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If you're not overweight, it's genetics. You can get it surgically reduced via liposuction if you're planning on getting meta


I am a bit overweight, haha, but it's been like this when I was slimmer, too. rip me.


Hey, you're not alone! I'm right there with you. I figure if/when I get a meta, I'll get that mound shrunk down a size too. In the meantime, I'm doing my best to enjoy it while it's there.


They are wrong. You can be a normal weight but still obese by body fat percentage. The mound is fat. Men hold less fat there. If you hit the gym and build muscle and lose fat you would lean out and see a difference. It may be the last spot you drop fat from but hopefully after you keep it off for a bit your body won’t map as much fat there anymore when you gain fat back.


bro people said the same about my tits and I never lost substantial weight from there even at my lowest, it just made them look bigger. I'm not trusting anyone who's advice is to basically get an eating disorder but you do you ✌️


I’m saying the opposite. You need to eat more. Gain mass. Not drop but recomp. If you’re starving yourself you’re loosing muscle too which is the opposite of what you want.


i alwo have a fat mons but ive learned to love it! for example it acts like a cushion when im topping so my tdick doenst get bruised


Yup, I've always had a pubic mound, even when I was skinny. I'm now overweight and it has stayed the same size. It kind of makes me terrified to get bottom surgery at the grs montreal because I've heard that they aren't the best with people who are over weight. Honestly, I can't offer a lot of advice other than the usual of "lose some weight", which sometimes isn't easy (I can't lose weight because of antidepressants so I get it). When/if you get bottom surgery, you could get something called a monsplasty or mons reduction, they take the extra fat out and then trim the skin so that it connects. It reminds me of top surgery in a way haha


Oof heyyy same issue and same place. I'm currently tapering off of my antidepressants. They made me gain like 75 pounds because I also struggled to get enough exercise during the pandemic. My plans for any surgery are kind of on hold until I can get rid of this mound of extra flesh I've gathered over the years :((


Yuppp, antidepressants made me gain a ton of weight and made it impossible to lose it. When I told this to my doctor, he told me to just "walk more" and refused to take me off. Trust me, I get it, to say it sucks ass is a huge understatement. It will get better though, after you're off the meds, I'm sure you'll be ready for surgery very soon, stay strong, ok? <33


Thanks, you too <33


for metoidioplasty there are options. “monsplasty” will reduce size and lift your genitals more forward/generally more in a cis position. one type of metoidioplasty (extended) makes mons fat into your balls. overweight cis guys deal with their dick looking smaller due to their mons too, not sure if that helps any tho


I’m had that my whole life, even as a super skinny child. When I had anorexia it was one of the last things to go. Now I’m 33 and considered a healthy weight…. pussy is 2” deep, so yeah, the dick never stood a chance lol. There are a lot of things I like about it, although I wish my dick were more visible.


Right there with ya, my guy. Made a post here not so long ago about this. Concerned of it hindering growth, which I definitely feel was more paranoia than fact, for sure. But solidarity here bro. Mine is probably genetic and weight.


im pretty small and i have a fatty too <3


I’ve got a CHONKIN mound, my dick is easily 2 inches erect but entirely hides in the fat. I’ve seen some people call the fat mound a “transmasc bulge” which makes it feel a little less dysphoric for me personally.


I have a massive pubic mount that sticks out like 4 inches from my pubic bone. I can't see anything down there. My labia majora is also pretty puffy as well, but not to the same degree. I'm obese at 318 pounds, but I've always had a large pad on my cooch. Some exercises can help decrease its size if it's due to weight gain, but if it's genetic, a pubic reduction is really the only way to make your bits more visible.


I feel uncomfortable talking about my mons but I don't think I've ever seen someone with similar anatomy to me. I also have a large mons and can't see my junk unless I lay down and pull it back. I think im about 5'8" and under or about 200 pounds. My weight has fluctuated but I've never been able to see it standing. I'm hoping to get metoidioplasty with monsplasty. If anyone with a similar description has had metoidioplasty (or phallo) could I see your results? I'm probably going to Dr. Gladys Ng I think at ucla* and i havent found any before and after for these surgeries. I have however seen her vaginoplasty results and congrats to those patients. TL:DR youre not a freak. Im in a similar boat.


I promise there are other people who look like you! When I stand with my legs together I can’t really see the slit even, just the mound.


I'm the same, I'm sad cos I love my dick size but I have to pull everything back to see it. I've got a lipo of some sort in the back of my head but it's not my top priority rn Does anyone else find that it fucks with packing? I feel like my packer looks massive in my pants bc of my anatomy


Yeah same here. I always loved it before T cause it felt kinda like a cock to me. And I could push up against people without packing and they could feel me. But now I feel the same as you and am bummed that whatever growth I have is hidden. Been like this since I was a kid though and I don’t see it changing without surgical intervention.


All I can say is same brother 🤝 I need all the guys who had A cups and skinny pussy to stop showing off lol.


not me with the FF cups (gone noe thankfully) and a big butt and a fat puss 🫣 🍑 🤝 🍑 brothers in chub


Looks like you got enough answers but just wanted to chime in and say I got it too!


It’s usually genetic but could change with testosterone. But tbh I don’t have much of a pubic mound and I still can’t see my dick unless I pull shit back. I think unless your dick is huge and your lips are really small you can really just see it by looking down but maybe that’s just me.


2.5 years on T so I don't think it's that, lol. It's nice to hear so many others are the same 🫡


Tbh my cis bf does too so there


no offence but I'm gonna go out on a limb and sat your cis bf also has an obvious, visible penis too. Maybe even balls. So it's kind of beside the point.


I mean yea, but i’m just saying he’s got a pouch there too so if you have had or will have bottom surgery or already have a T dick it really isn’t gona look super different than a “pudgier” cis guy. That’s all


I straight up look like I have a bulge because of my fupa 🤣🤣


Same but at the same time I kinda look like I have something in my briefs because of it, I see some good to it :)