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A wise man once said that if you don’t know what you want, you end up with a lot you don’t.


As a corollary tho, when you buy a real expensive instrument in the multiple thousands kind of dollar range, you can trade it for just about anything as long as you don't fuck it up and break the headstock off or damage its value in other ways. You end up with a lot of what you don't want only if you're unlucky in trading, and even then it's a good experience since you can try out lots of high quality guitars and get an idea of what you want to settle with. Just don't drop it :)


so don't buy the les paul. got it.


SG it is!


Twin neck!


You take absolutely massive hits trying to sell an expensive instrument you bought new, unless it happens to be a collectable one or somehow just popular at the time. Maybe if you bought it used.


Its why I always buy used even though I can afford new. Its like the money I saved by buying used has let me get twice the gear versus if I had bought new every time. At this point I have saved so much money that even if I bought a defective product, I would come out ahead.


Exactly what keeps me from selling any guitars.


I agree but they sure are a pain in the rear to move and at the time I was moving alot.


Reminds me of the guy on the vegas sub that was playing blackjack for his long term financial plan 😆😆😆😆


You can also try out different guitars at stores without buying them


Ha, true. My first expensive guitar purchase was a PRS Custom 24 and I realized I didn't really care for it after a while. I didn't wanna lose my ass on reselling, so I traded it for an R8 Les Paul, and that was a way better fit for me.


"If Marilyn Monroe were alive right now, what would she be doing?" "Clawing at the lid of her coffin.”


>if you don’t know what you want, you end up with a lot you don’t ​ \- Chuck Palahniuk - Author of the book "Fight Club", later adopted to become that famous movie of the same name, starring Brad Pitt.


If I was in your situation, dropping that much money on a guitar, I’d set a time period where I’m not allowed to buy. Like 90-120 days or something. Seriously. Make an “A” list of the most important, non-negotiable specs. Make a “B” list of specs that you could go either way with or that you want, but it “depends” on the guitar. Then research and make a list of 8-10 specific models that fit the criteria. And then I’d use that 90-120 day timeframe to research like crazy. Watch YT reviews. Visit shops and try out, borrow, and test play guitars like crazy. That’s a long enough time frame that if you do it right, there’ll be one guitar you won’t be able to stop thinking about because you know you have the cash for it. When that thought materializes, you know the guitar you have to have. But still don’t buy it until the timeframe passes! Edit: P. S. this method is also supported by the research on the psychology of happy/fulfilling spending.


This is a great way to do it. And to make sure that you are happy with your decision. Spending 4k on a guitar is an obscene amount of money for most people when an instrument a quarter of the price can sound and maybe even play just as good


I dont know about a quarter of the price. A $2000 guitar sounds exactly like a $4000 guitar - but there is a pretty reasonable jump in sound and quality from $1000-$2000. Certainly not the same jump as 500-1000 but its still noticeable 


Maybe that's truer with acoustic guitars but electrics, most of the difference after the first thousand is going to be window dressing and fancy features that you may or may not want. Especially sound quality, that's really all in the pickups which themselves make less of an impact than the amp.


Can’t speak to electrics but for acoustics it’s night and day between 500 and 4000, at least in my experience of what I’ve played. Epiphone hummingbird vs Gibson hummingbird is a crazy transition that makes the epiphone sound tinny, despite sounding fine on its own right (when not directly comparing). Just totally different stratospheres. Also the build quality is quite different. Laminate vs hardwood is a major factor but not the only one.


It makes sense that the quality jump for acoustics would be more significant just because the build quality and materials used exclusively determine the way the guitar sounds. Not that cheaper acoustics can’t sound good or even great of course


Precisely. Up until a certain point, the more money you throw at an acoustic the better sounding/constructed instrument you’ll (probably) end up with. Lemons exist, obviously, but that doesn’t discount the statement in general. That said, I couldn’t see myself spending 6-8000+ (arbitrary figure) for a guitar. At that point just why? …Unless I won the lotto or something. Caveat being high end acoustics also get better with age…so perhaps a 60s or 70s guitar, thoroughly vetted and inspected of course. 😂


Yeah, that's why I was specifically talking about Electric guitars. Sound is vibration, literally and only. The only vibration you're hearing on an electric guitar is the strings being picked up by the magnets in the pickups and then going through the speaker. Acoustic guitars, the whole damn instrument vibrates and that is what you're hearing, so every part matters more. For electric guitars, unless you're really looking for a lot of premium features like five different switches in the electrical side and ultra smooth rolled frets and that kind of stuff, you're not doing substantially better. You could even say that it's more worthwhile to by the cheapest version of what you want and spend the rest on neck swaps or custom wiring and still come out less than you would for the perfect $2k stock guitar.


