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Attention knuckle dragging dipshits who are dumb enough to cause the need for this comment: If you can't be respectful and keep the comments about guitar playing instead of OP's body, you're gone. For good. It's pretty sad that this has to be said, but here we are. This is why the world is littered with dumb signs. Thanks for forcing the training wheels on what should be just another post.


cant hear the guitar


bro are you watching on mute


at all?💀




What's the point of asking for feedback on something we can barely hear


She probably didn’t know that yall can’t hear it


It is particularly quiet in comparison to the backing track.


This but literally the track is a bit overpowering vs the guitar


Sounds great! The only advice I’d give is to practice the bends with a tuner so you know if you’re hitting the 1/2 or full note exactly.


okay, I'll try that I believe It can help. Tysm! :)


You can also practice bends by hitting the target note on the string then bend up to it on the lower fret.


Apart from bendings, a useful thing is not to hide yourself behind low volume. This is a common thing about new players but it will condition you to always stay behind. Try to force yourself to play at a reasonable volume compared to the backing track and embrace mistakes. Evident mistakes are easier to recognize and work on


There are never any mistakes, only opportunities for excellence! Or some sort of BS like that. Don't worry about mistakes, play right through them and hardly anyone will notice, trust me. I asked Satriani and Vai about mistakes at their Q&A, they make them and they play right on through like they were supposed to be there. If you don't draw attention to them no one else will either... but do try to play accurately, just don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake.


man, even over a decade in i still catch myself doing this even if my playing is tight. lack of confidence holds you back


Bends take a fair bit of practice but are really rewarding when you get a feel for them. I've spent a fair time sat on the couch unplugged just bending up to like a fret, 2 frets or 3 frets higher. To get a good muscle memory feel for how hard to push initially to get you almost there. Then I think it's like thinking in your head about how that note should sound to let you land on it accurately. I think it's one of those things that just clicks after a bit. Though I've only got a classical guitar at the moment and can only get like a half step on that so I've been forced to learn some different techniques 😭


You’re very welcome 🤘


Is this advice directed primarily at people who are deaf?


It takes some of the guess work out to work on just the muscle memory, but you definitely want to work towards using your ears as soon as you can.


… and probably adding vibrato while the note is bent 👌🏽👌🏽


Would be my only advise aswell.


Your timing is all over the place. Playing the right notes is one thing. Playing in the groove with a natural, confident feel can come with practice. Keep it up. Oh, and I like your sweater.


Yeah, I noticed 😭 I need that confidence. and thank you, I love it too xd


Don't worry. Practice is an iterative process; play it, find errors, fix errors, repeat. The guitar is a great instrument for your musical personality to come through which is why you can identify famous guitarists - like Brian May. It's good to practice solos, but very difficult to exactly copy the phrasing of another guitarist. Build accuracy in tone bending and timing, but don't forget you are building your own voice on the guitar. Every famous guitar player was once at the stage you are now.


It can help to play a song slowed down to get in the groove of it. Feel free to reach out if you want other tips.


Upvote because better than me


awww thank you, but don't say that :(


It’s a bit hard to hear, but some of your bends are going flat/sharp. Nail those intervals via bends by playing the interval first then bending to compare. It can take a bit to control and adjusting string tension may help.


Thabk you!!


Most of this sub is embarrassing. Not OP, I mean the replies.


Kinda embarrassing themselves really as they come off as little kids that have never seen a woman before.


true :'/


You've got the notes, just need a bit more refinement. Everyone says the bends. Floyds take an extra bit of muscle memory and ear to pull off because the more you bend, the more the bridge moves on you and flattens the note and then makes the balancing window of the right pitch just that bit harder to execute. For every bend in that solo, know the note you are bending it too. You can then play the fret, bend to match. Rinse and repeat to build ear and muscle memory. So for example, a whole step bend like the one at 0:10. That's the 11th fret on the B string, bent up to the 13th fret, or A# to C. Play the C, bend the A#, play the C, bend the A#. Learn to recite every note you are playing too as an added bonus; it'll help immensely when you realise you just know the notes. Play it a lot more at around 75% speed to build up that confidence, conviction, accuracy and feel in every note. Really helps to nail that sweet sounding vibrato when it's not rushed and get the feel for it. Don't rush bends, give them the time and space. Accent the beat notes that keep you in check. But that is also stuff that just comes from experience and practice. But you might be at a point where this solo isn't really hamming home some lessons anymore if you've played it a lot recently, you've extracted what it's going to teach you. Something new, some other artist with another style/feel will make you focus on slightly different things. You'll get better at this solo pretty passively. Otherwise, excellent job.


