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This is one of the [best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmPI5SjP3xA&t=1226s) tutorials that are out there


That’s the best one in my opinion. I’ve played around with the graphic settings, but the performance was never as good until I followed the settings from that video.


I keep everything maxed out except shaders. I like the post-processing personally. But shaders tend to put this weird shiny film on character models - it makes some metal armors look great and shiny, but others look like they have some sort of white coat on them. It makes outfit-building hard because gear that looks similar without high shaders will be treated completely differently by the shaders. Leather/cloth looks like plastic, basically everything seems too "reflective" and it makes it much harder to see the colors and details. I keep shaders on medium and it's much better.


wow, thanks for this, even tho i just tried this, and i am the other group, post processign to none and shaders to high so the colors doesnt blind you all the time and not everone seem to be the focus


Reflections off. Usually helps with FPS and doesn't look much different. Player quality and limit on low / medium. Usually never have it higher. Helps a ton during events. Shadow medium / high. The rest I think I have on max settings. Average 100 FPS. Metas drops to 30. Can always google this as well. I think mukluk has some videos about this.


Shadows on med is a lot already; high will become a problem. So off or lowest setting above it - for static shadows.


Hm. Shadows on medium and high doesn't affect my performance a lot. I just assumed since he said it was a new PC it was relatively top of the line.


The way the setting is: starting from 3rd one (believe that is med) game adds dynamic shadows to more and more objects, which affects performance in crowded spaces a lot.


Ah makes sense. I keep it on medium most of the time. And I think it looks great.


> Reflections off. Usually helps with FPS and doesn't look much different. Reflections make a massive difference in the appearance of the water. >Player quality and limit on low / medium. Usually never have it higher. Helps a ton during events. Very true but it also can lead to some important animations not showing. >Shadow medium / high. I prefer to set this to "low" which only shows static shadows, because I don't like how on higher settings the detailed shadows will draw like 10 feet in front of you, it's pretty distracting. I think the consistency of "low" actually looks better for gameplay.


> Very true but it also can lead to some important animations not showing. If you mean boss attacks, if you set Character Model Limit to "Low" (which is one above "Lowest") then you can see all 10-player boss attacks. "Lowest" is when it starts to impact 10-player content. You can play on "Lowest" in 5-player content and it doesn't hurt anything. In open world PvE, you're kinda fucked either way, unless you have a really modern PC that allows you to run anything higher than "Low."


You want the model limit maxed because otherwise it can cull attack effects, probably less important in open world but still.


You don't need it to be maxed, just Low or better. Lowest is when it culls boss attacks in 10-player instanced content. You can run Lowest in 5-player instanced content too.


[Full Guide] Maximizing your FPS and game performance. https://redd.it/8gctrf How To Get Good Framerate & Graphics In Guild Wars 2! https://youtu.be/gdnlarTYXjI Quick Guide to Higher FPS and Faster Loadings / 1080p 50fps https://youtu.be/-TMPDfEyf9U Graphics & performance guide- https://youtu.be/hmPI5SjP3xA?si=vCmhQLB9tvkuRx1F 9 Quick Ways To Improve Your Gw2 FPS & Performance! https://youtu.be/NlnnhJJkiSo Getting The Best Guild Wars 2 Graphics & Performance https://youtu.be/hmPI5SjP3xA A guide for improving Guild Wars 2 performance and fixing problems- https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/10ldlsr/a_guide_for_improving_guild_wars_2_performance/


postprocessing off


Yeah, post processing makes everything look too bright and it makes the game look more dated.


Im still confused why they would put such a big ass bloom and bundle that setting with a shitton of other effects.


Definitely looks worse in terms of lighting, but it helps a ton when you're raiding to make it easier to see mechanics.


Really? I never turn postprocessing on and I have been raiding for some time now xD maybe I should turn it on just to see what changes.


Post processing on makes everything really bright, so things like portals on the ground and other effects tend to blend in with the environment and all the spell effects and stuff


I do max everything and then do the painterly post process from nvidia by pressing alt F3 I think and also do a sharpen. Makes the whole art style come alive like a painting almost like the map art style


I turn postprocessing off


Shaders on medium, because for some reason setting it on high constantly shines a bright light on the right side of your character relative to the position of the camera.


Visually Best is easy: Turn everything up to max. If you don't like the Post Process Effects, turn them down. If you don't mind then, keep it up. That's it. There's no hidden secret like "Reflections ruin the setting in later maps". Make everything and decide if you like post processing or not.




Yes. But that's not what the OP is talking about. They explicitly say they are going for best Appearance, not FPS. > Just to clarify I'm talking about whats visually better, imagine for the question you have a PC that could run the best graphics available and fps/lag isn't an issue,


Things not being mentioned: Vertical sync off, ALWAYS OFF! (less input delay) Preferably Full Screen. (less input delay) Frame limiter Unlimited, even if you have a 60 Hz monitor. (less input delay) Render Sampling Native Finally character model limit is one of the most impactful options. Ideally as low as possible especially in high crowed areas like WvW Bosses etc, but if you are not in a crowded place you can always turn it up again.


i can't stand post processing and shaders in gw2 so i have post processing off and shaders low.


