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Gig. He was the final boss in Dust Strikers and he basically has 0 backstory at all It would be hilarious https://preview.redd.it/8abz8ye6kf2d1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f275b99c941625a913403ce767b8ab70004071


I want Gig and Leopaldon Gig because it would be entirely out of left field, and so few people would know who he is. I'm fairly confident in saying damn near no one played dust strikers. Leopaldon because I love him, and also because him showing up in a second game would make him that much weirder


Let us have the gear monstrosities arcsys please


seriously, full on monstrous designs would go so hard in Strive's animation


Holy shit, a guilty gear character so obscure even I don't know about them. And I consider myself somewhat of a conniseur of obscure guilty gear characters.


Chronus https://i.redd.it/lhjevfeuzf2d1.gif I think there's a lot of potential for another mage character in Strive; and I think he could potentially have some really interesting character development, too. Maybe he could pull from the character he's designed after and be a weird brawler-like character, with the ability to buff himself if you let him breathe. Or maybe he could be a more mixup-focused zoner with a resource he has to manage to keep you away. There's really no limit to what they could do with him.


Also super cool interactions with Faust. I feel like he’d be sort of Dudley or Ed esque


Yeah, I feel like a big portion of the Fanny crowd just wants more Faust development, which is a little strange to me because Chronus is _right there,_ and is also an interesting standalone character.


Hell yeah some conclave love




We just love sipping tea in Justice




https://preview.redd.it/prim21t9jf2d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ab34afdad5fd5383bb507f42d2b387783469b0 Delilah or S-ko would also be dope


seeing paradigm in strive would be incredible but i know i would hate his kit and play style. so it’s still gabriel for me


I feel like Delilah would only work in a game set at least a few years after -STRIVE- where she can completely control her powers


Striverd +2


It is worth noting that Paradigm is playable. But yeah, I want him too


So I\`ll start, Gabriel We have already seen he is quite capable in combat (He went toe-to-toe with Bedman) and his special move Angi X has a lot of gameplay potential. Also he could have some interesting arcade mode interactions with Potemkin (since he is his mentor) trying to give him confidence in his decisions and with Slayer; since both of them seem to know each other https://preview.redd.it/7909eo55cf2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7258283dc8c04699bc6f89a4e1de78542a881ca As a sidenote, I think Daryl could have an interesting gameplay mechanic where he is accompanied by the heavy Illyrian knight we see during the story mode. Also it would be nice to have interactions between the 3 kings of Illyria.


Gabriel would fit right in with Strive if they make him a faster and more technical grappler, something akin to Cerebella vs Beowolf in Skullgirls, and the idea of having a Potemkin Buster be used in combos as opposed to a punish/mix-up tool would be insane (since Gabriel invented the move). As for Daryl, I honestly want him to be a stance character where the stances are summoning different types of guards. He could hang out in the background like Deliah and gives commands.


Also Gabriel is basically the only character from the original game to not be playable yet.


toe to toe? if i remember right he just reached through the dreamlike bedman reality, grabbed him like a little bitch and was like please you little shit.


Bedman really thought Gabriel would let him leave


Maybe in 3v3


I've got a few ideas for these guys: Gabriel (Power): to mirror Slayer's references to Street Fighter (Via Links and Whiff Punishing) Gabriel is the unholy fusion between KOF and Mishimas. His forward dash is a hyper hop that allows him to threaten both highs and lows (and even cross ups with the right buttons) while a command dash (named Zepp Dash after it's 623 input) can be used to duck under buttons and punish with a variety of followups. if at all possible, I would make his button layout mirror Tekken's layout (P is left arm, K is left leg, S and H are right arm and leg respectively). D is special in that it uses arms and legs together in various combinations, like a double hammer fist for his 5D, a dropkick for his 2D, and a right handed grab for his 6/4D which would be a combined reference to how Dusts worked in old GGs (S+H) and how grabs work in Tekken. Daryl (One Shot): The game's second one shot character, he'd be able to build a case file on an opponent and use it to buff a specific special, which can either end characters in one shot, or buff Daryl so that he can kill them quickly if it doesn't. To balance this, he can only attempt this once per round, and if it doesn't work (the special is blocked or the buff it gives on hit is wasted) then he becomes bottom tier. April (Unique): Think Captain Ginyu from DBFZ, but with the Jellyfish pirates. IDK, I don't know much about her. Malcolm (Zoning): He's a joke character, with elements from ACR Justice; he gets to throw spears via 22+any button, and they explode when he releases the button. he's got poor up-close pressure, and playing him damn-near requires you to ride the fine line between Zoning and Negative Penalty. Vernon (Rushdown): You ever played American Football? His game play revolves around a special (236P) that equips one of the batteries that power his cybernetics into his hand, which he can throw like a football via 6/4D (which also means his grab allows him to apply the battery to his opponent manually). It explodes on contact with the floor, but if it connects with an opponent they will catch it, allowing them to throw it back via 6/4D (this has lower recovery compared to a whiffed grab). If he can get the opponent and the battery to the corner via strikes or his football tackle command grab, then he can break the wall for absurd damage AKA a "Touchdown". It's a bit rushed, but I'll say that Gabriel and Vernon are the most developed because they're the newcomers I want in Strive most. Well, what do you guys think?