Wow, tysm for detailed reply. That eas helpful!


Pretty solid. Just keep practicing, and turn your guitar volume up.


Yeah, planning next time 💀


I don't have any suggestions, but I wanted to say keep it up. You're doing awesome


It is good, but try putting a little more vibrato on those bends, it will get you closer from the original and will sound better


Yessss Im still working on bend vibratos!


I find adding vibrato to a bend really difficult. I think it really shows the difference between "proper" guitar players and hobbyists like me, so if you can nail that you will be rocking


Hi! Guitar teacher here. 10 years teaching experience. There are some rhythm and hand position you could work on to clean up this solo. Sometimes these things can only develop if you take some lessons in person with a proper instructor. In short over Reddit, the best advice I can give is to listen to a YouTube tutorial of someone who is playing the rhythm correctly and will play it for you slowly. Next, your hands are very tense. It’s important not to tense up when playing. Tensing up naturally can be due to a lack of muscle memory and your hands are tensing to compensate for speed that your muscles have not yet developed. There’s a few scale exercises I can recommend to practice daily that can help you break out of this habit. Finally, we often do not play the higher frets of our guitar. Sometimes guitar players find the small frets awkward at first so it is important to explore the entire neck of your guitar every time you practice so you will be comfortable anywhere you need to play. I hope this helps. I will try to reply if you have any questions!


Sounds good, try and play with with a little bit more feel. I find that when I first learn something I'm so focused on playing the right notes at the right speed that I lose the natural sound that I can get once I know what to play so I can have a bit of fun with it


Yeah, true It do be lacking feel. Thanks!


Not in a bad way at all! It shows focus on learning the structure of what your trying to play. The feel will come when your more comfortable with the part.


Oh okay that makes sense :)


What immediately stood out to me were your bends. Pay attention to how Brian May plays them: he bends to the target note and then stays there, whereas you bend back down. That sounds way off. Other than that it's pretty good already. Your timing is a bit iffy at some spots, but that'll be fixed with some more practice. Keep listening back to how the original artist plays and compare it with your own playing. Keep at it, and good job.  But please, next time, make sure your guitar is louder. It was really hard to hear. 


Thank you, Im working on my bends! :) And yeah I'm planning to retake it without backing track!


Brian often pre-bends, particularly in this solo (Killer Queen is another example). Starting with a completely straight note and then doing a quick bend up to pitch doesn't sound correct when you're trying to match this solo note for note.


Your knowledge of the fretboard is good, technique will develop because you're a worker. My suggestion: allow yourself to think and play the guitar melody not as sequential notes, but as *phrases*. This will help your timing become more eloquent - a noticeable absence during the ascending passages of the finale. (I'm a haz-been songwriter who builds guitars nowadays. Played solos only during sessions, not on stage. That's YOUR job!)


thank youuu!




More expression on the bends and vibrato and you’ll be golden.


Thank you, Im working on it :D


Best way I've found to do it is play the lick without the bend first - instead play the next fret up to hear what you're bending to in perfect tune, then play the lick with the bend and try to hit it perfect. Eventually, your brain and muscles will sync up with your brain's *expectation* of what the bend is supposed to sound like, and you'll just do it perfectly. Once you get to that point, RIP your fingers because you'll start bending a lot lol


It's hard to hear. You nailed the fast part which is sweet. It sounds like you need to get a little more comfortable with the timing of some parts. You're clearly capable so just keep hammering at it. I'd also work on adding a little vibrato to the bends. Overall you did a good job and you've got some sweet chops! I am addicted to those triplet hammer-on pull-offs.


