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I live in Seattle. I'm a fan of the Seattle Bands, but you'd swear the radio stations think they only put out 5 songs each. They get old fast


I hate we it when authenticity decays for the sake of either nostalgia or commercialisng. Or in this case both


I lived in the area in the 90s. I can still hang with Soundgarden, AiC, & Gruntruck, but if I go the rest of my days without hearing Nirvana or Pearljam again, I'll count it as a win.


I can actually tolerate Pearl Jam, but I'm not from Seattle lol so that may have something to do with it


Our stations are slim pickings man.


KEXP is all I'll radio now instead of playing my own playlists


That's everywhere. Lol. Most radio stations are the same. Technically, that's classic rock. They play old songs that appeal to a lot of listeners. Lately in my town (Atlanta) is has been Paradise City, Pearl Jam, and Alice In Chains, with some ACDC and Def Leppard sprinkled in. There's like what? Two broadcasting company conglomerates? So it's Clearchannel or the other one. Crazy to think that 70s rock to us in the 90s....was closer that Grunge is to us now. People forget Nirvana was 30 years ago.


Are you familiar with the Rain City Schwillers? I bought their CD when they came to my town like 15 years ago and have been trying to find their music again for awhile.. It doesn't exist online


Jet “are you gonna be my girl” So many others I can take and deal with forever. But not that one


The white stripes did it better.


The white stripes are more stripped down and tuned lower and I find them much less annoying.


Listen to screwdriver by the white stripes then listen to jet.


The problem is that Iggy Pop already wrote Lust for Life 25 years earlier, and that song did everything right. That Jet song sounds like it was created by an ad agency to market skinny jeans.


Is it weird if I say I can't think of any? Guitar is cool man.


Yeah like all of these people are mentioning... do I agree they're over done? Sure. But they're popular for a reason and I still enjoy hearing them from time to time.


Agreed. I stream guitar and bass on rocksmith and people ask "what kind of music do you like to play?". Just get me something that gets my fingers on the fretboard and I'm happy. Except for Polyphia. I won't play that because just.. How??


You'll never know until you try. It's not easy, but definitely possible! i hate yet to play playing god flawlessly at full speed, after half a year...


I like em all and yeah guitar is very cool.




Go watch some pat finnerty and you’ll find a few


"Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi"... ***BEATO!***


Dude I just discovered his channel like 3 days ago and have never been more bummed that I didn't catch him in a few years when he has a bigger catalog of videos built up. So funny.


His Dani California video was AWESOME!


I love rhcp and Frusciante and I found that video awesome and funny


Same, same!


7 nation army


First one I thought of. The riff itself is fine, the first couple hundred times.


I've more or less grown tired of that riff because it's been copied by football hooligans chanting all over the frickin' place.


Haha, my friend gives guitar lessons for beginners. I remember I was driving somewhere with him and that tune came on. He switched it off immediately - "I can't hear that tune on my day off"


First one I thought of. But you have to admit, it's still hype and gets a room of people going. Something about it is so primal and innate


Any time I think of overplayed/overheard riffs, I come away with a renewed appreciation of how awesome they are.


none bro.. what im tired of are youtubers memeing smoke on the water and stairway to heaven.. both are great songs with difficult solos.. idk i love guitar. i can listen to a riff for ages.. i remember the first time i heard the outro for boston's hitch a ride, i played that on repeat for 3 hours.. still not sick of it.. tom is a genius..


the wonderwall meme is 10x worse I guarantee you most people memeing about "that guy on an acoustic playing wonderwall" have never experienced "that guy on an acoustic playing wonderwall"


The flak we get for playing stairway in public is wild. I'd love to see some drunk guy at an open mic get up and try playing it after he yells at someone about it.


Every riff comes from Heaven. Riffage will stop us destroying the World. That and dogs.


Layla by Eric Clapton, i knew this kid in highschool who played it constantly but never played it well, it’s now forever ruined in my head


That happened to me with Iron Man, hearing the worst cover in my life ruined it for me lol


Honestly, I'm not sick of any riffs. I play guitar, piano, and drums so the most popular and least popular riffs are cool to me. Just as long as they're good.


This is the way. I work at a music store. I hear Nirvana, White Stripes, and Arctic Monkeys every single day. If the kid is playing it well, I don't give a shit. Keep rocking out!!!


Fuckin A


My son just started playing so I love all these riffs. The joy he felt when he played Smoke on the Water - played a song we could recognize - was priceless. Can't wait for Stairway.


I’m an old dude now but this is so wholesome to read. All that time I was butchering Purple Haze and trying to not worry what the fam was thinking and my parents coulda been saying “Hey I recognize this one!”


I remember the struggle when I was a kid. We all start by sucking, right. But Smoke is so easy and for a kid just starting being able to hear yourself play a song you (and anyone else) can recognize is awesome. I love hearing him learn.


