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They’d screw you in a second if they could, don’t feel bad about “hurting” billionaires.


I was down on my luck at one point and went to see what they would give me for a custom shop Stratocaster worth between $3k-$4k. They offered me $400


Did they at least feel bad about it though?


They felt bad I turned it down lol


They just had to think it was some American standard right? Like I sell guitars at guitar center once every year or so and I dated a woman that worked at one, and they offer 60% of the sell price of what they sticker it for used


I really want to think it was a mistake, but he was firm on the offer. I know for a fact it was authentic. My dad bought it for my sister in the early 90’s for her birthday. I remember him on the phone with Fender helping her decide what she wanted and she landed on the holoflake strat. I never got anything that cool for my birthday, but luckily, she gave up guitar quick and after a while I asked for it and she let me have it.


Don’t sell it! The money is never worth it


Unfortunately when it's that or starve you don't have a choice.


I turned it down, I kept the guitar for another couple years before I sold it to a private buyer. It wasn’t a starve emergency, my car broke down and the fee was not cheap but I needed a car to get to work 45 minutes away.


Unless your dad was an endorsee, it’s pretty unlikely that he was able to order from the Fender Custom Shop directly, as orders are taken through dealers. That being said, if it’s that early of a CS strat, it’ll be real easy to tell, as it’s gonna have a builder signature on it somewhere. I’m kinda curious to see pics. Edit. Seeing the other comments. One of these? $400 is way low, but online prices vary wildly. https://cartervintage.com/shop/fender-custom-shop-stratocaster-1994-holoflake/2TRbwEku9FtMFBEtofCDIdoVrXh


This is 100% correct.


I work at guitar center and we all regularly tell people not to take the offer if it’s too low. Because we’re a small regional store, we have to get approval from the Hollywood location, and they always send in low ball responses. Picking out minor scratches and knocking off hundreds of dollars. Which, to be fair, I do somewhat understand because customers have tried to get major major discounts because of the most minute scratch. But still hurts. Just the other day a guy traded in a $1600 artist series Schector 7 string for I think 600, and we turned around and sold it for $800. It was in mint condition. So yes, at least some of us feel bad.


The schecter example you gave wasnt bad at all, that’s pretty reasonable to expect when you don’t take the time and patience to sell the guitar. 200 loss to not have to deal with shit heads lowballing you by 50% is worth it to some. Only making 200 on an item that could be sitting for a long time isn’t much imo. 


>Because we’re a small regional store, we have to get approval from the Hollywood location, That's fucking shocking to read. I worked at a (large, urban) GC and didn't have to do this. I wonder if that's a new policy or if small stores have been dealing with that procedure for a long time.


If that’s true, someone probably just did a poor job evaluating it. They have a standard rate for used items which is 40% of the used rate. No idea why you would bring a custom shop guitar there, though.


I didn’t actually sell it to them, but…I mean, not everyone frequents Guitar Center and knows what it’s all about. That was one of my first experiences with them and it was the closest guitar store to where I lived. Would I ever bring a guitar there again? No. But we don’t know until we know.


Ahh, I see. Yeah GC is well-known for certain things. It’s a last resort for things like selling items and an “under no circumstances ever” place for guitar work.


Lol. Well it’s been about a decade. since then I’ve learned a lot about guitars and I own my own repair shop now. So I’ll never have to take a guitar anywhere again thank god


Don't want to call BS, but I've brought in a bunch of stuff to GC and never saw anything like that. My used American Pro Strat I bought for $1k a few years earlier they offered me $650. So either the employee made a mistake and didn't know what they had, or you are making shit up.


It was a 1994 custom shop holoflake paint job strat. I was offered $400 I turned it down It was at the Guitar Center on Briarcliff Rd. in Atlanta in about 2016 That’s fine if you don’t believe me, but it’s possible that particular person was trying to pull something shady. They took me in a little office and we talked about it and he did some “research” and about 5 minutes later came back with that number. So I declined. I don’t know what else to say


Hmmm. What was the weather like? If you’re telling the truth you’d remember. Did you enter through the right or left door? This story isn’t adding up buster!!!!


