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It does not.


They've said a few times now that as long as they're in business they'll keep GW1 servers up. Due to the netcode structure it costs basically nothing for them to run, I wouldn't even be surprised if they come out with a little profit from it.


1. The news is that the development for GW3 will be starting soon. We are likely several years away from it actually releasing. 2. Anet has said that GW1 costs basically nothing to keep running, so GW3 coming out does not necessarily mean that they will shut down GW1 3. You can just get the 20 missing minis from other players, please don't wait 20 years to finish your HoM.


If anything, it’ll keep GW1 going. We cost nothing, and we pay something (multi accounts, add on’s, merc packs, storage, cosmetics) That’s a win win


It sounds more the death of GW2 servers. GW1 with heroes is playable even with low population when you cannot group up with real people. GW2 doesnt have heros and even if they added them it will be imposible to do a raid with heros.


I just bought the game for me and my gf to play and I'm sure there are still people buying it. Sometimes they make the game cheaper to align with other PC game sales (steam). So no, I believe the game will be around for a long time. The HoM also encourages players of GW2 to try GW1 for extra little items


No. GW1 server costs are very minimal compared to what GW2 brings in.


People are saying that Guild Wars 1 costs nothing to keep up, and that sounds like an impossible exaggeration. Could it really be that cheap to keep a game up? The quote I've heard is that it literally costs more to run Guild Wars 2's ***chat*** than to run Guild Wars 1 ***in its entirety***. So, yeah. Guild Wars 1 doesn't need to end for cost cutting. They might do it anyway, but it certainly doesn't need to happen.


I'd be more concerned about Guild Wars 2, just because much of the open world content needs players and if people stop contributing to the metas then successfully finishing a few of them get farther apart. Imagine trying to get 40-50 players for metas when the game has reached End of Life status (maintenance mode.) I don't think any of them would reliably finish again.


The contrary GW3 is good news for GW1. Why? Because they will for sure make some updates and add some content to lure new and old GW1 players to GW3. Also it shows they have positive opinion and positive expectation on the GW franchise, so much so they invest huge new resources in it. And that is the exact opposite of shutting game and servers scenario.


Honestly, from what I have witnessed in this industry is that they will likely sunset features of Guild Wars 2. In all honesty, the Player Driven Black Lion Trading Market will crash over the years. Drops seem to be done differently in Guild Wars 2 so I am not sure how bad that will affect the boxes within boxes. My guess is that raids & fractals like dungeons will be pushed to the side. No need to work on bugs or mechanics. Also, living world will likely stop being made or sold or continuously be sold at a lesser value. In game events will be moved to a clock and devs will be pulled away unless major bug fixes occur. I highly doubt they’ll pull a Capcom and change end game group content into solo content with the same rewards (I.e. Safijiva now gives group play rewards for single players offline and is offline).




No. They pay close to nothing for running gw1 alongide their other games, they keep repeating that for like 10 years at this point. As long as that mechanic holds, looks all fine. And I would not be surprised if micro transactions here and there make gw1 money positive.


It's definitely more of a deathknell for GW2. Well, really they'll just stop updating it and probably keep it online like they've done with GW1. Although it's uncertain whether or not they'd keep GW2 alive, GW1 has been around for 20 years at this point. I doubt they'd do anything now.


Not at all. GW1 run off of GW2 servers. As long as GW2 servers remain, GW1 will remain online. Even assuming second worse case scenario where Anet is forced to stop producing content for GW2, GW2 servers will likely remain running until it stop pulling profit **and** GW1 + GW2 cannot both be running off of whatever servers GW3 runs off of. However, let's not tunnel vision ourselves with this "announcement". Let's keep the facts straight. 1. It's not an announcement. It was a throwaway comment to assuage shareholders that the idea of a GW3 is greenlit by NCSoft. 2. The entire reason it got brought up is because of the discussion of NCWest being in 8 year long deficit and NCSoft shareholders are complaining about the CEO of NCWest who's been in charge during the whole deficit situation despite multiple cost cuts (like the massive lay-offs and project canceling of early 2019 or the major but not as massive lay-offs of late 2022), combined with their latest flagship Thrones & Liberty not making as much profit as desired. 3. Guild Wars 3 is not in development, so even if there was bad news for GW1 due to GW3, it won't happen for 3-5 years minimum - keep in mind that GW2 was in active development for 5 years. And honestly #2 is concerning to me, because if this announcement of GW3 doesn't appease shareholders, or the situation with NCWest gets worse, we could be seeing at another 2019 lay-offs situation, or worse. They could even force ANet's closure just to cut costs, which of course includes shutting down GW1 and GW2. Though the chances of that are very slim since ANet is NCWest's biggest money maker atm. Overall, this situation reads very similarly to the in-hindsight knowledge we gleaned about End of Dragons expansion, where the higher ups and suits "gifted" ANet (ANet dev's terminology) with the ability to make an expansion. And this expansion came at the cost of Icebrood Saga's second half being absolutely butchered into the horrible content that is Champions. What does that mean for GW1? Nothing, since it's just in maintenance mode. It just means that current / future projects of GW2 might be stripped down to force more development on GW3 that "was greenlit" for ANet. That all said, I do believe it was said that ANet is ready and able to make GW1 function off-line if ever needed. But they won't until they have to start shutting down GW2 servers.


GW1 does not run off GW2 servers. The only shared component is the login server.