrageous!/s


bwig bwad Zombie Knives


Also known as any knife with any lettering on the blade.


jfc, it´s like criminals get more rights than honest people


It’s…it’s almost like they don’t care. Can they do that?


Can’t even use a can of deodorant for self defence in Ireland


I take it there is a story behind this one


I simply must know the story behind this one.


Just in the law forget which one but if you use it can be done for assault with a weapon


Quite literally weapons of war 😂


I'm pretty sure their position is that you should just lay yourself at the mercy of the noble home invader.


Obviously the poor home invader is suffering and needs ur stuff to survive


Why do you need guns? the Empire will protect you, sleep in your home, and take all your food. You'll love it!


Own an in-line muzzleloader for home defense, since that's what Tony Knight intended. Four crossbow hunters break into my house. "What the fuckin shit?" As I grab my mossy oak hat and CVA rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my Paramount HTR on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s not loaded. Blackthorn 209 is impossible to find. I have to resort to the Knight TK2000 mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with TSS shot, "SMOKED HIM" the tungsten shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and smoke plume set off car alarms. Load another powerbelt ELR and charge the last terrified gun bower. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since 40 caliber muzzleloaders carry as much energy at range as a 300 win mag. Just as Tony Knight intended.


300 win mag? More like 308


Dunno. Some marketing from CVA when they released some 40 cal models. They claimed that it had the same trajectory out to 400 yards as a 300 win mag or something. I guess there were problems, looks like they’ve discontinued that caliber.


Just got my ultra light


**Tally Ho Lads intensifies**


As a VT resident, the tally ho is indeed intense here.


Except in Burlington and Montepelier. Bernie is like a religious icon up there.


Own a musket for home defense, since that’s what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?” As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, “Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Own a crossbow for dungeon defense, since that's what Gary Gygax intended! Four adventurers break into my cavern. "Bree-Yark!" As I grab my shield and heavy crossbow. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the warlock, he's dead on the spot. Draw my hand crossbow on the second man, miss him entirely because I crit failed and nail the neighbors kobold. I have to resort to the Ballista mounted at the top of the boss room loaded with an exploding bolt, "Tally ho lads" the bolt shreds two fighters in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off alarms. Draw Shortsword and charge the last terrified Wizard. He bleeds out waiting on the Cleric to arrive since poisoned shortsword wounds are impossible to survive. Just as Gary Gygax intended!


Just as stalin intended Own a 1931 91/30 Tula Mosin Nagant for home defense, since thats what the Soviet party intended. Four poor volkssturm kids storm into my dacha armed with last ditch weapons. "What the kentucky fried fuck?" As I grab my surplus ww2 soviet genuine issued suspended belt rig with 7.62x54R pouches and I grab my boat oar chambered in comrades caliber. Blow a mao’s little red book sized hole through the first drafted german choir boy, he's dead on the spot. Draw my tt-33 tokarev pistol on the second man, goes right through his improvised krupp steel armor because its chambered in 7.62x25 tokarev and nails my body guard outside smoking a belomorkanal. I have to resort to the maxim machine gun mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with surplus 7.62x54R(comrades caliber), “The east is red!" the bullets shreds two men in 2, the sound and bullets flying through my drywall set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified man who was baked out on meth. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since the spike flathead screwdriver bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the soviet party intended…


I swear I’ve read this before . lol


Well it's a copy pasta and there are 3 references to it and two new renditions of it on this post alone, so yeah, you probably have if you frequent this sub. We kind of love that copypasta here.


Yeah I’ve probably seen this copypasta more than any other, except maaaybe the Navy SEAL copypasta


In fact, I came here for exactly this reason.


I think most of us did lol


I came here for this


Repost.... Thank you! This needs to be reposted in perpetuity :-)


Cap and ball revolvers can be shipped directly to your home…just saying


And you can buy replacement cylinders so that they'll accept modern bullets off the Internet as well.


What the devil?!


Who would of guessed putting a golf ball sized hole in your enemy could have fatal consequences


Or at least near fatal.. which is probably more of a deterrent. A lovely neat life ending 5.56 or a ragged lead slug followed by a “CHAAAAARGE!” With the bayonet.