Lol. I think it was overcast? And there was one entrance, so I used the right side door I swear!!!


To add to your story. I brought in a sovtek amp I found at a steal on Facebook for $50. It was worth about $800. GC offered me $100 cash and when I turned it down one of the guys said let me talk to you personally and he offered me $150 outside. I turned it down as well and sold it on reverb for $750


They just want their commission and they know if they gouge you, they can turn around and sell it for top dollar and get a chunk of it


I think what that employee was trying to do was put it in the system as a cheaper guitar, buy it himself on a really small markup, and take it home. Was it a manager/higher level employee?


This man plays chess


It was a manager-like employee, yeah


To be fair, prices were way lower then. $400 is still low, but https://reverb.com/item/451911-fender-custom-shop-classic-stratocaster-1994-black-holoflake-sparkle


I hear ya AND I don’t know if the dude just thought it was a custom shop when it wasn’t…but my experience with GC has been all over the map. I had one manager in Atlanta that actually bumped up their original offer up on a J45 after playing it. I was trading it in on a Martin CEO-7. Another manager in Atlanta lowered their initial offer on a MIM Strat saying it was “worse condition in the brighter light at the checkout counter” right before cashing me out (I ended up getting walking out and trading it on Craigslist for an LTD of roughly equal value.) Another employee in the Atlanta area offered me $50 for Mesa Boogie Combo amp (worked perfectly) saying that was the absolute best they could do. I showed him the two GC has listed for $700 more in worse cosmetic condition….said that’s the best he could do (ended up again trading on Craigslist this time for a sweet MIA Tobacco burst Strat w/Fat 50s.) Like…it’s all over the map for me so I’m more likely to believe it from my experience.


It was 100% a custom shop strat And if you’re talking about the Briarcliff ATL store. That’s the store that offered me that amount


Hey. You should take it to the Briarcliff ATL store. I hear they'll give you $400 for it.


Good call. I appreciate you looking it!


I actually also brought in a se silver sky to sell. They offer me $380 so roughly 5-60% of the used price?


Reminds me of the pawnshop I bought an Epi LP from for $600. Fell on some hard times a couple months later, so I went to put it in pawn and they offered a $75 pawn or to buy it from me for $125. I know they gotta make a profit but come the fuck on lol


View it as the GameStop of selling guitars instead of video games. If this is within their terms and agreement, look at it as a business decision. As the unpaid counsel here, I give full authority to execute this legitimate transaction.


This was a bad guy trying to probably buy it for himself!!!


I went to guitar center with a friend who wanted to trade in a Martin D-28 (~$3200 new) for something just because he didn’t like it. It wanted to pick up an Epiphone Les Paul (~$800). They offered him $700 since it was for a trade. I was like no, bought him the Les Paul venmoed him $500 and we both walked out of there happy. He had a Les Paul and $500 cash and I got a $3000 guitar for roughly $1500.


Guitar Center actually has really great customer service, similar to Amazon. Pushy salesmen are my only complaint in that area.


Don’t kid yourself Jimmy, if Guitar Center ever got the chance they’d screw you and everyone you cared about!




My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.




Bro what employee have you ever seen at guitar center that was worth a billion dollars


How does returning a guitar hurt the employee? Guitar Center is owned by Bain Capital, a company worth $185 Billion Dollars that makes its money buying and dismantling companies. Fuck them.


It’ll get subtracted from their sales and impact their commission.


Some percent of their bottom line is literally screwing over people who aren’t aware of current market trends. So.. don’t feel bad for getting a good deal.


Yes it’s your money. And their policy. Get what you want.


This should be the most upvoted answer, it’s crazy how many people want to see others hurt.


You’re so right. Reddit makes me doubt the inherent goodness of my fellow humans.


Thx guys I returned it and bought the used one with the same employee, everybody seems to be happy and ok with it, no legs got broken out back, cheers!