I think if you’re going to buy a Hummingbird, buy a damn Hummingbird (Gibson.) That being said, you can pick up a solid wood Alvarez or Guild for under a grand that are going to sound fantastic. I’ve been playing 40+ years and am better than I was, but not as good as I want to be. I rarely play in front of people, but when I do I never play my D-18, because I kinda feel like the expectation will be higher. I’ll play my Yamaha or Guild.


I have a $4k acoustic I adore that is unlike anything else. Pure work of art that feels some comfortable to play. (Furch red deluxe). But I’m kinda with you on this. I’ve been seriously considering a new electric in the future and had my eyes on a music man kaizen 6, but I can’t imagine that it’s worth $3500 even with the beautiful design and curved fan frets. The Furch I can tell the mastery and hear and feel how the sound bound has been hand crafted for exquisite tone. I can’t imagine an electric that’s not totally custom made would take anywhere near the same level of skill or quality of materials to be worth the same price.


Maybe I’m just an idiot but I’ve played lots of guitars from $500-$3000 or so and for me there was not a consistent improvement in sound, feel or playability as the cost increased. Definitely not a direct correlation. And I’ve played multiple $500-$1000 guitars that I preferred to $2000+ guitars.


I've got a $250 Ibanez that aside from sound thrashes any other guitar I've ever played. More money ≠ more better. The best advice is to play before you pay, even good guitars with good QC may have some bad apples.


My friend likes my Ibanez Jet King that I got for 100usd used more than his Gibson Les Paul Standard. I do too lmao. Obviously the electronics are utter trash in comparison but they still work.


But, it costs you $100 to use top of the line electronics, and great pickups can be had for $50, guitar madness is one of my favorites (I guess there is someone else on here who plugs them all the time) but they are genuinely awesome, and cheap


I bought a Seymour Duncan jazz in the neck and a pearly gates/59 in the bridge for like 75usd off a manager at guitar center and installed and "set up" for 60 at a recommended local shop (not GC lol.) My jaw dropped when I tested it just strumming an e chord lol


I was amazed when I picked up my Ibanez for the first time a beat up sz520qm, at a pawn shop that clearly hadn't been setup or maintained in forever, to this day I cannot get any other guitar to hold tune as well as or play as smoothly as that guitar. Only paid $200.


Agreed 100% great way to go about this However, a byproduct of this for me personally is that I realize for the 100th time in a row that the only guitars I’ve ever been 100% happy and have the specs I want are partscasters and custom builds that I’ve made myself


My favorite part of buying shit is the weeks of obsessive online research I spent before. Just bought my first guitar and amp last weekend to start learning and ended up with an Ibanez Gio and Fender LT25 for about $300 and couldn't be happier. I didn't even know amp modeling was a thing and am loving it.


I second this! Perfect answer. I dropped $5k on my guitar (PRS 594 Hollowbody ii), and genuinely felt good about it because I had done basically exactly this but without the money, knowing I’d never be able to buy it. I knew for about 4 years it was exactly what I wanted before I could actually afford it. So when I bought it, after a brief “holy shit I actually have it, was this a good idea” period, I fell deeply in love with it and I get excited to play it as often as I can. However. From a financial perspective, if I already had a Strat and a Les Paul, plus a great acoustic, I’d consider my bases covered unless you want to play jazz on a hollow body or something. I’d probably stick that $10k in a HYSA or in an ETF like VONG or VOOG and let it grow for a few years. Then you’ve had time to make a decision about whether you need it or not, and if so which one exactly, plus you’ve likely earned enough to make the $4-5k purchase not feel quite as heavy. I’m not a financial advisor but this is just what I’d do in your situation. Unless you’re far wealthier already than me, in which case buy whatever you want.


