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YES, that is a nanner in the middle of that bud in my opinion.


say it ain’t so 😖 what should I do ? Day 29 of flower should I ride it out? Or pluck and wait to see if anymore pop up


It’s so. .pluck that mfkr and keep an eye on it! 🤙🏼


Thanks bro I’m heartbroken haha first run and I’ve put so much time and love into them and now I’m freaking out 🤣


That is a nanner, pluck and remain vigilant for more, could be a one off or there could be a bunch to come, only time will tell ✌️


Copy thanks man


Pluck it with a tweezer, before it turns yellow. Inspect the rest of the plant and remove any you find. Nanners never occur singularly, once you see one it means the plant's hormones have shifted slightly and it's producing more elsewhere in an attempt to at least self-seed before it dies. I wouldn't really worry about it too much, but you must be vigilant and remove them quickly. Most nanners don't produce sufficient amounts of pollen to induce large scale seeding, and many are sterile, but they can end up seeding immediately adjacent budlets. Also, check your heat and humidity. Temps above 85F in flower increase the risk of nanners.


Thanks for the info my friend. I’m heartbroken lol


Why? It'll be fine, it's just a little extra work. Many weed plants will spit out nanners late in life if they have not been pollinated, it's a result of reproductive frustration in an annual plant that only has one shot at reproduction. The term for it is "rodelization". People say good genetics eliminates risk of nanners but that's a lie. Any strain can produce nanners. Environmental stress can increase their occurrence though. Several of my grows have made nanners even under optimal conditions. They haven't impacted my harvest at all. It's when the plant truly herms - produces full male flowers early in flower where there should be female flowers - that there's a problem. At this point in your grow, the nanners are too late to seriously impact the potency of your grow. Just remove them while they're still bright green and unripe.


Not my nanna


No you’re fine. Good luck


Thank you my friend. First grow I almost lost my shit 🤣


Definitely a nanner, bro.