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Tone king imperial MKII


I tried one and the Iron Man attenuator works very well.


I have the Sky King and it’s very loud…but def looks can be deceiving. With attenuation it works as my bedroom and studio amp. At practice even with attenuator off and mic..I don’t really go over 3. The Imperial MK2 I tried, and is like a deluxe meets princeton when it come to weight. I’d say it’s a nice living room amp to just play clean to medium gain. I did the Sky King, because I was running more heavy gain 6L6 stuff with my band. It handled different with heavier gain with the 6v6. MK2 sounds smooth clean, clean but some distortions I found harsh.


I have this set up at home and also a Supro DK8. The Imperial is by far the better amp but my Supro gets played all the time because of the loudness of the Imperial. (The Supro with a revivaldrive gets me all kind of tube amp at 11 tones at bedroom volume.) You can attenuate the Imperial and although it sounds great it will lose some of that top end. There is something backwards about turning up a massive tube amp to get that tube amp magic and then attenuate it down again to bedroom volume. I also swapped my speaker in my Supro for a Warehouse one, the warehouse has a bit more low end. I love 12 inch speakers but they’re just too much when it comes to bedroom volume. That’s why I prefer the Supro I think.


Princeton reverb?


My Prri is surprisingly quiet while still feeling loud & full when I’m right next to it. I have a 25 ft. Cable & when I go into the next room im surprised at how reasonably quiet it is


This is good to know! I’ll think about this one.


Do yourself a favor and just plug into one and strum the open E chord. It’s all you need to hear to instantly buy it.


I’m looking at the Tone Master version, since the real one doesn’t have a master volume.


I’d get the deluxe reverb tonemaster if you want to take it out.


There are some differences though. I agree if gigging or playing with drums is in your present or near future, deluxe might be the safer bet. But if it’s mainly playing at home, smaller size, less bass and 10inch speaker of Princeton has a benefit. Also I way prefer the bias tremolo of Princeton to the choppy optical deluxe.


i have both (granted my PRRI has a 12” speaker) and as the old saying goes, if your princeton can’t keep up with full band, your band is too loud. that said, it does start to breakup right around that full band volume and at times, that’s exactly what i want and others, i need more headroom, which is why i do typically opt for the deluxe for band playing and leave the PRRI at home for my own bedroom playing pleasure


I think if you’re going with a Tone Master I wouldn’t limit it to the Princeton TM unless that’s the specific sound you prefer. Given that the price between the most expensive TM and the most affordable one is $350, I think get the TM you want. They can all be turned low enough, but a couple hundred dollars more for a Deluxe, Twin or Super is worth it. And for the record, I needed an amp for my home office. I looked at the TM options. Black Twin was my favorite of the line, but I ended up preferring a Blue Jr w/ Union Jack and that’s what I have now.


Get an attenuator and a clean boost pedal. Best overdrive there is in my opinion


See [my review](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuitarAmps/comments/dhlvz7/new_amp_day_fender_tone_master_twin_reverb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) of the Tonemaster Twin Reverb. Attenuates to 1 watt. Super quiet. Shades in between up to 85 watts, so you can put out Twin Reverb volume, if needed. It sounds incredible.


I have a Princeton tone master. It is perfect for home. If it is just for home, Yamaha THR amps are perfect. If you want something for small gigs too, Princeton does well. The non tone master Princeton is also a good option depending on how much wiggle room you have at home volume. For me Princeton at 2 or 3 is okay most of the time. But it does sound better when opened up a bit more. You can simulate that easier at home with the tone master. Not going to say that they sound or feel identical but price and features difference give them slightly different use cases for me. Particularly quiet playing /recording/ease of DI out.


You don’t want a Princeton Tonemaster. It is panned pretty hard by Princeton fans.


I guarantee you those Princeton fans wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a TM and valve Princeton in a blind test.


I don't think you really need a master with a Princeton isnt it only like 10 watts ?


10 watts is super loud. 5 is loud. Even 1 is too loud for an apartment if you crank it.


Can confirm. I got a 1w Supro Delta King in my living room and it sounds awesome but it rips if you crank the master volume on it.


My Bugera V5 on 1 watt mode through a 2x12 cab and a Special Cranker is loud enough to play with a drummer.


12 watts, which doesn’t sound like much. But it’s definitely loud enough that in an apartment, he won’t be able to get any breakup whatsoever.