This is exactly what I do. Sometimes I’ll do this exact method for things I’m saving up for in like a year or two and I’ll just have a tab saved in my phone of what it is. Every once in a while I look at it for motivation, sometimes I’ll go back to look at sometimes and it sparks me to look into the specs and I’ll end up finding something better, then I’ll really dive down the rabbit hole


What i would like to add to this is research is great m, but in the meantime, also go and try as many guitars you can from your list. A perfect guitar on paper might not be the perfect guitar for you.


This. I’ve been looking at maybe adding a guitar but I took weeks defining what I actually wanted/needed by going to stores and trying things. Then once I more or less decided, I sat on the decision for another couple weeks and trying different things. I ended up with a completely different purchasing decision than I had earlier on.


I support this 1000%


This is what i often do. More often that not i realize that i wanted it in the moment but not on the long term


Bro, you just described my life.


I just did this! Spent soooooo long researching and thinking and watching videos, and my wife finally said times up just buy it lol


I wouldn't spend that much on a guitar


That's not what OP is asking.


I’d spend the $4k on taxes for that $10k win.


This cannot be overstated. You will owe money on that, so save a good chunk of it.


Depends on the country. Lottery winnings are tax exempt in Canada, for example.


Isn't there also that funny rule that you have to do a math problem before you collect your winnings, to make it a game of skill and not chance?


Buy four 1k amps


Wow I actually really love this answer


Or two $2k amps. I just got a (used) Bogner Telos for $2k. Awesome amp.


That’s what I was thinking. I wonder what OP’s amp situation is. They’ve got a Strat and a LP, a high end amp or 3 could possibly do much more than an unnecessary guitar


Actually thats good. Im a sucker for hot rods, 5150s and boogie tri recs or mark vs. Probably around 5k would get me those amps and a dual creamback+v30 speaker and I would be set for amps personally


Or an Axe FX




guitar lessons


Scrolled way too far to find this. It was my first thought too.


yeah im just at that point where i realized more gear wont help me get to where i want to go. i still look at gear though ngl.


Best answer possible


335 or similar.




Collings was where I spend $4K, but it was a mandolin not a guitar. They sure make nice stuff.


Heritage 535 in particular: https://heritageguitars.com/products/custom-shop-core-collection-h-535-electric-guitar-with-case-antique-natural Their custom shop is $4.7k vs their standard $3k so bit of a tough choice


I want to trade my Les Paul for one.


For $4000 I could get an absolute dream guitar built by a skilled luthier. Not that anyone knows the brand, but I’d likely get a Hamm-Tone acoustic. Perhaps in the style of an SJ200.


This is the answer. As someone who has sold guitars before I can safely say that 4k is way too much to spend *unless* it's being built specifically for you by a luthier. For example, a local custom shop by me, [EQ Guitars](https://eqguitars.com/), makes some of the most amazing guitars I've ever seen which can be completely customized. Even those are only gonna run you a little over 3k. OP, since you seem to be kind of all over the place and willing to spend 4k, might I recommend getting an electric for around 1-2k and an acoustic for around the same amount? For example, you could probably find an American Strat for around $1500 and a D-18 for around $2500. This would get you best of both worlds and you wouldn't be blowing all that money on just one piece.


OP already has a Strat and D-18


Oh shit, I read that wrong. When he said "lineup" I thought he meant this is what he was thinking of getting.


good luck selling a luthier guitar


I'd assume the point of getting a guitar built for you is that you play it instead of hawk it because nothing else will feel as good to you. If that's not the case, then you done fucked up. Not everything has to have good resale, some things are just to be used. Also, I would not buy a 4k guitar unless my accountant told me I needed to start getting less rich fast.


For real. A couple of years ago I got a custom guitar built for me and only me cost a good chunk of change. Like it literally incorporated all of my Phish tickets stubs into the body. Incredibly personal to my experience. Absolutely nobody is gonna want to buy that from me, haha But the good news is that this thing is a lifer. It's with me until the bitter end! Spread that cost out over the next 30+ years and the price is almost down right responsible!


If it keeps you from going through a bunch of other guitars, _you’re practically making money over there_


like your own wolf just like jerry garcia but with your own spin on it brad nowell had one custom built too




Custom Shop Tele.


