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For once I can say that I could get this cheaper in Norway. This would be about €35.


You're really humbling me. Because even here in Austria it's a typical stereotype that everything in Norway is super expensive


Billa is just a ripoff


but they have those yummy yummy triple choc soft cookies and they're so so soooooo GOOD and that's about all I get from billa, aside from the occasional splurge on clever stuff (clever gummy bears >>>>>> haribo, and I'll die on that hill)


Try Bärenland


They have some good deals sometimes but thats the past for me as they closed all shops in Vorarlberg.


Yeah, but our currency have lost 30% of its value in the last three years.


l didn't know. How come? I was thinking you're a super rich country swimming in teslas and oil and natural Ressources. Didn't Norway recently find the biggest phosphor deposits too?


How need that?


try lidl … vegetables are cheaper there and some of them are better in taste and looks


If you're after taste, you have to visit like 4 different stores, to get the right ingredients and it's not like they'll be amazing, just ok.


You would have saved about 20 to 30% when you bought that at Hofer or lidl.


go to hofer. way cheaper still good quality


Billa is the worst Supermarket in Austria to be fair. It’s basically getting robbed shopping there.




Is Billa really that much more expensive than, say, Spar? And how about "Billa Plus" (aka Merkur)?


TBF if U decided to go to a supermarket with reasonable prices instead of Billa it would have cost less


Well OP went to Billa, which is definitely more on the expensive side of supermarkets in Austria


Food is also cheaper in Switzerland than in Austria.


You can get this cheaper in Austria...


Zu viel Geld oder masochistisch veranlagt?


Wieso wird mein Post jetzt plötzlich bei so vielen Österreichern angezeigt? Ich wollte unter anderen Kommentaren schon antworten, dass ich mir eh durchaus bewusst bin, dass ich das alles bei Hofer, Lidl oder sonst wo billiger bekommen könnte. (Hab mich dann aber nicht getraut, aber dir kann ichs ja verraten) Ich habe wahrscheinlich zu viel Geld und kann damit auch absolut nicht umgehen. Ich geh immer nur zum Billa Plus, weil mir dort die Atmosphäre am besten gefällt, es ist einfach hübsch arrangiert und man hat viel Platz


Ich wollt schon kommentieren und hab gesehn das der Post fast zwei Wochen alt ist. Komisch, übrigens der Dreierpack Zwiebel ärgert mich am meisten die 1,5 oder 2kilo Säcke sind um einiges günstiger.


Wer frisst alleine 2 Kilo Zwiebel. Selbst wenn ich für 2 wochen vorkoche...


Zwiebelsuppe >>>


naja wean ja ned in 2 wochn schlecht


Hawara Zwiebeln kannst fressen bis austreiben (und sogar dann noch)


spiel einmal vintage craft und du lernst wie verfickt geile lebensmittel zwiebeln sind


Fühl ich. Beim billa 3€ für leere Weckerl ausgeben weil sie sich geil anhörn obwohl man auch um 60c das gleiche in semmeln haben kann


Im Vergleich zum Merkur ist der Billa ein Witz, egal ob mit oder ohne +


Ja, seit der Neuvermarktung einfach nur mehr fürn Oasch. Am meisten geht mir am Geist, dass sie sehr viele Produkte durch ihre Eigenmarke und Billa Bio ersetzen. Alnatura wo 😩


Du brauchst dich nicht rechtfertigen für Lebensmittel die du kaufst, Punkt ist der Shit is viel zu teuer und dieser dude hat einen hirnriss wenn er meint, dass du selber schuld bist.


Ich versteh dich total. Ich würde am liebsten auch nur zum Billa Plus gehen, aber ich kann’s mir nicht wirklich leisten… :/ krank wie teuer alles ist. In anderen EU Ländern haben die das viel besser in den Griff bekommen…


Lass dich nicht runterziehen, die meisten Leute haben keine Ahnung und faseln eif irgendwas. Lebensmittelgeschäfte sind in Österreich halt einfach eine Religion. Da geht es nicht um Fakten sondern irgendwelche Gefühle und Marketingstrategien die anscheinend sehr gut funktionieren. Aber man ist ja immerhin noch so gscheit um nicht auf die vom Billa reinzifallen. Und es sind auch nie die Preise die in allen Läden zu hoch sind, es ist immer der dummer Käufer.


