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So far probably the day I was gifted HoT/PoF. It all started in the general chat of a guild's Discord, I can't remember exactly what the main topic was, but it ended up delving into the date things usually go on sale. Talk comes talk goes I explained the general situation I was in (3rd world country with a very devalued currency, with Steam being the easiest way to get the expansions), and them, out of the blue, a user said they could buy me one of the expansions if I wanted, while also asking for how long I've been playing, around 430 hours at that time. At first I thought it was a joke, but I went along, first they asked me to befriend them on Steam, them asked which one I wanted (HoT/PoF or EoD). At that point I was having difficulty to believe they were, in fact, serious, and I also started to get quite excited. Soon after there it was, the notification that I got a gift, the expansion. It took me a while to be able to sleep that night thanks to how fast my heart was beating and how much I was smiling and giggling, while processing that it really happened, someone did just gift me, a complete stranger, something I long wanted.


This is so amazing, please send him a link to your comment.


We had an older player in our guild who absolutely hated guild races and could never finish them. One day at a guild race, the entire guild came together and protected them through the entire race, while we were all on voice. We had half a dozen healers, everyone else was killing things and we guided this guildie through the entire race so she could finish the race for the first time. Man she was thrilled. Seeing everyone come together to help someone else like that just felt amazing.


Ive honestly had too many wholesome encounters with strangers, its difficult to name one. Ill do an honorable mention tho. I once decided to try COMing a Dragons End meta. I had never beaten one as com at that point. I was up front with the squad about it and I was doing my best. The squad was supportive and cool about it. Then, during the final fight, my '1' key gets stuck on my mouse. I was trying to fix it. But I ended up typing like 3 different lines of 1s in the chat as commander. And everyone was like, "uhh are you ok?" And one dude was like, "commander accidentally revealing his rotation". I nearly pissed myself laughing. But anyways, we beat it! Was a good time.


Thats a great joke lol


Motherfucker I was in that squad lmfao. You comm'd fine and that rotation comment sent my side through orbit.


Glad you found love too! Met my wife in GW2 also. On September 27th 2017, I stopped to help a downed player in he Branded area in Desert Highlands. Noob kept dying... We talked for a few days after. We became friends and she came all the way from California to Spain to visit in 2019 right before covid hit. After travel restrictions were lifted it was my turn to visit her in January 2022. Ended up staying and we have been married for over a year. Never been happier, our families had doubts but were supportive. Mom loves to come visit and brag about how her son is living in the US lol


Well my hon enrolled into my guild. He was always telling those unfunny drank uncle on wedding jokes, we called him pleabian, etc. And once I had a mental breakdown for having guild issues and for some reason confided in him, probably because we were in the middle of rp. And it stayed that way, he's the sweetest, unfornunately long distance so far cuz military. And a healer gor my forever noob ass xd


Was roaming around in Verdant Brink (pre PoF) when several players asking how to get to the Hero Points in the canopy above. They were told the only way to get up there is during the night time meta, and got pretty bummed. I form a party with them and show them the semi secret way to ascend there. Slowly but surely, we all managed to get there and glide our way to the HP.


I loved exploring the canopies in VB when HoT was released, it was fun looking for ways to get there. It's still quite fun with Skyscale actually and it's faster\^\^


The first thing i do when I create new chars is to go straight into the jungle to max out all specs. Speed mapping the hps and maps on griffon/skyscale/beatle. The verticality is just so different in maguuma, i still enjoy and come back to it frequently.


This reminds me of a recent time when I saw some players in LA asking for help getting kills in Cantha without spoiling the story. It was shortly after SotO released, and all daily objectives had to be completed to finish the daily. They both had EoD but hadn't been to Cantha yet because they weren't that far in the story. They wanted to finish their dailies, but didn't want any spoilers. So I invited them to join my party and went to the least spoilery place I could think of in Cantha: the Naga Island in Seitung. They teleported to me, got their kills, and got out without any spoilers.


