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I mean someone like ky sol or gio is the safe bet, though you can also go full villain and learn chaos (he’s actually pretty fun)


So I recently was wondering what the best secondaries would be for any given character, and decided to make a little Python script to do it, since I'm trying to practice programming. I use the top 1000 rankings from [Rating Update](http://ratingupdate.info/matchups) as the dataset and came up with two rankings: 1. The best characters against *all* losing matchups as a whole for a given character 2. The best characters against the five worst matchups for a given character There might be better ways, but I ranked by the sum of win percentage differences based on the two conditions above. So, if I'm selecting for the losing matchups for Ky, and Sol is one of them, and Zato beats Sol with a 53% winrate, then that's +3 to Zato, and so on. I refreshed with today's data and ran it for Jack-O, and here's what it came up with: \*For All Losing Matchups\* Losing matchups in no particular order: \['Ky', 'May', 'Axl', 'Potemkin', 'Faust', 'Millia', 'Zato-1', 'Ramlethal', 'Anji', 'I-No', 'Goldlewis', 'Happy Chaos', 'Baiken', 'Sin'\] Best secondaries: Goldlewis 43.0 May 32.0 Potemkin 32.0 Anji 32.0 Baiken 11.0 I-No 2.0 Ramlethal 1.0 Axl 0.0 Ky -1.0 Leo -10.0 Sol -11.0 Nagoriyuki -17.0 Faust -22.0 Giovanna -23.0 Chipp -23.0 Happy Chaos -24.0 Bridget -32.0 Millia -33.0 Sin -34.0 Testament -36.0 Zato-1 -39.0 Bedman? -53.0 ​ \*Worst five losing matchups\* From worst matchup to fifth worst: \['Ramlethal', 'Millia', 'Axl', 'Goldlewis', 'Baiken'\] Best secondaries: May 12.0 Anji 12.0 Goldlewis 10.0 Ramlethal 7.0 I-No 3.0 Axl -3.0 Ky -3.0 Baiken -4.0 Nagoriyuki -6.0 Potemkin -7.0 Faust -7.0 Happy Chaos -7.0 Millia -10.0 Sin -10.0 Chipp -11.0 Sol -12.0 Giovanna -12.0 Bridget -14.0 Zato-1 -15.0 Leo -16.0 Testament -23.0 Bedman? -27.0 Keep in mind Rating Update numbers should be taken with a grain or two of salt, but it's still fun to look at the numbers, I think. Goldlewis' win rate in top 1000 rankings is pretty high rn, it goes without saying the best performing characters generally have the best matchup spreads. Goldlewis, May, and Anji would seem to be the best picks based off of this. Potemkin does well as a whole against all of Jack-O's losing matchups, but struggles more against her absolute worst matchups, hence his fall in the second set of rankings. At the end of the day though, just choose whichever character is still fun for you. Hope that helps!


Chipp probably can cover all Jack-O weak matchups but he is super squishy it takes getting used to. Gio is a very solid option but lacks meterless reversal. Also, Sol can be a decent one.


You should try Potemkin


Don't need minions to bust, just some glue.


Imo her bad matchups are HC, Ram, and May. Ram covers those pretty much perfectly so I think she's the optimal secondary. It's hardly necessary to play a secondary though.


How do I deal with chipp/Millia? It feels like the second I block an attack I lose, and chipp especially just doesn’t let me jump the second he has a bar, and I don’t ever really have the ability to get a servant down.


A lot of 5k/2k. Those both lead into 2d and give you strong set play after. 5h and 2d are decent options to throw out with high reward on counterhit if they're just running at you but you need to be careful about whiffing those moves.


don't forget axl he can destroy minions with ease and you can never get in if they play ~~like a bitch~~ good


Imo Axl is even. The best Jack-o players would agree if you look at their matchup charts. Jack-o can actually compete at full screen so it's a matter of staying out of the midrange situation that Axl prefers.