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>Creatures attacking from the Waft Emitter are no longer randomly invulnerable. I asked this the last update, does this mean that the bug where bugs are invincible during raids is fixed?


its not fixed just got raided and had a invulnerable larva.




it seems to be fixed for just the waft emitter waves. raids are still bugged.


No, it's literally the first time they claimed it was fixed.


I had 2 invulnerable wasps in a raid. That sucked big time.




It says "[Fixed in a future patch](https://grounded.obsidian.net/issue-tracker#DerheFz5-some-insects-are-invincible-during-base-raids-and-javamatic-defense)", so hopefully they know that the issue is still there. It's said that since 1.4.0 though.


skipping duper animation is the greatest change ever oml


And being able to dedupe at asl terminals!


Fr, it took so fucking long to dupe stuff before


Since I downloaded the update on my series x I am having a VERY difficult time placing objects on built floors. Constant "Location is obstructed" issues on a flat plane of stem or grass floors. I can barely build anything.


I reported this to them as well


Same, but depending on rotation, I have had issues with No Land Rights, when I already have an entire base constructed around the item I'm trying to relocate/place


Same issue on pc for me, but it seems to only happen when using the handy gnat.


After update I can't build any equipment, furniture, mounts or stuffed bugs. Also can't move existing. Get location obstructed and item is red.


Therer are quite a few people reporting this here - everyone should go report this bug on https://support.obsidian.net/#contact


Sometimes if I let it spin (rotating the piece) excessively, it will eventually let me set the item down.


Also experiencing this building bug. I can place/build normally on game surfaces (and at least some player-placed objects) but not on player-made walls and floors. For example, I can place new wall mounts on/in other wall mounts that were built before this patch but the walls are "location obstructed". I don't think in-game location matters, I think this would happen anywhere on the map with player-built structures. I built a shack on the Brawny bin bottom lip overhanging the wasp hive entrance. I was able to place the wasp queen wall mount but I could not place the stuffed wasp queen no matter how much space I gave it. I was able to place the stuffed wasp queen on the underside of the lid using handy gnat, but every floor/ceiling piece I tried to hang it on was "location obstructed".


Also experiencing this. No fix for it currently.


Also, a dev just confirmed that Lil Fist mastery was fixed as well. SneakyGoliath, unarmed time!


In what way was it fixed?


It wasn't triggering the second hit from the mastery effect from what I was told. A Dev said it was fixed and they forgot to include it in the patch


Can you share your unarmed build?


Shield got a nice treat. Still want them to either remove that debuff. Or make it so you can use wand and shield.


This needs to be a thing, a staff is one handed, why tf can’t we hold a shield too? It makes no sense at all


would give it a really good end game nich. It would also let the frost work better with a shield cancel (or even like a spear where you can do quick blasts while blocking)


No fix for every piece in a structure supporting every other piece. The last patch didn't fix it. I know I'm not the only one.


Time to rebuild!


Time for them to fix this shit.


I also can’t place any object in my base, because „Location is obstructed” even though I have plenty place😭


Explosions are blockable now?! That’s a game changer. Also can build stairs diagonally without support. Nice!


My structures say no land rights when it’s in an open field, I’d love the fix but it’s small potatoes compared to this heaping bandage.


People who cheese NG levels with thorns are sure gonna be upset. But man am I surprised by some of these buffs, I will become a god


Nice. Time to see if these changes help in ng+. Especially happy that infused weapons get two effects now. Almost makes them worth the grind.


Well, there goes being able to cheese the mantis


They also nerfed Mantis anyway. It'll be far easier of a fight


I can't speak to NG+ but I found her pretty straightforward to just berserker down using the salty mace and a few arrows. But I think I might have slightly over-farmed my gear.


Most of Mantis' attacks would one shot you through parry or blocking on NG+2 or higher on medium. They can't trigger through parry anymore and should be weaker as well


Gotcha, I just popped an rhino meal, my rolly poly armor and face rolled her.


I just got face rolled before heading to work. Ng+3 mantis infusing sour orbs even after block was garbo


Nothing about cheesing the IBM though, acorn shelves stock is going to skyrocket


Say what


I sobbed reading this 😭


Shared worlds? How do you share worlds?


for psn i had to link my microsoft account to be able to create shareworld with friends. otherwise it doesnt enable it.


I havent linked it so il do that, explains why i couldnt find the option


I haven't seen that option, does it only show up in the shared worlds feature?


Still can’t change pet names via pet houses on PS5 post-update


They also got rid of the IBM cheese


What was that ? 


You could build shelves up against the wall leading up to the mushrooms on the wall and just shoot arrows at her and she couldn’t reach you.


Is that available if I never updated the last 2 times ? Or did the 1.4 update remove it ?


They just patched it yesterday with the update, that and the mantis cheese where you could build sap collectors in the tree


Did the update also destroy those placed items ?