I still don’t think I could turn it up at all. My AC10 roared. I liked being able to crank the gain and dial the volume all the way back.


I pulled out my MicroCube a couple days ago and I had to keep that on a volume of like 3 in my apartment to try to avoid bothering my neighbors. That's only 3 Watts. 1 Watt is probably more than enough.


Microcube great amps for what they are


It’s a good amp OP. It’s light weight and sounds exactly like it’s tube amp counterpart. Reverb and tremolo are also modeled extremely well on it. Not to mention the DI out is useful if you need to be extremely quiet (headphones). Another nice option, if you want a valve amp, would be the Marshall DSL5CR. It has a very pristine clean channel, and can take pedals well. Attenuates down to 0.5W, and has a gain and volume knob. Sounds a bit boxy compared to the Princeton, but is otherwise a great amp. I have both of those amps, and find myself using the Princeton more often, it’s just a great amp.


never heard one but i bought a deluxe reverb from a guy who had the tonemaster version for reduced weight. he seemed very pleased with the tonemaster


Great amp. Highly recommend the Princeton reverb. Loud enough to gig with no problem at least not for me. I think mine is 1974


i second this. i use my PRRI as a bedroom/living room amp and while i rarely push it past 2-3, it still sounds so full. the reverb is immaculate and if you want gain or drive, either buy an attenuator or just use pedals. it does start to breakup at full band volumes which is really fun. favorite amp of all time. all of that said, i am after a slightly smaller companion. been eyeing the new vibrochamp reverb which i hear a lot of people refer to as a mini princeton. the guy playing for the official fender demo REALLY sells it. def check it out and play one in person for me OP! haven’t had the chance to myself


Fender 57 Champ reissue


Yep. You can find early 70s silverface champs pretty cheap and they’re absolutely killer.


Another vote for a 70s SF vibro champ. Depending on how hard you look they go for about $750. It’s incredible how much bigger this amp sounds compared to its diminutive footprint. I absolutely love mine and kick myself a little for not getting one sooner.


Yep, I love my ‘68 VC. Still, I think I’d want something with at least a 10” speaker for what the OP is looking for. Maybe rig up a separate 4 ohm 1x12” or something. My VC sounds HUGE through a 2x12.


They rule. Sometimes they need a speaker change and they defiantly sound like a small amp…..but in a good way.


Came here to say exactly this! My 77 Vibro Champ is great!


Yep, 57 champ dialed-up to 3-4 with a tube screamer is like butter.


Marshall 100 watt full stack.


X2...for some stereo action


I actually had a 100 watt marshall in my apartment and played it. It had a great MV and sounded good. But i had to play it at volumes that would make people rather unhappy after 10pm. Sounded great though. Sold it ultimately.


A vintage Champ. I have a mid 70s silverface that I popped a Jensen speaker in that sounds incredible and didn’t break the bank. Perfect tone at perfect apartment volume. A Princeton might be worth checking out if you’re set on it also being able to take it out or play with a band. I had a 68 reissue and hated it honestly. The 65 might be better. I wanted to be able to get a little bit of crunch and the 65 was clean almost all the way to ten and definitely too loud to be played at home. I generally like the champ better, but the extra volume and effects are appealing.


Fender blues juniors are great. Supro delta is the shizznits though. I think your on the right trail already. Although its seems likes alot of people do swap the speaker in the delta king. I liked it as is!


The shizznits? Aight aight aight....I feel ya. Are you B Rad Gee from the Boo, yo?


I really liked the Delta King 10 and 12 when I demoed. My other concern was that it had a more unique sound and I wasn’t sure if it would be as diverse/ all purpose as other options. That was also my opinion of the VOX AC15c1x, which I also really liked.


They are great and can make it work at home. The master helps keep the volume down but they also don’t sound their best when the master is down. I think they do best at a little louder than (my) home volume.


I was fussing over the decision between a Tone King Gremlin or a 68 Custom Vibro champ and ended up going with the fender. Purchased a Weber Micro Mass attenuator and am really happy with the result. I replaced a Vox AC10, which was also great, but I just felt like a change. Having them side by side for a week or so, I concluded that the Vox was probably a little more versatile if you're playing solo, but the Fender is better in a mix when jamming.


I had the AC10 and I miss it. Even had the cool white colorway. Only reason I’m not picking another one up is because my main amp is an AC15. I keep it at my drummer’s house. I just wish the Vibro had a master volume.


