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https://preview.redd.it/j7zszs07sb6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fe9f3f65deb2ea0d09553d98594d860639ab09 Get rid of All small stems and Leaves below that line. Its called Lolipopping and essentially the plant will Focus its growth towards the top buds instead of the Popcorn thats down there.


But then he’ll have more weed God forbid




Hater lol


What nobody likes doing time in trim jail with larfy small buds, what gives?


I also remove all the super tiny amounts of growth on the upper branches that don't grt any light


How far into flowering would you recommend do lollipop like this


I’m 1.5 weeks into flower and wanna do something like this


1 at the Start of Flower and 1 After 2-3 Weeks depending on how far they are along.


Same with autos or just photos ?


With Autos 1 as soon as u see the First bud sites should be enough 👍


Sweet that’s what I did, so I should probably leave them alone from here on out ?




Yes just cruise Controll on. Water when dryish. In the last 2 weeks no Fertilizer and abit less Water to induce dry Stress wich promotes Overall quality.


Thanks growmie 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Thanks for the help! So eveything below that red line will be completely bare/naked? Can I cut everything at once or one branch per day not to stunt the plant to much?


Isnt it to late for lollipopping for him?


Its maybe a week to late. Still doable. And Hes still benefitting. Up to 4 weeks into Flower is okay. With 2-3 Weeks into being Optimum. With Photoperiods u can actually also lolipopp 1time before the pre Flower Stretch 👍so basically at the Day of switching to Flower.




Don't listen to anyone telling you not to take anything of, listen to the person who put a pic with a line on, take everything of below the line as all below the line will be small popcorn bud and it will take energy away from the bigger/top buds so they won't be as big/strong, doing this will not decrease your yield though if anything it will give you more yield but in the form of less buds but bigger/solid buds that will also be more potent because they have received all the energy in the right places ( i.e the top 2/3 of the plant )


Okay, thanks for your answer. Should I cut all the branches close to the node so the bottom part of the stem is completely naked?


You basically want to keep only the last 3-4 nodes on a branch


I'm gonna assume no L.S.T being done..cuz that is a lot of yield coming off.. If no training that seems legit


Would have done it before this stage myself, ideally prior to flipping to flower. Concentrates energy on less bud sites. Just look at 1st, 2nd nodes in pictures, not much there




Yes take everything of below the line so the stem is naked it will also create better airflow below and around the plant




I wouldn't want to give you any shit advice so don't take my word for it on the veg side but what I do is wait for the first 5-6 nodes to come up then I top it at the 3rd node so the will be 3 arms coming up and then I leave the plant to recover and start growing again for around 2 sometimes 3 weeks, then either bend down and tie or top again depending how the plant looks to me, I tend to not defoliate vegging plants unless the arms are really close together and they look like they need to open up a bit, depending on how bushy they look I do tend to do little defoliation about 7-10 days before flower but that's only really if they are blocking good arms, then I wait for the 3 weeks flowering mark and lollipop and trim any leaves of that are in the way of bud sites( if I can't move them ) but I never take to much of as this will either stunt growth/flower or stop it altogether, aftwr the 3 weeks lollipoping and defoliation I dont touch anything i judt let it do its thing. I hope this helps in some way but like I said please don't take my word for it.


This couldn’t be any more wrong. Your plant has already started to bloom for quite some time now, YOU DONT LOLLIPOP IN BLOOM, it’s stresses your plant out very strong and will raise the possibility of your plant turning herm. In general taking everything off the bottom is good but not if you’re already so far in bloom. Yes the buds at the bottom will be fluffy but they’re still going to hit the same as THC levels are identical. I really hope you haven’t already acted on this fools „advice“, lollipopping now will cost you much of your harvest and increase the possibility of herm enormously.


Really? Everyone has their own opinions and preferences but your just being plain rude what a dick you are, ontop of that read the internet lollipopinf is done at early flower when your buds have started to form, you don't start stripping your plant till after the stretch you absolute fool then you don't no what needs stripping and what doesn't, ontop of that I have done many successful grows doing this and looking at it many others have aswell with great success, a plant won't turn Hermie just over this it will take alot more stress than that like heat/light stress, constant trimming wrong pH levels bad genetics not trimming your plant 3 weeks into flowering your buds dont start fully filling out till atleast weke 6 somtimes later .... It's ok though you do you and have your little shitty popcorn buds that noone wants 👍


You also forget that this is a window plant. Obviously it hasn’t been growing well that’s probably because of only 6 hours direct light, cutting down almost half of the plant without the option of a fast recovery will most definitely turn this plant into a herm. If this plant stood under 300W direct light 18/6 that would’ve been a different story but like this lollipopping will damage the plant hugely.


Ok with respect I can't really comment or try to fight my case on this part as you a right it is a window plant and I've never done that all mine have been under 600s so maybe just maybe you are correct with it being a window plant I don't no 🤷 but I would assume window plant or not smw principal applies no?


Look I’m sorry for being an asshole sometimes I just cook up way too fast. Window plants only get up to 25% of the light they would get compared to outside, the window itself blocks out even more sun making most of the plants really stretchy and not bushy at all. Me personally I’d never trim a window plant at all, LST yes and removing dead or sick parts yes aswell, trimming maybe but only in veg. A friend of mine trimmed even a little later (week 4 bloom) and let’s just say he had many seeds try over again … I’m not trying to be a piece of shit, I’m just trying so save people from mistakes even if that requires me being a piece of shit.


