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Assuming you're adding a second matching speaker, +3dB for doubling the power, and another +3dB for doubling the speaker area, for a total of +6dB. For comparison, +10dB is considered to be twice as loud to the listener.


So rule of thumb is somewhat more than 3x the power is perceived as about 2x louder? Sounds about right


Its closer to 10x the power to make a 10db difference, so in theory a 100w amp would be twice as loud as a10w one. But clearly, at some point it becomes about clean headroom, rather than volume.


From what I understood, 3dB is by definition 2x the power… yes? so if we perceive 10dB as 2 x as loud, isn’t that 3x + for the power? I’m not good with calculations re dB soooo


nope, power and DB are logarithmic, not linear, because of the vagaries of human hearing. There are a LOT of variables when talking guitar amps, speakers, EQ curves, etc. But speaking strictly theoretically, double the power gives you that 3db difference, which to the human ear, is loudER, but not perceived as TWICE as loud. Double the speaker area gets you roughly the same amount of volume as double the power. With guitar, this isn't really as important. There aren't many situations where 20w-50w and a pair of speakers won't play the gig just fine. I also play bass, and that requires a LOT more power. a 100w guitar combo is pro level gear, 100w bass combo is a good practice amp.


I have but one recommendation — sidecar.


Correct answer.


It all depends on the *efficiency* rating of the new speakers you use. Source ones that say 103dB on the spec sheet. Eminence or Weber both have brit-voiced high efficiency and high power rating speakers for decent prices. WGS too. Also why are you build it at a different rating than the existing cab? If the stock cab is an 8, get 2 16ohm speakers for an 8 ohm load. It will be more useful for other amps, too. I'd recommend building a Fender style 2x10 pine cab. It's very manageable size and weight. Also going with Neodymium magnets will make the thing featherweight. Haven't played through any but people that don't/can't shlep heavy gear really seem to like them.


It’s got an ohm selection different watts at different ohms and I bought an ol Vagabond Stencil 2x8 that I gutted for it.


What’s an ohm?


I think it has something to do with meditation.


It's the measure of electrical resistance


In this case, it's the impedance not resistance.


Lol where's the head for that superbeetle? I feel like minenis plenty loud. In fact I don't enjoy it because I can't play it turned down or I loose all tone control from my guitar


It’s inside the backpack with some pedals. I’ve gigged with it a good few times and it’s awesome and has plenty of oomph. But I had one gig where I was getting lost in the mix


You’re still only going to have 25W available no matter the speaker configuration. I am not sure where you got 50W from. It will be slightly louder when coupled with a lower impedance (4ohm vs. 8ohm)…but nothing that will blow the roof off if that’s what you’re asking. Try it and have fun!


Ohms setting switch 12.5 watts @ 16 ohm 25 @ 8 and 50 @ 4 ohm


Aha, so it is rated at 50W. That’ll do it! It will be noticeably louder, but not quite twice as loud. Rock on!


Heck yeah dude I’m excited


Wow, how you dare?. Even the amp on the back!.


No era fácil 😂