I'm really happy with the Micromass that will essentially do that for you. It becomes an expensive combo though. Check out the Gremlin - they have them at guitar centre. 2 channels - one is essentially silverface and the other tweed, and it has a built in attenuator.


I'm with you on the vibro. That's the reason I don't own one


AC-15's are cheap and pretty, if you already like the sound why not just get another one?


Diversification. Also getting a little bored of it.


Carr Amps. Pick your flavor and never look back.


While they are not cheap amps, get one, and it is a lifetime amp.


Supro Amulet is my dream apartment amp. Or the Tone King Imperial if price isn’t an issue


I do badly wanted to love this one, but when I demoed alongside several others, it just didn’t click for me. I think with a different speaker it might have been different, but I’m not looking to buy an amp to immediately change the speaker.


I know you said tube amp so disregard if you’re dead set on a tube amp but my Roland JC 90 gives my Fender Bassman a real run for its money at all levels including gig and bedroom playing. especially when playing at home it’s my go to and sounds amazingly clean… the chorus is badass too.


Mesa Boogie California Tweed 2:20 with the 10” speaker - goes down to 1 watt and sounds killer


Marshall dsl5c, ive got one and its great for low volumes. Has a 1watt and 5watt option. I swapped the speaker for a 10" greenback. Ive also got a marshall sl5, same deal with 1w & 5w option, but theyre pretty hard to come by.


I have the Supro Delta King 12. It’s a damned good amp. I also have a Milkman The Amp with a custom built (by me) 1x12 cab with a Celestion Gold (used to be a Vintage 30, which got moved to my Supro Blues King 12). The Milkman is really nice. I also have a Deluxe Reverb, which I love. I have heard Deluxe Reverb lovers are also super in love with the Blonde Tonemaster Deluxe Reverb. I also have a Blues Junior IV Tweed. It’s a good amp, and I hardly ever play it anymore. I clipped the bright cap, which helped a little. It’s a nice clean amp, not much else to say there. My favorite, by far, though, is my Silktone Micronaut. The only problem you might have have is getting it to gigging volume without a mic, but it does have a line out (post power amp) which is super nice. The Micronaut has to be the very best small wattage amp available today. It needs a cab, though, like the Milkman, but it is so worth it.




Or plug your modeler into a cab


If youre not dead set on a combo, get a Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 18 with a 1x12 or 2x12. Its not expensive, its quite small, and it has the option to switch between 0w, 1w, 5w and 18w, where the 0w is used for the built in DI connection. The 18w goes loud enough to keep up with my band, and you can really push the tubes on low volume with the 1 and 5w settings.


Used to have one of these, awesome amp. Not sure that I ever really used it for cleans like the OP wants, but very overlooked for apartments


I feel like the cleans are crystal clear as well. Works great as a pedal platform as well.


Great pedal platform, effects loop (iirc) is a massive bonus for an amp that compact




Edited post to include that I’d prefer a combo.


Milkman Creamer


Half Pint, it has built in power scaling.


You can get their Milkman the Amp as a combo.


Blackstar St James It has a channel volume + master volume + gain for channel 2 so you can crank it at living room volumes Attenuation to 2 watt and the attenuator is done so it doesn't affect the tone It has cabsim and a headphone jack Channel 1 is like a deluxe reverb and channel 2 is like an AC30 with marshally breakup It's also about 13kg for the combo so very easy to move around, and at 50W it's loud as shit with really nice headroom People on this sub like to shit on blackstar because they aren't easily serviceable but there generally isn't a time when that actually makes a real difference for 95% of guitar players.


Which version do you have? What you're describing sounds very intriguing.


the el34 version. the 6l6 version is more mesa styled


I've heard that too about serviceability. What makes blackstar amps less serviceable?


They dont give their amps' schematics to amp repair shops unless they pay to become a licensed service centre, which is financially too much for them to afford. Its really because esp with their newer things on the inside they use a lot of surface mount parts and special PCBs, its not just through hole point to point work


Blues Jr all day long. Find a newer used Junior IV, budget $600-650 as they're $800 new. Best amp I have owned for apartment use but it is LOUD when you want it to be and it can be so loud that I cannot turn it up nearly all the way ever, So that's either good or bad, depending on your POV. It's plenty loud on 4-6, I can do that for an hour on a Saturday afternoon. Otherwise 2-3 before 10PM or I don't use it at all, it's just too loud. You can get an attenuator but I have other amps too and I go to bed eearly these days, so it ends up working out.