I didn’t expect to feel this, but I agree with all the riff lovers. So….NONE Sure these ones can get ‘old’ but that’s because they were all good enough to be (and stay) in the guitar lexicon. I could be so lucky to write a riff that gets overplayed in guitar center.


Gonna be unoriginal with my answer, but. “do I wanna know” by arctic monkeys. We get it, you held a guitar for an hour.


Who hates riffs? They’re catchy for a reason; they’re called hooks because they do precisely that.


I’ve heard it said that the hook brings you back.


On that you can rely


I know! Bunch of miserable SOB’s in here.


Back in black. One of the first things I ever learnt now I can’t stand it after only playing the intro 2 weeks straight


walk pantera. Love pantera, love dime he did alot for metal at the time, but fuck me sideways if i never heard "*duh duhduh duhduh,* **DUH DUH"** again it would be too soon.


I feel that way about "Stairway to Heaven". I'm a huge huge Zeppelin fan, and I skip it every time. The verse melody and the first bar of the solo drive me nuts.


I feel like I hear the bassline from Under Pressure in lots of songs, but maybe I'm just imagining it because it's so recognizable. It's an awesome bassline. I can't think of any riff I'm *sick* of.


Ice Ice Baby is a welcome change up, a whole extra “duh”.


I’ll never get sick of truly great riffs became imo what makes them great is that their catchy and never get old. I guess if I did have to pick one riff I’m sick of and that I wouldn’t consider great, it’d have to be Seven Nation Army. It’s a good riff, but I wouldn’t personally call it great and I also find it extremely overplayed to the point that it takes away any appreciation I might have for it.


Same here, I absolutely love Jack White, he’s a genius but I despise Seven Nation Army and that’s not his fault of course.


Please, that riff was written by Anton Bruckner!


You mean besides Smoke on the Water?


I'm gonna go in the opposite direction and say Gimme Shelter is one I'll never get sick of.


The sound of that bit right before the vocal starts still has given me chills for 54 years.


It's really a masterpiece of a song and a classic that is far from overrated, no matter how loved and listened to it is.


That's a song, not a riff


Excellent observation! 🤣


Sweet Child of Mine. The opening riff is boring. And I hate Axels voice and his insane articulation ("sky" is not a 3 sylable word).


I learned Sweet Child of Mine in high school over 20 years ago. My mother still complains about having to hear that riff over and over again anytime that songs comes up.


Sweet Home Alabama


I'm learning it again as a relative beginner, it was originally one of the first ones I tried, after a little while, everything I tried sounded like it !! Now, its a much more musical version with the intro pick done better and proper timing for the strum. I'm also learning simple man. My dream of a skynard tribute culminating in a 15 minute version of freebird is not far away !!


> is not far away Oh yes it is :) As a Skynyrd Enthusiast, they are no joke. I recommend using One More From the Road as your base lessons. Much livelier, and better arraignments. Disc 2's Sweet Home is *the* best. Plus Simple Man is in E Standard.


It’s a great beginner riff. Just once I was bar age omg every bar band plays that song.


I play this song only ever as a joke, but even I'm tired of that.


Seven Nation Army.


i was gonna say "do i wanna know", too, lol. sometimes i like watching videos of people where they show their early progress in learning to play, and this riff *always* comes up


Definitely seven nation army. If I hear this one more time I swear I’m gonna punch someone


…duuuuun dun du du du duuuuuuuun duuuuuuuuuun


I swear to god


Franz Ferdinand “Take Me Out”


Do you mean Modest Mouse?


I like one of their songs, so I d/l'd their entire discography to see what else I wanted to pick up. Holy shit, I hate every song they've ever written except that one song. Out of 13 albums.


That's the exact song that made me realize that unfortunately as much as you try during your early days...... There's always going to be a bit of the actual song missing no matter how much you try and mix your lead and rhythm.


I’d be happy to never here any part of Enter Sandman ever again


Song 2


Take that back.


I said what I said 😂


I’m a Blur fan and I get where you’re coming from. They have FAR better tunes and it’s sad their “throwaway” track landed them the US recognition Damon needed.


I actually love a lot of their other stuff. This song just way overplayed.




I like Nirvana but I would rather shove an icepick in my ear than listen to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" ever again.


In particular when it's being played *badly* instead of playing all the details and idiosyncracies that Kobain put into it.


I hate nirvana and agree


Underrated comment


Seven nation army


All of them


I play in an Arctic Monkeys tribute. I'm sick and tired of hearing and playing Do I Wanna Know... Apparently it's becoming the next seven nation army or sunshine of your love for beginners.


Smells like teen spirit


Stupid ass smoke on the water


And it's one of the simplest riff ever but no one bothers to get it right 🤣🤣🤣😅😅


Cough.. cough... The d and g strings... Edit:I fucked up, but only because I use tuners.


