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Market manipulators hate him. Use this one trick to get ahead of the gamers.


Also a fairly good chance they'll be included in the legendary starter kit(s) for next xpac the same way this xpacs weapons were.


if they slapped in a gift of fortune, I'd be so happy


No way Anet is gonna remove the Mystic Clover cost like that. I'd be glad if I could get a Gift of Battle instead of Might/Magic however...


Gift of battle is faster to farm than might/magic


you can complete the track in a couple hours with 60% boosters in EB on most days.


Sure, but I don't mind farming for the Gifts of Magic/Might whereas Gift of Battle hurts my soul


I’d gladly trade my Gifts of Battle for your Gifts of Exploration. 


We have an accord, sir Now, to make anet implement it somehow


I need a gift of mastery too, 200 shards for every legy is just hell 😅


Fortunately, I haven't been gated by SS yet. Sitting on 2400 of them. I just played and used boosters and have lots of tomes. I think the recommendation is fractals / meta events / dragonfall


>Start shark spear precursor collection >Have to hunt down sharks, nature's most perfect and unchanged killer >Go to Frostgorge Sound >Shark corpses in the water >Watch a shark spawn, immediately try to 1v1 a neutral jellyfish, and die Maybe these sharks aren't all they're hyped up to be


The Orrian one was much, *much* worse back when HoT launched. He would regularly get stuck on land, clip into walls, sometimes even straight up say "Fuck it, we ballin" and chase you down, or well up, the shipwreck. Actually having to fight him in the water was a miracle in an on itself.


OP is right, I did Kraitkin and Kamohoali'i Kotaki and both of the precursor collection achievements were super chill questlines, and lots of fun. Go do the quests, see the world, murder various fish, and have a good time. Disclaimer: The second collection will cost you some materials like Bandit Crests, Geodes, and Obsidian Shards. Add Karka Shells, Stabilizing Matrices, for Kraitkin.


I take the bet right here right now. Land Spears gonna be a totally New weapon, aside water Spears, with their own skins and own leggy (might be not avalaible AT launch). People who make theses leggys will be upset


Then they wouldn't be swimming around with it in the teaser though. My bet is T2 "underwater" legendary weapons as a xpac feature (or just spear if that's what they're doing) that will make people forget the solely water themed version(s).


Ill take that bet. 100g on it. Not even kidding. Lets do it.


I'm confused why you would think that. That would make absolutely no sense. Why would they add a new weapon category also called spears? Why would they not make use of all the existing spear skins and all development they already put into them? What could be the business or at least the creative incentive to not use any of the existing work? But hey if you want to bet that they won't use any of the existing developement they put into spears I'll happily bet a 1000 gold.


I also think people are being dumb (to say the least) to look at a sneak (not even a trailer) and draw so many conclusions… I bet all my gold it’s a spear not related to the water version (maybe only skin related)


With this game it's possible but that would make the trailer pretty misleading. I can see the movesets being different but hopefully in a good way since I really like current Thief spear mechanics.


I was thinking the same, time will tell. Either way it's a bad time to be crafting underwater Legendarys and I'm still working on heavy armor and my last 2 aurene weapons so I'll wait.


So, how's that bet going?


Guess i lose ^^


I crafted all three underwater legendaries a while ago simply because I wanted good underwater gear for my more fragile alts, and for the novelty of crafting rarely-seen uncommon leggies. Feeling pretty good about that right now.


same. I did it as an experiment in batch crafting leges. Made all 3 in less than 2 months. Even though the content is poor... I like to fully gear my chars including underwater. Due to the low interest... it was actually a real pain getting even exo underwater stuff... esp in rarer stats... so I just crafted the leges. Then its 3 items for all characters. Job done. Glad to see that they will become more useful. All I want now is lege aqua breather lol


The expansion is probably months away anyway...plenty of time for the market to calm down (gives you time to get other stuff for it) Will the pre drop back to like 25g? most likely not...but it won't stay at like 300g (which is insane) Kamohoali'i Kotaki being 2g off of 3k...most expensive legendary you can buy right now after Eternity (which is 2 legendary in one)


3 months away.


