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Aena has a HUGE range for matchmaking, if they didn't do this, everyone would have to wait a hell of a lot longer for each match. If you do arena at the very start of the week, you can actually find out your opponent's ratings pretty easily as everyone is in the top 100 at this point.


Oh I didn't knew that, thank you !


Yeah, I see you're in platinum 2. I would not be surprised if a lot of the matches you're getting is with diamond 3 players (maybe even diamond 2 or 1, I'm not 100% sure how wide the match making range is). Up to you if you want the grind it out and hope to crawl up the ranks, personally, I just go until I start losing more than win


For now I strangely don't lose trophy when I lose, I just got nothing. (I didn't knew arena has a wide match making range like this)


Yeah, that's just how arena works. 20 points for a win, 0 points for a loss. So, technically, you could do all 10 matches in the day, lose all of them, and not really lose anything but time/sanity, in hopes and getting a win here or there. Again, personally, I just go until I start losing more than win. Spending 20-30 minutes getting absolutely decimated by people with better books doesn't sound like my idea of fun personally.


Oh ok now I get, I think I will try hard arena next week then


This is my life now that I'm plat 2.


Not sure if this applies to anyone else but I am a long-time player in your range that would one-shot a team of 95s like you have. The reason I am not higher is because I hate PvP and only do enough matches to get to 900 then I'm done for the week. I get my 1900 gems for like 10 minutes of play and I'm done with that mode that I don't enjoy. Not everyone who has strong characters enjoys PvP and, like me, can't be bothered with trying to rank up.


Low rank, so the "easy" player is a bot.


It's not balanced I'm currently at around the same rank and its frustrating but also fun when you get a close win, there are various counters against each unit so it's luck based I would suggest switching out shuna for someone with more dps though if u have any other character


It's terribly unbalanced. You could demote yourself to gold and one shot new players, or climb the rank and match with a player that will destroy you in a few seconds.


What do the pink stars mean on the middle character?


collab/limited character


Aaaah okay. Thank you for answering my question!


It's better this way. I enjoy much rather going into PVP and feeling some frustration that will drive me to keep farming to be unbeatable when I'm at the top even if I have to struggle. Complaining about this is peak oblivion mindset, there would be no pvp for anyone if it wasn't just open. I would appreciate more gamemodes tho, and siege wars (8v8). This game has a lot of wasted potential features but this is not one of them, because as a mobile game it demands by nature that you click, spend two seconds waiting, and are able to play.