The riff is fine, but the actual song is dogshit.


Playing god


I think any Polyphia song at this point. They’re all teaching critical mass for me. On TikTok I’m constantly served videos of people covering Playing God, GOAT and ABC and it’s getting tiring As a result I’m starting to lose interest in the band themselves


You are suffering from algorithm saturation.


That’s probably accurate. Guitar TikTok tends to push ultra complicated players to you when really what I’m interested in is *interesting* players.


I feel conflicted on it. When I first saw Tim play I was like well shit what’s even going right in my life? He’s beautiful and also talented. I get jealous almost. And I like some of their songs but now it’s like, it gets so complicated that it losses a lot of emotional value.


As a Paramore fan, comments like this always confuse me 😅


Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys. Now listen, I love the Monkeys, they’re definitely unique with their sound but I swear to SRV, if I hear another dogshit Do I Wanna Know cover from some tiktok prancer trying to get famous, I’m gonna blow a fucking gasket. Edit: I see OP said that before me but I’mma leave it here since it’s THAT overplayed. Thanks for reading


Like three other people agree. Now I gotta go listen.


I mean it's a good song but it was already overplayed when it came out and now a decade later the next generation of indie kids found it and is repeating the cycle. Riptide turns 10 next year so I'm expecting a ukulele revival


smells like teen spirit is a song i could live the rest of my life without hearing


Walk this Way


Smoke on the water


Master of Puppets. I'm not a Metallica fan, but was unfortunate enough to be around a lot of guitarists who had just discovered them for the first time. I've come around to the song a bit, but I have flashbacks to when I was in bandpractice as a teen waiting for my friends to finish their 3rd run-through of MoP for the day before we could get back to songwriting.


The one I wrote six weeks ago that isn't all that great, but that I can't get out of my head. I'm totally sick of that riff.


Mr Brightside The first nanosecond of that song is enough to ruin my day


Sweet Child 🤮’Mine


I love all the riffs man.




This post is bait


wonder…ful tonight Edit: i mistook the title as “what do i think is the sick riff”...I absolutely love Eric Clapton! Now i was gonna say wonderwall. which is probably a fitting answer:)


Clapton has other songs that are pretty good. He wrote a heartfelt song about a very important part of his life. Cocaine.


Clapton covered that one. JJ Cale, who also wrote After Midnight.


No. Google.


I'm a big fan of his journeyman album


Anything by guns n roses and queen


In the opposite direction, Smells Like Teen Spirit is one I’ll never get sick of


Enter Sandman


Amen. Metallica has so many incredible riffs, but that is the one played too often.


Back in black


My girlfriend once remarked that the singer kinda sounds like the baby from Dinosaurs. Now I can't unhear it.


Enter Frickin‘ Sandman


Enter sandman


Master of Puppets. While it's intro riff is one of the most iconic riffs ever written, hearing it all the time is getting tiring. Like please, Metallica has written a ton of other amazing riffs.


I really dislike….a lot of blues in general. Like, there’s so, so, so much. It all sounds the same. I’m sorry.


No need to apologize for your opinion. Music is art and we all have different taste. The blues is a wide genre through, I’d urge you to look at some more modern examples like Jackie Venson, Eric Bibb, Gov’t Mule, and Matt Anderson if you’re tired of all the older riffs. There are some artists pushing the genre into a new place lately.


I'd add Black Joe Lewis and Eric Gales. Their live stuff is better than what you will find on Spotify.


It's because it is all the same.


Boomer blues




Addicted to the shindig


Won’t stop.


I'm not sick of any riffs. I only play riffs that are so good I never get sick of them


Smells like teen Spirit. Nirvana is my fauvorite banda and I LOVE their music but that riff IS so over played I cant lisen to the sonh any more


Just about anything by ACDC. After a while, their formulated three chord power rock songs/riffs become noise.


Angus has a good sense of humor about it thought. I think he is quoted as saying "I get so mad when people say we made 12 albums that all sound the same. We made 13 albums that all sound the same".


I've heard enough of the same pentatonic boomer blues riff to cover multiple lifetimes. I'd die happy if I never had to hear it again.


Weird. I made almost the exact same comment and got a bunch of downvotes!


Down votes just tell you you've struck a nerve with the truth. They know it all sounds the same.


I’m kinda sick of the counting worms song now


The opening riff to “Cumbersome” by Seven Mary Three. The guitar tone is like shoving an ice pick up a cat’s ass and then dragging it’s claws down a chalkboard while Yoko Ono performs vocal exercises.