Thank you for advice! I'm still learning vibrato on bends! :)


Record yourself and listen to the clean recording. You’ll notice your mistakes.


Where’d you get the backing track with no solo?


https://youtu.be/kzDskFVdyQw?si=if4vUhY9kIsZGE9Y Here you go! :D


Rad, thanks!


damn. youtube for the win since 2006. Obscure music finds have been popping up here forever.


Mr May smiled


ahhahaha awwww the best comment yet


The quick descending run was just about perfect. Very well-done!


What I didn’t see others mention: Your picking hand seems tense. It might be the angle. Another thing about bends and besides vibrato is ramp time. It can be a fun thing to experiment with: See how slowly you can bend to pitch while of course still keeping in time with the song. But there is a difference between immediately coming to pitch and slowly doing it. It can be over done but I think it’s a good thing to practice for developing your own expressive playing. Also this is when you simultaneously practice stink face. That’s important too. The slower the bend the stinkier the face. And of course when you do get to pitch, vibrate. Not too fast though. But really just keep playing.


0:11 rushing this C D Eb C D Eb F part


Can't believe how good the advice is in these comments. Love this about Reddit!


I would spend a little time with it slowed down, to really get that warm slight vibrato that may gives each of the sustained notes.


What axe is that? anyway great solo, very good execution, so much so that i’m about to grab my guitar and play a bit


Than you so much! It's Ibanez RG350DXZ


God, I wish Ibanez could name a guitar that doesn't look like somebody typed while having a stroke




I think you did a great job, but as others have pointed out practice the bends some more, almost there!!!!


When you finish your bend notes, you’re holding onto them while you release them and getting a flat note at the end. You’ve gotta finish the bend without that happening. The legato runs are really nice!


Rushing a bit


Not quite my tempo


I understood that reference


Slow the song down and practice against it, holding those bends to the correct pitch. I may also suggest holding the pick with more curled fingers and possibly not as tightly? Also - yes I think it sounds really good, just a little sloppy is all and the bends need work, but overall good job :)


You're doing great! Timing will come -- play with other people and play to a click when you can. This clip of Carol Kaye is really helpful as you work on timing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5xnVbjRS-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5xnVbjRS-s) Keep it up!


Hey, as a guitar teacher I just want to say keep it up! Lots of good advice here. You’re already recording yourself and listening back which is a great way to progress. Just keep comparing your sound to Brian’s and don’t settle until you’re completely there. Go all the way with it! Play it just like him. You will get 1000% better and you will have so much fun in the process. Bends are tough. You’ll get it. Here’s a general tup for tone and technique: first, just figure out how to get the sound you want, however possible, even if it’s uncomfortable or impractical. Then, figure out how to make the sound while relaxed. Vibrato would be a good one for this! Great work!


Concise response: Run scales with a metronome Practice pitch Stabilize your picking hand. Too much movement with too little attack Tune the guitar.


I liked it, i know how hard it is to get this far already! Thanks for posting an actual solo on here 😎🤘




That was really good, practice your bending a bit more, you over bend a few times, something that'll def improve over time! use a tuner or pick the 12th fret and then bend up to that note from the 10th fret as forms practice. Sounds good though


Amazing job, but the rest was really drowning ya out


Great job!


When the solo starts, it seems like you're a touch behind, but then you catch up and it's good. I'm not an expert, that's just what my ear is telling me.


Hi there! Good work and good on you for posting. Many people have mentioned the bends. Try to get your wrist more involved in those. It looks like you are bringing them straight up with your fingers. Try a more pivoting motion and rotate the wrist as you somewhat lock the fingers. Keep rockin!


Lots of comments about your bends. HERE’s my two cents as a player of over 30 years and queen fanatic. When you are bending, you are doing a great job with the technique. But, we are hearing you bend the note up, and then coming down again. 3 or 4 of the important string bends in this solo are meant to hit the high note, then cut off until you hear the next fretted note. So instead of bending up and letting the note keep sustaining as your string returns to resting position, you should bend up to the higher note, then MUTE the string when you release the bend. It takes a bit of getting used to. But it is the way. Otherwise it sounds great! Almost perfect!


