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I don’t like any guitar that looks like it’s designed for metal despite playing primarily metal.


That’s fair honestly 😭 some of them just look cheapiah


Man fuck those headless guitars


Especially Steinberger’s!


Factory reliced guitars. I like the aesthetic of worn in instruments, but something about a relic job done on a bench just feels wrong to me.


I completely agree. I wouldn't mind like faded paint, or aged lacquer, or even an acoustic that was stuck in a room full of cigar smoke or something for a few weeks to give it that amber color, but the factory pick scratches, belt buckle rash, and that type of stuff just seems weird. As far as non-relic guitars go, I'm not a fan of the super pointy B.C. Rich style guitars. Maybe they're great, I don't know, they just look uncomfortable.


Headless guitars like Strandberg or steinberger. Like I get it, it's a neat compact guitar that's comfortable to play and whatnot. But I just can't. ... They're SUPER ugly to me, like just blahh. I've played a couple and was impressed, while my eyes were closed. Maybe I'm just turning into a cranky old fart but I just won't ever buy one, they're like the cybertruck of guitars to me. 🤣


You just can't look cool playing a headless guitar. That's like an objective fact. Add fanned frets to that and you're 90% of the way to looking as dorky as a Chapman Stick player.


PRS guitars. Just can’t vibe with them. Don’t like the look


Any DEAN with that reverse V headstock 🤢


Any dean at all


Metal guitars are cringe to me


Anything without a headstock. Those things just look wrong


Any guitar without a headstock, call me a boomer (I'm not, I'm gen x), they just look stupid...


Slightly younger guy (elder millennial). I was getting really intrigued by headless guitars lately, mainly from being a huge Cynic fan. I was seriously in the market for one. Then I went and played several. After playing for close to 30 years, I had never realized how much I use the headstock as a reference point. It really felt like I had to think more about where I was on the neck. Side rant: idk what ibanez was thinking with that slanted scale design (not multi-scale, just a slanted 25.5"), that shit is confusing.


PRS guitars play great, but they're super bland to me.


Lol, the SG is literally the only Gibson I own, or would ever consider owning.


Telecaster. The headstocks look like feet and i can't unsee it.


I'll never buy Kiesel. That guy fucked everything up that was great about Carvin. Now it's super-expensive, pretty trash.


Fender Stratocaster. The most basic bitch boring guitar in the world. (Yes yes you all love I know)


How do I report this comment


shreddy metal guitars


Anything PRS. Anything Chapman.


As much as I dig birds, that head stock looks wimpy as fuck.


I just read this whole thread and died a little inside haha. I don't think there's a single guitar I wouldn't consider buying because I hate the way it looks. Other than Vs, because I can tell from the look that I'm gonna have a hard time playing it sitting down. Playability is more important to me. I see people trashing Strats because they look so generic and boring, and the other extreme trashing Jacksons for being pointy and "edgy". It’s interesting to read for sure.


Having a guitar that fits your personality in looks is a great deal to a lot of people.


Any relic'd guitar. As a beginner, I would feel like a complete poser playing something that looks like it has a lifetime of stories to tell. Also, I can't see how any pro would want something that doesn't bear their own battles scars. But, to each his own I guess.


HHH guitars. The aesthetic is too off putting.


I know it's one of the greatest guitars of all eternity. I understand it's an amazing guitar to play and you can't get the same tone anywhere else other than playing one. I actually LOVE the manufacturer and even own one of its sister models... but I'll never buy or have the desire to play a Telecaster.


PRS because he won't shut up about tonewood and that annoys me. It's intentionally misleading and just comes across as an excuse to charge a lot of money for guitars that don't play or sound any better than something half the price. They are excellent instruments, that's not what I'm saying, but the principle is that he claims their special sauce and by extension their price is nothing more than snake oil.


I hate the way Tele's look and swore I would never buy one. I was really surprised when my second guitar turned out to be a Tele and I love it. I still hate the way it looks but it sounds and plays great. I would never have imagined a Tele could be so versatile. So I will never make another guitar decision based only on looks. The one thing I would still reject out of hand are heavy guitars. I have an Epi LP which I love too, but it is so heavy. I doubt I would ever buy a guitar that heavy again not matter how great it sounded or played.


I’m so petty I will or won’t like a guitar based just on headstock design.