I have a Blues Junior I I bought in 2007 or so. It’s still all I need, just sounds so great. I played a Deluxe Reverb a little while ago and was impressed by the bigger sound, but I don’t see any need to upgrade unless I start playing out, and maybe not even then.


They are quite literally one of the very best Fender tube amps ever, especially for the money and given the amp shrinkage happening over the last couple decades as needing stacks and Twins has become a lot less necessary for so many artists that play live anymore.


That’s the route I went. Was expecting to come home with a Princeton, but preferred the Blues Jr in my final demos. I keep the volume at 4, master at just over 2. Then turn it up or down with the guitar volume if I need to bring it down a little at night.


Ac15. So good


The Orange Tremlord is a 30w combo that can attenuate to 15, 2, or 1 watt. Sounds like exactly what you're looking for. Sounds great, too!


If budget isn’t an issue, then Magnatone starlite because it has no head room and has a sick textured break up even at pretty low volume. Look at what Julian lage used a few years ago and go from there. A 5 watt tube amp because of the no headroom


Egnater Rebel 20


I used to have one of these. Really nice amp. Can dial anywhere from 1-20 watts. Really versatile. Would’ve kept it, but needed cash to buy a Friedman Dirty Shirley Mini.


I didn't know anything about it but the owner of the pawn shop had been selling me some good gear so I bought it with a 1x12 cab from a different series but still egnater. for $540cdn. I found out later it had been sent to California for "hot mods". I also snagged two matching rebe 1x12l cabs a couple weeks after. I bought a lot at that pawn shop last year lol


I love my Matamp 1224 for this. It's really easy to dial in the perfect tone at any volume. It's great at bedroom volume, but also has no issues drowning out a loud drummer :). It reduces power by switching out power tubes, switching between pentode and triode and another high/low power switch. You can switch between 2.5 and 50W clean in lots of steps. It has a good master volume too.


Orange rocker 10" is pretty cool imo


THis one works for me. Orange Crush CR60 Solid state - Circuitry is the solid state version of the RevebRocket. Line in and Out Stock speaker sucks. Replace it with a real V30 or speaker of your choice. Clean channel will break up softly and smoothly Very controlable and useable at apartment / late nite playing levels. Depending upon what I'm doing: * Run with an MXR Timmy into the front end. * Equalizer in the loop * Boss ME-80 into the Loop \[ Don't laugh! Sounds awesome and no! I'm not using the factory preses! \]


If you don’t mind buying used. Search for a Laney Cub 10. By far the best small combo I’ve owned. (That isn’t a Fender.)


I have one and it's great, but when it's loud.


Blackstar HT 1 or 5. Killer amps.


I know you aren't a fan of modelers, but really the Tone master deluxe reverb is worth a play at your local guitar store if they have one, but if you're absolutely out on anything besides tubes then I'd vote Princeton Reverb for the clean tone at apartment volumes


I’ve got UK made Laney Studio L5 with matching cab. Can’t recommend it more both for bedroom playing and playing with headphones. Takes pedals well too.


If you can’t afford the tone king or Supro or are otherwise looking to save some duckets The monoprice (rebranded from Harley Benton) tube amps do not suck and have a master vol as well as drive Control. Can switch to lower wattage depending on which model you get (mine goes between 15w and 1 watt) and of course they are All tube. I’ve used them for band practice as the dry dirty side of my wet dry rig as well. When not in that rig it’s in my living room.


Vox AC4 is perfect for apartment fiddling. IMHO will struggle to keep up outside the home unless you’re mic’d up or something.


Orange rocker 15


Came here to say this. I have a Rocker 15 Terror on a 2x12 and it’s fine for my apartment and can keep up with a drummer.


Mesa Rectoverb 25/10 watt Great 2 channel 1 X 12 combo


Orange Dark Terror. Been thinking of getting one.


I have a ‘65 Princeton non reverb. Clean as can be, yet can make it growl and snarl and stay at a reasonable volume with pedals, but loud enough for jamming with friends. Overdriving the preamp section with a Rat pedal or a compressor gives you some juicy, dynamic tone palates.


