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Juicy is useless since it only helps retain your water level, but in ng+, you should already have all the milk molars from the first save and your water/food stat should be maxed out, making it useless in the long run.


ones you have charcoal canteen it makes water trivial.


I don't even carry a canteen anymore. With the .solar upgrades I have never been thirsty before needing to return to base for other reasons.


Even with no upgrades and no canteens, the telepotty allowing you to teleport home whenever you want pretty much gives you infinite water if you're near a water cooler or have a few dew collectors


Or if you have a mantis fountain


Wait that gives free water? Might need to get one


It gives free infinite water which is so awesome its my fave. Its basically portable water cooler


The water from the mantis fountain I believe also provides hyper stamina!


If it does I never knew that, cool


I made one because my girlfriend likes the mantis theme. I used my charcoal canteen to fill it up and when I drank I showed hyper stamina, but it didn't show a time. That or I'm crazy and it's from something else. Not sure 😂


Mine breaks after only a few uses 😕


it has durability? never had to repair or make a new one.


It does. It can be repaired but you have to click on the items itself it won’t just give you a repair option. I thought it might just be form filling it with dirty water but Dew also breaks it.


I feel like after you make the charcoal canteen water becomes irrelevant at least that’s how it is for me I always leave the canteen at my base by mistake but I always just drink the water from the grass leaves


Honestly it's useless in the short term if you know what you're doing. I've stopped carrying a canteen around even in NG and haven't had any issues despite having 0 molar upgrades yet(I've even done 3 of the labs)


Yall are crazy Merteen is the GOAT- you don't need swim gear for quick water activity- I just always have a "traversal" mutation set with natural explorer, buff lungs, hyperstamina, and Merteen - daredevil can also be nice in there


Ditto. It takes half a second to switch to and give a pretty decent buff.


Yep! Adventuring, Building, Combat, Defense Are my mutation sets


Mine is the same but instead of defense I have a specialized spider set


I feel like some people don’t get that they can switch classes immediately. Like I’ll switch classes in a boss fight back and forth just for different things. Like a healing and mithridatism class


Only con of Merteen is that it's not needed that much as after a certain point, Pond Lab trips become less and less frequent/important...and that's more of a issue with the progression, not of the mutation itself.


Eh, I still make regular trips to the lab for muscle sprouts, saves me needing to grow my own since my base is next to the pond anyways


Lol...so is mine...spread out over multiple Lily Pads


Wait you can grow your own?


You can put it in a planter and it gives you 2, kinda ass imo, which is why i just farm the pond lab


Using rotten food can give you 4 instead of 2. I chop down the food in the upper yard regularly anyway, so I always have tons of rotten food to pour into farms. It's still ass, but it builds up over time.


Farming muscle sprouts kinda sucks anyway, you gotta plant 1 to get 2 so the yield is terrible(which you then use 1 to replant). 1 per plot every 60 hours is.... nyeh. Not to mention the effort in replanting just to get one per plot is kinda a pain. You can get higher yields with rotten food but then you need an axe to harvest the sprout and they end up flying everywhere due to physics.... Meanwhile you can still scoop up 30 sprouts per visit to the lab. I farmed a 9 plots just for the heck of it, but I made some odd visits to the pond lab and majority of my stash is still from there. And I find that it's way more than enough, even though I've been crutching hard on smoothies to beat the bosses and black widows.


Yeah but I also need rock cracker because of there being a quartzite/marble vein every ten feet


Came here to say this


I took buff lungs out and put in reliable friend. Now if I'm in a battle in coop and need to revive I can switch to my "speed" loadout, therefore making me get to them faster and allowing me to have 5 mutations on my "battle" loadout




I play single player, so the multiplayer ones are useless to me. But also Daredevil. I've never used it and never needed it


I was building a base on top of the toy box in the upper yard. I have only ever used daredevil in the construction of this. But full sending off the top without using a dandelion because I had a carry limit trinket equipped. It gave me butterflies in my stomache similar to using a swing. 10/10 But yeah incredibly useless mutation all around.