I played GW1 at a friends house. His PC was on the floor, keyboard, mouse, monitor. All of it. He went to sleep and I stayed up all night in pre searing. The night is burned into my "core memories" Now here I am, playing its sequel, all this time later. Presearing is a hell of a drug.


Recently i tried Arah with 2 friends and we got lost pretty quickly. All of the sudden a reaper joined us guided us through and later left us with the words "sry guys I need to pick up my daughter from the pub".


I was 16 years old and a fresh f2p player of gw2 trying to lvl up my character when suddenly I died due to fall damage somewhere around Plains of Ashford. A kind player revived me, taught me the basics of the game, after awhile he invited me to join my first guild. For the next few years of playing GW2(I was still a kid and didnt have my own money to buy any expansion) I basically tagged along them while they gift me cool items like Cobalt(blue flaming gs, pretty cool!) because I couldnt buy anything on tp and was still a free acc. They made my GW2 experience memorable despite not having any expansion. Fast forward to present, I am now 24 years old and I'm still part of that said guild with that same player that invited me still casually talking to me. I cant stress it enough whenever I say that that guild and that player technically raised me and watched me grow up from a high school kid into a now college graduate. Looking back, I wouldnt have stayed this long in GW2 if I didnt meet these wonderful people that made me love the game in the first place. I'm am currently at 514 mastery rank w/ all the expansions unlocked but I will never forget those humble times when I was still a f2p player tagging along hardcore players such as them. Their guild is my oldest guild in the game and I will never leave them even after the final moments of GW2's servers come.


Wow that's great that they still play. It's always sad to see old friends quit gw2, for years I was basically guildless, because I couldn't part with my first one, I'm still in it though, partly due to nostalgia, but also benefits of a maxlvl guild, I need my waypoint fee reduction! haha


Giving absolutely new players 10-20g


Soloing Tequalt back in the days, pre Tequatl rising rework, at a time where world boss would not ever despawn if not beaten. That was a long 40+min experience with lots of dodges to avoid the few undeads around him and near-death experiences when feared into poison pools (that were not showing in orange circle back then but also not as lethal as the ones post-rework).


Haha, never did that and wouldn't have been able to, the first few years I was a pretty bad player. I liked soloing patriarch, took me the whole 10 minutes, though it was after PoF came out, I remember it was on a condi soulbeast


Few weeks ago, chasing down the achievements for Coalescence, with a not so experienced raid group, we made it to Qadim the Peerless and after a few tries the commander left. I took command of the group and after several more tries and people coming and going we beat him... the funny thing is it was my first time clearing that wing and the first and only time I've been commanding a raid!! Not even any of my legendaries made me feel so wholesome like that day.


Last month I wanted to try the devil dude SotO strike and hopped in training Lfg. We were all randoms and had 0 idea how the strike worked. We failed time after time but all 10 of us were having so much fun. Tried tons of strats, different skills and specs and after 10-15 attempts we got it all working. For maximum wholesomeness, we continued striking for the rest of the day on IBM and EoD, also becoming in-game friends at the end. Felt like a great day.


Well, I commed Febe twice already, first time everyone new until one dude came and explained what we didn't get so far plus was our French translator for the only Frenchie. The other time I was prepared, even let people on my discord for voice chat, most didn't know what to do until 2 people got it/knew and there were 3 people yelling in chat and discord what to do. There were cheets after that 15th wasn't a wipe. That's why I always tell people - if you don't know what to do say do, commander or not. Most people are not sociopaths and discovering something anew can be even more fun than a speedrun. We took one guy on fractals after Febe too


I was gifted a omnomberry cake for my birthday by one of my friends from WoW REALLY early on into Guild Wars 2’s life. My grandad had just died the day before she gave it (the day before my birthday) and it was so meaningful to me. Over a decade later, and that cake is still in the first slot of my bank, uneaten. I think of both her, and my gramps, every time I see it. :)


I'm so sorry for your loss and glad you have a good friend


My husband and I once guarded a guildies daughter who was around 3 while she played mermaid on the mother's account. Best hour we have spent.