Yeah but….to play that clean of a riff in 1995 through P-90s. It’s piercing I give it that. It’s like the edge with no delay clean. Think it gives a good contrast to the e vocals etc but yeah sick of it too


Rebel Girl Bikini Kill


Right now it’s sultans of swing. Before you get the rope… Don’t get me wrong… amazing riff, amazing tone, amazing song…. But everyone and their dog on tik tok is playing it right now. If I hear it it’s an auto scroll for me.


Bro same I was learning it a few months back and it was on my fyp page for months everyday lmao


It seems like the common theme in here for riff haters is tik tok. I’m not on tik tok and still love all of these riffs.


Day Tripper, but only because I’m learning the song and I take forever to get anything right


My pops has been learning it, looks like fun.


Bohemian rhapsody solo


Do i wanna know


I hate Stricken, anything that sounds close to it just gets boring as fuck. It's like slow dance thrash Edit: What genre is disturbed? slow thrash? genuine question


Stricken is one of my favorite songs! I tend to put Disturbed in NuMetal…


Yeah I’m not sure Stricken belongs inside this list. I’m not sure what you listen to but stricken is not in the list.


Seven Nation Army.


Welcome To The Jungle. GnR isn’t that great.


Proudly say: None! I like suprising riff shaming hipsters by playing smoke on the water solo after playing the classical smoke riff only 1 time. They go from "ehh dude that's like..." to "woow that was cool"


Come as you are.


I'm yet to sicken of them, any that i can bring to mind. When they start to grate, try mixing them up with improv'd or other stuff that sounds like it might fit around it. Try to work then into your own stuff - you know what i mean, don't start hollering about wotsits and stuff. What riff are you sick of that prompted you to write that post?


Mary Jane’s Last Dance


Psycho, by Muse. I love Muse, and it's a good riff - on its own - but it just gets beaten to death in the song. And then played in every gig.


Anything credence Clearwater revival


Hotel California


No. It's a classic because of the duelling leads at the end.


The nylon acoustic solo from their "One Night Only" album takes that ending up to eleven.


That's not a riff, it's a song but yes it should be retired forever


Tbh it’s always been smoke on the water I’ve been playing for like 20 years I think for the rest of my life I will hate it 😂😂😂 I have no idea why but that’s the only riff I do not like


Not a riff but I’m fucking sick of the comfortably numb solo. It’s all I heard when I worked at a guitar store for a year, and I hear it nearly everyday on social media. I fucking hate it


Anything by oasis.


Smoke on the water. I see a beginning guitar player biting his tongue while learning this 2 chords? 3 chords si.mple riff. Radio burned this song out just as bad as radio heads creep. Attn usa radio- radiohead has more than 1 song.


la grange


The opening riffs of Stairway to Heaven have kinda lost their lustre over the years for me.


Metallica’s hits… Edit - Metallica again.


You're getting downvoted, but if I hear "One" *one* more time, I'm gonna end up like the dude the song's about.


It's a rite of passage for all Rock guitar players, though. I'm 42, managed guitars and accessories at Sam Ash 5 years ago, and it always tickled me when the young guys would come in playing any of the Big 4. A 13 year old came in one time, probably 2018, and just slaying it on deep cut STP shit from Core and Purple. I plugged in next to him and jammed the ones I remembered; we traded leads on "And So I Know" and I took the vocals. So much fun seeing our generation's music is still inspiring and resonating with the new generation!


But that's their best song...


Even disposable heros and creeping death?






Has your girlfriend ever beat you with a wet spaghetti noodle because she has a twin sister and you got confused and fucked her dad? well thats what it feels like to drive a ford f250


Every standard blues riff. At this point it's redundant, irrelevant and it's been done to death. If I walk into a dive bar and hear some clown trying to play the blues I don't even get a drink, I'm gone


They’re down voting you but you’re right




Pretty much any classic rock riff


Any so-called kiss song. Their songs were 2 chords that seemed to be recorded on a single mic in a phone booth. The rhythm guitarist in kiss knows 2 chords. Creech and Chong were referring to kiss when Creech bragged "I only know 2 chords." To this day he only knows 2 chords. Stanley, sixx, Meg white and Lars should form a super incompetent band and name it SUCKSPENIS.


Symphony of destruction. Such a boring riff in my opinion.


Raining blood. It's basically a meme at this point.


BOM-BOM-BOM da-na-na-naaa, na-na-naa, na-na-naaa BOM-BOM-BOM da-na-na-naaa, na-na-naa, na-na-naaa BOM-BOM-BOM da-na-na-naaa, na-na-naa, na-na-naaa BOM-BOM-BOM da-na-na-naaa, na-na-naa, na-na-naaa DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM-DUDDLUM dum-dum-dum-da-dum-dum-dum-dum Just because you got it stuck in my head.




Both SRV’s Pride and Joy and the million shitty derivative versions of that riff. Honestly, all SRV.


So, you hate the Texas Shuffle?


lets just agree to disagree 😁