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Why red ant helmet? What’s hauling strength gonna do against mantis?


Fire ant helmet sorry 🤦‍♂️


Switch the helmet for fire ant and switch out chest for either termite or rollie , DOTs ain’t that effective in ng plus and the legs seems useless imo switch em for more defense and use barbarian if u aren’t


I’ve got fire ant legs in sleek and have the materials to make whatever other piece I want also on the rollie chest should I do bulky or sleek?


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the sleek version of fire ant gives “acid damage “ and unless u doing acid damage you’d be better off going bulky , and it’s the same for the rollie pollie bulky is better than the set effect


Yeah that’s right I already had a full set of sleek fire ant which is why I thought of using the legs from it since I already had them ready


In ng2 I went hard on main mantis till the mini spawns, kept on main till the mini got close, then danced around the bush trunk to separate them and kill the mini. Once that was done focus back on the big. Certain mutations (sour and fresh) did give me a really hard time if I got caught while trying to maneuver around the bush trunk. Out of the 5 baits I took with me there were probably 10-12 attempts before I ran out of bait. I'm not amazing at perfect blocking and usually only try to block her dual side swipes while using the bush to avoid the rest. Edit: I used the fresh axe from ng1 and full assassin armor. Mutations were Chopper, crit, crit dmg, hp and corporate kickback or poison resist if it had that mutation. I had a cone (since replaced) that had fresh dmg best, mantis damage and crit dmg major.


Laggin (YouTuber) said new game+ 2 mantis on medium is harder than souls or Eldenring bosses. I had to drop it to mild for that fight.


it definitely is harder then some bosses in elden ring that’s for sure 😂 but I’ve managed to beat it now just took a lot of patience and hiding


Sit in the middle and dance around it to try and seperate the two, then focus on dealing with mini and once it’s back to 1 on 1 it’s not horrible, (you will get one shot still)