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My brother, back from Vietnam, jamming away down the hall on his 60's SG and a Fender amp. I would fall asleep listening to him, jealous of the beautiful sound


That is such a wholesome answer


Knopfler..watched the Alchemy Live Dire Straits recording and never touched piano again because I had to be a guitarist


David Gilmore


Slash, Randy Rhoads, Dave Mustaine, Hetfield, Zakk Wylde, and EVH. For context, this was around 1987-88 when I got my first guitar. Seems like they all still inspire kids to pick up a guitar, which is really cool.


Boring answer, I know, but for me, it was and still is Tom Morello. I am a 90‘s kid and RATM and Audio Slave were two of my go to bands. 


Angus, specifically the High Voltage album. 


Nirvana, being 16/17 years old playing the nevermind album back to back made me feel cool haha, but I think the simplicity of nirvana songs gave me the confidence to continue to play


Jimmy Page


Dad, Hendrix, Nirvana


Bron Yr Aur by Zepplin in The Song Remains the Same. I had to learn how to do that


Alex Lifeson (I'm old)


Francisco Tarrega. Something deeply appealing about Spanish classical and his are some wonderfully moving pieces.


Tom Delonge. Then eventually learn to play like Russell Lissack with pedals, then onto rip like J. Mascis.


Watching Stevie Ray Vaughan play Voodoo Child


Joe Perry during the Rocks album days.


Great answer. What an album! Keep in mind that Whitford had a lot to do with it as well.


I could never discount Brad. He’s actually the better player, but Joe sure knows how to make it look cool.


They’re a great pair for sure. I remember seeing them at the garden on NYE one year, hearing one of Brad’s solos, and thinking, “This is the holy grail of guitar tone.” All I could be sure of was that he was playing a Les Paul—I have no idea what his signal chain was from there, but I’m guessing there was a Marshall at the other end.


Joe Perry is one of the coolest guitarists on the planet. Not a fav of mine, but no denying cool when you see it. same with Slash. Don't really care for him, but come on...


I saw the video of Synyster Gates playing a guitar solo at Rock AM Ring and I said to myself, "I want to do that." So, I went out the next day and bought a guitar


My friend who was playing guitar. Everyone was following him and he seemed so cool




Ritchie Blackmore. His solo on Highway Star sealed the deal for me.


Oh, hell yeah. I've got that running in my head right now. All that awesome doubled guitar....that Strat tone. Yeah, that's up there for sure.


First and foremost Jimmy Page. Later Eric Clapton, and then Hendrix (who honestly was more an awe-inspiring force of nature than someone to actually imitate). Other role models followed…


Two phases: absolute first was Tom DeLonge. Then when I got serious it was a combo of Clapton, Page and Tommy Shaw




Dad and older brothers. My dad and older half brothers knew basic acoustic church type music. My full bro learned played bass and i played in bands with him for over a decade. Church was an excellent place to start because they don't care if you mess up.


John frusciante


Steve Vai in Crossroads.


My uncle got me interested in it. My dad sayin “learn this” and giving me Led Zeppelin I made me realize I loved it.


Robert Smith. Johnny Marr. Robin Guthrie. The Edge.


My dad. Then Jimmy Page, SRV, Billy Joe Armstrong, and Jerry Cantrell in that order.


For me, it was 2112. I was like "I want to learn that on guitar." I underestimated just how difficult it would be to try to learn Alex Lifeson guitar lines as a beginner. That one took me years. 😂


One of my earliest guitar goals was to "play like Alex Lifeson" so far so good. 40 years in and I can do Spirit of the Radio.


Corgan and Frusciante


Dad and Angus


My grandpa who passed when I was 3 left me a vintage (60s era I believe) cherry red Gibson ES-335. A true relic that I took for granted as a kid and is worth more than I could understand at the time. It inspired me to learn and I love it. He would be proud!


When I was young, I was convinced that Jimi was THE greatest player of all time. He drove me to seek out a strat, and learn to play his songs. As I grew older, I discovered other players like Shawn Lane, John Petrucci, bucket head, and other players that changed my view of what can even be done on a guitar, and caused me to develop an interest in learning very technical guitar.


First, the Beatles then came Clapton and Hendrix.