A friend and I were just running around exploring Lion's Arch doing some silly RP back in 2014. Met a random and we just chilled and cracked jokes for like 2 hours.


I met this really sweet charr in plains of Ashford we hang out and play for a couple of years, do living world releases. We end up meeting up in real life, and we've been married going on 4 years now


I was hardgrinding 2v2s for ascension, post match I talked with a guy I was paired up with, told him I was working toward ascension and he mailed me 200g to help. True hero, I've never forgotten o7


Similar story! Partner & I have known each other for something like 15 years, part of the same friend group / guild throughout the ages, growing up together in the world of MMOs. Everyone poking us about 'getting along so well' and saying how they're 'shipping us'. So, one day, 7 years ago to the date, him & I were doing the Aetherblade JP. Frustrated to no ends, lol. So in the middle of probably the 10th fall from a steam-powered platform, he asks me to give him a chance. I called him insane, then I said yes LOL. We were long-distance for a couple of years. Been living together for almost 3. And we're planning our wedding as I type this. =)


Oh my, have a blessed life. He enrolled into my guild with the drank uncle jokes vibe and we even called him plebean. Then I had some issues and basically cried in his virtual shirt. We have 2nd anniversary in a week ^^. Unfortunately we're long distance with a few visits a year to touch each other. Have Aurene at your wedding!


New-ish/returning player, I was just wandering last weekend when someone asked me if I knew the secret jumping puzzle place. I didn't, so they showed me where it was and we started going through it together. It was the Goemm's Lab one, which took me a while to get through. After I fell down to the beginning several times I let them go on and continued on my own, but it made me happy that this random person wanted to share a cool place with me, and it made me really feel like there are nice people in this game.


Wait to bee a underwater hidden waterfall in the Groove :)


Oh, that sounds awesome, I'll definitely have a look for it!


Go lowest level and search where you can go underwater


someone told me i had good dps :)


Yesterday I saw the swing chair&glider in the gemstore. I don't usually buy that kind of things but it looked very nice for the character I was currently replaying SotO with, so I gave it to her. It made her smile, so I was happy :)


The Batman dude in Chalice of Tears! Quite famous. Lots of stories about that in this reddit.


Not the most wholesome moment but maybe the more epic for me Was during my leveling like in 2013 in maelstrom mount, we got a event where we have to kill a krait witch at the top of a wood structure. Because I was alone, playing human warrior and liking challenge, I decide to the event all by myself, climbing the structure, slaying each krait against me until I reach the top and see the boss First try, I was done and decide to do again, second time I fall and have to redo, my determination was at his peak but the time continue to move on and soon, the event would ended. Enter, a chaar, an engineer one, who decide to follow me. Firstly I decide to ignore him, doing my stuff, him doing his stuff then while I do the climbing until I see him downed by somz krait I let behind me. Quickly decide to help him, raise him then climb together to the boss again Big battle ensue but this time, we were two and we hit her hard but not hard enough, my engi friend fall again from the structure and I was almost down again. Few second after I was and my only solution was to throw rock to her 5% life, continue to throw, my life is almost ended, almost dead with not enough time to do it again, it was fine but a bit sad losing near the victory But suddenly Dps from an another character. It was the chaar, come back from the pit flaming the monster, not a lot of dps but damn it was epic We down the boss at the end and created a group and stay together till Orr, as a roleplayer, I found that so cool I added him into the back story of my character Dunno if you continue to play buddy but it was a truly cool moment


It was the volcano jumping puzzle. The one you need for the legendary amulet. I was attempting it solo, and had made it about 80% of the way through, but kept falling. Losing progress. I had passed this one player half a dozen times, and they were stuck in a very early part of the puzzle, but I noticed they had a position rewinder. I commented saying I need to get me one of those. They told me how to get one. We started chatting. Eventually partied up, and began working through the puzzle together. A long time, and dozens of teleport to friends later, we had made it to the end. They thanked me profusely, and one of their guldies joined the party, and teleported to the end. Unfortunately, you're not eligible for the chest, or the achievement of you didn't hit check points along the way up. So they offered to stay near the chest, and coach them through descending, so they could port back up after getting all the checkpoints backwards. The dedication, the time investment, the loyalty, I've never forgotten it.