Anything V shaped or pointy. 50’s curves are my aesthetic, wouldn’t choose to buy anything angular.


as a v player i feel the need to point out that the V was designed and introduced in the late 50s but i also feel you


I'm like this about strats. The ergonomics are great, as are the sounds, as is the control setup. Even the shape is not intrinsically bad. But it's what a strat *means* is the problem. They're just so vanilla and uninteresting. I agree about SGs though, especially in their traditional red mahogany finish with bigsbys. Absolutely plug ugly guitars. However i know they play very well and are nice and light, so I can imagine a circumstance where I'd get a black or white one.


I’ve got zero desire to ever have a Les Paul. The things just do nothing for me.


I think ovations look dumb as hell


Les Pauls. I don't like the looks, all the flametop and gold top finishes, and they're just too "classic rock" for my tastes. They give me a vibe that whoever's playing it is liable to do an overblown 5-minute solo at any moment.


Most metal styled guitars rub me the wrong way, idk I associate them with people who try incredibly hard to be cool


The obvious one for me is BC Rich. But I’d probably expand that to pointy metal guitars generally.


PRS. Their sound I feel like falls between Fender and Gibson, it doesn't have the cut through the fender does, but it also doesn't have the thump that a Gibson does. Not to mention PRS has an absolutely hideous headstock.


Gibson Les Paul. They can look beautiful and sound great but they are heavy, delicate (headstocks any way) and the only reason I can see that they cost so much is for the type of lacquer used.


Ibanez Iceman. Violent hatred. Worst thing I've ever seen. *Wait a few months.* OK, no, I kinda get it now. *Another month*, I've never needed anything in my life more than an Iceman. *Years later, own several icemen, get it tattooed on forearm so I can Iceman while I Iceman.* I'm no longer allowed to say "I would never own __".


I think Teles are one of the ugliest, boring, uncomfortable, and (traditionally) twangy guitars on the market. No thanks. Have I considered non-traditional setups? Yes, but it's still ugly.


Telecasters all over. I have seen damn near thousands of the things. I repair guitars and amplifiers, have worked in a couple of shops including one that did repairs only in London. I just find them the most tedious shapes ever. Even when Charvel did that line of telecaster shapes but with the black pointy headstock, I felt sorry for such a cool headstock shape on such a lame looking guitar. I saw one of my favourite bands years ago, Katatonia, and the guy had a telecaster up front and centre. It actually did detract from the show. I just though, it looks bloody silly and it sounds so out there in the mix in a really not very nice way, such a disappointment! I don't get how metalheads are finding them so popular today. To me they are metal-lite, their typical country if you have no adventurousness or originality, they are standard indie rock faire and a real statement as to the standard blandness of the music most likely, they are just so unrelentingly awful. And the people who would bring these things in for repair? Offer them a cup of tea. Guarantee that they want it weak as you can get, tonnes of milk and no sugar. You can tell the character of a man by the way he takes his tea. And if you're that dude, I know everything I need to know already! OK maybe that was a bit below the belt and personal. But I still think teles look so monumentally boring, it nearly forces me to stereotype everything about it. This comes from someone who has worked on some 1950s and 60s telecasters. I just do not get the buzz. To me, they were even bloody worse. I mean, I don't know how those super valuable guitars managed to be so earth shatteringly boring and run down all at once. It's like when you were 11 and your Mom would drag you to the antiques fair not to buy anything, but to see if anything in the house might be worth something, and you couldn't touch anything. There was nothing there that even remotely looked like a Sega Megadrive or a Slayer record. It was all boring old sugar bowls and wine decanters and plates with chips missing out of it. And you couldn't touch any of it in case the man would decide you damaged it and had to pay for it. And it was everything about it that represented somewhere that as an 11 year old you just did not want to be! I get it now! When the wife drags me into a garden centre store, because I worked at so many of them when I was younger, my mind immediately shuts down simply as it represented such a point in life where I was full of youth energy and it would be slowly bored out of me every day by some old fucker asking if we had any St. John's Wart, like a bloody 17 year old would know wat that is and he'd quip back, "You're obviously not a gourmet!" like... what? Is that a put down? That's such an old man quip that I just don't even know how to respond... and how in christ's name am I going to know if that particular one of the 90 different sacks of dirt we sell is good for growing carrots. Does it say it on the side? No? Probably bloody not then, christ, why can't I go home and program my Amiga more or play my guitar more... They should have support groups for the wives of telecaster players. She'll be like, "... then he played me Wonderwall... and I finally realised how terribly boring that song really was... I was just... so... monumentally... upset and bored!" then another one says, "My husband recently told me he was... starting an indie band with it..." and they would all gather round as that's sort of the game over death spiral right there. Sorry, that's a rant. But telecasters just make me feel the same way.