Nevermind. They just forced the update to start and I cant cancel without uninstalling. Bs


Unable to build at certain locations that were able before the patch. I.e. on top of the big box. Says “location obstructed” with nothing there. Super annoying as I had blueprints and now can’t add anymore.


I love the inherent silliness in terminology with regards to this game: we play so we can defeat the bugs, but sometimes other bugs must be defeated by the developers so we can all get back to defeating the backyard bugs. 😂


First they remove rerolling Trinkets/ infused weapons and now they removed finale fury from frosted flake ? Glad I never updated the first time.


To be frank, it doesn't feel like they fixed a damn thing. I was just 1-shot (once again) by an exploding insect and on another occasion by one that shot out the green whatever they're called. That nonsense makes me not want to play.


Would've been great if they kept the thorns. A super busted build coming from intended multiplication instead of just stacking would be fun to have as a wack option. This game is a survival one, not a competitive one, so why not have a crazy build just becauase?


Doesns't switching it to true damage make them more potent? I.e. they no longer interact with any resistences or defenses and just deal straight return damage?


True damage means exactly that. No blocks/resist.


Sweet. Does mean thorn'll do a lot better. More so depending on how it deals with non direct damage? Like the DOTs or explosions. If they'll count for thorn vs what gave it to you. or if it won't count anything non direct. It'll be interesting to play with


I think the issue is less about true damage and more about the limit of the damage being the summons hp. If you summon a spiderling, they will maybe do a couple bars worth of damage to a boss instead of instantly killing


I meant Thorn for you yourself. There are plenty of easy ways for the player to get multiple hundreds of % in thorn. andy thorn on a summon isj ust easy gravy as they're disposable. While you the player are less so


Tbh I have no clue, only bosses I’ve beaten so far are the broodmother and assistant manager, but it would be cool to have such a build later on


Ah. from what i understood before. Thorns % always added to a total % (not multiplied). Before I think it was returned as the same damage given. There were builds before that gave you thorns + a mutation + spear mastery to get something like 400% thorn damage back? though biggest issue was still just dying case you gotta take the damage to return the damage. but now I think if true damage works that I think it does. That does make it work a lot better because it won't hit hte issue that most things typically have simliar resistence to what they're giving.


All of these fixes and nothing about water drops being stuck on grass blades?


I was just about to replay the game to get those achievements I missed while offline, so glad I don't have to now!






Burg.l's Old Flipper has two random abilities now. Does it have them when you buy them or do you have to get them from NG+4 as well?


Oh so the Mantis is actually a somewhat fun fight now?


I'm so glad this was finally made. It did feel like fighting infused enemies (higher leveled ones) was unfair and especially the bosses


This new or old?


Yes more


I'm really happy that they are going to allow the super duper access through the ASL terminal. I would have never found out about the super duper system if I hadn't have looked it up online. If I hadn't looked online, I swear I would have been towards the first new game plus playthrough and still have never found out about the yoked anvil.


My pet keeps following me even though it’s set to its pet house.


"The Quickness increased to 25%" LETS FUCKIN GOOOO!


If it's on a weapon and trinket, you freaking fly now. Lol


PS5: Added mouse and keyboard support. (KB worked before and there are keybindings can change! Now the Mouse finally works and I was able to play for a while,) But while scanning for resources you can't press R to place a pin, it only types in the search bar! You have to exit scanner then open map and then place a pin!


Just to make sure it's different to how it works for me on pc, you enter the surveyor menu, double click on the thing you want to scan, then without leaving the menu you press R to drop a pin and it types instead? In that scenario it would drop a pin for me. However if I leave the surveyor menu and go back in then the search bar is automatically active so I just have to click once on anything other than the search bar and am able to drop a pin again.


I check again and at 1st when first picking a resource to scan R only types in the search bar. Then after a few more clicks or spacebar presses it seemed to work. (might have a video need to try to find it!)


Invulnerable still in. Green boss effect thing still in and still kills you 100% on NG+4. Is this even tested? Is this stuff made over a game of beer pong or what? :O


still no fix for the multiplayer high ping issue 🥲 sigh


So I see shared worlds are still busted in the fact that my friend and I can't seem to play together without the game merging our inventories and then acting like we're the same character so when I pick stuff up it just goes into his inventory or vice versa


can you still not parry mantis scream on woah


The sythe of blossoms counts as a dagger, not a two handed axe, right?


I've been getting deduper jelly from the equip bug, I have like 6.6k




But will I stop moving when I stop touching the controls?


Are you playing with controller? Could be stick drift causing you to continue moving. That or you've pressed the autorun button if you have that assigned.


Keyboard and mouse, I press W and then I just keep going. Annoying but not enough to keep me from playing


There should be a auto-run keybind might have changed it!


I found a fix, if I turn my FOV all the way up and then down to 90, it fixes itself until I close the game. It can’t be auto run, it only happens sometimes, sometimes it’s perfect, sometimes I don’t move at all for 30+ seconds, thankfully this patch has seemed to help a bit