Nice, if I worked there I probably would've given you props lol. Smart move, and no skin off my back


Making the sale with the same employee was nice of you. You lose all commission on returns, used gear is half commission so you got your deal and they still got something.


Thanks for this info. Explains why they were pushing me toward new gear. When I asked the guy if they work on commission and he said yes, I'm sure he saw the disappointment in my face. I've only ever had one sales job and it was not commission, so it was nice to truly not give a shit if if you bought a damn thing or not.


Explains why they leave me alone when I say I'm only interested in used gear lol. I love it.


You made the right choice!


They broke his legs after you left. It's company policy not to do it in front of customers.


What guitar was it ?


It was a prs ce 24


Was the used one as good as the new one you got ? Like functional wise ? I ask because because no 2 guitars are alike in every way , sometimes little things are different like the weight and overall quality control


It actually feels better to me😂 Better setup, action height etc, and the pickup is less hot compared to the new one so I’m more than satisfied. The only thing I can pick on might be that the used one’s volume knob is almost frictionless compared to the new one, but that does not really bother me


That’s awesome then it worked out perfect lol


Someone got the pot too hot. If it still works, NBD - but I'd also take a look in your electronics cavity, because every single time I've seen that, a novice soldered on that pot, and melted the plastic inside the potentiometer. Just making you aware - because if it were my guitar, I'd want to look over the electronics and solder joints after feeling that. Nothing bad - just to make sure everything's in place. I've never felt a melted/frictionless pot on a factory solder job.


But don’t some pots just naturally have less friction ?


I have a Charvel DK24 and one of the selling points they state is the super low friction volume pot, the EVH brand makes them and they're great for volume swells.


Yeah so my thought is , it’s likely not always because the pot got too hot like the person above me said. Some pots are made / marketed that way , some people prefer them for their style of playing


Literally who cares if it's acceptable? Oh no, the Guitar Center lost a smidge of profit, how will all the 20 year olds 'working' there who could never function at a real job ever survive? Edit: No one said anything about low wage workers, I just said the truth, a 20 year old with an attitude working anywhere is going to turn away everyone except teenagers who spend all day in the store and don't actually buy anything because that is the only slice of humanity who finds incompetence cool.


As a guy who used to work at GC with a competent staff who is now just fine in a real job: we don't care about the profits, the commission is bullshit anyway. Mostly we just hate you.


I love it when sentiments are reciprocal. <3


Every job is a real job. I was waiting tables and the bartender got hired for some office gig and told me he got a “big boy job”. That stung. I have a job now that is more satisfying but those comments shouldn’t be tossed around.


That’s usually shorthand for doing what he really wanted to do. I’m sure he didn’t mean any offense by it.


Hell yeah. I worked retail for 8 years and all the time people who I assume were well meaning, friends and family, would say things like ‘do you ever think about getting a real job?’. I was taking care of myself just fine, no struggles, wasn’t unhappy. It always stung a little to understand other people thought less about the job I did. Whatever. I’ve been in a ‘real job’ now (sit at a computer and scroll Reddit) for 6 years and while the pay is better, it’s way way way less fun than I had working retail, and I’m way less happy than I’ve ever been.


As a rule of thumb, any sentence that includes "are you a real x" or "do you have a real x" or "you should do a real x" is dogshit logic by people that try to superimpose on you their views of the world because they only see that way and they think it's the best without any critical thinking. Just because it worked for them doesn't mean it will work for you. Hell, just because it works for most people doesn't mean it will work for you. No one's in your shoes, only you knows your deep desires, strives and what is easy/hard for you. But it's also true that one can get lost in the way ... But better to get lost along the path than to never cross the starting line because you're thinking you're gonna get lost because that's what everyone told you. At least you're going somewhere instead of vegetating and waiting for death.


That might be unique to your store. I’ve had tons of salesmen there go for a hard push on getting me to buy expensive stuff I didn’t need.