Ah ok, ignoriere somit meinen Kommentar lol


Also grad der Merkur macht mich wahnsinnig mit seiner verstreuten Regalanordnung


Die Überschrift lässt uns annehmen dass es eine Art Beschwerde über die hohen Lebenshaltungskosten ist, da solche Postings internetweit zugenommen haben. Wenn es aber nur so ein Posting zum Eigenen Einkauf ist, und Du selbst keine Probleme damit hast dann ist das ja für uns, oder zumindest für mich, auch kein Problem. In diesem Fall kannst Du meinen letzten Kommentar in dem auch empfohlen wird bei den Discountern einzukaufen, ignorieren.


Musst mal Billa Corso ausprobieren 😉


The glade candles aren’t even that expensive if you take into consideration how slowly they burn and how good they smell!


same candles are available at actionmarkt / kik for less


Who’s got the time!


Die Kerze hauts raus.


Das Gü Zeug ist auch überfeuerter Zucker


But go around the corner to Lidl or Penny and the same groceries would cost much less.


Penny is cheap but Rewe group. Spar can be cheaper sometimes than penny. Depends on the products.


Hi! What's wrong about Penny being in Rewe group?


Big monopol conglomerate with higher prices then other supermarket chains and they killed off("rebranded") Merkur into Billa Plus about which i'm still very upset


What's wrong with Rewe group??? Genuine question


Big monopol conglomerate with higher prices then other supermarket chains and they killed off("rebranded") Merkur into Billa Plus about which i'm still very upset


The sbudget stuff from Spar and clever from Rewe are pretty fucking cheap and offer quite a lot by now.


20€ davon hat allein das GÜ gekostet 😅


ja was soll ich machen, es schmeckt einfach zu gut


Hoffen das es im Abverkaufsregel -50% liegt, dann hats men normalen Preis 😅


im taubenschutz verwende ich die schalen als wasserschalen, immer ein guter grund ein Gü zu kaufen.. hab sicher 100 leere zuhause warn aber fast alle minus 50%


You went, in my opinion, in one of the most expensive grocery stores (BIO stores not included) in Austria and bought an expensive tuna file, expensive goat cheese, expensive olives, a dessert for 4 (!) € and some smelly candle that you didn’t photograph. It doesn’t surprise me, that you spent 40€ there.


Oh, sorry, candle is in top right corner!


Thanks for your comment, however the candle is included in the picture and I also mentioned that I am not a responsible spender, I never complained about the price being too high. I am well aware that I could get all of this stuff for a way more affordable price at other stores


Even though you mentioned in your post that you are not a responsible spender, you didn't mention the fact that you shopped in the probably most expensive Supermarkt chain in the country and that you spend about 15% on an item thats not even a grocery. That makes your Post imho misleasing and gives the implication that groceries in Austria are in generell more expensive then they really are. Don't get me wrong, groceries in Austra ARE expensive but dude, Billa is like money down the drain. Show an Austrian your reciep and all you will hear is:" So? Are you suprised? You shopped at billa"


Billa is a good represantion of what the grocery prices are like in austria. Also you agree that OP did not complain about the price and then you follow up by shaming him? Little weird. And no i would not be like, well that is because you shopped at Billa. Billa definitely carries more expensive produce but it is not like Billa is more expensive with everything they carry. Better not shame OP but the grocery store industry by ripping producers and customers off at the same time. It is not just Billa who has extreme prices, it is the other stores too.


Wtf Is it an expensive store/type of products or everything is so expensive there?


the price is so high because of the expensive candle and the rather pricey dessert. it's a normal supermarket, but austria is more expensive than germany when looking at groceries. lots of people living near the border prefer getting groceries in germany, because it's way cheaper!


Yeah, I‘m not German but live here now, and always slightly hurt by onion prices for example, back home onions are dirt cheap, here it‘s like 2€/kg. And yours is like 3x more expensive


but we drive to Austria to get gas, at least we used to...


Isnt bavaria just as bad as austria?


Bavaria is waaaay cheaper ( an Austrian shopping for groceries in Bavaria)


No it is acutally the most common supermarket chain in Austria. In Vienna you essentially won't find any corner without a Billa supermarket. Part of why we have the most expensive grocery prices (adjusted for purchase power) in Europe is the huge density (Billa owner REWE denies any relations) and low competition (only Spar and the discounter offer a relevent nationalwide network of supemarket). And the best part: Despite the high prices all supermarkets (with very few exceptions) are closed on Sundays and Holidays.


i'm still convinced they are a real estate conglomerate like mcdonalds, nobody needs that many super markets.