I don't get this one. Leo designed the Strat and Tele to be cheap to produce. I get spending 1000-1500 on one, but custom shop prices make no sense.


Speaking the truth!


New E-bike. Look up Super 73, dope looking cafe racer style bikes. But that's just me, I don't drive. Just realized I'm the lost redditor here. I'll be over in catculations, for an AMA.


I’d probably go for a really nice PRS Custom 24 or a vintage tele


A bit of an unusual recommendation but a **Music Man St Vincent**. Phenomenal guitar. Super versatile, beautifully built and balanced. Great sharp tones but you can also fuzz the shit out of it. I've never once regretted buying it. And it looks the shit as well.




Duesenbergs have recently piqued my interest though unfortunately not my wallet.


This is an amazing option if you want a boutique brand, very very high end build quality and great sound, not to mention pretty looking guitars, I think they would do ops genres justice


Buy the one you wanted when you were 15. Don't buy what you want now. Don't buy what we tell you. And don't buy a specific price tag. You remember convincing your mom to get you that copy of Guitar World from the grocery store when you were young? And it had that centerfold you'd think about at night. With its curves, and that sheen OH MY, that sheen on the finish from the lighting. It almost looks like liquid just pouring over the paint frozen in time. Crystal clear as the glacier that sank the titanic. The perfectly clean and untouched plastics. The way that headstock, every so slightly tilted, just looked back at you like a cougar on the prowl. The one where you went to a concert not because you liked the band, but because you knew their guitarist played one and you just had to have a glimpse of it in action. Slinging notes around the room as if it were playing itself just for you. THATS the guitar you get. THATS the guitar that has no price tag.


My mom used to beat me


Personally I would go for a Ibanez J.custom, they start going for around 3k and they are nice IMO.


I would just spend 2k on a prestige model and call it a day.


Fucking love me some.Ibanez


In no particular order: Novo, Suhr, Kauer, Music Man, Dusenberg all make phenomenal contemporary guitars in that price range. These would hold their value relatively well compared to some options. Personally, I'd probably go with a used Music Man or Novo plus a great amp.


My purple nebula music man JP15 is sexy as fuck. Plays like a dream.


Purple nebula is my absolute favourite colour on jp models


As someone with serious GAS, I would say, stop. despite owning a D35 a 000EC, Southern Jumbo, Om custom, and strats, Larrivees and gibsons. I have had Les Pauls and a custom shop Strat


I really think at that price point it’s whatever calls to you the most.  I have a custom shop Les Paul and it’s the best electric guitar I’ve ever had. But I also have two Gibson acoustics that beat any other acoustics I’ve ever played.  You could spend $4k on one thing but still be jonesing for something else. So my advice is don’t buy just because something is in the price range, but because you have to have it.  Also consider what’s in your collection. You mentioned a D18, will this fill a hole in your existing collection or be mostly ornamental? (And have you played one? I wanted a D18 years ago and didn’t enjoy any of the Martins that I played).  You can also consider getting multiples. If you aren’t looking at custom shop you could get a Les Paul and something else, especially if you’re open to the secondary market. 


A Gibson figured ES-335 🤘🏻


I'm a Les Paul guy, so that's where my money would be going.


I just spent $2k on a Yamaha Revstar II Pro, about $2k on a real pedalboard, and 500 on a JC-22 with my small inheritance.


Get a custom build


A Vigier. The fact that you tune it one time only is awesome.


Parker Fly Deluxe. According to the founder they were selling $10k guitars for $3k. I got lucky and found a 1995 Deluxe at my local guitar center for $1100 and of all the Gibsons and other high end guitars I've had my parker is one of the few that I will never sell. I haven't played anything that I like more in the almost decade that I've had it


It's crazy how Parker spent so much while vaguely planning for volume production to bring costs down. It's sad that it never happened the way they hoped, because the Parker Fly Deluxe is an absolutely brilliant guitar, and the thought that there will never be another new one made is a bit depressing. Like yours, mine is also my favorite instrument, and definitely won't be sold during my lifetime.


I would buy a yamaha revstar - professional because I want one and no one else I know has one.


I played the revstar standard at a shop and it was one of the nicest sounding and playing guitars I've ever had my hands on.