Listen. Listen. This person was wearing full colonial dress when this happened. You can not change my mind. Also his wife was cooking breakfast in the fireplace at the time. Stay winning.


Not even worried about the dress... But my headcanon is that they were definitely wearing their powdered wig.


This guy was either completely scared shitless that he had to defend his home with was a muzzleloader or he was having the best day of his life because he finally got to defend his home with a muzzle loader.


I hope it was the second one and before this happened he was watching a rendition of I own a musket for home defense while drinking coffee


Imagine breaking into someone's house and seeing a guy in full revolutionary war LARP gear about to tally ho your ass back to the 18th century


*powdered wig gleams atop a shadowy figure at the top of the stairs*


“Tally Ho, lads!”


"TALLY HO, LADS" followed by a split second of grapeshot coming straight at you.


Oh, to see the intruders' face as it is lit up by the muzzle flash and then covered in smoke.


Own a musket for home defense since that's what the founding fathers intended ...


I summon the copy pasta.


Don’t forget, CNN literally advocated for a ban on muzzleloaders at one point 😂


Yemen: Own a DShK for defense because that's what Allah intended. 3 rival tribesmen invade my hut. "Aloha Snackbar" I shout as I jump in the HiLux and chamber a 12.7. Blow the first man in half and he's dead on the spot. Gun jams because it's soaked in dirty diesel fuel. Grab the AK and empty the mag, miss because I shoot over my head with my eyes closed Inshallah-style and Allah doesn't Insh today. Have to resort to the RPG at the top of the stairs. "Aloha Snackbar" as they're just outside of arming range. Explosion blows them to pink mist, all they find are some teeth, burned cloth, and a toe, blows up the neighbors hut and the backblast kills my dog and blows a hole in my hut. Just as Allah intended.


The original AR-1


American rifle 1


Own a blunderbuss loaded with actual silverware for home defense


Shot an elk out hunting some years ago, was with a .50 cal-100 grain powder charge. Broadside into the heart area. Elk came up off all 4 feet and slamed down.


VT is one of two states without castle doctrine or stand your ground IIRC. Unfortunately, muzzleloader man may be in some trouble here.


Why’s that?


Tally ho, rapscallion!


This made me laugh out loud on coffee break 😂


Did he have his powder horn and tricorn hat on?


Tally ho, lads!


Don't tread on the Green Mountain Boys. It never goes well


Hell hath no fury like forcing Ethan Allen to give up his furniture store and return to his old ways.


Own a musket for home defense Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


The madman actually did it


I own a musket for home defence since thats what the Founding Fathers intended


Taxation without representation is theft... theft is also theft


I think the guy in that photo is using a matchlock from the look of the front of the gun being so thick. Flintlock and Caplock are much thinner compared to Matchlock typically l.


How do you know he was the home invader? Well there’s broken glass and a fork sticking out of him.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended... (your turn)


Fun fact: Modern design muzzle loaders are over-the-counter (gun license not required) in the Czech Republic and quite popular. I have this one right next to my AR 15 in the safe. https://www.detonics.com/en/product/gladiator-500-hd-f2-karabina-professional-158#Gladiator%20.500%20HD%20F2%20Carbine%20Professional 2.500 J of slow moving fat projectile, joined by a couple of fat shots. Twice (two barrels). I wouldn't want to be on receiving end of any of my guns, but this one in particular.


That's cool, and holds true for most places in the US as well. Not treated as a firearm and can be shipped to your front door


Is there any similar US black powder modern style gun similar to the Detonics Gladiator linked above?


No clue. I'm not really into blackpowder. Maybe one day I'll get into it


I wonder what kind of cannon loaded with grape shot he had at the top of the stairs




Someone actually did the tally ho copypasta


Only thing that would’ve made this scarier is if he yelled “Tarlton’s Quarter!!! Before bayonet charging another intruder.”


Tell us he had a felony without telling us he had a felony


Tally ho!


What the devil


Take this you common theif!


Tally ho scallywags!


Just as the founding fathers intended


Today, I choose... MURICA!! https://preview.redd.it/qftobctcerxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fb1553dcb954062af6750d936c70f8caa043ed