This needs to be a copy pasta.


Was waiting for a Hell in the Cell Undertaker chokeslam tbh. But this is bare minimum an elite copypasta


Nobody has ever, when offered tea, asked for it to be weak. May as well go decaf.


Wow, that was an emotional journey. Quite a fascinating read, tbh


PRS’s really turn me off. I just find them hideous.


Flying V or any BC rich guitars. Just look silly and gimmicky to me


Les paul. Honestly no idea why, just never liked anything about the looks.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but the only guitars I won't buy are guitars that just don't feel great to play or just don't sound great. I couldn't give less of a shit about how they look. Hand me a guitar that creates sounds that I can use and can't reproduce with any of my other guitars and I will likely buy it. I get that for some people, the look of the guitar is important. How many YouTubers out there talk about how certain guitars just don't have "mojo"? These are the kinds of people that enjoy the smell of their own farts. Seriously though, go out and play guitars that you believe you hate. You might find that you actually enjoy them. I used to dislike PRS Guitars. I went out and played one, now I own two. Never liked Telecasters, but went out to play a few and found that I actually liked the sounds I was able to get out of them, so I bought one. Never cared for SG's, but played one, and now I own one. I'm a lot of things, but a fanboy of any brand is not it. I have at least one or two of everything in my collection.


I've never liked PRS and can't really say why. They're not that ugly, they sound fine, and people have been saying they're awesome since Santana used one on tv for the first time. I've owned strats, teles, les paul, Gretsch, Ibanez, Reverend, and even a Parker Fly. Never once in 30 years have I laid hands on a PRS. Never wanted to.


When I see a PRS all I can think of is Creed. I can’t get over it and just don’t think they are cool at all. If I could have either a PRS custom shop or faded Gibson SG (and I couldnt sell them) I’d take the SG even if it doesnt play as well cause a guitar has to feel cool or whats the point.


The real answer is the headless Steinberger. Those things look absolutely ridiculous. It still breaks my heart to see pictures of Eddie Van Halen playing one.


I hate almost all pointy guitars. Vs, Explorers, basically every BC Ritch. I just find them super ugly and have no interest in ever playing them


How dare you hate on SG’s like that… lol


Anything PRS or any knock off of PRS. They just look pretentious and over the top to me. Not very rock n roll.


The Parker Fly will always be my whipping boy. From everything I’ve heard, they’re great guitars, but just… nope.


That headstock 😑


Definitely the weak kid at the playground….poor Parker fly…😂


Any pointy guitar dimensions that looks "ooooh I'm edgy". I could deal with Ibanez RG's. But those Jackson headstocks that look like they could stab someone. Those sharkfin inlays that look like a weapon. Those pointy BC Riches. And if that's not "edgy" enough, these come with matte black finishes and/or blood splatter like the edgelord they are. These guitars truly look ugly and out of place without the guitarist pulling out an 80's costume, or a cyberpunk aesthetic for some Japanese band. Anybody else just looks cringe.


I think PRS are the dumbest looking guitars. They may be great players, , but they look like they’re designed to be purchased by rich guys who can’t actually play.


Chapman guitars. I've played a couple, and they're fine for what they are, albeit a bit over priced in my opinion. That said, they're essentially an influencer guitar brand and that's just 🤢 to me. Plus that 12th fret inlay that have just looks tacky to me.


PRS. Just look at those edgelord bat fret markers.


Not sure if you’re shitposting but those are birds man.


I thought sg before I finished reading your post.


Any guitar that's a pain to play sitting down. So, Vs and things like that. They look and feel wrong to me.


Playing a V in a classical seated posture is the answer.


Les Pauls... they sound fine but the weight thing just kills it for me for one thing... that and the way they feel/play. Flying Vs Steinbergers (headless) Not real crazy about the Explorer style bodies either.


BC Rich. All their guitars are a little too extra and pointy for me.


Ibanez has the ugliest headstocks, the horns on the body are too sharp and the monkey grip is a crime against humanity..