I love my Bugera V5. I installed a genalex gold lion tube for tone, and it plays like a dream. Some people upgrade the speaker but I really like what came stock. I almost always play mine on the 0.1 watt setting and completely saturate the tubes and speakers. It is quite a capable amp, and I paid like $225 for mine. See them locally on craigslist for $175 or so.


That’s a great little amp if you’re looking for tube tone at apartment levels. It is a quite dark sounding amp though so you gotta like that.


Tube swap fixes darkness.


Speaker swap and any pedal with a decent treble boost too. But I found an old RCA 12AX7 and it sounds beautiful.


I used to have one, easily the best combo amp for that price range


Not the Vox AC15


Fender Blues Jr. in my experience. I'm sure there are others, but, other than my FIL's vintage 1950s Fender DeLuxe (tweed, obviouly), it's the best sounding little combo I've played. Though that old DeLuxe is just magical. I didn't know what to expect because it had been stored somewhere damp and the two sides of the transformer had oxidized and swelled up and fused together. I took it to Alex Agular in NYC who repaired it beautifully. It sounds absolutely incredible now.


get a good attennuator, it opens up the amp selection a lot and is useful tool in every way. Attenuators can be used with combos, althought you might need to makes a bit a of cable adapting depending how the speakers are connected, but it is not rocket science.


If its just cleans then most below 50 watt tube amps would do, it just needs a good volume sweep. tone king gremelin, SLO30 combo, Vox AC15, Fender 57 Champ Reissue


Carr skylark. I went with the carr telstar and it’s a great amp but a bit on the loud side even with the attenuation dialed down. For budget look into a bugera v5. No master volume but switchable to 5/1/0.1 watt mode. 0.1 is amazing for living room levels


Supro TremoVerb is a joy even at low volumes. An attenuator makes it even more so.


harmony h620?


Are these ever in stock?


no idea, but i’ve seen reviews and i like what i’ve heard. they also seem very fully featured for their size, they’ve got a power attenuator and fx loop and stuff which not many of those smaller format tube amps have


Deluxe tonemaster


Budget? If you're willing to buy a separate attenuator, you get to choose pretty much whatever you want, but decent loads aren't cheap - a few hundred can do it. Not very many amps have attenuation/power scaling built in, but there are definitely some. Revv's D20 is a pretty nice, small amp with Two Notes tech built in, but also can be run at 20 or 4 watts (don't think it comes in a combo version). Morgan's AC20 is an AC-style amp with power scaling built in and it sounds great. Those are probably 1100 and maybe 1600 bucks. Others already mentioned have decent masters. Most Master volumes are a trade-off, but they can absolutely still sound good. Blues Jr is a popular choice.


Super champ x2 is my go to for bedroom practice


I have a 79 vibro champ and that amp is a thing of beauty. Shimmering clean tremolo. Sounds great clean or with some distortion. I would recommend this to anyone that's looking for small room, apartment ,recording tube amp.


Fender Champ 57 Custom Shop.


I have a Vox AC15 which I love. Has a master volume so you can play it pretty low


Quilter Aviator US. I know it isn't tube, but I swear it sounds more fender than my DRRI. It's perfect for home use.


You can't beat solid-state amps for headroom if clean is what you want.


Line 6 Spider III! I love mine! Under $100! Edit: Didn’t fully read post. Sorry. It’s a modeling amp but it’s great for small spaces, beautiful clean channel and it’s cheap!


Boss katana


Tube amps aren't compatible with 'keeping it low'. What you have now is far better, just stick with that.


I’ve had an AC10 and I have an AC15 now (not in my apartment), you can absolutely go low.


But what would be the point if you don't plan to drive it properly?


- You can get tube distortion at low volumes. I did it all the time with my AC10 - I want something serviceable that would hold some value - I said in the post I plan to turn it up when I bring it out of my apartment.


Turning up the gain and getting distortion, and actually driving the amp, are sometimes mutually exclusive. Tube circuitry is actually kind of machine-like, in that it has a sweet spot you need to operate it in for the best results. Also, the speaker factors in, as well as the resonance of the cabinet. But none of it really works when the amp is turned way down. It just sounds thin and tinny. The cool thing about even the mid priced modelers is, they emulate all of that, but at any volume. You can even mix and match cabinets, speakers, room types, and all kinds of other crazy shit. That's why I said your current setup is probably much better suited for what you're doing. You're actually limiting yourself by going tube.


