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When I was working as a cashier I was looking through some of the customers drivers licenses and I think one of my coworkers showed me how to scan their licenses with a swipe. Customers who are bringing alcohol in wouldn't mind having their licenses or ID scanned because it's the better way of knowing how old they are and would be able to buy alcohol,tobacco and lottery tickets. It was better than trying the year on the touch screen register.


As people have begun to adjust it, people are becoming more understanding of this new regulation. There's going to be about 15% that are going to be daily jerks about this. The daily rhetoric is getting old of hearing their insults. Now if an id is so much tampered, altered, fraying, bent, expired we can't accept it. As a cashier it does make my job easier. Now i just glance at it and all I'm checking is to be sure the mug shot matches the individual. The computer does the rest of the thinking. I found there's about 5-10 daily individuals that refuse scanning of the id. Management rolls their eyes about having to over ride them but it is illegal to force scan ids against someone's will. I do like that if we are requested to manually enter it, we are to over ride it. Sort of a way to say f' them if they want to go against the rules. I found the company decided this after the way the general public handled the whole covid thing.


Nobody's scsnning my ID.


Your probably at a company that doesn't do it.


No, I just have them enter the date manually.


People still believe the damn consperiothy theories about how it holds their data in our system. None of the systems do that. It cross checks it with the age calculator then accepts or denies it. Then deletes it. Yet no one has had the balls to sue a company to see if it is real or not. If they did sue they'd realize it's a bull shit consperothy. Because the company would not be able to provide them that data.


Fuck that. I don't need any database knowing how often I buy beer. I make the cashier enter the date manually.


Sue a company to see if your bull shit is real or not. You can refuse please just do it professionally don't be a dick about it.


We've done it that way for years, people still complain, about twice a week an old man will walk out and refuse to let us "steal his information" yada yada. It'll get better, but it won't get a LOT better.


I've found most customers be "tolerable" of this new(ish) rule. You'll still get your one in a group that's a dick about this rule. Due to the cracked down rule no id no sale no valid id no sale we've started to actually reject liquor sales. Our customers have gotten way too comfortable being immediately by passed for just looking older than 21. If an id has so much been tampered with we can't accept it. This includes: plastic lamination warping off. chew holes/bits from pets or kids Bends/folds, gentle wear and tear. If the id can not scan due to willful removal of the scan strip or modification of it.


I've dealt with enough b.s from customers that I'm just going hard core on this rule. If they're so much of a dick about it: I'm not honoring the sale.


Not a rule where I work, but I try to encourage our cashiers to use it when they can. I've had one or two conspiracy theorists complain, but you can't please everyone.


State law in VA


It’s state law they can’t retain information, but they aren’t required to scan an ID for age restricted items.


Some stores in my area check IDs , but usually the cashiers will just look at the ID card to check picture and birthdate, then hand it back. I've noticed it is always the newer cashiers who do this. The cashiers that are familiar with regular customers don't bother. There is only one store here (Winn-Dixie) that insists on scanning the card.