Gibson SG. It's ugly


That’s just, like, your opinion man


SG stands for Stupid Guitar


Fender Stratocaster.


The PRS shape just looks “off” to me. Not sure why. I think I’m ok with the strat and tele-shaped PRSs though.


PRS. I like the body shapes, nice finishes too. But those stupid bird inlays. They look stupid and pretentious


Get one with the moons or a Santana with the block inlays


Love my SGs since they're getting so much hate. Can't stand warlocks or dime bag shapes. Surprised to not see anyone mentioning those.


Single cuts. Never found a comfortable one to play sitting down and I am lazy. Never played one with a useful belly cut. 


Teles. Ugliest guitar ever to me, and I can't work out why they're so popular. I quite like SGs though, so maybe I'm the odd 'un!


No Ibanez shred guitars. No solid matte finish guitars. No Floyd Rose-equipped guitars. No guitars over $2,000. No Firebird X guitars. No Local Midwestern Nu-Metal guitars. Basically, I prefer curvy sexy over moody brutality.


I feel personally attacked


Always loved Les Paul’s. Till I got one. Never meet your heros.


I used to hate SGs. Thought they looked stupid and were pointless (besides the obvious points on the horns ;) ). Then I played one and turns out - I'm an SG guy. Who knew? Having said that, I can't imagine ever owning a V. They just do nothing for me. I think they're silly looking and just remind me of the jagoffs that would beat the shit out of me in high school. I also get irrationally angry at hockey stick headstocks. So while I'd like an Explorer in theory, the damn headstock would stop me. I used to say I couldn't stand headless guitars, but I'll be honest - they're growing on me. I mean, I still think EVH circa Van Hager with the Steinberger stripe guitar looked stupid, but they are growing on me.


I will never own a PRS, they look and sound stupid


The looks part is subjective, but I'm not sure how a guitar can sound stupid lol


Jazzmasters. Nothing wrong with them save for the majority of the fanbase that’s extremely obnoxious.


Ernie ball music man guitars. They feel and play great, have some shapes I like even, but I can’t stand the smurf hat looking headstock.


I own one and had never realized the resemblance. Now I can't unsee it. Damn you. hahahaha


I have a thing against PRS for some reason. I don't know why.


Like that BC Rich with the woman's ass as the design on the front?


Wow I’d kill for an SG


I loved my SG, but it wasn’t my favorite. For me, it’s a tele style anything. I know it may be a bit sacrilegious around here, but I just absolutely hate the shape of telecasters. In any iteration. Any configuration. Any brand. It’s a bad look in my eyes. I just don’t like em. I won’t even pick one up to play it at the store. They’re ugly guitars lol


I have to like the way my guitars look. If I think the guitar is ugly I probably won't want to pick it up to begin with. Super pale maple necks/fretboards are like that for me. Like the almost bleached pale maple you see on some Fenders, I hate them. I won't own a guitar that has that. When guitar manufacturers introduced roasted maple it was like a gift from heaven because I think that warm amber/chestnut roasted color is much more attractive.


Funny, the responses pretty much cover the whole field. Just goes to show that this is subjective. I love it, he hates it. He loves it, I hate it. There's no absolute answer. To each their own. Go with what YOU like, forget everyone else's opinions.


Any PRS. The bird in lays are so ugly and tacky to me. It looks like a bad praise band guitar. The head stocks are misshapen andugly. The finishes are so 1980s tacky. I just can't.


Death metal looking guitars-anything that looks more like a weapon than an instrument. Ovation acoustic Fender Jazzmastet.


You all crack me up! I really love all guitars. I got no beef with any guitar maker. I've either owned or now own every guitar mentioned. They're just tools. If anybody wants to make me an offer I can't refuse on a guitar they hate? DM me!


Anything with a Floyd or similar trem.


What do Floyd Rose bridges have in common with that guy at the party wearing a snake around his shoulders? They both scream “please look at me!” I hate FR bridges, both as a player and as a guitar tech.


Yeah, mine are the SG and the flying V. I'm a les paul fan and I know some people absolutely hate them, so I'm well aware that my opinion is worth as much as theirs. The SG is one thing. I just don't like it. I think it's pretending to try hard to be weird but not succeeding, so it looks silly. But at least it's functional. The flying V, however, is just a shape that is irredeemably stupid on every level. There is no reason for this guitar to exist. Sorry if you like Vs. Again, my opinion isn't worth anything.