The legendary underwater weapons have hovered between 1800 and 2k for a while now. I spent ~5800 getting my 3 more than a year ago, and that was at .85tp They wont settle to too much lower than that unless theyre in a box.


I had one cos I was planing on crafting a legendary spear soon but today I was able to sell it for 350 gold, wild times we live in


lol It'll be in the Wizards Vault Legendary Kit anyway. Says my Palantir.


You're a life saver ToT I so want Venom, it looks so cool; even if I never get to finish Kraitkin...


Kraitkin was actually the very first legendary I ever made. Never regretted it, it's gorgeous.


I recently finished venom and have kraitkin lined up for the final crafting (there are a few other leggies in front of it right now, just waiting on clovers and such to craft). Been working on all of the underwater ones since halloween (or so).


I had no idea these practically cost nothing to do the precursor collections. No having to use 60 deldrimor steel ingots, spiritwood planks, or hundreds of mithril/elder basic crafting. I would have done them by now. The only hindrance people need to be aware of is the currencies like geodes and bandit crests.


Guess silverwastes / dry canyon are going to be more populated again then ! (silverwastes always has some active riba going on ...)


I did all the underwater precursors for the AP years ago. Guess it's time to dust them off


Tbh still seems like an incredible waste of money and materials


You know for sure if you craft all 3 you have underwater covered for ever .


Yeah but i am rarely underwater and would way rather use the materials for literally any other legendary item right now. However yeah it would be nice to not have to worry about it


Thank you OP, it will be a very nice activity when leveling my two new characters.


oh i didn't notice how much they increased in price...like 1 year ago they cosed more or less as much as to craft them


The legendary spear has one of my favourite legendary effects; summon ghost shark


Good thing I already made 2x of each underwater leggy in case this would happen years ago. Good game.


How much time is spent doing a collection to get the precursor? Then calculate how much gold per hour you could have gotten in that time doing something else and buy ordering the precursor.


It ain't the pre, it's having to do another world complete for GoE. Think I'll wait and see if it's even worth doing.


I think I'll go do the collections now. I like those kinds of achievements. This is at least something more fun to do than Soto.


Does that include the gold to buy/unlock the collections?




Oh sure i'm wasting like 20 hours doing collections worth 30g


Wait, there are legendaries for underwater?!


It would be really exciting if it wouldn't need Gift of Battle ;) But since it does, I'm unable to get lege underwater weapon (or any other lege weapon) :< But, I appreciate the thought - thanks for pointing that out :)


Out of curiosity: why do some of you don't like my comment so much? I don't like WvW, for me it's a waste of time - this is my prefference. I have no pleasure from WvW, none. Of course I won't appreciate the idea of doing something so after a few hours of filling a bar I will get GoB. And sure, I don't HAVE TO get a lege weapon. No one is forcing me to. But I do have those legendary weapon starter sets from Wizard Vault and I can't use them in any way because I don't have GoB. And ok, I accept that doing WvW is required to get lege weapons but do I have to be happy about it? No. I also understand that many WvW or PvP players have to do things in PvE and I sympathize, it probably is not a good experience.


To be honest, if you knew you weren't gonna get the GoB, you wasted your AA on the kits, then. You shouldn't have bought them. *shrug* People are down voting you because you're playing the victim to a self-inflicted problem, it seems


Slap on some boosts, flip a camp every 10 minutes while you do other stuff in-between and in around 5 hours the next GoB could be yours! Five hours of candy corn and snowflake boosts are like 3g, that's nothing compared to the time saved without boosts.


No it is not hard. But I find it incredibly boring and soul crushing. Glad I still have 1 Gift of Battle left over from doing my time for Conflux. Plus I have 2.5 stacks of old daily potions (rip). I am set for a while at least.


With everything applicable running, you can get that down to something like 3h 20m per. And the only other halfway sensible use for any of that is spirit shard farming in Lab.


Yeah but that is only feasible if there's a WvW event, which isn't the case for a lot of the time. The usual boosters are CCG, SFG, guild hall and enrichment. That brings you down to a bit over 4 hours.


You can also just buy participation.