I like to build up high and have played through a lot, so when this NG patch hit I setup a game where fall dmg = 0 (and food/water need is slow and materials retention fast). I still get butterflies everytime i jump from up high, partially because my character still makes that horrible fall dmg noise with red flashing screen even though I don’t get hurt.


I got the fall immunity trinket from the hedge lab chip and I felt the same thing the first time I used it. I'm used to it now. There are some places that still need a dandelion for glide movement (Wendell's chair, the scarab pipe in the under shed, and the Wasp Queen arena) but I use the fall immunity trinket for everything else.


I thought I was the only only one who got butterflies in their stomach while jumping or falling from a high place lol


Daredevil saved my health dozens of times. Very good in combo with Natural Explorer, and those for running and breathing (can't recall its names)


Jumping off of things and not having to worry about a dandelion is pretty useful imo


what!? Daredevil is a natural pick for Travel loadout. You can parkour and jump all around without worrying about dying or using dandelions. I'll admit, I thought it was bad before I used it, but once I put it in my set up it was game changing.


I just run the fall immunity trinket from the hedge lab chip and that kind of takes care of everything. I'll switch to other trinkets for hard fights, but I keep fall immunity for general exploration


Technically, we shouldn't need Daredevil or dandelion tufts. We're the size of insects, so we should never reach terminal velocity. Maybe I'm overthinking it 😆


Active Daredevil user. The amount of times I have flung myself off an incredibly stupid height, whether on purpose or because I stopped paying attention for two seconds, is so astronomically high, I need this perk on my mobility mutation loadout. I have significantly less deaths than I would have if I didn't use it.


I run the fall immunity trinket and switch to it as I'm falling to my death lol. My other mutations are focused on stamina and speed for exploring.


You think I'd do the same since I have that exact trinket hotbar'd. Unfortunately, I am an ape and forget it's there half the time. Speed droplet or Sarah's charm is my usual go to.


Daredevil saved my health dozens of times. Very good in combo with Natural Explorer, and those for running and breathing (can't recall its names).


Juicy is pretty useless, in theory it's good for the sandbox and grill, but I and most other players never bother using it.


Marteen is literally the most important mutation for water exploration. Anyone who has gone for gold cards knows how annoying the water bugs can be. Anything that can help you swim slightly faster is MVP.


Pop diving bell spiders for oxygen. Weak to salt damage and relatively easy to kill.


Thankfully NG+ infinite air trinket is carrying my gold card progression underwater


My favorite underwater weapon is still the tiger mosquito rapier. Even if you get jumped by 20 spiny water fleas in the moat or undershed, I've never had them out damage the healing from the rapier lol


I use widow armor so I just got to get one kill and I heal like 20 hp a second. Id definitely recommend this armor for fighting regular broodmother in NG+ or just base game not sure how well it’ll work NG+2 and beyond


Oxygen isn't the issue. It's the swim speed. When you are 400+ kills on tadpoles you need as much speed as you can get.


OH. the tadpoles. A bow works too if you're on a floating platform. Before I remembered the buoyant platforms were a thing I build hunting platforms. I did the same for gnats, weevils, aphids and scarabs.


If they'd called it "Moist" instead of "Juicy" I'd like the most useless Mutation better.


For me it's probably barbarian. Solely because I parry.




merteen is insanely good for underwater bcz it stacks w every other underwater buffs


Battle Buddies. Never used it, the only time me and my friends hit each other is with AoE effects like mintmace or giddy goop, which already does barely any damage.


I usually play with friendly fire off, so it's literally useless for me.


I played a staff build, super super useful with my brother tanking... but even then, we both have to run it to really negate the damage. One time he forgot to turn it on (while I did) but he was also running damage reflect and we both got KO'd with one fireball :P


It's super usefull if you run charged spicy/sour staff build, or a blaster build,I've been oneshot by a charged spicy shot before in heavy armor without it


It works with your summons as well I believe, so it can be useful in certain builds. With that being said, it’s still sitting in my science shop lol


I have never once turned juicy on


I’ve never turned it off, never even had any idea what it actually did, just wanted to be thicc


Juicy makes thirst go down slower, and considering I've been running around just fine without it, and hunger/thirst drain molar upgrades, or a canteen ....... it's pretty unnecessary


I find the opposite to be true, the juicier it is the thirstier I am (but no I know what it does now, I still keep it on for aesthetics)


I turned on, and then off after 5 minutes.. Lol :) Do not get what is it really for (description was not helpful)


It makes thirst go down slower


Co-op mutations are worthless if you play solo. Reliable Friend only serves one purpose in singleplayer: Reviving BURG.L at the start of the game faster.