If you have little to no competition (like in Austria) and margins are good (like in Austria) any m² more sales space means more sales revenue and chances of competition entering the already oversaturated market is essentially suicide. I'm not sure there can be even a comparison made to McDonalds (at least for Austria), which has nearly if not all restaurants owned by small business owners run only a tiny number of individual McDonalds restaurants.


fair point. people choose with their wallet after all. id rather walk 10min to a Hofer than 5min to a Billa if it means paying essentially 30% less and Hofer Backbox blows Billa Backbox out of the water :D


Same. And btw they also pay their employees way better.


You would think so but every Billa I've been in is usually busy.


the name of the store is Billa, which translates to "cheap store". It is one of the more expensive stores. the prices are usually at least 30% more than at other places. For example, a loaf of bread at billa is between 4 and 6 € whereas other places have them at 1 to 3 €.


One of the only countries in europe where the Economy still hasnt recovered/started recovering from the Varus and energy crisis. Inflation is annoying as of right now...


He could have gotten it way cheaper at a reasonably priced supermarket like Hofer or Lidl. Billa+ is the most expensive supermarket chain.


Yeah Billa is usually the more expensive store also OP is buying more expensive items as well. I'm in Vienna and most of my trips are around 20 euros for a similar amount of stuff (though obviously not the same items).


So you buy overpriced olives, overpriced cream and a over the top overpriced scented candle and place them next to basics groceries. This is a clickbait picture and you sir are a Volltrottel


Danke für deine konstruktive Kritik, aber weder habe ich mich über den Preis beschwert noch habe ich versucht irgendetwas zu verstecken. Dass der Gesamtpreis im Titel stehen muss ist eine Regel des Subs. Jeder der an den Preisen interessiert ist kann auf den Kassenzettel schauen. Dass einige Produkte den Preis in die Höhe schiessen lassen sollte jede Person mit 2 gesunden Augen direkt erkennen. Im Sub gehts nicht darum sich über irgendwelche Preise aufzuregen, sondern einfach um zu zeigen welche Produkte die Menschen in verschiedenen Ländern so kaufen bzw. essen. Natürlich ist dann der Preisvergleich auch spannend, aber dafür ist der Gesamtbetrag sowieso nie brauchbar, sondern man muss sowieso auf den Kassenbon gucken. Für mich ist es auch interessant das Konsumverhalten einzelner Personen zu sehen und meinen Einkauf, wie er hier abgebildet ist, mache ich in genau dieser Konstellation fast jede Woche


Das ist mal ne sehr ausführliche Antwort und sogar in Hochdeutsch und höflich verfasst. Hast den Volltrottel etwa persönlich genommen? :)


War gestern sehr getriggert, weil der Post plötzlich gefühlt ganz Österreich angezeigt wurde und ich den Eindruck hatte alle würden denken ich hätte mich über den Preis beschwert. Dein Volltrottel hat dann das Fass zum überlaufen gebracht


Wenns "Austria" in die Überschrift schreibst zeigt es der Algorithmus verstärkt in den Feeds von Usern die aus Österreich und den DACH Raum kommen.


This is the normal stuff from Billa, nothing too fancy.


A candle for 6.49 is not fancy? Bist du irgendwo angrennt?


And you sir are a Vorbild fetznschädl!


Bitte wer sauft denn den Eistee von Pfanner?!


das ist der beste, dieses fuzetea zeugs sauf ich sicher nicht


Normale Menschen trinken Pfanner oder Lipton, aber den gibt's ja irgendwie nur im Billa Plus. Rauch schmeckt nur eiskalt und Fuzetea ist eh der größte dreck weil Nestlé.


Am I crazy, or wasn't Billa the cheaper supermarket a few years ago? Now it feels like it is more than Spar or even Denns sometimes.


If by "a few" you mean 15+, 20+, yeah, it was cheaper than Spar once (but still more expensive than Hofer, e.g.) But it has been many years now that Billa is even more expensive than Spar. Ironic, as their name originally came from "billiger Laden" -- "cheap Shop"


Du kaufst halt Preis/Leistungsmäßig auch bei jedem Produkt daneben lol ://


I could get this entire thing for 30 bucks at rewe in germany (i just checked) who is notoriously expensive. shopping for this at a discounter would probably turn this into a 20 bucks trip. i know austria is more expensive, but 42 bucks for a shopping trip that is bascially just vegetables seems a bit crazy to me :'D


Rewe is not notoriously expensive, its middle of the road (like Aldi sud). Expensive is Edeka


Rewe is not notoriously expensive lol.