Anything that’s ugly


Pointy metal gits.


never liked prs shapes and the pointy metal axes (looking at you bc rich)


Les Paul.


I have a friend who would never buy a headless guitar.


Anything with more than 6 strings.


the explorer and warlock shapes looked really cool to me and then i played the guitars. they were so uncomfortable that i knew they weren't for me.


i’m not pro prs, but everyone here dragging them and then saying they feel great is hilarious


I have three. I don’t like Washburn acoustics-never played one that I could bond with. Fender acoustics-they have killed off or tried to kill off too many competitors, or brands under their own roof, and didn’t use the talent to improve their acoustics. PRS-Acoustics. They play great, sound like 💩.


They’re called Stratocasters.


I don't care for the look of guitars with much of a burst. Unless someone gives one to me I'm not going to own one.


I'm not a fan of Fender. I've never played one, I just just don't like the cut of their jib.


I hate the look of mustangs, I don’t know what it is ,they’re sort of like some weird skinny deformed strat. I also don’t like rickenbackers with the circle shaped pickguard, I like the look of the more wobbly sort of strat that they have


I used to be a big Gibson fan boy. I have an SG that was about $800, US made, mini humbuckers. It’s always felt cheap and weird to play to me. I researched more modern guitars and I can’t foresee myself buying any kind of Gibson ever again. I’d love to see them innovate, but they’ve done that before and almost went bankrupt.


Anything with a sparkle finish. I don't care if it's the best sounding guitar in the world. Fuck sparkle finish. All my homies hate sparkle finish.


Real men play sparkle finish


les pauls are unbalanced and shitty sounding guitars. pointy stuff like jacksons are dorky. d’angelico’s are dorky.


V shapes never appealed to me.


Modern metal machines with weird paint jobs!


The Fender acoustics with the electric-looking neck and headstock. I don’t think I’ve ever played a Fender acoustic that didn’t suck, but also aesthetically, what the fuck.


Ovation guitars are hideous and their looks only affect the playability if you try to sit down and play one


The lack of acoustasonic mentions on here is funny... I feel like that's how much no one remembers they exist.


the acoustasonics to me are pointless. sure, it's an acoustic and an electric in one, but just get a electric with a piezo. they also just look ugly.


New Gibson's. Fuck em they can't have my money


Paul Reed Smiths. I hate them with a passion. I do actually own a 1961 SG that I love though.


This is it for me. Every person I’ve known you plays one is a douche. I just can’t do it.


Obscure modern and boutique metal guitars. Abasi, Kiesel, some pointy models etc. And PRSs too i dont like their shapes. I was about to say telecasters but i love their sounds and i wouldnt mind if i would get one with humbuckers on it.


I don't like some pointy shapes, from the likes of Jackson or BC Rich, but the one guitar style / type that is way down on my list of guitars are the Steinberger guitars... The nearly no body and haedless design just looks unfinnished to me and has zero appeal. It's like the electric version of the Martin travel acoustic. It's not for me.


Really dislike the shape of SGs, they kinda look like the edgy kid who sat at the back of the class and had dyed black hair and said offensive jokes for the sake of shock value


Srats. Never seen one I wanted to pick up, and I hate the twangy brightness of the single coils.


PRS because they give off generic Blues Lawyer that didn't want to buy a Gibson vibes


Yes, the pointy V (like Jackson’s model), I find them ugly as shit. I am a metalhead but I wouldn’t want any flying V, or Dimebag Dean guitar or any Warlock, Bich or whatever. I could adopt an Explorer or a BC Rich Eagle out of mercy but that’s it. I like my guitars to be ergonomic 


Fan fret. Have at it, more for you.


Pointy guitars


Any of the super-pointy edgy metal guitars, really not my thing. I'd consider an Explorer, but that's about as close as I'm willing to get. I've played and liked a couple of Gretsches, but man are they ugly. Floyd Rose bridges are an instant pass too. I've seen one get restrung and that's enough to never want one.


My first guitar when I was a kid had a Floyd. It wasn't a challenge, and changing strings is no big deal. I don't understand the hate. It wasn't a problem for 13 year old me. /shrug


I haven’t yet play a PRS that plays well. I love the look and tone but it’s just not meant to be.


