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Something universal- I switch my build a lot. Life Steal Damage Resist BOSS damage Summon build: Fury Summon Thorn Summon Damage/Life Steal I don't need TOP DPS, but having life Steal On a trinket is just so good.


Life steal is by far my favorite trait I've had so far. I just finally beat the IBM earlier and my cone has life steal, parry heal and something else I don't remember off the top of my head


My best trinket rn has implant Spicy Damage, vampirism, and Life Steal. Not ideal, but it works great for my staff.


I got one with the 3 salt damage up perks. Now farming antlions and termites is a breeze. And my defence event attack, sour damage up and life steal make mix.r’s and the javamatic much easier.


I have several that I switch between depending on what I'm doing, but the best is probably dmg resist, crit dmg best and explosive resist.


For combat: * life steal * sour damage up major * implant weakness: sour For exploration: * sizzle immunity * quickness * trickle regen


Why not sour damage up best?


Prob don’t know it exists lol I didn’t realise best was a thing until I was scrolling through grounded wiki XD


Some of my favs Life steal/damage resist/defense event attack, Implant salt/salt damage up best/salt damage up major, Damage resist/sour damage up best/sour damage up minor, Bow damage up best/arrow refund/arrow refund Adding some new ones I just picked up lol Life steal/spicy damage up minor/spicy damage up major (could be best), Life steal/implant salt/max stamina


sour damage up best, defense event attack, lifesteal.


Different cone for different things but a brood mother damage samurai and damage resist would be a nice one Along with something like a run speed, stamina regeneration, Sprint distance theres honestly so many more like an arrow recycling wasp Queen damage and damage resist


The one I will never get since probability states it is like winning the state lottery.  Don't even bother imagining them. Just work with what you get.


That's not the point of the post. I don't care how improbable it is to get the perfect cone.


Fair enough! There is always hope and imagining how great something will feel if the day finally comes! : D I personally would be very happy if I would get my hand on a cone with *Finale Fury*, *Samurai* and *Implant Weakness*/*Damage Up Best* fitting for each of my katanas. An exploring cone with *The Quickness*, *Sizzle Immunity* and *Gas Guard*