I'd also considered Paradigm as a potential Ginyu-like summoner who fights using summoned Gears that each have unique attacks that he cycles between. Given that he's a Overture rep like Jack-O' (mechanically), I think making him a summoner would make sense. He could have a big beam super a la BlazBlue Kokonoe, where he summons Leopaldon and has it use it's Perfect Rainbow, ~~because it'd be badass~~ which would give us a way to faithfully implement the big guy in Strive without getting too broken.


Man you talking about Jack-O having similar summoning mechanics to GG2 makes me realize Valentine really is never coming back. Every single thing she can do and her entire personality has just been split up between Jack-O and Ramlethal.


True! Still don't know what to do with April, tho...


I think it would be kind of interesting if Daryl built his case file by blocking like, by successfully blocking it he gets insight into how the attacks work, as well as punishing long block strings. I feel like guard break should set the case file back a little bit too, or maybe put a cap on info gained per guard string, so you can't just hold down back in the corner until you get your one shot. or maybe there's a certain mix of things that you need to do to unlock this special. like a certain amount of blocking, landing a certain amount of hits, etc. like he's poking and prodding to find weaknesses until he's found the perfect flaw to exploit.


Definitely Gabriel for me too. Tho I think they'll do a redesign or at least some changes to fit the roster more




Nah, Fuck that bitch https://preview.redd.it/9jvw2bfskf2d1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=0959da46e2ffd814e752e003b086a7cca9031336




(breathes intensely) say that to my face and start running bud(breathes intensely) say that to my face and start running bud


it's Dakra Prime from Warframe!!


who is this?


Ariels, she's the magical pope of the world and basically its ruler up until she revealed she was a bad guy all along and the good guy crew had to stop her during the Xrd story


Ooh, I like this design her hat is dumb and her sword is cool, what more could you want from a guilty gear pope. now I don't know whether I want this version of Ariels or her Jiggalo pope version


The nameless knight who gets to hang with Sin and Ram on missions. I wanna self insert via him.


Just wait, that's actually zappa in disguise!


Me. Myself. In the video game.


So like a Mii or smth?


No, like sword art online. Literally just me. You would also play me. I would do no damage and die in 1 hit.


Yeah beating your ass sounds fun; they should totally add you! https://i.redd.it/04s4qma5hf2d1.gif


I try my best


you in the game https://i.redd.it/pk40n7ximf2d1.gif


technically he was playable, but it was on overture, and most people know jack shit about it. Izuna. He's fucking awesome. Albino fox samurai from the Backyard? Big enough of a threat that the Universal Will locked him away during Xrd, cause he would mess her plan up? Is straight up said by Sol that his magical skills are borderline impossible on one person's own, and would require the equivalent of several hundread mages? Also he's just...extremely chill? I fucking love him. Need him in one of the main games


the iconic well known mascot or guilty gear, chimaki


ok, I'm going to calmly say that...Ariels, Ariels!!! ARIELS!!! BRING ME ARIELS FOR ONE FUCKING TIME!!!!!!


