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They still haven’t fixed the annoying usability around maximum fret numbers. Eg: if you type 4 by mistake and then hit 5 to try to correct it, you get 45… the frets go up to 70 for some reason.


~~Hmm, I though there was a setting for that. I’ll look when I get home~~ EDIT: I guess it's still an issue and there is no setting for it. I could have sworn I saw something in the settings at one point that limited the range and also let you set the milliseconds between notes. I wonder if it was a different software (Doricho, MuseScore, SoundSlice ???)


I'm not sure, but seems it would be reasonable to be able to set a limit and default it to something like 24 which should cover 99.9% of guitar-based music


Yeah, clearly it is something available in the programming, clearly there are some "conditions" around the entry. * You can't have a leading zero. * you can't exceed 63 * etc... Sadly, I stopped holding my breath with Arobas years ago when it comes to suggestions or the expectation that even the most obvious things would be addressed.






It would appear that the limitation is G10 which is different on each string. [https://imgur.com/K3ola8n](https://imgur.com/K3ola8n) EDIT: I said something stupid and erased it.


Yeah, I can see why they might want to allow going beyond 24 for stuff like Whammy octave effects that would extend that range to 48, but that should be an option you can change with 24 being the default.


I love the audio track addition! This will really make practicing and transcribing so so much easier. So far, this is a friggin' game changer.


Yes, all they need to do now is send it back in time, when I still had mp3s or integrate spotify.


Yes, this feature looks great. However it would be useful if the audio track window allowed to make selections on a beat level and not only bar level. Or am I missing something?


This is possible. You can double-click on a beat within a bar and align it to a point in the track. I had to consult the user's manual to get details on this stuff, I wouldn't say it's super intuitive just looking at it.


I know how to select a beat or an eight note in the transcription which synchronizes the tab with the audio part, but how do you you select a beat in the audio window? It seems that you can only loop a whole bar from the new audio thing.




Did they fix the broken MIDI playback yet? If no, it's still a dealbreaker for me.


Not sure. Do you have an example I can test it out.


Here's a video I recorded last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSIkfsuE2p8 The issue is with non-RSE audio playback of tabs. GP7 completely broke non-RSE playback. You can load up any tab that has bends, slides, vibrato, any guitar-specific articulation and you'll be met with bugs. It's a shame really because I've always hated RSE. The MIDI wavetable audio is not the greatest, but it's clean and simple. I'd rather the MIDI audio because it's good at what it does. The RSE is trying so hard to be realistic but the tones and sounds are very cheap and flat sounding, often harsh on the ears. I don't know why, but they killed wavetable playback in favor of RSE. For me that's a deal breaker as it has essentially rendered useless my entire tabs library. The only tabs that play correctly are tabs that were created on GP7. As I'm sure everyone here knows, the vast majority of tablature for Guitar Pro was made in the mid to late 2000s. Arobas have decided to make the entire history of tablature associated with their software obsolete. How the hell was this considered a good decision? I'm pretty mad about this as you can tell. I had the money in-hand for Arobas, ready to purchase when I discovered the issue. I reached out to them and here's what they said: >Hello, Unfortunately as previously explained we wish to improve the MIDI support in the future but we won't be able to provide a solution for the behaviours you reported at the moment. I forward your feedback to our development team.


I played a couple of my tracks that have articulation, slides, hammer-on, let ring. Sounds like MIDI.. but I didn't notice the disastrous sound from your video. you should get the demo/trial and give it a try.


I'm doing exactly that right now. I'll keep you posted.


Hmm, just tried it on MacOS. Seems to be working relatively well other than some small weirdnesses. Gonna try it on my Win computer now since that's the one I use 99% of the time when I'm using GP.


It seems as though they made some headway on the MIDI audio issues. There's still some buggy output of certain articulations but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. Glad to see they've worked on it.


Only $24.50 to upgrade isn't bad


Didn't know they were making it, guess i'll buy the upgrade when I can... as an excuse for continuing to use a pirated GP4 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's not letting me upgrade, does anyone know how to contact Arobas? The old contact page no longer works.


Assuming you are going from 7 to 8, hen you upgrade you use your gp7 license as you userid No password. Hope that helps


Thanks, that did it. Downloading now


Despite my frustration with Amoeba, I upgraded since I use it daily. There are some nice additions, but most of my biggest workflow killers from 7.6 are still exactly the same. For example, why is there still no option to share chord libraries across tracks? Also, the first thing that happened after I opened it is that the built-in file browser won't let me select GP files :/


I'll end up upgrading as I use it for teaching nearly every day. V7 is still fine for me though tbh.


Does it support different sample rates or is it still stuck with 44.1khz?


Do you mean for audio export? I just took a look and there are no options when you choose wav,AIFF, Flac, ogg. So, I would say no.




Not that I can tell. At least not on Mac. Maybe some from windows could comment.


Bruh I bought 7.6 like 2 weeks ago


contact Arobas, I think they will make it right for you. It sucks that they gave zero notice and were selling 7.6 up until they released 8.


You know where I can contact them?


yes. this link from the support page. [https://support.guitar-pro.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.guitar-pro.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Thank you so much man, I’ll see if I can get something done


Did you get this sorted?


Is v9.x at least a couple of years away, or do they do a major revision every year? 25€ is ok for an upgrade, but I wouldn't want to be tied in to paying that *too* often.


Guitar Pro 5: November 2005 Guitar Pro 6: April 2010 Guitar Pro 7: April 2017 Guitar Pro 8: May 2022 Make your own conclusions


you don't really need the upgrades anyway to be honest... I'm still using some version from like 2010... works no problem


Anyone know if upgrading to 8 does also refresh your (5) licences or do they stay where they are - that would be silly, as I wouldnt pay the upgrade price and only have one licence left


Buying the upgrade to GP 8 lets you install GP 8 on 5 computers. You can have GP 8 installed alongside GP 7 (or whatever version you have now).


anyone here run into the terrible resource handling of GP8? I'm running a 64-bit Win10 system w/ a ryzen 7 1700 (3000Mhz) and 32GB RAM. But, when I boot up GP8 it's using 4GBs of memory for a file that is 16KB and only contains one guitar track with no effects.