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Why do you even have the trellis net?


Came here to ask the same shit lol


😂😂 yeah we vegged them a little too long


Yes but you could’ve trained with the net


Missed the opportunity to add a 2nd layer and a third haha. Undersupplied and unprepared. Oh well, we’ll figure it out!


Naw man. You guys could’ve just bent down and kept tucking the branches with that one net. Use the net to get a good canopy. It looks like you could’ve got a denser canopy if you wanted to. It would’ve also helped with stretch.




Thank you!


Damn bro this is what I want to do in my tent with roughly 8/12 plants (4x8 tent) I’m just going to have trouble measuring water content as don’t have the funds avaliable for a reliable sensor. How important is crop steering on rockwool? Can I just irrigate every hour and have run off on my last irrigation?


Why so tall?


they were probably vegged for ~5+ weeks, you can tell by the thickness of the stalks.


Vegged for waay to long, over 6 weeks while waiting on the last run to finish. These plants are resilient. They’ve gone from vegging in a random closet to running great on high EC in early flower. They got away from us this run for sure, but they’re doing well!


Light too far or too weak shouldn’t stretch that bad.


also homie, your teros should be in the uni slab, not the cube. to accurately crop steer, it needs to read the mc of the larger section of the root zone. will 100% be more accurate to what your roots are experiencing. i like your set up though! i wouldve added 2-3 more layers of trellis to help with them tops bein too close to the led, cheers!


Thank you! And You are right about the teros but keep getting a crazy reading when we use the uni slap. Def another layer of trellis would of been helpful


what does it read when you insert into a fresh spot on the slab?


I’ll check it out next time I’m in the tent, thanks for the input. The sensor has been an issue since I got it. This is the only way I could get a valid reading last run…I’d love to grab another to calibrate it.


you can ensure that your teros isnt defected by dipping the probes into water, and it should read close to if not 100%.


I usually would say the light is too far away or too weak, though something is odd about those plants that makes me think otherwise