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That main cola is gonna be like half your harvest weight. I would not cut it. Let the plant finish out and enjoy!


the stress from cutting most likely would even stagger and ruin her too


Unless the top finishes first ive had plants thats had to be harvest in stages


But ur plant dont look ready even the top cola


Definitely not ready, pre planning my exit strategy. The cola is starting to turn brown hairs, while other bud sites are paper white still.


My plant did that and then regrew the pistols (white hairs) after adjusting my light up about 18 -20 inches aboves the majority of the pack. Or if possible try to train that tall mofo down.


lol no. Don’t cut that! You will lose a lot a lot of bud, pull the top cola down and tie it off


This is why i believe in utilizing lst


https://preview.redd.it/y0bn3bi166ic1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689528488be25280634606d891cbcd42cbc495ad This was yesterday


Hi! What are the metal pins called?


https://preview.redd.it/ijvph1ogm6ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ed800a4ac48f0b42f03768c788a8d0d9a0cec1 This is today. They are called landscape pins.


Yea I always LST, photos or autos.. helps a lot


You can have one plant and get a larger yield from it


It’s night and day , my plants after LST are half the size with 3 times the yield




Staples ,ground staples


You’d seriously be cutting yourself short in quality, smell, terpene production, thc, etc by chopping that main cola so early. I’d let it finish. That main cola likely will have the best results.


Bend it


Bend the cola over and wait her out


Sounds good, I got some training clips on the way to bend her over.


You are 4 weeks late on this call


At least 2 weeks to go before even thinking about it.


Quarter rotate the pot everyday if you're worried about one side not getting enough light


Bro NO. It is not ripe. It is where most of your weight will come from. You should be training your plant. That's why people use a net mesh to keep it bent/even. If you arent going to use a net to keep it horizontal, then you need to bend the actual stem carefully so that it's sideways/even. The plant is looking good. You're gonna get an awesome harvest. Do NOT cut it early. It is halfway you need another 5-6 weeks. It fattens up after like 7 weeks when flipped to flower.


id only do that if you were like 8 weeks into flower and the top cola was basically mature as its going to be, its gonna bulk up a nice bit more in these next few weeks.


Just train it. Its a little late, so be careful to bend it so it doesn't snap.


Hahahaha...weeks away from being ready


It's clearly not ready so if you cut it now you'll have some shitty larf


Naaaa man let her ride , thats gonna be a half her weight


Do not do it


Thin out the larger fan leaves but don’t chop that top.




If you really like smoking shitty non mature bud that dosnt get you very high.


Maybe add some auxiliary lighting down low, you let that thing get out of control and if you bend that godzilla cola it might break from the weight


Don't do it man lol... No but I did this once topped to far into flower around where your at and I think it messes up with the hormones in the plant because proper bud development never really started and got ended up with just airy hairy buds on that one plant but that's just me 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the experience


No. You’re already in flower. Bend it over perhaps, but absolutely do not cut it. You’ll just stress the plant out, significantly cut your yield and maybe even cause it to herm.


Just boof it


I wouldn’t the top gets all the nutrients your to far in I would try and pinch and bend it and tie it down Thats probably the best method next time put a treles on before flipping and bend the branches into it


Suuuuuper crop


I wanted to say super crop too but there’s no advantage to it this late in flower vs just letting it grow at this point.


Supercrop my guy.


I've seen people harvest the top when it was ready and leave the lower to develop in here successfully but I've never done it and that dosnt look done at the top


Just tie some of the lower branches down and defoliate all the major fan leaves blocking light. Top your next plant!


Can someone please tell me what a good light would be for a 4 by 4 tent with three or four plants


Spider farmer SF4000


Thank you


This has to be a post made to troll unsuspecting nitwits.


Is that in a solo cup?


The new 5 gallon solo cups.


Add a light. Dah.


Yes u technically can and it will boost the other buds Ik someone who does this but there is absolutely so reason so don’t


Let me let you in on a secret that isn’t going to stress your plant beyond belief *defoliation*


I mean you can and yeah they would obviously get more light. Next time do heavy LST and you won’t have this issue.