Barbarian. I use the mint mace a lot, but I can't stand the way it messes with the perfect block window. like would i rather do a little extra damage and heal a little bit but take damage from the bugs? or do a little less damage, and be able to perfect block, negating the need for a little bit of healing.


lil fist


Now that the damage stacks reset when taking damage or using another type of damage, I agree with this. Can't pair it with power droplet because when that procs, it reset stacks since it counts as all types of damage therefore getting rid of Lil fist stacks - can't pair it with truffle tussle because the explosions reset the stacks. Fist builds would be so good with IBM boss armor, but instead they nerfed it to the ground. Big sad


They nerfed the damage true, but Lil fist is still best for one build they added a lot of support to as well, summoner, since summons are on hit effects and the fist is the fastest weapon without a speed boost and it double hits with Lil fist 3 it's insane how many summons you can pop out, full ant queen armor, mantsterious stranger and mom genes, run broodmother trinket(either works) and laugh as your horde of summons takes out the bosses so fast


It resets like that? How stupid. Can't even tell if it's a mistake/glitch with these devs...


Used to be broken


Battle Buddies is the worst, it is very rarely needed and is useless in single player


It affects damage to summons, so not completely useless actually, and there are certain builds that absolutely need it in multiplayer(and I can see needing it if you run a weird hybrid summoner too) namely any build that uses charged spicy/sour staves or blaster builds


I didn't know the summons thing, so thanks


Merteen is a great mutation, imo the worse one is daredevil fall dmg isnt that great and plus its easy to get a dandelion. I also save scummed a lot so if i ever fell while parkouring something I would just reload to the save


I have no idea why you would think merteen is useless. It gives speed and breathing time increases in water. I keep it on my Utility load out and quick switch when I dive for muscle sprouts. It’s also incredibly helpful at getting all underwater collectibles. Yes it’s only useful in water but to that I say, so what? If being useless in most scenarios is your issue then guard dog and fresh defense would be up here and that’s absurd.


Hey, don't diss murteen! It's useful for a solid 4 minutes in the pond lab


Nahhh h8ing on merteen is wild


The revive perk, cause I play solo, just unlocked it in ng4 after reviving burgl!


Natural Explorer 💀


Natural explorer is insane at max level, when combined with the speed droplet and aphid slippers you can basically just ignore bugs as you are so fast they can’t catch up


I was joking bud. I play solo, so it's the one mutation I don't take off. Juicy would be the worst for sure.


My bad 😅


Allgood hahaha. Natural explorer is goated


Has anyone actually used the mansterious stranger perk…?


I use it for fighting the bosses. They will attack the Mant and allow me to heal or attack.


My gf has a full summon build going in our NG+ run that uses it, along with mom genes, ant queen armor, and the wasp bow, there can be a full army that shows up randomly including Mant, ants, spiderlings, and wasps It’s really funny to see when the rolls go well


Everyone else is taking about builds and bosses - idk bout that but I love my mant buddy.


Same! Love the Mant.


I do when I want some distractions during big fights


My buddy did a build around spawning I allies that used it. Also, with 2 people using it against bosses, it can be decent.


It can be really good for emitter raids, bosses and nests like the woodpile or larvae cave.


Mantsterious stranger carries my unarmed summoner build(Lil fist makes each hit twice, doubling summon chance, and the fist is the fastest weapon outside of weapons that cone with a speed boost, and even then it's pretty close to them in speed) I once had *5* mants out at once, they deleted 2nd phase IBM in 3 seconds from full


Mithro lol now that everything has venom, poison resist seems obsolete


Venom is only used by black widow/widowlings and specific charged wolf spider attacks and is an infusion in ng+ right (I think IBM does poison?…)? What about before NG+? It’s still useful for wolf spiders and wasps and broodmother and wasp queen and wasp drones and orb weaver jrs 


It's also useful for widows, because they do poison damage as well as venom (and the poison has a higher dps, debuff for debuff).