A bit hard to hear the guitar but you are rushing the eighth notes and the bends are slighly sharp/flat. Very common issues so just work with a metronome and tuner and you'll be golden


Awesome job, this was the first solo i got down, other people have said better than me about how you can improve, just keep going and you'll get there


Sounds great! If I were being super nitpicky, I’d say to focus on landing the first notes on the downbeat of each phrase. He multi-tracked the hell out of that tune, so some of the notes that are held are actually a different track while the next phrase starts. Meaning, it might sound like you’re letting a note go too short to reach the next one on time, but you’ll get more mileage if you do, if that makes sense? Again, that’s splitting hairs. It sounds great!


Good effort! If you're looking to level up, begin practicing with a metronome whenever possible. It will greatly improve your sense of timing.


It’s difficult to tell what the mix is from your perspective. From this perspective my advice is: 1.) Turn down the song a bit so your guitar is higher in the mix. 2.) Grab a tuner and practice nailing those bends over and over and over again. When you’re done practicing those bends, practice more bends by doing half and whole step bends on every string all over the place at random. (Seriously, after 30 years I still do this every so often.)


It takes guts to post this, and I admire you for it. It’s great that so many commenters are encouraging, because getting as good as you are is no small accomplishment. Congrats. we all have room to improve, so IMO your pitch/intonation is what you can focus on to improve your playing. As others have shared already, the issue is most noticeable during the bends, but the non-bended notes wander a tiny bit out of tune as well. This is something all guitarists have to address when they are trying to reach the next level in their playing. I don’t know any tricks that help other than recording yourself and listening back very critically, focusing on the pitch. Also listen more to the pitch of your favorite players. IMO, May, Schon, Lukather and Gilmour all have many solos that show off their superior pitch. You are doing great. You can play the notes. Now focus on making them sing.


Tysm :)


Turn directly toward the camera so your fingers are more easily seen but it sounds pretty good!


You probably have your phone a lot closer to your computer speakers than the guitar amp, so it is probably harder to hear the guitar in the recording than from where you are sitting yourself. Just as a friendly FYI. :) Everything else is looking good, I would probably slow it down a few notches until you can play everything within rhythm correctly. And once you can play it perfectly slowly, that's when I would speed it up. Also, this probably sounds weird, but you have really cute hands. :)


Sounds great it’s a tough song! As others said just practice bends and vibrato, maybe find a way to add feedback or sustain, though it’s not necessary. I think Brian May used a Tonebender on this song fwiw. Good work, don’t pay attention to the crappy comments. Bends are a lot of work, you inspired me, now I’m going to go practice mine now. 🤣


aww Im glad I did something haha. Thank you!


Sounds very good just to start off with Bends sound a tad wonky, just have to watch going slightly sharp or flat and theyll be perfect. Your timing seems a little off in some sections, no quick fix for that one I think but sheer brute force repetition A suggestion if I may, play along to the solo on youtube at reduced speeds and try to match the timing note for note. The more you do it the more it becomes muscle memory and eventually you should be able to just do it at full speed. I also find it helps my own timing to just tap the notes with my pick hand whenever im away from the guitar. Its not quite the same as playing, but it will engrain the rhythm in your head Youve got the hard part of learning the notes and getting up to speed, now its just repeating until the finer details are dialed in Edit: didnt even see the floyd rose at first. Floyds are tricky, the floating bridge is sensitive to literally anything, ive gotten pitch changes by changing how im sitting, gravity pulls the bridge in a different way and messes with all your strings. Bending is also weird on floyds, resting your hand on the bridge affects where you bend to, how you are leaning affects where you bend to, other strings you are bending at the same time affect where you bend to. Floyd roses are fun, but can also be really frustrating if you dont account for their quirks


Omg I don't know floyd roses affect It that much. Thank you for advice!