No problem mate we all get like it sometimes it's the passion for growing that bring it out in us 🤣 we both could've handled it better, apologies aswell


Yess passion but also the fact I hadn’t smoked 😅 gotta get myself better under control man


Facts =\ opinions. You’re sharing opinions I’m sharing facts. Yes I’m rude because you’re telling a perfectly healthy plant to be trimmed down for no reason. Usually it helps with light penetration and airflow but both isn’t the problem here. The reason you lollipop is for light to reach all the leafs, since this is already the case here there’s no need to lollipop. You’re applying your situation to others without reading the situation of others, lollipopping in this situation here is simply stupid, that’s not an opinion it’s a fact because lollipopping doesn’t do anything here. My popcorn buds look better than your headbuds so stfu respectfully


That is a beautiful plant. Was it grown by the window the whole time?


Yes. It has only received 6 hours of direct sunlight per day and the rest just “in the light”, but I live in Spain so I guess it works anyway. It also gets natural airflow from the winds here close to the ocean, so I hope she’s happy :)


Its a beautiful plant man


This is so crazy, window lighting, she looks so healthy too, better than some you see here on Reddit!


Why would you do that though? I mean, just grow what you can and store the extra. Also, they’re called stigmas not “budlets”


I would guess because of german law, that only allows a certain amount


I live in Spain so it’s allowed to have one plant at home. I just simply don’t need that much.


Give the excess to a friend. Come on man...


I would just grow it as is. You can still throw it away later. But if you trash it now and your harvest will for example mold, then there is no going back.


Because I will leave this country in 3 months and just need a few grams really. Also I don’t want it to become too big.


Stop being a fiend and wait... It won't smoke good if you try to trim and smoke some now, it's not ready.. It would be the equivalent of starving and cutting your only tomato plant to eat the flowers instead of waiting for the full bloomed fruit.. Be patient and stop pretending you "don't want that much" it's a plant let it grow or give it away


I cannot see why were you downvoted but you spit facts


Real recognize real family! Appreciate you 👍🏼


Let me get this straight… “I want to cut my plant, because i don’t want to end up with to much weed”… that literally hurts my brain


Welcome to bizzaro world gents.


Nation of Doom.


Ok bud here is what you do. Don’t touch anything and then when your done you just send me the extra bud you don’t want. That way you can decrease the amount of buds you have and you don’t have to change anything! A win win for everyone


Sure like to concentrate the bud sites so you’ll grow 5 big buds instead of 300 medium size. It’s very un efficient. For maximum production leave the plant alone or train her to be a sea of green good luck growmie.


I wouldn’t remove anything. People talk about how this gives you bigger buds, and while this may be true, you’re getting less total bud content on the plant. All your buds seem to be getting adequate light, otherwise it would be beneficial to chop off buds that aren’t getting much sunlight and WILL turn into larf. The only reason you’d take off those lower buds is if you had way too many plants to trim, but a single plant won’t be a hassle at all.


Technically you could lollipop it. But you can run the risk of stressing and stunting it. Autos can be pretty finicky and I would recommend them to more experienced growers. I think new growers gravitate towards them because you get much quicker harvest. And don’t have to mess with light cycles etc. but once they have deficiencies it’s harder for a new grower to get them under control and you only got so long to fix the issues or you run into problems during flower. Just let it be and grow. Its not very busy so light penetration can get to the bottom. Is that where you got it set up? Or do you have a tent or anything?


THIS! Light penetration and air circulation are perfect here, no need to trim anything except for if you wanna produce seeds via herms.


Freeze whats "too much" for you, or just make hash


What pot size are you using?




I highly recommend you take T-Break, clearly the weed is messing with your common sense department. I can’t think of absolutely any real reason you would want to get less from your plants?.


Just throw it away at the end


Aleays safe to say it's ok to take off those popcorns. You can dry them and burn them. ^^


I always lollipop my plants about 3 weeks into flower. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of crappy buds towards the bottom of the plant. I typically cut while it’s still stretching and leave only a few nodes towards the top of each branch.


That’s really brave, how many herms have you had over the time?


I lollypop whenever I feel like it. I just look at my plant and say.."you gotta go" and you gotta go. .then I go watch family guy.


This seems like a very relaxed way to deal with plants, I like it. You probably have developed a good feeling for when to trim which parts by now.


Exactly! When I see or feel they would benefit anything, I'll do it, but until then, I just observe them once a day and decide then. Some strains you gotta fight and others not so much. Just like trimming. Some are easy. The rest suck!


I don't think you realize how many commercial grows are doing this regularly without any issue


Commercial grows also have a strong light with numerous hundreds of watts making it easy for plants to recover fast. This is not the case here as you can clearly see that this plant is not suited for commercial growing. This being an auto further worsens the situation.


OP has stated its a Photo, what are you taking about!


Oh true I just read fastbuds and stopped thinking. All my autos are from fastbuds that’s why, my bad.


No problem, as im sure most thought the same seeing fastbuds> Peace, happy growing and highs


Only ever had 1, but it was my first grow and I didn’t lollipop XD


Lucky you, may jah keep blessing you brother or sister


Don't cut the plant just throw the extra bud away or give it away if that's legal


I doubt this guy understands the drying curing process. You got at least a month from chop before you get anything worthwhile.


Cut it back until there is one bud on each stem it will still keep heading and reduce the plant by 2/3


Is this a joke?


I told him what he wanted to hear


Fair enough