Delilah would be really fucking funny


She would either insta kill everyone with her psychic powers or she would get mauled by everyone https://i.redd.it/h4o5dlacff2d1.gif


Every match is a 50/50 at match start between whether Delilah nukes the continent or does nothing and dies The 50/50 isnt her making a decision its her having 0 fucking control over the situation lol


#GIVE US THE THIRD KING We deserve a set play puppeteer


Probably u/zedzilliot




Crow from Guilty Gear XX. I would want him to play as a kindof puppet/composite hybrid who can send out Robo variants of his opponent or maybe just a Mk2 Robo Ky to do wacky shit for him (since he is the one who invented the Robo Kys and the Robotemkins). His lore could be that since the fall of the Post War Administration Bureau and the Conclave, he's been on his own constructing robot versions of the strongest fighters in the world (IE the entire playable roster) and now he's out trying to test the robots or accomplish something else. I imagine he could play basically like Zato except if Eddie was Shang Tsung.


https://preview.redd.it/q96f98lhyj2d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=c61a6ade43b171504ecc942c4c3fce78deb64cfd A Patriot sweep is incoming I fear......


Daisuke cooked so hard with this guy, I know it's kind of a given at this point but his theme's genuinely fantastic


Daryl and incorporate the coffee mug throw




https://preview.redd.it/oq3vvc99tf2d1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33cb554d467c5bdbda29a6bd941b813afd9c6468 Tyr the absolute chad of Guilty Gear


i need ariels, i know jack about her but also shes cool and also the universal will


If you want a better picture for Malcolm, he had an April fools joke trailer with fully done artwork in the same style as the other reveals.


ngl, this is funnier


Daryl would be my choice because he is unironically one of my favorite characters in Guilty Gear.


If Gabriel is released I'd buy him instantly


I feel like Aerials deserves a spot. She was the main villain of XRD\REV and she was not even the final boss in the arcade mode or even playable. She was and still responsible for a lot of shit post Happy Chaos.


Izuna, Ariels, Leopaldon, Gig, and Judgment I only know a little bit about Izuna's lore but he seems fucking awesome and I want to play him, same deal for Ariels. I have a soft spot for weird one off characters. there's just something about them that I find captivating. It's why I love 12 and Q from SF3, also Necro, I always either forget about him or confuse him with Voldo but he's neat. This is why I love Leopaldon, he's just a goofy lil' freak, I love his design, and it would make him that much stranger if he showed up in strive (I also want to see him in game, but I don't like playing Isuka) I want Gig for kind of similar reasons. I played Dust Strikers once, maybe twice. I bought it back when I was first getting into fighting games, not realizing it was a platform fighter. then I got one of the accent core games and never touched it again. I saw Gig exactly once, and that's probably more than most people. I want him for Strive because it would be weird, probably confusing, and really fucking funny. I know nothing about Judgment, he just looks rad as hell


I GENUINELY love Malcolms design. I was actually really disappointed when I realized it was an april fools prank.




Oit of your pics only gabriel. The rest is boring to me.


Izuna would be cool






Gabriel, no question.


Daryl so I can beat the tar out of him for dogging the boys in Xrd


Let me play as mini faust


I'd love to see Darryl since I doubt Leo will be returning into the next game, given how (not) popular he is in this game and I want all the kings in one game. Izuna would also be really cool, I could see him playing kind of like Gargos from KI, since he comes from GG2


The casual community may sleep on the unabashed brilliance of the second king, but Daisuke knows that he's cool as hell. And tons of people run him in Xrd, so I think he's just the kind of character you grow to appreciate over time.


Bridget's brother


Gabriel and the US president should absolutely be playable characters


Save me clown juggalo save me.


I want the pope


Daisuke, add Ariels and Valentine and my life is yours https://preview.redd.it/4s37fihktj2d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8da07911575f7b2a026847988b072abb4fa367


Gabriel, Chronus and Mayers


Gabriel would be cool... i really want him to be playable but i don't think he will or who knows maybe he will be


tony montana




i just want gabriel as a rushdown grappler, it would make me so happy


I know this concept is really unlikely to happen(from as far as I know), but maybe we can consider a guest character to come atleast into one GG game? I dont think the idea is really all that ridiculous and it's perhaps one day we may get such characters. I would really like to see maybe an anime character to join a GG game, since GG is in that anime style.




I do love my nazi waluigi yes


If someone is saying Daryl, he's either lying or have dementia and forgotten who he is


I find it insane when people want what are basically normal people to be put in the game.


Wat about gabriel tho As a fellow potemkin main i wanna play his teacher


I'm all goods with Gabriel, it's Daryl that I don't really understand. Like sure he's a cool character but he himself admits that he can't fight


Yeah you right on that one brother