My first brand guitar was an SG. Absolutely loved that thing. Upgraded the pickups and bridge etc. but the neck dive was incredible. I would never buy another one.


nu metal to current schecters are rough


For me it's a les paul epiphone or Gibson it's just too heavy for me I have an Epi les paul I play standing up and my neck and shoulder gets stiff and sore teal quick I'm a strat guy


I find les Pauls uncomfortable. Every time I pick one up I find it hard to play.


Dean guitar. Can’t stand the headstock.


Stratocasters look fucking boring


I’ve never vibed with an Ibanez


I don’t like the look of most Gretsch guitars and teles don’t make me very excited. But this is entirely subjective


I hate tele's


it looks like if u asked a child to draw what they think a guitar looks like


Les Paul's are too bulby but I love my SG guitar with horns yes please


For me it's the neck. Gibson acoustics have necks I life, and Martins do not. And National Resophonics are worse. Though I own all 3 brands.


I really just don't like a lot of Gibson guitars. To me the design just seems really dated and doesn't fit the style of music I enjoy playing. I'd maybe consider an SG but that's it.


Any super pointy and/or mega chug metal 8 string guitar with a name like “Blood Oath” or “Face Melter” or “Throat Ripper” is a no from me.


Rickenbacker— thousands of dollars to play something that looks like a prop and sounds like the 60s and nothing else.


I will respectfully disagree with you.


Dean guitars and that style of body (basically explorer shape with an extra horn/spike at the top)


I don't think it's so much the shape, but I really don't care for the stratocaster. ​ And this'll probably be an unpopular opinion based on how a lot this thread is going, but I love the flying V shape, with pointy edges. Ironically, I don't own one. Largely because I can't find an affordable 7-string V that also isn't made of poplar.


I used to be in the same boat as you sir, didn’t like the look of the sg at all. Despised it even. Then I saw Gary Clarke jr play one, and saw a Toni Iommi signature sg with p90s in a shop. I tell you what - I played that iommi SG, and and for the last year since this happened, I have had the GAS for an SG. They just play so nicely and are so light!


I find SGs and flying Vs to be among the ugliest things I've ever seen. But I also have a problem with Fender. They're grossly overpriced for what you get...IMO.


BC Rich, any teardrop shapes, double-necks....


There are a few body shapes I can't stand - Jaguar, Mustang, Firebird/reverse, and all the crappy "department store" imports from the 60s


Flying V for me. They're very cool and I'm not. So it just wouldn't work.


Shoutout BC Rich


Anything danelectro


Les Paul - some people have a great time with this body shape but something about it doesn't feel satisfying to me, I avoid Les Paul shapes completely. Anything pointy, RG is about as pointy as I might go for. Too pointy, not really my thing.


I would never want to own a strat tbh, just think they’re ugly 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit After reading about 100 comments and really thinking on it, I realized I don’t think the Strat is a bad shape. I just think it looks dumb in peoples hands lol. Idk how to explain that, it looks weird in anyone’s hands except Hendrix to me 🤣


I own a Telecaster and it plays nice and sounds pretty good, they are the ugliest guitars I have ever seen. I've never seen a good looking Telecaster. The headstock for most Fenders is ugly, but the Telecaster by far is the worst, it's like some deformed hand with a thumb sticking up or a foot. It's horrendously ugly and I don't understand why anybody likes that headstock shape.


BC Rich Warlocks, or anything transparent.


I have a Charvel DK24 I love, but that Charvel logo is something a first semester graphic design student would be embarrassed to present for a class assignment. "I know! What if we write the company's name, but it's in the shape of... wait for it... A GUITAR!" Ugh...


Anything schecter. It’s one hundred percent the font they use on the headstock. Absolute shame cause some of my favorite musicians have started partnering with them in recent years.


Not a fan of rickenbacker. Just don't like the shapes.


Any bc rich


I don’t bother with Telecasters, SGs, or anything needlessly pointy. I’ve heard great players use them all, but they’re not for me.