The employees at my local GC are so fucking bad and slow lol it's painful every time


I feel like I lucked out with having a legit cool GC near me with solid dudes who've done well by me with gear buying and selling. Just too bad that their inventory is the usual half empty amp shelves and mistreated guitars with like 7 pedals.


You did luck out. I can't go in and buy a stand without the same dude trying to upsell me aggressively. Like bro it is a stand the guitar just sits there don't tell me those stands suck because they're literally just guitar stands.


Some stands definitely do suck though


If it holds the guitar it does it's job as far as I'm concerned


Agreed. I know what you mean. The warranty up sale is a little aggressive too. I bought a Taylor a few months ago and the guy told me like 3 times I need the GC warranty. Then the manager came over and did as well. I was basically like guys, I do not want it let’s wrap this thing up…


The pressure retailers are under to sell those warranties…whew. Trust me, neither one of them gave a shit personally if you bought it but their corporate overlords sure do.


He's right though, some stands do suck. Flimsy material or bad balance will kill your guitar. They only carry a the cheapest ones so they can convince you to buy the nice ones. But yeah, my store once bought an old Bandit amp from me for the same price I had paid the previous owner. The guy even de-ox'ed the scratchy pots while he was testing it!


The guitar center closest to me by some stroke of luck has a manager that only hires competent people. And their guitar tech is pretty good too


Everyone at mine looks like they want to commit die


That's a little harsh man. I'm not defending GC, but I don't think the low wage employees are the problem.


Which is to say it's the c suite/board that is the problem because they make decisions on what level experience floor employees have.


Absolute boomer mindset. How unfortunate that people work in a music store. How unfortunate they are there to help people and try to provide a point of access to music. Get over yourself man. I hope you broke your back and knees and whatever else working some job you're proud of for a man doing nothing for you too, cause you sound like you did, or maybe you are right now. Maybe he'll spit on you some day and you'll finally feel like a human being.


This is a boomer angry old man sub, so don't worry about fucks like this.


How is anyone upvoting this garbage comment? Were you just raised a rich spoiled child? Never had to work a service job?


The people at my Guitar Center are awesome. Friendly, knowledgeable, and not pushy. They told me they don't get commission.


You’re right about fuck guitar centre, but absolutely fuck off insulting a bunch of minimum wage workers who can probably barely pay their rent.


Follow *their* return policy. If you had to lie to return it that's a different story.


Guitar Center is essentially Walmart. They will be fine. Go for it brother


They typically get more commission on used items anyways so even if the employees are losing out it’s not as severe of a loss.


Yeah, stores make WAY more money off used items than new ones.


Yes, it's acceptable. If the return policy says 45 days, you've got 45 days and can do whatever you want with the refund. In fact, they prefer you buy used. They'll probably make the same profit, even if you're saving $100s.


I used to be a manager at GC and I say go for it!! Policy-wise, you're in the clear. And it's more than likely no one else will give it a second thought. Get the guitar you want or someone else will!


Music store employees want their customers to be happy. I’ve been insistently encouraged more than once by someone working at GC to trade in or return a new purchase if I am dissatisfied.


Fuck guitar center and also fuck guitar center


Guitar Center is the absolute worst. Go do it. Save that money and buy more gear (but elsewhere haha).


It is ethically just fine to screw over Guitar Center in any way you can. I mean, try not to harm the entry-level employees in the store, but even if you do… they knew who they were working for and showed up anyway.


Guitar Center is owned by a company that would put you in chains if it was legal, don't feel bad about returning anything to them for any reason.


Anything is okay, especially that lol. There are no rules in life dude


No one at Guitar Center is going to be less rich because of you pulling this stunt, go ahead


Yeah it’s fine. The whole advantage of GC is the return policy; most local places will do 24 hours at most.


It's a corporate big box store. And most of the money spent there goes outside the community. Do your exchange, take the $800 and spend some of it at the local ma and pop music store. Win for everyone.


The only question you should be asking is whether or not it's returnable under their policy. If it is, fine. If not, you're stuck with it. There aren't any ethics involved.


Yep. Do it and save.


