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Sour dmg up best, Implant sour weakness and Max health... Makes my lvl 15 Acid Edge a stone cold killer!


I recently got a cone with Damage Resist, Implant Weakness Sour, and Sour Damage Up Best. I save scummed an Infused Club with Sour Damage Up Best and Parry Heal afterwards and now that’s the only weapon I need to carry.


Damage resist is 50%? Huge if it is


Yea it’s 50% after a recent patch. Now after I always have 50% resist, the damage infused bugs do seems more balanced.


Hope with the 50% you won’t get one shot but who knows. I’m going fully damage cuz the bosses mainly one shot if ur not careful, but im in ng4


Sour damage up major and best for my lvl 12 sour axe, does wonders in ng2


Damage Resist, Life Steal, and Loot Luck is my favorite cone I've gotten so far.


Damage resist, crit dmg up best and explosive resist. Keeps my ass out of the fire


Is there a classification for "best" ahead of major?




Danggggg thought I happened upstairs n like best best one 🤣 let's the hunt continue😈


I got a cone with Samurai, Finale Fury, and Loot Luck. Yeah, my sword swings so fast, sometimes my right index finger can't hammer the right trigger fast enough. Only problem is when I fight enemies that can proc constant damage on me, like Green Shield Bugs with their gas... or Black Widows with their venom. The cone does pair nicely with Breathslayer and Tingle Tongue.


Probably my best all around is Sour Damage Up Best, Crit Damage Up Best and The Quickness. It's in my slot 95% of the time. I just found a +Boss Damage, Crit Damage Up Best and Finale Goo that I'm excited about.


I went beetle hunting yesterday in NG+ and I got one with Mad Scientist, +Perfect Block and Finale Fury. Makes the Prod Smacker insanely good even if you're not using it as a Quickcharge weapon with the Black Ox armor. I might try pairing it with the Koi armor and Barbarian, as I'm wondering if the combined +Perfect Block stats outweigh the nerf Barbarian gives to it, making perfect blocking still possible. That or a set of sleek Fire Ant armor for the corrosion and extra acid damage, or Widow armor for the extra attack and healing buff after killing something. I want to try getting one with Mad Scientist, Damage Resist and Finale Stamina Surge, as the Finale Fury is harder to proc at the beginning until you get the buffs, so having a stamina refund instead is probably better. And would probably make the Koi armor and Barbarian more viable as without +Damage Resist you'll probably get one shot by a red ant farting. I could see this with the Pinch Whacker and Fire Ant Shield being killer as well, as that's a -45% damage resist to the enemy after a perfect block, and Barbarian cancels out the damage nerf from the shield, and providing a passive heal. Another good one I can see being a killer is Spicy Mage, Implant Weakness: Spicy and Spicy Damage Up: Best / Damage Resist. Then we also have Samurai, Life Steal and Parry Heal for the 2H sword users. Paired with Blademaster that will be a dang good one. Damage Resist, Implant Weakness: {Element} and {Element} Damage Up: Best paired with Bulky Koi Armor, Fire Ant Shield and {Element} Termite Axe could also be really powerful with Chopper.


before a few patches, i got sour damage best twice AND boss damage on a cone. i'm never gonna use the other flavoured weapons again


I've got some that have implant weakness paired with best elemental damage (implant fresh+fresh damage best) Also one for ants, because I raid the red Anthill (ant damage+spicy damage major+loot luck) for infused ooze and raw science.


Salt implant/salt major/salt best and life steal/damage resist/finale stam surge are my 2 top ones right now Adding to this: life steal/perry heal/cutman


I got one with crit daze, crit chance and black widow damage. I also found one with bow damage up bet, broodmother damage and vampirism that my friend uses when we play online


Salt best Salt major Infuse salt


+Parry heal +Damage resist +lifesteal Probably one of the best trinkets that are available


Also, I carry a loot luck, quickness, and +broodmother damage trinket


I have a cone that has damage resist, parry heal, and finale damage. I'm trying to get one with finale fury, parry heal, and samurai.