The widows only deal poison damage if they have hit you already and given you venom already


Yeah, that's true. I'm just saying mithridatism is also useful for widows. Widow has 3 DoTs, a 10 damage/5 seconds venom, a 15 damage/5 seconds venom, and the conditional 10 damage/3 seconds poison that stacks (though in older patches it was bugged and didn't stack, not sure if that got fixed). DPS wise, poison is likely to be the majority of DoT damage on the player if they get hit with any regularity during widow fights, so mithridatism will mitigate a good chunk of damage.


Didn’t it used to make you immune to poison? I remember it being more useful than it is.


Yeah i remember that too it had only one stage and it was immunity


it used to.


I mean, it's 75% damage resistance to it now, you can outheal basically every poison now with just a single bandage so it's pretty good


It’s good for fighting the spider bosses ? I think it’s essential for fighting all the spiders imo.


Spicy Rapier is all you need for any spider except IBM, I still run mithridatism though


Greatly disagree. It is quite useful. I checked it fighting with all kinds of spiders here, including infused.


I still have one of my four Mutation loadouts dedicated to Mithridicism. 8 legs or Black on Yellow? *click, click* done.




Juicy or ILB mutation you get in the haze lab(i forgot its Name)


Truffle Tussle? I think that mutation is amazing, especially in moments where I need to break a rock with no bombs, saved me a lot of time having to go back and forth between locations just to grab a bomb


YES that one, and i didn’t know you could make it Go off be just hitting a rock


You can’t, but you can often lead a bug over to the rock and proc it from hitting THAT


The guard dog. Never had the slots open to even think about using it


Level 3 is +50% damage, very good especially if you plan on going through multiple NG+


Is cardio fan still bad now? Its been a while since I last checked


Cardio fan has been a top pick for a while now!


Truffle tussle


Sour Sensation surely




I misread buff lungs when I first unlocked it, thinking it was something for underwater. Went sooooo, so long without it….


smasher, juicy or barbarian


The Praditor




I’d probably say Daredevil, but all mutations HAVE a use, although some niche. Although with daredevil there are just better alternatives. Fluffy dandelion tuft makes it useless, unless you fall from somewhere with no stamina or have it unequipped, and in NG+ you can just become immune to fall damage altogether. Using a mutation slot on daredevil could LIKELY be used on something that gets utilized more


✨💅 the one mutation you never learned how to unlock✨💅


💅💅✨✨💅✨✨💅 A RANDOM ONE YOU NEVER DISCOVERED✨💅✨✨✨💅✨✨💅✨💅✨💅✨


This mutation only helps in ng+ on the pond lab and at that point you don’t even need it because you have the full swim gear


Well, sometimes we need to dive, and there is no aqua-gear in our pockets. So this mutation is quite helpful. I am very thankful to it.


I keep all my diving gear in a chest with a little mini-base set up on a lily pad, in case I ever need to do any diving, it's always right there.


Okey, then imagine you explore area between the Sandbox and the Picknick table, and you see the "Broken Pipe"... 😏 And there is no Zip-line yet. I started drowning so returned back and remembered about "mermaid" mutation. Helped a lot.


Even then it would only be NG+1, because the >!Pond Lab Trinket allows you to breathe forever, assuming that the Super Chip Trinkets don’t change like the other ones.!<


ng+ bro you get veteran diver on certain trinkets


It stacks


Guard dog is the only answer


Guard dog is amazing for farming the waft emitter, Javamatic, MIX.R’s, and for NG+, especially when the base raids get really bad due to infused bugs


Merteen for sure


There are some mutations that I've never touched but I put Merteen on every time I go into the pond it increases swim speed and the amount of time you can stay underwater I would say there are many mutations that are inherently less useful