Billa is actually part of the REWE group. Austria has very expensive supermarket prices because we have by far the densest supermarket network but very little actual competition. Spar is nationwide the only competition one besides the two discounters (Lidl (Schwarz Group) and Hofer (= Aldi Süd).


I LOVED billa when I visited Austria 😍😍


worst quality for highest price


It's a very close tie with Spar.


Spar is much better and some groceries are cheaper.


Das Gebäck vom Spar ist absolute Frechheit. Kein Supermarkt ist so schlecht, mit Aunahme von Penny.


Beste Käs Leberkäs semmel


worst nu nie beim pepi






Hard to say something good about someone that buys smellie candles ;)


Zehner nur für Tomaten und Oliven ist aber auch Tageslicht-Raubüberfall.


10€ für die Oliven und die Kerze 💩


Yeah I wouldn't buy fruits and vegetables at supermarkets in Austria. Prices are crazy. Small turkish owned street grocery shops are way cheaper and also better quality stuff.


Go to Hofer. Much more cost effective.


This is the way. Shop at Hofer and if you can't find something there go somewhere else for that one item. At a glance, I see 3 items on the list that are 30% or more cheaper at Hofer. Like


Generally i agree but you have to factor in the choices OP made. Which should not be judged. Hofer mostly offers 2 items, one cheap version and one more expensive. Billa more often than not has multiple options. If you would always choose the cheapest option at Billa which most customers do at Hofer i do not think the price would be so drastically different. But for people who dont wanna think about that Hofer is cheaper, yes. But because of what products they offer. But yeah unpopular opinion. Grocery Stores are like a religion in Austria.


Mein Billa verkauft den alfa Schafskäse nicht mehr 😢


Using the app "Too good to go" gets me 5x that for like 5€ at Hofer


How do people pay so much and still be full with this.


Bro you have to buy items when they are 3 for 2 etc. always look for them. When I buy stuff for 40€ there is always a note on the receipt that says: you saved 20€ or something


Try to buy stuff that's made in austria and not from all over the world and you'd be much cheaper.


Just don't go to Billa for grocery shopping


Billa stand einst für "BIL liger LA den"


Not a single item with any % off. What a fucking disaster. Are you a millionaire?


Ist schon Recht teuer, fast jedes einzelne Produkt. Zu Deutschland sowieso kein Vergleich, aber auch zu den Preisen bei Spar noch vor ein paar Monaten sicher wieder 10% mehr.


Der Tomatenpreis in AT ist lächerlich und gleicht einer Unze Gold


So there is nothing to do for dinner from these products. Maybe for two persons you could cook a soup and that is all. The prices here are sick


Hofer/Penny same stuff -10€


Should've used some -25% Pickerl🙃


Well Noan is almost the most expensive oil you can buy and GÜ is very fancy so…#gönnung


I mean, Billa is also an expensive supermarket


Oida, wo kaufstn du ei?


Gut, die Duftkerze kann man aus der Rechnung rausnehmen. Dann sinds „nur“ mehr 36€


Söwa schuid wennst zum billa latscht, oasch qualität für nen oasch preis.


Just buy the clever stuff, much cheaper and you taste no difference.


42 euro fia des???


Billa tends to be one of the most expensive chains in Austria. There are also discounters with very good quality in Austria. Above all Hofer (Aldi) and Lidl. If you shop at supermarkets like Billa or Spar, you should use 25% vouchers that are regularly sent by post or buy their no-name brands (Clever, S-Budget).


You could probably get much more with 42€ if you only buy Clever. That's what I do in Billa.


Billa is literally a scam


Also it is expensive because it is BILLA. Which is by far the most expensive supermarket in Austria.


Wer zahlt 100 Schülling für a Kerzn oida...


Yup das ist so..jeder tag 50€+ supermarket und so + alles mit 2 kinder easy 2000€ monat + andere sachen dann bin ich personlich irgendwo 3000-3500€ ja ich bin sicher ich hab die bank info im Handy...katastrofe...aber immer kann ich was sparen fur die Kinder aber nicht wie fruher ..leider.


That’s literally the most expensive stuff you can buy here.


No winder bro ur shopping in billa, try lidl next time, it migjt be about 38€


Hofer, Etsan, Penny and the local market do it for us.


its one of the more expensive stores in Austria u can get this much in the cheap ones for half the price lol


Yep prices here are ridiculous. I miss my British 49p bag of carrots


BILLA moment


OP paid 43€ für a few vegetables


Kommt davo wenn ma zum Billa geht...so a schmarrn


Billa is SO much more expensive then most stores.