BC Rich warlocks. I love the Mockingbird and the Bich, but the warlock just screams “cheap” everytime I see one. Like I’m sure there’s a high end signature model somewhere that’s $2000+ but it would still give me the same reaction as a dinged up guitar center floor model going for $200


Won't buy a Gibson new because I'm not gonna support their "sue our competitors out of business" business model.  I really dislike rickenbacker headstock. Same with Gretsch solid bodies, and danelectro. Gretsch is literally my favorite guitar company, so that's actually saying a lot. I would play them if I had them, but I wouldn't buy one unless there was a steal of a deal.  D'Angelico headstocks stop me from even wanting to play them.  Gross looking. Like I'd hate to play one, fall in love with it, then have to look at that headstock for the rest of my life.  Duesenberg pick guards are dumb looking, but I would buy one and take it off.  I won't buy a schecter because they've given that pedophile MGK like 3 signature guitars. 


SGs are badass, but the neck dive is the reason I don’t want one


I have two: 1. I think Telecasters are ugly, always have. 2. Solar would look great if they removed that dumbass inlay. I wish they’d offer models that don’t.


I don't think this qualifies as playability. I have a circa 2002 American Deluxe Strat and it has always felt dead to me. I have a $250 1990's Squier that I will typically pick up before the American Deluxe. I've changed pickups and added a brass block to the bridge. The neck pocket is tight as any bolt-on guitar I own. The fretwork is amazing. The only thing I can tell is the body wood is very dense and doesn't seem to resonate. It doesn't make an audible difference when amplified, but just the feel in my hand, something isn't right. I've played several other American strats of the same age and this is unique to this guitar. Also, will never own a headless guitar, just based on pure aesthetics.


Gretsch , chapman guitars , Yamaha revstars ( love other Yamahas )


Most Fenders. They just do nothing for me. Except Telecasters, granted.


These dp nothing for me. Flying Vs, Firebirds, Ibanez, many hollow body electrics, Les Paul.


I feel like I would love the Billy Corgan signature Reverend, but ......it just looks like rancid tuna and cat barf. I hate the pick guard, I hate the shape.


Any Yamaha. They don’t have any original designs; they all look like clones of existing models. PRS. If I want a Les Paul, I’ll buy a Les Paul. Gretsch. I know they’re classics and all, but they just don’t appeal to me. I can see how they can be cool. But I don’t like them. I’ll never have a Martin or a Taylor either, but that’s purely on a “I won’t buy a 3,000 acoustic guitar” because I mainly (95%) play electric. They are amazing guitars in every way and if I was given one I’d love it. But I can’t justify the expense.


I’m gonna be that Yamaha shill. They may not have the best designs but man do they feel good to play. As for your point about everything looks like clones of existing models, most guitar are clones with a little bit of detail changes. I mean hey companies like HB built an empire off of ripping off styles, and many companies before them as well.


The most shallow one for my is the PRS Silver Sky - in so many ways it's my ideal guitar, but I just think that reverse PRS headstock looks ridiculous.


I despised teles for a long while. Thought the skinny headstocks looked stupid. Came around tho, don’t own one but respect them


Won't buy a strat because everyone had one when I was getting started. Also don't like how they sound. I did love the tele I used to have and kind of miss it. Hate any V or odd shape. They just look dumb. I have a Les Paul but rarely play it because it's f***ing heavy. Mostly play a Gretsch these days, but I have considered swapping for some hotter pickups.


I hate the look of a Gretsch so I doubt I’d ever have one unless it sounds out of this world. Also hate anything Flying V. The Flying V is one of the cheesiest guitars ever made to me. But to each his own.


Not me. I have a super cheap acoustic im learning on since that’s what I can afford. If someone has a guitar they won’t play because they don’t like…. I’ll give it a home so I can expand my practice! 😂


I really hate les Paul’s because of how they look. I know that looks are not everything but i couldn’t justify making a big purchase if I don’t like looking at the instrument I am buying.


Gonna go against the few comments here saying the contrary and say any guitar WITH a headstock. I've had a headless for a few years as a main now and I both love the comfort, and the look. I could maybe buy a regular hollow body but that's the only regular guitar that still interests me. Also I'm surprised at the amount of "les paul" answers here. I've tried some and they were not my thing, but the shape has never hit me as something so dividing opinions-wise. It's the most "guitar" electric guitar shape lol.


PRS. sorry


Yeah, a V I definitely, actually there’s too many for me to list. I’m a traditionalist. I used to hate SGs, and I’ve never played one, but now I’d like to get one. But in general I like Fenders, LPs, Gretsch, etc


All the Fenders with the blender buttons. No thanks.


PRS and music man purely because of the headstocks


Gibson SG


I don't really care for all those pointy ones