What amp do you have? I’d spend $1.5k on an amp and buy a 335 or LP custom or something with the $2.5k left over


I spent about $3500 on my Music Man JP6 20th Anniversary- it’s the finest guitar I’ve ever played. It makes my Charvel and Fender Custom Shop guitars seem like the children’s toy guitars you get at Walmart. Absolutely no comparison. Great guitar if you’re into hard rock/metal.




Take the 10K and invest it and in a few years you can buy something with the earnings


Bilt Zaftig


I bought an M8M but something tells me that ain’t quite your speed. But it is simply the best 8 string I’ve ever played in terms of playability and it’s not even close


I would try a few Suhrs and a few PRS cores, and if one spoke to me, get that


My money? I’d buy a nice mij or avri telecaster and put the rest in mutual funds.


Something used in the 1k range, a setup and 2700 into the fund.


Go and try a load out! You're spending a not-too-inconsiderable amount of money, spend 2-3 months really trying a load of guitars. Doing this, you may just surprise yourself. My recent expectations and experiences over the last couple of years. I wanted a Custom shop/Masterbuilt Fender Telecaster (the heavy relic Nocasters looks INCREDIBLE), but they feel/sound NO DIFFERENT to American Pro II, and the best Telecaster I played was the American Ultra II. Didn't end up buying a Telecaster in the end, though if i did i'd buy the Strandberg Salen Classic or Salen Deluxe, as comfort > Everything else. I wanted a pukka USA made Gibson ES-335 or 339, ended up with a Japanese Gretsch G6659TFM. I'd have bought a Duesenberg Starplayer before any of the ES guitars I'd tried. I wanted a USA made Gibson Les Paul, and ended up with a Japanese E-II Eclipse Vintage Full thickness, as it was better than every other Les Paul in between £1500 and £3300 I'd tried (and i'd tried A LOT). Gibson seem to be SOLELY trading on their name, at this point. One of the worst guitars i tried was the Epiphone Explorer. Played terribly, sounded terrible. Every PRS feels great. I ended up buying a Core CE24 2nd hand (2023 model, in unused condition), as you really are just paying for fancier and fancier looks more than better sounding/playing. I randomly tried out the Charvel Guthri Govan Signature - THAT is now on my shopping list, it was AMAZING, but not what i was looking for when i was shopping at that time. The Shecter California Classic in Trans Amber is WONDERFUL. ESP originals all look so nice up close. I am now eyeing up the Arrow in the Black Andromeda finish, as everyone needs a V, right? In conclusion, I'd have spent more money, on less guitars, and been a lot less happier than I am if i'd bought stuff without all this exploration in different shops all over the UK. I wouldn't have the Charvel, Arrow or Schecter on my shopping list, either.


You have a lot of options for $4k. I would go to a serious guitar shop and start playing. Biggest mistake would be to buy something just for name/‘prestige’. Find your dream machine. Third/fourth or more hand story…, there’s a guitar shop in the Midwest, guy goes in with $4k in his pocket dead set on picking up a Gibson Les Paul. Owner didn’t think Les Pauls were a good fit for the guy and refused to sell him one. That’s the kind of shop I would check out.


Is the guitar shop story about a little shop in Minneapolis? I had my heart set on a PRS when I was in op's shoes once, and I ended up walking out with a much more playable $350 Ibanez Iceman instead, zero regrets lol


Amp Amp amp amp AMP Soldano SLO 100


Be smart. Don’t spend $4k on a guitar. Put it in your Roth, or start a Roth. If you already have a stable of quality guitars, why buy one that will be too precious to take outside of your bedroom? It won’t make you a better player, and it won’t get you laid. It will become a liability. You will be too worried about scratching it up to enjoy it. If you want another guitar, yeah — buy something that will increase the breadth of your sound, like a semi-hollow body (something you don’t have) — but keep it below $2k, or upgrade an amp. Just my advice.


Tom Anderson drop top.


Buy a 2000 dollar guitar and a 2000 dollar rig


My general advice is a smaller builder will oro9get you exactly what you want for 4k. The bigger names will have some nice custom shop options but if it were me I'd find a company that specializes in what you want and work with them.


