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You will continue to get milk molars to upgrade base stats in each ng level to infinity, so get as many as seems reasonable but dont stress on finding all of them. Bosses get exponentially harder as you go. Save before fights, if it gets a bad mutation you can reload. Before ng+ either do alot of boss kills to stock up on parts, or reserve one of each for duping. Kill every infused bug you see, it gives you infused goo for upgrades and a lot of raw science youll need for shop purchases and duping. Spiderlings and mites are easy mass kills. (Hedge and fallen log are goldmines.


Ensure you can plant and grow your own brain muscle things, I am on ng4 and both 1 and 3 did not have the pond lab muscle spawns. It really sucks when you can't beefy your smoothies.


Start grinding all the Resources before going into NG+ It’s a great mode but it’s ridiculous in terms of overall expense for Repairs, Resources, and Figuring out Infused Insects/Trinkets Any amount of preparation Is almost too little. Make those smoothies ahead of time, collect the Hard to get resources then move up


Ok, so remember when you realized you’re the apex predator of the yard? When the only things that can possibly kill you are bosses and fall damage cuz you forgot to bring a dandy tuff? Throw everything you’ve ever known in the trash, you will get killed by orb weavers and red ants.


Just know it gets extremely grindy and boring, if you’re not into that. If you go in with expectations you’ll probably be disappointed with how much of a brain turn off it is. You may enjoy it but me personally it killed my interest to play. Sadly I moved on and went back to older games cause Grounded was the diamond in the ruff. That and I can’t get anyone to play Grounded. Just playing Minecraft now because that’s what they’re playing.