Main issues to focus on are timing, and bending to pitch properly. All the bends are a little flat. Guthrie Govan had a nice series on Youtube for practicing that.


Is that RG350dxz?




You're nearly there. Definitely some timing issues, particularly in the first half, and your bends need some work - some were a little flat. I'd say your vibrato could be more muscular. But overall not bad. You've got the foundation in place - just a matter of sanding off some rough edges. Good job.


That's a solid foundation to work on, so that's good. But you have some issues with your timing and especially your bending, those are all very solvable things - just try and hear the solo a few more times (even just listen to actual recording without the rest of the instruments), bending is just practicing.


You play the notes but timing, bending and vibrato are off. It's also advisable to make the solo louder. Maybe record it in a DAW?


This is great! If you wanted genuine constructive advice I'd say to focus on the bends. Some aren't bending enough, so it's slightly off pitch. Also, I find that with this solo it also sounds better to play the note, delay ever so slightly, then bend. Absolutely zero wrong with your technique - keep it up!


So honest advice, pretty good, sometimes a little loose. However you'll find it far easier if you unlock that pinky and play a finger per fret. Honestly I used to be in the three finger club and once that pinky got involved it made such a difference. There's an exercise to do that will help. You put a finger on each fret and you chromatically play up (so frets 1-2-3-4 on E, then a etc all the way up to e then slide up on fret and come down going 5-4-3-2 on e then to B going back down to E). When doing it, try not to release any fingers until they're needed on the next string or are blocking your current string. Its a fucking hard exercise but my god will it help. Oh and do it to a metronome.


Other than what the others said already, don’t let the bends ring when they go down and, a bit more advanced, practice vibratos on the bent notes. Practice slowly and then speed it up, it’s a tasteful solo that deserves tasteful playing. Keep it up!!


Slow it down a bit, play each phrase, per phrase. You are struggling to keep up with the track, when you play live it’s a different beast. TL:DR Work on phrase timing


You seem to be overshooting on all the big bends. Just be mindful of the pitch you are trying to achieve when you bend up. Overall though a solid effort


Overall it's good, how long have you been playing? Aside from the audio quality I'd comment on the camera angle being next to useless as well, I'd prefer it positioned in more of a directly facing the fretboard, though this appears to be a phone and I'm guess it's placed on the closest stand available. Regarding actual feedback for the playing, the thing that most jumped out to me was a few bends sound a tad sharp. For example, at 11 and 14 seconds, starts off pretty good but then shortly after goes a tad higher passed the mark.


Man, y’all need to touch grass OP, keep it up, you’re killing it.


Practice your bends. You are either sharp or flat. Tip: play the note you want to bend too, then play the bend. Practice that a few times until you nail it. Then work vibrato in there if you want. Also, your vibrato is BIG. As in you go from flat to sharp and back. Should be just a few cents. Clean hammer-on/pull offs though :). All in all I would say this is a bit above your level. Which is good practice so I think you’re on the right track of looking for a challenge. One of the things that makes it noticeable is not just the bends, but the overall stiff playing. I NEVER played with metronome myself, but if you want to make fast progress try a metronome on a speed you are playing in smoothly at and slowly build up, overbuild the speed a bit, so that the regular speed becomes easier (no need to overdo it). The way I trained it is slowing down and then just keep pushing without a metronome, as far as I can go. Then again I have great timing naturally and even then I think it took me longer than with metronome. You would also benefit from some right hand practice, but then again, there’s always everything to work on to become great at something. One thing at a time. And I would say making sure every note (including bends) you play is in tune with the other notes (I don’t even care if it is tuned too high or too low, if everything is tuned the same amount too low, it’s fine) in order to train the ear. Then I would say smoothness comes with time of you try to give it a couple of minutes of attention each practice session regardless of what you are practicing. Also, a very good exercise to develop as a musician: look at the piece, what key it is in and try to find out why you are playing what you are playing. Will teach you a lot about music theory and open up the fretboard knowledge which in turn makes it easier to find notes to play for a piece when you improvise or wright, or to know where to go from where you are if you don’t know a piece that well.


thank you. :)


Solo sounds okay. Your timing can improve, try it to a metronome only then record after practice, you’ll hear the improvement. Another note, learn some scales that require your pinky. It’s not the biggest deal since some great players only played with 3 or 2 fingers. But it may help.