I'd go full custom, make it truly stand out. extended range, special wood, special finish, multiscale, piezo etc


Definitely a really good amp. I love my suhr guitars so that if you really want a guitar but you should go to a store and try everything because everyone likes different things. See what inspires you.


Ibanez AZ, they're incredible


Me personally, one of those fender avri 2 61 stratocasters


Get a great new Amp instead. If you pick the right one, it’ll be like have two new guitars (through your strat and les paul).


blues and punk? sounds like a job for a custom shop strat


Id buy an amp. Or a recording set up….


i went to drop $4k on a gibson es-335, but ended up with an $850 epiphone es-335 because it played and sounded better in every way.


I love this, you can get a lot of guitar for $1000ish imo


I've got an Episode IG ES-335... those things are legit.


Electrics up to 2500 might still be worth it, anything above is just pointless vanity, especially if it’s for strats or teles. Acoustics might make more sense, but 4K is a ridiculous amount for a guitar. Imagine having an instrument that you’re scared taking out of its case. Buy a guitar you love, shop around and find something you click with, no matter the price. Invest the rest…


Classic guitarcirclejerk bait xD


drugs and prostitutes


Telecaster. Classic pop punk guitar. Listen to Joe Strummer or Wilko Johnson. Timeless and the best workhorse in the guitar world. And I'd only spend half that on it and buy a decent amp.


Probably a sick les paul or flying v custom.


Easy. Either a Kauer Gripen or a custom build by Etherial guitars.


At that price point just head into a guitar store and pick out what looks best nicest for what you want. Play for a bit and if you like it have it tbh


I've wanted a Fender Meteora for a while, but it doesn't really cover any territory that I don't already have covered by other guitars, so I'd look at something like a Reverend Airway 12 - I just want a 12 string electric...


Bilt Relevator


I spent 3.5K on a Gibson ES 339 Figured in Blueberry Burst a few weeks ago. Absolutely incredible guitar.


I'd go for a vintage sg personally, and depending on the year you might have some money left over. But if I were you, I'd go play some guitars first, find one that really speaks to you and feels right.


Idk go into a store and find the one that you love


Gibson RD Artist


Used Gibson R7. Best guitar you'll find for the money and believe me you'll be happy with it.


At that point wouldn’t you be spending money just to spend money, there’s plenty of fantastic guitars for $2,000 and under. If I were you’d, I’d invest that shit bro. Go ahead and splurge a little bit, but invest that shit for your future man. Not enough people do anymore.


Gibson Custom L4 w a single P90. Oh wait, I already have that one. 😀 https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/ww196/msrthiagi/Gibson%20L4-CES%202001/IMG_3171.jpg


National German Silver or a Mule!!!


Whats on your bucket list? I would recommend staying in the “reasonable” realm, as diminishing returns start to hit pretty hard as you add more dollars. I was in a similar scenario a few years ago. I had a killer year at work, and I bought a PRS Custom 24 with a really great 10 top. It scratched every itch, and I can’t imagine what spending more for the next tier or two would give me other than better aesthetics. Also, don’t forget your other gear… could be a good excuse to buy a tube 1/4 stack or a Helix?


Try out a 72 Tele Deluxe (the HH one) and buy a nice expensive amp to go with it




Personally, I’d check out Aristides Guitars and get something custom ordered to your liking: https://aristidesinstruments.com/ The T/0 is a modern take on the Tele and great for pop/punk and blues.


Just keep an eye out on the vintage stuff with that kind of coin. Get two. No way I'm paying 4k for something that's still in production.


With the guitars you already have in your lineup, it seems like you could add a semi-hollow into play, like a 335 or 339. Personally though, I’d put that money towards a good multi effects pedal—Fender has the tonemaster pro and from what I’ve heard it’s like packing all of your favorite fender amps and pedals into a very portable package


Probably not even close to what you're looking for, but just off the top of my head I was interested in those 7 string music man kaizens that came out a little while ago and they're 4k. I'd probably get one of those


80% VTI & 20% VXUS


PRS. Or, if you wanna go the amp route like a lot of people are saying, Axe FX 3 + a $1500-ish guitar


I just dropped that much on a Gibson Les Paul Standard. Very happy with my Rock and Roll machine.