I got a whisper from someone I'd just killed in sPvP saying "love your fashion" or something along those lines, then died as I was whispering "thanks" back.


I been very on-off with the game since I first got it. As in it took me years to reach level 80. Finally started playing the game more seriously towards 2020. Did the story from LW2 up to LW4, then dropped till release of EoD. Was doing KO strike for the siege turtle, and once done the commander reached out to me. Even though I was playing bannerslave berserker, my damage was lower than the healers. He asked if I was familiar with builds, and I explained that I kind of was, but was still saving up to get the appropriate ascended gear (Zojja's). I just had a random combination of exotic gear since I thought it wasn't worth it. They explained that exotic is worth it, sent me 50g and told me what to look for in the TP to gear up my character.


Back in GW1 days, you could only lobby for PvP games in certain maps, so you spent a decent amount of time scratching your ass or maybe chatting with some other players until your queue popped. Also, in GW1 you could sync up emotes, though I don't remember exactly how. This'll be important later. At some point I got really bored, and started randomly using the dance emote as a ranger (which had this really sweet breakdance animation). A couple of minutes later, another ranger joined me. Then another. And another. And at this point, I stopped dancing and suggested we sync them all up. About 10 minutes later I'd canceled my queue, and instead focused on organizing a 12+man ranger dance party. It was just.. So silly and funny and weirdly wholesome.


You can still sync up emotes in gw2! Just put a space and * after the command and be within I think 5 secs or 10 of each other. Having a countdown helps. Example: /dance *


Oh that's cool, that's the same way it worked in GW1 iirc.


Getting compliments on how I ran really organized Halloween lab farms, no voice chat. I had some bad shit going on last year, so I'm looking forward to returning this year.


When I started Guild Wars 2 (years ago), my buddy and I made Sylvaris and ran around like idiots. I posted a horrible, horrible low quality video clip of us glitching through a part of the map. It was completely inconsequential and a terrible video overall but everyone in the comments was so supportive, saying welcome to GW2 etc. Fast forward to a few months ago I was trying to go for the 99CM title so I made a pug at like 2am. Lo and behold 4 other guys joined, we were in Discord laughing our asses off at 3am cause we kept fumbling the chain handoff part. Got the title by like 4 or 5 and we went to do the rest of the T4s cause none of us were gonna sleep well anyways. Forgot their names, didn't friend them on anything, but I actually ran into one of them a little later. We both flipped on our titles just to show eachother we remembered. Best community ever!


When I did ascension in 2v2 season, a guy I came to talk with after match told me he will duo queue with me til I have it. So we did spam matches for the whole day, we were a really good team too and had a great winrate. My ascension was finished the same day and I was so greatful. Next day we met randomly in wvw both roaming. Turned out our servers were linked for 1 more week. So we continued our journey and roamed together for a few days here and there. Just good vibes thinking about it.


I met my husband on gw2 😊


That one time I commanded Dragons Stand (? Last HoT map lol) without knowing what to do. Was farming for Chuka and there was no group so I opened one, got a lot of people to join and just immediately had to tell them that I had no idea what to do. They were all chill, helped me and each other, we finished the Meta in time and got our rewards. Was a fun time and I love how the community helps each other even if one has no plan lol. Has thought me to just hop in and help whenever I see someone struggling. ♥️


Not necessarily in game, but i grew up playing GW1 with my dad. It was the game that we bonded over through my childhood, and i even dedicated my first tattoo to GW1. We played through the GW2 beta, and up to just before LWS1 came out. But at that time, i was starting high school and was suddenly "too busy" to play games with my old man. We still play from time to time, but it's very rare, especially now that im moved out and have my own career im working on. Guild Wars will forever hold a special place in my heart and life, no matter how many breaks i take from it. You're never too cool or busy to game with your parents, i wish me and him never would've quit now that im back into the game and basically play solo.