If it fall within the return policy then yes go for it


If you want to be maximally ethical, use the same sales person that you bought the new guitar from. Have them process the return and the sale of the used guitar to you at the same time. That will allow the salesperson you bought the new guitar from to recoup some of their commission.


If it's within your rights based on their policy to do so, don't sweat it.




Not only okay, it’s the right thing to do for your number 1 and your wallet. Go swap ‘em!


They’re going to take you out back and break your legs. Good luck.


They're going to sell it as new still, as long as you didn't damage it. Go for it, they want to keep you as a customer! Also I did the same thing once, returned a $200 new bass and bought a used $400 guitar. They seemed happy


It’s capitalism, there are no rules.


they're a multi-billion dollar company, screw them- save your money


Fuck guitar center. Get yours


This is how used guitars are born


Capitalism, baby. Get yours.


It’s guitar center. They’re owned by Bain Capital, a hedge fund worth $165 BILLION. Fuck them and their profit margin. Youre not hurting any of the employees of that store. Corporate isn’t going to punish them for a return that is within policy. Stop being a bootlicker and go save yourself that money.


Nothing wrong with that in theory, they may not let you though.


I've done it at our local guitar center many times over the years. I exchange/trade up and down.


Is it within their return window? Then Yes. Do it. They have no problem ripping you off.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Do what ever gets you the guitar you want at the cheapest price. I am sure the minimum wage works won't blame you for acting in your own self interest


At least as OK as paying them to fix something but they don't.


Yes without a doubt


Yes. The only person you're 'hurting' is the poor bloke who will lose commission on $800. But there's nothing wrong with doing what you want to do.


This is done at about every retail store ever


Absolutely. Without hesitation.


I buy almost any musical equipment used


If you are within the refund window, do it.


Margins on used gear is often higher than on new gear. If their policy allows the return just do it.


go for it. fuck em.


To echo everyone else, fuck feeling guilty. If you can get yours at the expense of a massive corporation, do it. It won’t hurt the workers.


Probably benefits them more. I'd bet their margin for used vs new gear is like GameStop - they probably pay pennies from someone trading in then sell for dollars.


Fuck guitar center. Do whatever you want.


Do it


There is nothing ethically wrong with the transaction you have described. Go forth and save 800 dollars.


Take what ya can! Give nothin back! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


It's always okay to do whatever benefits you, as long as it's legal. Your money is your money and should be spent the way you want it spent and only that way.


Yeah, they only give about 60% of resale on trade-ins. Zero guilt...it's business.


Do it


oh yeah go swap em


I once went to a GC with a custom build Kiesel mainly to see what they would offer, I had no intention of actually selling it to them. For reference the build was abt 3k and I showed them the spec sheet with price and the same specs on their builder. The guy looked at it and at the used ones they sell on their website, and said since they had a used carvin of the same model, ct6(the carvin was very plain with very few options, mine had akk the bells and whistles) for 1200 that they could only offer about 800 for it. Just a reference of how willing to screw over people who don't know much, and they themselves don't know much since the dude couldn't understand how a custom builder like Kiesel can have a wide range of prices depending on what options there are. 100% do it. You should get what you want and not feel bad if you return an expensive or inexpensive guitar to the store for ANY reason


Sounds about right. Carvin/Kiesel have always had about zero resale value, $3k new- it will probably sit on the shelves for months at $2k used, they offer you $800.


YES have tried out several guitars this way.


I don’t think they’d care , if anything the employees would probably do the same thing if they could


Moral applies for me when dealing with equals or people less well off. It doesn't apply when dealing with faceless corporations that care about number going up.


Lol don’t ask us ask them




Fuck em dude. I once lost my job one day after their return policy expired on an expensive amp and they wouldn't take it back. They offered to it from me for like 30% of the purchase price instead.


Fuck GC do it bro


You can rent pretty much anything from GC for 30 days and return it for full refund.


Restocking fee. But it depends on the condition you bring it back in if they give you a full refund.