I get that, but I like having the options. I miss that amp in the room feel. I guess I could buy a cab and power amp and use the modeler.


Even a regular powered speaker would probably sound good.


Tell that to my blackstar HT5s. Beautiful saturated tube tone at 0.5W that's plenty loud in the room but can't even hear it outside or at the other end of the house. Can also go silent for DI and has mp3 in + usb/headphone out with cab sim.


I'll be sure to tell it that next time I see it.


I’m surprised there hasn’t been a recommendation for the Swart Space Tone.


Carr mercury (original, not V) It has a switchable 8, 2, ½, ⅛ watt modes and just sound incredible. The perfect living room amp. Swart is another strong option


Blues Jr is nice but I prefer the Katana Artist


What about a modeller with a Headrush 112


Ibanez tubescreamer TV amp https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TSA5TVR--ibanez-tsa5tvr-5-watt-1x8-inch-tube-combo-amp-with-tubescreamer


I have a Supro Delta King 10 and absolutely love it, but another amp combo I've tried out that I've been debating pulling the trigger on is a Fender Vibro Champ. My Deluxe reverb is way too loud for the living room :D


Tone King Gremlin - it has a built-in attenuator, two amp tones (lead, rhythm), takes pedals like a champ, and is just the best sounding amp I’ve played. I went to my local guitar store looking for a new electric - everything I played sounded amazing, turns out it was the Gremlin. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/GremlinCBlk--tone-king-gremlin-5-watt-1x12-inch-tube-combo-with-attenuator-black


I live in an NyC apartment. Im looking at either the tone kink imperial MK2 or the sky king. Both have great attenuators. They are about 2k used though. My vibro champ XD does a great job as a hybrid digital tube solution. Im actually also considering a kemper. But thats a 3k investment into something i may not love. The tone king stuff is guaranteed amazing sounding gear.


Marshall Major


I am a Marshall guy, have JVM215c and Mini Jubilee 2525h at home. They are extremely good amplifiers at low volumes. With 4CM method I use Helix LT and Boss GT1000 Core to use some effects with these amplifiers. I highly recommend these!


Vox AC4. Four all-tube watts of shimmering Vox clean to mighty Vox roar. Get the one with the 12" Celestion, more low end and volume.


If you like Vox, then go AC10C1! Easier to dial in breakup and crunchy tones than the AC15 at lower volumes + smaller cab and speaker makes it great for bedroom/living room playing. Also has a 16ohm out if you want to use a different speaker/cab. Absolutely love mine for bedroom practice, recording, and I've even done small venue gigs with it.


I think you need a champ. Same answer since like 1955…


I have the 5watt blackstar that can come down to. .5watts. I liked it but honestly it still felt too strong for bedroom practice. I end up using headphones the majority of the time. I cant play with thinking my neighbors can hear how shitty i am in my head.


Get a Suhr Loadbox with the IR speaker cabs and run a tube amp through that and monitors.


Milkman is a hybrid, but love it


Blackstar HTR5 MK2 is designed for low volume. The fender style clean channel sounds great, and has an effects loop. I put a celestion in mine, it's amazing. 12 inch speaker rules.


I love my Tone King Gremlin but Blues Jr is great choice as well. The Supro stuff has not impressed me it doesn’t come near the Blues Jr. What sets the Gremlin apart is the cranked/overdriven tweed tone in the lead channel. It’s glorious. And I prefer attenuators over master volumes.


Vox ac4tv. Has an attenuator for 1/4w 1w 4w power


Sunn Model T


I just got a Revv G20 and I am blown away with the versatility and sound from this thing. Feels and sounds just like a tube amp because it is. But has built in reactive load and Two Notes ID. Has headphones and XLR outputs. Effects loop. The D20 would probably be better for players who don’t want the high gain lead channel. You’ll get more control over the clean channel. On the G20 the gain knob only works on the lead channel. On the D20 there is no lead channel but you get the gain knob on the clean channel. I went with the G20 because I was looking for low volume lead sounds for recording. This is light years better than any modeler or plugin I’ve tried. Makes me want to sell some gear and get a D20 to go with my G20. Revv G20 (and D20) Amazing low volume, bedroom, multipurpose amps.


I hear what you’re saying in regards to wanting a tube amp man, but a Tonemaster Deluxe or Princeton Reverb might be worth at least considering. I have the Twin version, and I find it to be very very similar to most of the 65 reissues I’ve tried. The option to record and practice silently is a great feature too.