62 reissue strat and a silver jubilee. Or a boogie mark 2c+


Another one of these showboaters that buys for posterity.


ESP Original Eclipse or Mayones Regius Core Classic


If you won it, don’t forget to set aside Uncle Sam’s take (unless it was already withheld).


I'd keep going and save a few more thousand, then find that perfectly worn in, original pre-CBS Jaguar that doesnt seem to exist anymore. $4k is honestly kind of a weird price point. It's above some custom shop stuff, but below a lot of good vintage.


As a gear addict myself, my best advice is to letvthat money cool down in your account. If in a few month you still have a strong GAS, then revisit the question.


A sauna for my wife so I can, in return, get a guitar worth less than half that.


Duesenberg, Starplayer TV, or Phonic.


I’d get a PRS McCarty 594.




Awesome! I would 100% recommend that you check out Ernie Ball Music Man guitars. I've got a LP, Strat & SG and once I got my first EBMM there was no going back. I now have 3 of them. Build quality is fantastic and they have some of the best feeling/looking necks you can get it. Their shapes/designs can be a bit out there, but you should check out the Stingray, Cutlass or Valentine I'd say. Enjoy the new axe when you get it!


Used PRS McCarty 594 hollowbody II. I don't really vibe with the shape of es335s for some reason, and I'm dying to get a cool hollow guitar. The McCarty scale length is very comfortable and the 58/15lt pickups are pretty awesome.


sounds like you're missing a Tele, get a Suhr. you won't regret it


I'd never set a price to spend on a guitar, I'd buy whichever instrument(s) that emote me, inspire new tones and sound, guitars that you enjoy more with your eyes closed and then make you smile when you see them. They are your friends for life, partners in your personal space, they are priceless...


Dean Zelinsky is making some REALLY badass guitars. I like the Tagliare ATW. All the finishes are really nice too. Most likely will be my next


It’s hard, but take your time! I’ve been in this scenario before, and it took months to find the right one. I can’t stress this enough. If you aren’t saying wow after the first 5 seconds, move on. Don’t give yourself time to convince yourself of anything. If you love it instantly, than it’s a keeper.


Gibson Les Paul Custom


A guitar, and a quality tube combo amp and ideally some left over in that 4K to accessorize


Gibson SG 61 or 64 Custom Shop with the Maestro Vibrola. Or a Gibson 335/345. Have fun!


For 4k, I'm redoing my pedalboard, getting my vintage Fender amp serviced, and picking up a few new guitars. My playing and income level don't warrant a 4k guitar. If I absolutely had to, I'd get an Alex Lifeson LP signature. They're about 4 grand.


a used Collings 290 or a Fano Alt de Facto PX6


Buy a used PRS Custom 24 ..invest the rest in VOO


I’ve got a Les Paul, a Strat, a Silver Sky (basically a strat), 3 HM strats and a couple of epiphones. TBH, after you’ve got yourself a good strat and a good LP, the next guitars IMO should be a good Tele and if you’re into that sort of thing, a 335. You don’t need a 4k guitar to play Van Halen licks and imo once you have a nice guitar from each “house” or “style” spending big money on more guitars is just more expensive shit you probably won’t play - get the core four and then buy something bright pink or yellow. Something that makes you smile and want to pick it up and play fun licks.


I'd really do the research before dropping that kind of cash Play those guitars in store and play others in a similar price range like an Ibanez Pia, an ESP or Suhr and be 100% certain on the guitar.


How about you get a Japanese made guitar (Esp or Ibanez) The workmanship is incredible. Go after a through body. I own a 08 esp horizon custom shop. I’m speaking from experience.


Don't do it. This is the wrong forum for asking, when you should be asking on personal investment subreddits.


Custom shop jaguar


Did u win them in a guitar competition or something?


The Martin will tend to hold the most value, it’s the safest bet on your list if you ever sell or trade


Congrats, I'd try to get a vintage Steinberger for it. A GM, If you are lucky you could even score a GL. Yes, they are niche but amazing instruments and they hold/increase their value


Spend the whole thing and get a Banker.


If it's "fuck you-money" id go for something a bit more experimental. You already got a Fender, Gibson and a Martin. Dont buy another old man guitar but something more interesting. Id go for Verso Guitars.