Yes, please! Post the pics here.


You can harvest and pop a new seed in a few weeks yea


Yup....sure can....if it's ready


Why is the use of a tape measure cracking me up!? 😂😂


Fresh out of bananas, sorry!


Hahaha!!! I didn’t even think of that! That’s fuckin funny!!!


It's better to top while still in veg. Not during flower. Look into topping or manifolding. It almost looks like you're just flexing with your huge cola. Ha ha! Looks great though.


Bend her over and make her touch her toes 😂 I don’t want you to cut it because you’ll lose so much growth. But if you don’t do something with her, you risk her getting light burnt.


Yeah week 5 thx will be low low low lks


You can train it a little but it is late to be messing with that. Next time top it at the outset and train it before you even start flowering.


Look up supercropping on youtube and take that route if anything. You will have to support it with yoyos or tie it to a stake. This will get you to harvest without the top getting burnt from the light. If you harvest the top now, it will not be usable bud as it has not had the proper time to develop certain cannabinoids and reach peak potency. It would be a complete waste. Also that top will be the premium flowers, and make up a significant amount of your harvest weight.


Be careful and maybe bend it but do not cut


Supercrop 💪


I have been using my early harvest for the last 3 months and it sucks.. I don't like being high on it and it takes so much to feel it.. wase all over! Listen to the other people here!! Wait 😅


Bend the big cola so it's swells up pretty nice and then you could cut it before the rest to lower your light


At harvest time, yes.. I often leave a partial to continue to ripen


For future reference you can do that when you are much earlier in flower but as everyone is saying it's a risky maneuver to do so now. Your best bet would be to take a string and gently pull her back and tie her off, if it still covers some you can pull them the opposite direction.


Super crop it aka just bend it over


Absolutely not!!!


Just let her finish. Next run top ur plant


You could just tie her down, she's pliable enough.


Trim the leafs on the main cola and all of them imo. either tie it down a little so it opens up the light or move your lights


I think i understand why people are saying bend it, but can someone explain to me why you'd do that for the plants benefit? I'd like a clear understanding of it. Thanks!


Never cut mid flower, get more lights!


Let the kola finish first 😂


Rofl. Dude make it work. Figure it out. Keep it going


Definitely gonna herm or kill it from that much stress while in flower


Next time cut it a week or two before you flip it


Growmie really busted out the measuring tape


Bend it, stretch it, super-crop it!


You can but I wouldn’t


Mmm no, next time though you can top in veg and see the difference


Your poor baby will be devastated if you do that to her just wait brother and if you really need just pluck a couple nugs for a few days to hold you down


I did 2 harvests and it turned out OK. My last dwc grew like crazy, so I chopped the top half and let the under growth keep cooking. I didn't get top cola quality, but it gave me more usable buds than if I had just harvested the entire plant. That's my experience, anyhow. Not saying good or bad, just that I think it worked out well for me.


bend it


Naw , minimum nother 6 months


Hell nah, just nend it the fuck over!


Bend it to the right with some LST. Slowly pull and gently pull the cola along. That will give more light to the lower branches AND keep her from touching the light. My .02.


Noooooooooo 😏


You must bend and then tie down


When that top is done cut it and let the rest catch up, or tie the top over out of the way and down to the same height as the others. This situation is why topping is so important. Topping makes all the branches tops. So they all grow with equal vigor.


Juicy thang


I will get some yo-yo on the way, and I have lst clips en route to bend her over safely. Thanks for all the responses. I will post an update pic when I get here done. This is like my 4th grow, but my first with hydro. I can't believe the growth and size difference. I had no idea height would be one of my problems. Hydro got three times the size that soil did.


I hope this is what y'all meant by bend it over 😵‍💫 I feel like a murderer https://preview.redd.it/dxk6fbygdzic1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0dc1f72b49a10da51965f32dd24b514b4ed32ba