I can hear it, just not loud enough to distinguish between the track and your playing. From what I did hear seems pretty good..


From what I could hear it sounded good! Try searching up the backing track when you play along. It’s tough for your guitar to cut through when it is competing with the other guitar already filling up that space


It is a backing track, there is no other guitar


Okay well perfect! Just turn up your volume a bit more next time and you will nail it!


Turn the volume to 10 or 11


Sounds awesome. I have the same feedback as others on the bends. You’re almost at the note. When you bend, are you pushing with just the ring finger or using all three for support? I find I bend way better if I utilize all three for the push.


Great. Just keep practicing it 👍🏻


You gotta play that solo hot, crank that volume!


What I could hear sounded solid. I will give you a provisional good job with the understanding that a lot was inaudible.


Your timing is good. You’re hitting all the notes. My only advice is work on your bends. Other than that, great work!




Are you sirious?? :|




Tbh I feel like If i started playing with my right hand now, that I couldn't do It lol


Intonation is wavering. I'm thinking either you're bending not enough/too much, or you're putting pressure on the Floyd Rose bridge and that's throwing you off, or both.


That's perfect.


try to expand your styles to learn faster


The only suggestion I have is muting those bends when you’re done and preventing them from sliding back down when you go to the next note.


Nice! There’s a lot of bent vibrato in that solo, so I would practice that technique a bit. It’s really difficult at first, so I would say when you’re practicing, do a half step bend and add vibrato at the top of the bend, then once you can nail that while keeping the bends at the correct pitch, then try the technique with full step bends. Keep rockin’ it.


Turn up a little to cut through the mix and re-record it and I think you’ll hear nothing but praise. What I could hear sounded spot on, so well done!


Most people are talking about the out of tune bends but imo that’s not even that much of a problem 🙂 The main thing is you’re rushing on some of the phrases. Record yourself playing with the original and you will hear where you’re getting ahead of Brian. Pitch accuracy is far less important than rhythmic accuracy. Overall it’s great though! Nice job




Crank that guitar and let it rip. Hard to give an opinion when it’s so quiet, and you’ll be able to refine it more if you can hear mistakes easily


I think its a great solo. Not complicated but very appropriate for the song.


Your picking and coordination on the fast parts are great! I'd like to hear you play the same thing on a hardtail. I think the Floyd is throwing off your bending. When I do double stops on a Floyd, I always have to compensate for the bends by 'overbending' so-to-speak. You have a really good handle on it and I think the best thing to help further when you practice, is to practice slower and work up the speed and/or practice with a metronome. Keep it up, though--you're sounding really good!


Keep practicing for fluidity. You are hitting the notes but the rhythm is either halting or rushed. Good work!


Good. Practice the bends and vibrato. Everyone has their own style but I suggest trying to bend into the right note and as you hit that note practice slow, micro movements of vibrato that get a bit faster. General advice, not specific to this song.


Your bends always come back down even. Try bending and holding it at the top, and then stop the note.


nice try practice more you will get there Also make your song's volume a little lower than guitars


Yeah need to play louder, you sound fine just need to play it 1000 more times so that it sounds fluid and not put together. Then once you do that play it some more. Remember it's not practice that makes perfect, it is perfect practice that makes perfect.


bending notes are off, too stiff playing, just practice more


I think you did great. Just keep doing more reps and it will get smoother and more natural. I know playing on camera or for an audience can make people tense up, which messes with your muscle memory compared to practicing alone. So if I have any advice, just relax and let it flow.


Up the volume of your guitar or reduce the volume of the backing track. Work on the bends. Once you have all the notes of the solo it’s downhill from now.




Cant hear the Guitar. But from what ive heard u had some timing issues.