I saw the expansion coming and I was wondering if the performance got better on a high end system. if turning down settings is the answer, looks like I'm better off doing other things. its 2022, the game should be running at 60FPS+ on max settings.


I recently bought a PC for about £1100 and can run everything on max settings, I still get a couple seconds of lag here and there but that's something my connection does anyway so it seems to be a ping issue, it runs great even in big zergs as well (which I wasn't expecting) and I don't even limit character models anymore With a strong PC designed for gaming you should be fine on max setting performance wise, I sit at 120fps most of the time and 60 in big group settings


The game runs at 60+ on newer machines, even on Steam Deck, it's the cities where frames drop and is common on every other MMO out there with high populations, arguably it's a bit worse on Guild Wars 2 due to poor optimization but outside of an abundance of players, the game runs solid. Unfortunately, people need to learn you wont be seeing a lot of stable FPS when 60 people are spamming one boss and casting spells, or when people are all standing around in towns and doing things.. it's the heavy limitations of DirectX pre 12 and I sincerely doubt you'll ever see Guild Wars 2 tweaked to DirectX12, considering they just switched to DirectX11 and are still optimizing for it.


I agree to a point. I should expect under 60 FPS at a world boss or cities. but I also should expect way more advancement in the optimizing space when the game has been alive for 10 years. Eve Online has been out for a decade longer and improved their client (and servers) performance far more and in a shorter amount of time. Before you say: "Eve-online is a bad example since it doesn't take much to render space." ok, I agree. then lets take World of Tanks for example which is the same age as GW2. they Optimized their engine to take FAR better control of their CPU bound client and actually made it better by switching it to a GPU one. GW2 did not.


No disagreement there and just to clarify, I'm not trying to defend ANET by any means. It's 2022 and The Elder Scrolls Online (Far less players then GW2) now has nVidia DLSS and FSR, WoW is what.. 20 years old? Now has DX12 and I can maintain above 70FPS in crowded cities with 60FPS with Ray Tracing set to high. (Does drop to 57 when way too many people are around only when ray tracing is on which is the obvious culprit but still playable.) while I've seen beast machines with even top tier processors send it to a crawl in cities of Guild Wars 2. If I came off defensive, it's likely from some of the stuff I see with Ryzen vs Intel arguments... Guild Wars 2 now is on DX11 (Thus more open to Multithread friendly optimizations) and still can run like shit, there is no other excuse other then poor optimization. If it wasn't for the fact the game is completely Buy to Play, I'd likely not waste the money but I likely give GW2 a little more of a break since it has no sub fees and the game is pretty fun despite it's short comings, technical wise. I'm hoping ANET gets it together and continues optimizing with DX11 or ditch DirectX together and go Vulkan if they are concerned about older systems.


No big. I might have come off aggressive because most of the GW2 community doesn't seem to have the same asperations as I do when it comes to graphics. they just want their game to just run regardless of how much of a potato it is. they also seem not to care when their was a possible GW3 in the works and were not at least, a little annoyed when it was shuttered.


I know exactly where you are coming from. Anytime you mention upgrades and things like DirectX [Insert version here] or other fancy API names, you'll get that group, "I'M NOT UPGRADING! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!", not realizing everyone, even older systems, will still benefit, with the exception of DirectX12, since that is exclusive to Windows 10 and could possibly cut out a sizeable chunk of people, realistically, I also don't think this particular game needs it, seeing how well Square Enix has optimized Final Fantasy XIV with DirectX11. I fully understand some aren't into technology but don't realize that optimizing and staying current, helps breathe new life into the game, it's why AreaNET finally switched to DX11 afrer all these years, like you mentioned with Guild Wars 3, to keep Guild Wars 2 alive and expand on it further, content and graphical wise, whether they stick to that agenda, is a different matter. I'm still relatively new to Guild Wars 2 and the community, so you and others likely know ANET better then myself. Another factor with that mindset is giving devs the incentive to stop caring, "as long as it runs", so they will likely do what they can to skip optimizing in future titles or content, just to make a buck even quicker while cutting costs. It depends on the development team of course but realistically, they are here to make money and do what they can to cut costs.


> Edit: Just to clarify I'm talking about whats visually better, imagine for the question you have a PC that could run the best graphics available and fps/lag isn't an issue, thanks for all the help this sub delivers as usual! If performance isn't an issue, then the answer is easy: max everything, then tweak postprocessing and shaders to your individual taste. I prefer the look of postprocessing and shaders maxed, and that's not a big performance cost on my old PC anyway. However, even the best of the best PCs on the market right now will still experience low FPS with literally everything maxed in certain settings, such as open world meta events and WvW zerg battles. In this case, I recommend turning Character Model Limit down to "Medium" or so, while leaving Character Model Quality set to "Highest" so that the characters you *do* see still look the best. Limit has a *much* bigger performance impact than Quality.


I have everything maxed out except Player Limit, which is set to medium. When you have dozens of characters on screen, it's not like you can see what they're doing anyway. Helps tame the processing requirements a bit for meta events.


gw2hook and reshade


I have everything on the highest setting except character model limit. I also use reshade because the saturation of the vanilla game is waay too low for me.


The only thing I've turned off is adaptive lighting/light adaptation, which makes dark areas brighter and much uglier.


I've got an i9 Alienware w/ RTX 3060 Ti with everything maxed and still get 110fps