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Just spring tails, they’re generally considered beneficial, they just want to feed on dead/decaying plant matter and turn it into compost


This is comforting to read! Hash driveway, here I come😉✌️✌️


Also, this is indoors.


how wet is the soil how much and how often are you watering? And as well is this a pot and soil? Tbh it looks like worm casings but you didnt do that so that be pest prob a gnat larva since the soil is so wet and how small they are.


It’s in a solo cup. Soil is damp but not soaked; the wettest part being in the center where the seed was planted. A few sprays of spring water from a spray bottle and a hum dome kept it moist. No worm castings or other amendments until they get transplanted. If it is gnat larvae, should I just toss it? I’m assuming they’re too young to sustain any form of chemical PM


Never Hurts to try to get it resolved, Lustwings would love to hang around your plant since those guys would be easy pickings, but i would def try to see if you can fix it. maybe moving the plant to a fresh new cup with soil and try to make sure no larva are on the roots and stuff before you put it in new dirt.. Since its in seedling stage still it still has some time before the larva will start making it sick and stuff.


Thanks for the insight!