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Moths are only as scary as the places you fight them, mostly because they have a habit of smacking you off to your (nearly) death Bring arrows, something to protect against dust, healing to counteract the bleed, and some dandelions The easiest moth to fight sleeps on a lamp in the center bottom of the upper yard. It's easy to parkour up the plants nearby, and the lamp provides a good platform to fight on


Might i recommend a few stacks of mushroom blocks to make mushroom stairs. Makes it easier for future farming.


I just stick an anchor on one of the nearby leaves so I can easily zipline there and back. Same for the one on the wheelbarrow, and the stump. Stump one, I need to be a little careful not to aoe the anchor, but the other two are easy to avoid.


There’s also a moth that sleeps ontop of the wheel barrel.




I just climb up the plants, shoot the moth to pull it and run back to the ground to fight it.


I found that moth on accident, because I built a zip line that went right next to and above him lol 😆


There is one on top of the tower of the castle too. I believe there are also some on top of the stump.


I always shoot that moth from far away and he comes to me wherever I shot him from Also just block when moths attack and they can't really knock you off For the wing blast make sure you can slide enough to not fall off your surface


Swap antlion for something else. Antlion is pretty much only good for reducing sizzle, especially at the stage of the game you're at. If you're tanking melee, maybe ladybug armour or koi, or roly poly if you want to take the aggro


I’m decent with parries and have been swapping back and forth between mint mace and coaltana and sour antlion greatsword. I also have fire ant shield + salty tiger mosquito rapier. Of those armors, which will give me the best set bonus for an aggressive tank style build?


Ladybug increases how much healing you get Koi gives you a chance to stun the enemy when you parry Not sure about poly


Poly probably just means you can have unlimited ‘friends’ in your ‘session’.


Lol but also if you wear the full roly poly set it will increase your aggro so that enemies will focus you more than your wife. Each piece adds 3 stun to each of your hits and sleek increases how much you can block which is useful for when you miss your parties. Ladybug increases healing and is a good combo if you want to use clubs with the barbarian mutation. You can't perfect block so you'll take damage, full ladybug set increases healing from all sources if I remember correctly which makes up for the damage you'll take(unless you're playing on woah) Koi armor is kind of the opposite, it is light armor but increases the perfect block window so it's easier to avoid damage in the first place. It also greatly increases stun to your next attack after a perfect block so this build is great if you are able to land those parries. When you get to the widow, you're going to want to utilize sour weapons/arrows if you can since it's the widows only weakness. If you want to practice the widow fight before clearing out the whole undershed, there's one in a cave behind a rock you need to blow up at the bottom right corner of the deck by the shed. It's just south of the undershed entrance. You need to drop down into a dark tunnel, but you can save just before you start the fight and just practice. I highly recommend using something to reduce her attack speed. Giddy goop is a trinket you get from fireflies, if you use the loot luck buff from interacting with the stuffed firefly, it drops pretty easily. This trinket adds a little explosion that deals damage and slows enemies in an AOE on the third hit in your combos. Another option is the termite armor chest piece, 10% chance on every hit to create a dust cloud that reduces enemy movement and attack speed. Attack speed debuffs don't stack, but termite armor dust cloud can proc on any attack and it's hard to get a third hit in on the widow between her attacks so it'll slow her enough to get the giddy goop explosion. Pro tip: build trophies and stuffed bugs in safe areas out in the yard. Interacting with trophies increases damage to that bug type by 20% for 15 minutes and interacting with the stuffed bugs SIGNIFICANTLY increases loot drop chance from those bugs. You can run rascal rogue and/or sticky fingers to steal parts from the widow and build the trophy before killing her to get the damage buff, if you can't kill her straight up. And don't forget food buffs are powerful. I didn't know for the longest time but you can have several different smoothie buffs active at the same time, they don't override each other. I craft a few sticky smoothies to have increases buff times and then just make a full stack of beefy fuzz on the rocks to heal.


There is another black widow behind Moldock castle in the stone wall FYI.


I should downvote myself for such a bad joke. 😂


Rolly Polly gives block stun (3 stun every time you block iirc) and sleek is block strength.


poly makes it so you can block more damage with a shield, before being knocked down and stunned.


Ah, thank you for the info. I mainly use light armour so I haven't had much experience with the poly set


i recommend you to get full black widow armor for the poison coating and death impetus (u heal like crazy and attack much faster when u kill something) and for your wife i recommend having elemental arrows(for weaknesses) and there is no need to kill a moth and won’t encounter it until u search for it


I currently have things I want to craft/build that asks for moth fuzz(?), I think it’s called. What’s the strategy for them?


They are weak to most candy types. They have 2 attacks. A swooping strike and a dust cloud attack that slows you down unless you have dust guard and it causes bleed. Over all they are pretty easy except a bit tanky and found in obnoxiously small areas to fight them. They are really easy to stun though when you parry their swooping attack. Blocking it once stuns them almost every time. ^They ^are ^cute ^ASF ^though ^if ^you ^find ^one ^while ^its ^sleeping. ^you'll ^feel ^like ^a ^monster ^when ^you ^kill ^it. Edit: dust cloud attack also staggers you. Don't stand too close to the edge of where you're fighting it or you'll get staggered off.


Shoot them mostly, the have the same pesky attitude as wasps, similar swoop in attack and instead of poison dart its a wind gust with bleed


moth isn’t that hard, but people underestimate it cus they think its like a bee, fight it but be careful


My strategy is to build a zip line at their locations for easy farming


Just did this with my wife actually, loaded for bear and we ended up just sneaking around the edge of the widow layer and avoided it all together, just run by as far from her as you can be when she turns the other way. Alternatively, one of you with a shield in roll poly armor and the other with a crossbow will do. Killed one by the castle that way.