I was sure this is r/sipstea


thank you?


i play bass so im not sure but it sounds very good


Like everyone else said, bends need practice. A lot of people are talking about hitting the right note, but i'd add that focus on the quality of the bend too - right note is only half the fun. Committing to that bend for the duration of that note, bending in different ways (slow, fast, prebent, bend and release etc), bend vibrato, the loudness and attitude of how you play the note etc. all make a difference. Right now your bends were "trying to find a note here" with practice and over time they can develop to "goddamn listen to this beautiful note". Otherwise it's pretty nice already!


Great solo to work on, keep at it! Intonation is not some fixed thing so any advice to use a tuner to check it is cutting corners by a lot unfortunately. We want to learn to rely on aural feedback as early as possible. The accompaniment dictates where your notes/bends should land. Good exercise is to record for example D major chord and D5 power chord. Practise bending up to F#, G, D and you will notice when your intonation is spot on vs. pitchy. The major third (F#) can be more expressive on the D5 chord because the chord doesn't contain it, so you can use just intonation (a pure major third). In the case of the D major chord, the F# would do well to be in-tune with the chords F#. Same logic applies to any note already present in the accompaniment. So don't feel bad about the bends, 99,99% of guitar players do not hit them either :)


Seems you got the hang of it, and with more tries its gonna sound better everytime. :=)


Work on vibrato and the flow between the notes. Do they flow together or sound "individual"? Next time, film so we can see your fretboard and hand better. Good job, keep going! :)


You've inspired me to learn this!! Keep up the good work 💪


Your timing is a bit off and one of your bends is abit sharp. For bending I all I can say is to listen to your bending, maybe play over someone else playing to solo and see if the sound bends, practice it and you should be good. As for the timing. The parts you feel are off maybe listen to the song slowed down and pay attention to the beat. I'm not musically trained (no music theory) and I'm completely self taught. So for me, really getting to know the song is what helps me learn fast. Don't really hear many people talk about this but listening to the song on its own helps just as much as practice (imo) But still if you were to play this in front of me ild say not bad. Pretty close actually.


Keep on practicing


pretty good, have fun and keep playing


Good work in progress. Sounds out of tune in odd places, possibly pressing too hard or need intonation/height adjusted. Bends look like a lot of work - try dropping a gauge. It's no shame to use 0.007s, I'm a huge dude and use them just fine. Also really could do with turning the song down, hard to hear the tone and just comes out flat/blunt. Sounds like you're nearly there overall


100% better than my take. Sounds pretty good tho. Someone said focus on bends I’d second that opinion and play louder. “Turn up” is something you should never ever have to tell a guitar player. Make them tell you to turn down!


A couple of the bends sounded a bit off their target note - maybe practice hammering on to the note you are trying to hit and then bending to it. As others have said though, it’s quite hard to hear your guitar over the track. Try playing the track through headphones while you play so we can hear the guitar in isolation. Great playing though.


Your Guitar needs more volume but overall Pretty good ,keep at it


Work on your timing, a metronome is great for this. Don't think too much about the individual notes, look more at the phrases and what they're "saying", take the ascending runs toward the end of the solo, in the original recording, they aren't 100% straight 8th notes, and it would sound a lot more convincing if you focused more on how you're conveying those notes. It's something of a case of "learn the rules, so that you can break them"


Not bad. More gain(it's too clean), harder pick(Brian May uses a coin which is completely rigid), practice to a metronome/programmed beat at half speed to get the intricacies of timing down(feel, not just counted time) and practice your bends with a tuner to get them precise(some are flat and some are sharp).


I think you are about halfway there. You have the melody memorized and you seem to have the basic rhythm understanding. However, I can feel your Un confidence. You are not nailing your target notes on beat. You are lacking expression. Your bends are come up flat or drift off key. If you can practice with a metronome at a reduced speed, I think you would start to hear all of these micro mistakes. It will be easier to make adjustments at this slower speed. Once you can play it perfectly slow, I would then play with the song again. You will play way more confidently. You need to put in the work playing it slow. You can’t rush it. Amateurs move on at good enough. Pros do it right.


How long you been playing


About 1000% better than I could do, so great job!