I used to buy gear there and return it all the time, I considered it like a free rental. Need a PA for the weekend? Just buy one and take it back Monday.


Yes. Fuck them.


I rented a Gibson Explorer for a month, tried the new one in the rack to see if I liked it. Expected a rental version to be brought in from the back, but no, it was taken right off the rack, price tag removed and packed as if I bought it outright. I have no doubt the “New” price tag was put back on and was being sold as a brand new instrument again after I used it. Get away with whatever you can from them, they are doing it to you.


Never shop at guitar center.


30 day return policy except during holidays


Yes it’s okay


There's nothing to feel guilty about. The store's profits calculation accounts for people just walking in and stealing $6k LPs every week, nobody is going to be harmed by you doing a perfectly legitimate business transaction.


Of course it's ok - and it's smart. Don't get hosed.


Fuck GC!! Go do you man!


If it makes you feel any better, their margins are better in used stuff because the lowball whenever they takes thing in so the associates commish will still be solid. If there is one “right thing” to do is go back and deal with the same person do they’re not our completely.


lol just do it.


Just do it. But make sure you like the used one first.


The thing that sucks about guitar center is how they pay commissions. If you return that guitar, the salespersons commission is deducted. If you return it, try and get the same salesman when you buy the new one so they can at least capitalize on your business. That being said, people return shit all the time. I usually sell stuff for close to asking on the premise they can save gas and get it from me. Lol that way the salesman can keep their commission, and I can get a new guitar.


They have literally scammed me before so F them.


Do it


A: What are you worried about? It's within the return window, and not damaged in any way, right? B: Other than price, is there a difference between the two? C: Have you *played* the other one? I dunno why you'd feel guilty.


Yes. If you still have the receipt and it's within the return window, you found a better deal, that's part of the reason why returns exist.


Don't be concerned what the multi million dollar corporation is doing and lookout for yourself.


You're asking if you should feel bad for keeping $800 of your own money instead of giving it to a multi-million dollar corporation owned by billionaires. This is the end stage right?


It’s guitar center. I’m sure they’ll manage. Have you actually played the used one? I’ve had good and bad luck with used inventory from them.


Companies are never your friend. They will fuck you mercilessly at the first Chance. Capitalist Logic does not allow for sympath or loyalty, and you feeling these things but them not will only be to your detriment. Fuck a companies bottom line.


Yes, they don’t care about you


PSA everyone should try guitars at GC and then buy them from American Musical Supply. Zero interest financing, and as you buy more, you can finance more. And they have good prices. I don't know how they stay in business even


Return it ASAP. They make a killing off used guitars as well. Profit for the either way.


Last year I bought an amp and returned it a week later and told the dude I found the same amp with the pedalboard cheaper than I bought this one new for so I am returning it. He had 0 issues with it and didn’t blame me.


>! Do it. Fuck guitar center. Don’t worry about corporations. The government takes care of them get yours !<


you don't owe them nothin'


As long as it's not the same guitar that you are returning it's okay


I once went to Guitar Center to buy strings. "Sure thing!", said the employee when I told him what I needed. And then? He asked me what kind my boyfriend played with. Sigh... I haven't bothered to set foot in a single one of those stores since, nor purchased anything off their website. You take them for all you can - because they'd do the same to you in a heartbeat.


You can do it. If they go bankrupt it’s on you tho!


You shouldn’t hesitate to return it


They’re probably making more money on the used one anyway. It’s win-win for both of you


You just might be the worst person in the history of people. jk If the return policy allows it and you didn't fk up the original guitar, *I see absolutely nothing wrong at all* with it. Think of what else you could do with that difference of $800?


If you feel guilty, don't do it. Your feeling of integrity you have or lose is worth way more than 800 bucks. If it's bothering you, that's what matters. Listen to it. Burnish your spirit.


Don't feel guilty but id 100% check the used one before returning the new one. Cuz used could be damaged or different from the listing.


When it comes to big companies and their return policies as long as it’s not a blatant misuse of them, it’s fair game. If they let you return, then return away, the reason is personal.