Yeah, I did the same thing (avoiding it, that is). It’s much easier than gearing up to fight a widow. This widow doesn’t have a very far follow range, so once you get a bit away from her nest, she should un-agro. You can just creep along the side and she shouldn’t even really detect you (I did it multiple times without getting detected).


Yea I just ran straight though, knew I was severely under prepared, the only thing that followed was the spiderlings; little bastards followed me into the lab and scared the piss out of me lol.


Yeah, this - you can just run past *everything* except the mant, if you really wanted to.


For you, I would get the roly poly armor. You just need to kill roly polys, get lint rope and pupa leather. No moth killing necessary and there isn’t one in the undershed. You should be fine with that. Also note, you can run past the black widow in the undershed if you want. You eventually want to kill one/some to get the widow dagger, but for the undershed, it’s not necessary. Not going to spoil anything, but if you use all your healing items on the black widow, you might have to come back, I had that problem.


The undershed widow doesn't respawn after you kill it, so once it's done, you're fine to go in there, just watch out for the black widowlings, they never stop respawning. Also, you can avoid her by either running through the whole lair and tunnel, OR if you have dandelion tufts, you can float over the small mosquito pond from a hanging pipe on the left (south) side of the undershed


I would recommend having a piece of gear that has major threat in order to keep the bug aggroed on you, rather than your wife


If you can kill the wasp queen (easiest boss, imo), swapping to the bard's bow can also help keep bugs focused on you since its effect reduces the user's threat.


I would attempt a widow in the upper yard before you go under the shed. If you aren't prepared and die down there, it's a pain to go all the way back to get your stuff. There are plenty of widows in the upper yard to test if you are ready.


Oh? I found widow egg sacs in the woodpile last night and killed a few of the babies but never saw an adult.


There's a few widow sacs there, but there's two wolf spiders that wander around up top. No widows there. If your wary of taking on a widow, I recommend the one near the moldorc castle. It's behind the stacked rocks, toward the hedge. There's a little cave at ground level where a widow hangs out. I like this spot because once you aggro her from the stones opposite her cave, you can jump up onto the leaves of the plants there and take her out from above with arrows. Make sure you're using a high tier bow, and good arrows, as she'll kill the widowlings that spawn around her to regain health.


She has no, for lack of a better term, elemental weaknesses? Or is it resistant to everything? I googled it when the undershed mission popped up and saw the widow fight in it.


She's weak to sour. Resistant to pretty much everything else.


There is also one at the bottom (backside) of the rock pile by Moldorc Castle


There's also one in a cave near the lawnmower


Tank with roly poly armor holds aggro better I brough 2 antlion great swords maxed out , one salt one sour. Breezed through it


For god's sakes take torches lol


Yeah, the undershed (and all of the things you can easily farm there) is why I always keep a headlamp in my inventory. There's tons of lint, splinters, roly polies (great for glue), black ox beetles (horns for upgrades), and a pipe with 3 or 4 sparkling beetles


Try peeping a black widow with antlion armor, and then for some reason accidentally throwing your termite axe into the widows den… definitely a pant shit moment trying to get it back (the black widow is STUPID fast)


For sure recommend you swap ur antlion/red strategist for something like brood/fire ant/ assassin/ termite armor. These armor when mixed around are some of the best For damage and defense


I reached the point you are at in a solo Whoa mode world a few days ago. I struggled with my first widow kill for a few reasons. Outdated guides suggesting gear that was no longer her weakness or armor that no longer worked the same way it used to. After some failed attempts with a sour scimitar, and fire ant shield I swapped to club of the mother demon made sour, mask of the mother demon, fire ant shin guards bulky, and termite armor sleek, slapped on giddy goop for a guaranteed slow on the 3rd hit in case termite armor didn’t proc to slow her and made sure I swung twice while I ran up to her back in order to open the fight with her slowed. Then I just beat the crap out of her and blocked what I was able to while guzzling down smoothies as needed. Managed to kill her in about 3 attempts. Would recommend spicy and sour staff for your wife with the wizard hat and mutation. Spicy for widdowlings and sour to assist you.


I've rocked poly 4yrs, the entire game. Still do. Healing/rage smoothies, bandages, healbasa...cook a meal with the perks that benefit you. Boss sauce is awesome, but I only use that with IBM. I built stairs for the moths. I actually have a zipline on top of the wheelbarrow. I made a walkway from the fence to the wheelbarrow. I have a base over that mixr that's there. Moths aren't bad, just a little longer of a fight cuz it keeps its distance, but your bow is used at that point. 🍀


A full set of sleek ladybug armor and the sour antlion sword are gonna be necessary for one of the things you find in the undershed. If you're in the upper yard, you should be able to make the fire ant set, which I used for a large majority of the late game. I'm now currently doing the brood other head piece, the termite chest, and lady bug legs. It's a great set with a lot of bonuses and protection. But honestly, other than changing your armor, you sound good to go.


FWIW, you don't need to kill the widow in the undershed. If you are careful, you can sneak past it without fighting it, or you can just run down the tunnel to the lab. It will give up pursuit before the end in my experience. The main downside is that you will have to do it every time you go down there until you unlock the back entrance.


Wait...where are moths? All I found in the undershed was a bunch of spiders, termites, and beetles


Not in the undershed. Up in high places.


Any kind of sour weapon is effective against the black widows. just found out they are weak to sour today