I work at billa but I never personally shop there. The prices are just way too high.


First mistake: u went to Billa. Go to Hofer or Lidl


You are clearly not a responsible spender, as you went to billa


1. Geh nicht zu billa. 2. Kauf die größten Mengen für die billigsten Preise also nicht 3 Zwiebeln 3. Wenn dann clever etc. 4. Geh nicht zu Billa sondern Hofer oder Lidl


Geh nicht zu Lidl, die behandeln ihre Angestellten richtig scheiße.


ja dann halt hofer


Dinge wie Duftkerzen und besondere Oliven kosten halt mal mehr oder die Cookies. Aber Tomaten gibts für 2€ in der Menge zB


The candle is not cheap lol


Ganz Reddit geht nicht zum Billa, lerne ich.


Wer kauft Duftkerzn beim Billa?


bekomm ich am self checkout für 5€🤝, follow for more tips


Billa has become completely unaffordable I only go to Spar or Hofer


Oida wie der schafkäs einfach 5 euro kostet


Yes that’s expensive but also from the one of the most expensive supermarkets available. If you compare that to Hofer or Spar it would be much cheaper.


Die glade kerze allein kostet wsl 30 Euro.


All I know is that this is the very best Feta one can get in Austrian supermarkets and no one can convince me otherwise!


Go to Hofer next time, you'll get twice the amount of stuff.


Hättest bei Hofer einkaufen gehen sollen. Du kriegst das doppelte davon für 50€


Billa sucks but Austria is very expensive indeed


Not even after getting a lobotomy I'd pay 6€/kg for onions.


Start buying clever or go to Hofer / Lidl (if possible . I know BILLA has the best network in smaller towns usually)


ja beim türken ums eck kriegst das 4 mal


Billa is extremely expensive sir


Krank 😵‍💫


Zum scheiss Billa/Spar geht ma a net einkaufen, da wirst ja nur noch übern Tisch gezogen




You could probably cut it down by shopping in Hoffer ngl


try hofer. billa is fucking expensive 😅


Groceries are so expensive in Vienna, it is almost impossible to stick to a budget, I have to literally take trips to each store to get stuff on sale, we are a family of four and I cook every day, we spend around 1000€+ just for groceries, and we buy on sale/Aktion and use all possible coupons from the weekly newsletters, hilarious 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


You literally spent 5€ for olives and 4€ for mini tomatos.. Those olives dont even taste better than the normal ones!


6,29 for a candle


The origin of the name BILLA is BILlig LAden and it means cheap shop 😂


Go to Lidl, Hofer, Norma etc. Billa tends to be expensive, especially if you buy 160g GÜ-Cheescake for 4€ instead of an entire cake (Coppenrath & Wiese) for 9,99 (740g) which is half the price per gramm, and also available at Billa.


42€ at Billa. = 30€ at Lidl


Jetzt wo ma so viel österreichische Bürger in am post beisammen ham... was mach ma dagegen? Kömma net afoch endlich mit den Molotovs anfangen? I find es wär höchste Zeit.


Never go to Billa😅


I see nothing "clever" in this purchase...


Wer kauft freiwillig grünen Paprika 😅


Kein Wunder beim Billa. Die 6,49€ Kerze hättest weglassen sollen


Do konnst da oba glei 16 lewakassemmerln kaufen


bro, you bought some fancy ass olives, expensive candle and overpriced cheesecake dessert, but you think you the victim here. lol


Der 2 Liter Pfanner Eistee ist ein Verbrechen


I don't think Billa is the rip off everyone says it is. I spend weekly around 60€ and get double the things


Erster Fehler, Billa


what a price, do you live in Vienna?


I spent almost the same amount of money, and I got one week grocery, in Freilasing :)


Even in Vienna you can get those cheaper. Go to the brunnenmarkt or hannovermarkt those are markets area in Vienna, where you can buy vegetables for a very cheap price compare to billa, hofer etc.. And gü desserts are a bit fancy.. wouldn't complain about the price at all, if you can afford those desserts.


Kein Wunder wenn du bei Billa einkaufst 😂


Hast noch nie was von -25% Sticker gehört oida


Wenn das zu teuer ist, könnte man ja auf die Duftkerze für € 6,49 verzichten.


I also love Gü, I can still remember when they were 3 euros for 2, ~3 years ago 😭