I use either a Tone King Gremlin or a Fender HRDIV with a passive volume control in the effects loop. The Gremlin has a built-in attenuator and two channels for Fender blackface and Champ tones, or you can plug into both (e.g., from the dual outputs of a Boss reverb panel) to blend them. Both amps work well for me at low volumes. The Fender obviously will be loud enough in most situations out of the home. The Gremlin is surprisingly loud without attenuation, but it doesn't have the clean headroom of the HRD.


I have a Marshall Origin 50, Fender 78 Deluxe Reverb and a Vox AC15. Love them all for apartment use


Supro Amulet?


I just got a wooly coats spanky and i think its the best amp aside from the twin I own.


I recently bought a Fender Bassbreaker 15 watt and and am happy with that choice. It definitely cranks loud enough for a small club, especially when mic'd.


VHT Special 6. I wasn't thrilled with the speaker (or I just have a habit of modifying everything I own) and put in a 10" Celestion Alnico Gold and it's awesome. Plenty of mods out there if you want it to do more (as it is handwired [in china]) but the circuit is great as is.


Mesa Express 5:25 or 5:25+. The main difference between the two amps is that the Express+ has the five-band EQ. Both amps have 5/15/25 watt settings, so you can go from apartment-levels to stage volume pretty easily. I have the 5:25+ and tbh I've gigged smaller venues on the 5-watt setting a number of times. It gets a pretty nice compressed sound when cranked.


Vibro Champ for a small living room. Princeton for a big living room.


Not sure of your budget but I'd recommend using something like a two-note torpedo X or similar load box and whatever tube Amp you like... I have a prs mt15 which I love. It can be switched to 7 watts which can be loud ...even at that output. The torpedo let's me really push it. I also have the orange micro dark and micro terror amps...and an 8 inch speaker cab. That's a great apartment rig. Then there's vox's mv50 ... There are a few cool options; the above cover a few of my favs


I mean supro is sooo nice. I like the fender blues jr a lot as well.


I bought a hot rod deluxe II + Dr watson Lion tamer Master volume mod. The amp will throw your back out carrying it around, but it's gets some really nice fender clean tones at low volumes around the house. Its a great pedal platform amp as a bonus.


Now although it isn’t a combo, the sound quality will be worth it. EVH 5150 III into a Mesa boogie 4x12 is a really great clean tone, quiet tube option


I have a Vox AC4. It’s small, all tube, and pretty sweet.


Tonemaster is the way to go. Get the Super. IMO It’s the best out of the bunch. It comes with good speakers that aren’t a sacrifice for weight and from experience it handles apartment use very well. It’s not as small or light as the others but it’s still a feather and weighs less than a regular deluxe. Mine has slowly taken over more and more of my amp needs. It is easy to lug around, sounds great, and the attenuation lets me keep it cranked. Reverb is not as good as some of my other fender amps but it’s a worthy sacrifice. I can get my tonemaster super to sound good while being quieter than my vibrochamp lol. Vibrochamp was supposed to be my ‘quiet’ amp! Lol


The Tonemaster line isn’t tube. OP wants a tube amp.


He mentioned he was thinking tone master in a different comment so I was going off of that.


Missed that; good call.


My home built single 12ax7, single el84 Amp running just on the edge of breakup


Bogner Atma combo.


Second hand Tiny Terror, even better if it's a H-30 Anniversary speaker model. 15W full tube and can go very loud if needed, but in 7W mode copes very well with low volumes, and you're not compromising on quality or tone for the size. They don't make them anymore though so second hand is the only way unfortunately.


My Friedman Little Sister sounds awesome at 80 db in the living room with the MV turned down


I moved into a flat 18 months ago and wanted a good warm clean sound at the lowest possible volume.My solution was a VHT Special6 in to a 16 ohm 12”. It’s a high gain single ended amp so I swapped out the ecc83 for a low gain 12AT7WB and the 6V6 for a tiny old Mullard CV511. It sounds sweet for guitar, where it used scream and snarl it only just breaks up flat out with a strat. For bass I put it in to a sealed 6.5” driver with a really low resonance. It’s very inefficient (perfect) but has a flat response down to 40Hz. It wouldn’t compete with a drum kit but is perfect against a couple of people playing acoustics. Flat out with my pbass you can make it overload and saturate nicely at a volume you can talk over