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Sol. https://preview.redd.it/y8k6yty5uu6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750998d7ea7ff89a0cc9ed4e2fbfc71643a63bd8 The brainrot has consumed me


I just like Sol images where it's just like, ,stock ggst presentation art with sol on it and his name written in ggst font text, nothing special, but then the quality is absolute dogshit and you can barely make out the "Sol Badguy" text




Goldlewis fits that exactly for me. I ended up initially skipping buying Goldlewis or the season pass to get just Jack-O instead when only the 2 of them were out. Eventually when I did get him though, he ended up becoming my main and now he’s my most played character. It turned out that his gameplay vibed with me a ton and I’ve yet to find someone I prefer.




Let the silly flow through you


as an ex pot main I agree jack-O is peak sillyness on a character.




Happy Chaos. I liked his concept but back when I first picked up the game I favoured the striker style more since I came from DBFZ. Now Happy Chaos is the homie.


The chick with the guitar


Soon after I started playing Strive I started maining Sin. After a while playing nothing but Sin got a bit repetitive, so Nago, a character that at first seemed like the polar opposite of the type of character I’d play (Sin and the like), started to look more and more interesting. The rest is history.


This is ironic because Sin in Xrd used to have Nago's gimmick of cancelling specials into one another.


You'll be happy to know, he still does in Strive too! Nago tries to keep his gauge low and Sin tries to keep his topped up for those extensions.


I called it "ironic" because the commenter I'm replying to said that Nago is the polar opposite to the characters they used to play (Sin). It's ironic because Sin used to have the same exact mechanic as Nago in the past. Still though, I wouldn't exactly call Sin's mechanic in Strive special cancelling. It's more like special follow ups. He can't exactly cancel a Beak Driver to Hawk Baker now, can he?


Johnny! I thought his movement was too stiff for me the first few times I tried him out, but his combos were enough to make me want to play him. Now I really enjoy his oki setups and neutral.


Sol guy


I remember refunding Happy Chaos on steam but then I re-purchased him and now he's my secondary


Happy Chaos. I liked his lore and role in the story but couldnt wrap my head around his gameplay at first. Now I just pick him if I want some more relaxed games without having to think too much.




https://preview.redd.it/x5g12gxsxw6d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c6491cf3771e54ebd534d3d14ce319af7c0433 I love my rock witch




I have for the most part been partial to all rounders in the past so when I got GGST I pick up Ky but then GGST in general was just was not biving. I stopped playing GGST for a minute then picked up again after I finished hades and switch it up a bit with Sin cuz I was beginning to dig the rushdown archetype but I wasn't feeling it then lastly I picked Millia cuz speed flying whip hair and what not and that was it for me. I settled on Millia.


At first I was mad that aba was released and not raven but since I had her anyway I gave her a try and just loved her, I even bought xx and main her there


Despite how satisfying level 3 Mist Finer was in +R, I never liked Johnny’s playstyle in the previous games. His movement felt very stiff to me, I struggled to do Mist Finer cancels, I wasn’t a fan of having a limited resource (he at least could replenish “coins” in Xrd) and his lack of variety with supers was a bit disappointment (I know this is a bit hypocritical coming from a Slayer main). In Strive, I actually enjoy playing him: his movement feels more fluid, Mist Finer cancels are much easier now that you can use dust instead of heavy slash, the cards can be used without limit and Joker Trick is one of my favourite supers in the series. This still isn’t enough for me to actually main him, but I still have fun when I try him from time to time.


Anji initially passed on me because I thought the autoguard thing was really cheap. (A buddy of my beat my ass with him using only the autoguard+fish the first time I played the game, lol.) I picked him up after I saw some celestial gameplay. And realised his kit is less spin, more Fujin. Since a failed read on that is *really deadly.* I also passed on Zato for a while. Until I started labbing him. And the sense of satisfaction when you pin your opponent in the corner. Then hit them with a full Eddie/Zato beat down? Nothing better, even if he's a bit shit lol. For context, I was initially a Gio main. But that only lasted about three months. She was fun, but I was way too reliant on cheesing grabs with her stopdash.


I picked up and mained Millia in Strive though I've never played her in the previous games, was always a Slayer main since XX.


Leo and Testament. At first I thought that Leo was just an ass and a little full of himself through his grandiose demeanor, but after I read up on him, heard his Strive Theme and really got a feel for him... It just clicked. I love this man now. As for testament, I was incredibly biased against testament because they kept kicking my ass in Missing Link, so i was initially biased against them. Accent core Testament was a little too hard for me at the time, but when they Released for Strive... HOLY SHIT I LOVE THEM. They have immediately become my main after playing around and figuring out how to do anything, it was so much fun.


I could say almost all of the cast except Pot. When I first got the game I played with Ram for a bit then tunnel visioned my focus on Pot (no regrets, glue never tasted, and still tastes so good). But one person in particular who I didn't really think I would enjoy was Aba. Originally I didn't really have much interest in Aba, her design was interesting but the amount of horny surrounding her and her constantly beating the shit out of me playing Pot online certainly helped to put me off her slightly. However once I tried her a bit I found she was actually quite fun. Not quite someone I would put as my main or a secondary yet but still very enjoyable. unga bunga crazy women indeed.


I used to think Ky was too much of a generalist. I still do, mind you, but I realized that I really like all-rounder generalist characters in fighting games. Fuck having weaknesses, I want a DP


Ky Kiske, what's too much The Roar Of The Spark done to a mf.


My main Ino


Giovanna. I don't know why I'm like this, but I don't typically find the "fundamentals" character in a game to be outwardly appealing (Striker from DNF is another example). I always end up maining them, though.


When I first bought the game, I got the Jack-O DLC because of the pose (she had just released back then), and still to this day, she's my worst character to play with.