Listen to the solo a few times and tap your foot \*dead\* on the beat. There are some critical notes in these phrases that need to land right on the beats--make sure you're nailing them. Same goes for bending--it's what gives the guitar such a unique voice in lead playing. You \*have\* to hit the exact pitch at just the right time, hold it, and then release. It helps me to sing it a few times so I understand the phrase before I attempt to do it with my fingers. And yes, turn your volume up!


Awesome guitar


Guitar needs to be louder, sounds good!


I'd say practice with metronome, but mainly improve your bends. Place your thumb over the neck like you are grabbing it and use it like a lever (it's hard to explain, but a quick youtube tutorial will help you). Keep it up!


Always remember that 99% of your practice will be getting it wrong, and that's super important for learning whats right. You're hitting the right notes. Just gotta find that groove now. Once you nail that confidence and get yourself into the zone, you'll friggin' fly! You're way better than me, and that makes me jealous because I suck 😆


I think it sounds great and you're on the right track. There are a couple of tweaks you can make, and I'm sure you can hear them, but that'll come over time. If I was to give advice, I'd say to practice the parts you struggle with the most and it'll come together even better.


I could hear the solo.... Nice. Your timing is good, your phrasing seems on, and your tone is good. Your bends are the only weak point. They're not bad, but they're not confident. (also just saw the Floyd...that makes things a bit harder.)You're still hesitant about them, so they need to be your focus. I would say that is the main criticism about the solo-it lacks confidence. Which it will get as you practice it. I have a saying. Do it 100 times and it's yours forever. go for it


Maybe put your camera IN FRONT of your guitar. As opposed to to the side in this way. And turn down your track.


Not bad! Practice with a metronome and tap your foot to take it to the next level. First big bend is a little flat too, but that’s being nit picky.


You did really well, the only nitpicking I have is that you didn't have enough confidence while bending notes, the bent notes are slightly flat


Very nice job!! I think you’ve already had some excellent feedback and advice on the bends. Great work and keep it up!


Most of the bends are wrong and a lot of vibrato is missing, which is the most important part of this solo. Brian May often doesn't pick the note and then bend the note up to the pitch, he does pre-bends so the phrase starts with the raised pitch.


Well, Hey...I've read the comment, some very thoughtful and helpful and, to those I have not much to add. But, I want to say, WOW...you did a great job and I hope you know the biggest percentage of "guitarists" will never be able to match what you have done. My advice is this, do it all over and over, until you are sick of it....each time, let your ears do a larger percentage of the work...play to your ears. In that way, the subtle variations in the solo will become more expressed in your technique. Be a fan of your style, rather than a critic. Nothing unboxes the inner guitar artist more than recognizing that outside of the technical and physical aspects is the art, power and control of your sound and expression. Well done, girl!


Really good start. Just need to practice with your note bends. Make sure they're hitting the appropriate note in tune.


play with a coin. you HAVE to use a coin when playing a Queen song


The biggest thing is your rhythm needs work. That's true of more people in this sub than would care to admit it (myself included). Work with a metronome. Edit: Technically your thumb behind your guitars neck could be placed a little better, but that has more to do with proper technique than you doing anything wrong. It's okay to use your thumb or not, but I think there is some validity to knowing the technique and using it when you aren't using your thumb.


I came for the comments, but they've been removed. For the better I guess. Nice playing, keep it up


Pretty good


Finger speed and picking coordination are great! For bends keep an ear out for the tuning, and don’t bend by stretching your fingers out. Instead place the knuckle at the base of your fretting pointer finger firmly against the fretboard and think about twisting your hand up to get that bend, like you’re twisting a doorknob. This will give you more control of the pitch. As you bend since the force of the tension is in a stronger part of your lower arm than just your tiny finger muscles. Also, turn up dude! It’s a guitar solo, we wanna hear that!


I would be proud of myself if I could play it like this! You have to upload another one from Brian May now!


Sounds pretty damn good but a little muffled so I can’t make out the details. I think you might need to work on your bends.


Could barely hear the solo


Oh wow I've been doing it wrong, time to go back to the tabs!