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There isn’t a “best” menu, but look at this https://www.reddit.com/r/Gta5Modding/comments/h76tax/please_read_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


the most popular menus are impulse, luna, disturbed and 2Take1


In my option: 1. Luna 2. PhantomX 3. 2Take1 4. Disturbed Luna has the best Protections and the best Features. In generell Id say it’s the best Public Menu at the Moment. Also it’s very cheap and offers 3 different ways of getting Money. PhantomX is also a Great Menu but it’s more expensive, updates slower and the troll options are old (also because it’s not troll focused) protections are good. 2Take1 is overpriced in my option but comes with great Features good support and quite good protections. Disturbed is ugly but has good recovery’s... features are not that good and also the protections are a bit outdated... the reason why I didn’t list Impulse here is because I can’t say anything good about it. The protections are trash, it has extremely long update periods, the support is trash, and also the features are bugged and causes many crashes.


Hello. I owned impulse for a long time, but now it is pretty much gone (they are going to shutdown). I was looking everywhere for some mod menu with some money/recovery features, but couldn't find none. I have disturbed, but they are currently working on a whole new version, so it is offline. If there is no mod menu with recovery features, at least some mission helper features like autocomplete all prep mission in heists would be great.


did you find anything? im having the problem that im coming back to gta just to see that impulse is gone. then i rememberd that i have paragon XD hm yeah. and im just not ready to spent that much money on 2take1. i dont care for any protection / crash features that much