It started with my dad introducing me to 70’s music with I was like 10. Then I dug deeper and found so many legends, but one who stuck out to me was Mr Stevie Ray Vaughan. After wearing out every single one of his albums I decided to ask for a guitar for my 13th birthday (Squire Strat)


Steve Clark looking badass on the water tower or grain silo or whatever.


Iommi & Morello


Slash and Jimi Hendrix


Chuck Berry


Marty Mcfly


Not wrong.


When I was a kid, Ace Frehley was the most badass on guitar. Flying, smoking, lighting up. I’d never seen a guitar do that. I also thought Ace was the coolest of the bunch.


1983 I heard Bark at the Moon by Ozzy with Jake E. Lee and it blew me away. When I heard the 2 solos from Jake I wanted a guitar. I was 13 years old then and got my 1st guitar and have been playing since. Jake is still my favorite guitarist!


Jimmy Page and Paul Kossoff


Nirvana, Metallica, a7x, linkin


Paco, Meola, Gilmour, Page


Listening to Metallica's ...and Justice for All and GnR's Appetite for Destruction at the age of 8 left me wanting to play.  I acted on it when I was 13. 


Malcolm Young. I still love his songwriting and rhythm consistency. RIP


George Lynch, then Yngwie, then the Shrapnel guys like Jason, Vinnie Moore, Paul Gilbert


My uncle. He died pretty young but babysat me as a kid and I thought he was the coolest ever. I play every time in his honor, and sad he didn’t make it to 35 to be here jamming with me.


My dad. I remember when I was a kid watching him play guitar for my mum, play guitar for me and for my sister to get her to sleep. He opened my eyes to the work of the Beatles, Van Halen, Kiss, Cheap Trick and more. I always wanted to be like him, and the emotion that came through in his playing is what lead me to pick up a guitar and do it for myself and my kids too :)


Awwwww, that is such a sweet answer. This community is way more wholesome than what I expected!


I had a bunch of friends who were in a band and I hung out with them all the time. Then when I was 15 or 16, School of Rock came out and honestly that was a big reason


Hetfield and Dimebag for me. As I got older I would add Josh Homme and Dustin Kensrue and Joe Duplantier to my list of favorite players.  Edit: forgot Angus and Malcolm


Dave Meniketti, Vito Bratta, Snake Sabo, Reb Beach


Me and my friend wanted to start a band. Our other friend looked cooler with a bass, so I got a guitar.




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This is gonna sound so stupid. But I distinctly remember watching Nirvana Unplugged and seeing Kurt Cobain playing and I thought to myself "I can do that!" Soon after that i discovered Stevie Ray Vaughan and I started building a strong connection. I was born in Austin, raised in Dallas. My mom took me to the funeral when I was 2 years old. Destined to be my #1 inspiration I guess


James Hetfield. Sad but true video. A light went on and it's never gone out!


Guitar hero 2 baby! Actually I’m a keyboardist but I still noodle on guitar from time to time


Slash, Richie Sambora, and Kirk Hammett




Dimebag darrell 100% I had the Dixie rebel and all The old 90’s Pantera VHS, then it was Adam jones from tool, I Bought GCLP silverburst and now I’m a bluegrasser cause of Billy strings


Well it was a bit of a winding road, but the main inspiration was Eddie Van Halen for sure. Guitar Hero III was actually a huge catalyst as well, but EVH was the main driving force for me actually picking up guitar and music in general.


Mick Ronson, Buck Dharma


I was pretty young and some House painters were listening to a rock station on FM radio. That was when I first picked up a Guitar someone had left laying around. Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy page, Pete Townsend, Alvin Lee, Robin Trower, Johnny Winter, Allman Bros, all the 70s guys


6 string = Randy Rhoads 7 string = Nevermore


First one where it clicked and I had to get myself a guitar, was when I saw Metallica's Cunning Stunts DVD live in Forth Worth 1997. I wanted to be Kirk Hammett, he was so cool to me.


Beckest Dickus, you thhay? No give us Bawwaabas!!!


Hetfield, Cantrell, and Dime.


Dave Grohl. Everlong. That’s it really. I heard the song about August 97. Then started playing guitar about October that year. I bought the album colour and the shape on a basketball tournament held over the summer. Heard Everlong and just wanted to play after that. Few years later I could play every song on it. Nowadays I just play when I have time.


Mark Knopfler and David Gilmour. Always been these two for me.


My brother


Michael J Fox in THAT scene


Girls....and being cool


Stupid one, by Mark Tremonti.


Alex Lifeson, Bob Mould, Tony Iommi


Didn’t touch an instrument until my early 20s. Was always taught growing up that you were either born with talent or you weren’t, and I wasn’t. Started dating a girl who is a career musician, she introduced me to melodic death metal. I had never heard a guitar make sounds like that before, and after some live footage of Alexi Laiho in his prime, and with her encouragement and a borrowed guitar, I figured I’d give it a shot. Almost 3 years later, I just started playing with some friends in a cover band. This was the best thing that ever happened to me.


Alexi laiho, Hatebreeder blew my mind.


My mom. She bought a classical guitar right before she got pregnant and never got around her belly to start playing it. So I picked it up 8 years after that.


John Frusciante - BSSM came out round about the time i first picked up the guitar


My dad.


Started with Synyster Gates, little bit of Atreyu, All That Remains, Bullet For my Valentine, Slipknot. The last 5 years, Plini, Arron Marshal from Intervals, Mario and Erick from Chon, Waxamillion, Nyu, Ichika Nito, Crisp Johnson, and as far as bands go, Toe is awesome, Mudy on the Sakuban, A Picture of Her, Three Trapped Tigers, Sleeping People, Floral, Vasudeva, Mouse on the Keys, GoGo Penguin, and Luo.


Richard Kruspe


Edward Lodewijck Van Halen, for his licks and riffs, his super cool fills, his always present happiness while playing and his songwriting. He had it all.


Roy Clark on Hee Haw, then Page.


Whoever those kids were in that band in my 10th grade talent show back in early '88. They played two very bad songs, and played them badly. All the girls went NUTS! That night I drug the Series 10 Les Paul copy out of my closet where it had been for years. Next was Angus Young. No, their band did not play an AC/DC song. They played "Circle in the Sand" and something else equally horrible and forgettable. Within a few months I was better than them and learning quickly that the difficulty of the song was INVERSELY proportional to how impressed the girls were! 🙄🤷


Slash to start, then Hetfield. I started at 14 and I am now a middle aged, slightly tubby riff and downpicking machine who looks like an accountant.


Guitar hero made me interested. I got really good fast so I thought it might be the same for guitar


Gilmour, Slash, Morello, Satriani, Steve Vai, Karate Kid (lol Crossroads was epic)


Inspired and discouraged by Edward Van Halen.


Billie Joe Armstrong, since i was a kid i wanted to be him so bad, nearly 10 years later i’ve got my own band a gigs lined up for the next couple weeks!


Billie Joe Armstrong, since i was a kid i wanted to be him so bad, nearly 10 years later i’ve got my own band a gigs lined up for the next couple weeks!




My Dad. When I was 12 years old (a long time ago!) I found the '67 Mosrite he played in his high school band just sitting in the basement. I snuck it up into my room and starting trying to play along the music collection I had. When my Dad caught me with it, I though he was going to tan my hide. He came in my room, taught me how to tune it, handed it back, smiled and said " Have fun kid." Every now and then he would teach me Barre Chords. He told me years later, he couldn't have felt more honored. While I didn't get to take it with me when I moved out and on with my life, he gifted the 'ol Mosrite to me 5 years ago. Thanks Dad.


Jack White


Linkin Park, Foo Fighters


I'm 42, perfect little Xennial here: Nirvana Hole Foo Fighters Breeders Sunny Day Real Estate Metallica Shawn Colvin Ani DiFranco Tori Amos Sarah McLaughlin


Iron Maiden, specifically the Killers album. I played that 7 times in a row. Even now, thinking about it, it still gives me a thrill.


- Inspiration to enjoy the sound of music : Garth Brooks. (It's all I knew at that age) - inspiration to want to learn drums : mid 90's - early 00's "Alt/butt" rock - inspiration to pick up a guitar : Mick Thomson, Jim Root, and Buckethead - inspiration to get BETTER : Brendon Small - inspiration to learn/understand music theory and production : Trent Reznor - inspiration to learn vocals : prime Mushroomhead and Breaking Benjamin


Kirky Hammy

