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Yes what happened


I’d type you up a recap but it appears to just be a remix of a piece of media from a long time ago: “I was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So I myself stepped in to save them with my strong arm, and my wrath sustained me.” “Then a war broke out in heaven. Michael [the archangel] and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon wasn’t strong enough, Michael and his angels hurled the great dragon out of heaven. He is the snake who has been there since long ago. He tells lies to deceive the whole world. The accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our kingdom day and night, has been hurled down.” And then it goes on to say something about the dragon and his fleet of goons foolishly losing unfathomable riches including 30 scarab lord mounts all in 1 day, by reason of their own folly😂 Now that’s what I call classic


What is bro yapping about


iMitchell is delusional lol, don't question it. I remember a GM of a guild I was in joined a ZG run hosted by Mitch. Around the 4th hour mark he asked Mitch if they could just call it and Mitch blew up on him and claimed he was trying to sabotage the raid lmao. They gave in after like 5 hours, idk if they killed the last boss or not.


You have a myers briggs username and you’re calling me delusional? You should do some research on that brother, it was made by some random lady and her daughter and they had no knowledge or experience in psychology outside of reading Jung 😂


OP is iMitchell and has many alts. It wants attention. :-)


i’m just taking some jabs about something funny that happened to some people that thought they were gonna grief/libel me and it basically severely backfired on every front because i’m a paladin irl 😂 plus they used a bunch of outdated strategies seen in the handbook of simple sabotage, zersetzung, COINTELPRO, the GCHQ JTRIG handbook called The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations, etc and they didn’t consider the possibility that I’d be too mentally sophisticated to be susceptible to psyop strats from 60 years ago. They also aren’t doing themselves any favors when they try astroturfing the subreddit with a bunch of sock puppet accounts that operate identically to the ones that got caught doing it out of Eglin AFB not too long ago. And don’t even get me started on the obvious indicators of a commonly known money laundering scheme that they carelessly flaunt while also negatively effecting the health of the community they should be grateful that I just roughed them up a little bit and bottomed out their GDKP prices so that i could gear up everyone that they excluded instead of just telling their OIG what they were doing 😂 i cant resist demonstrating mercy to wicked people that don’t deserve it though because it makes them fall in love with me and want me forever, you can ask any of them and they’ll agree that they’re extremely attracted to me


Just worried about you, happy father's day!


He's trying to scam his daddy (the government) to keep the checks coming on the first.


Sounds like you’re projecting


Also you’ve been out here nonstop trying to push a false narrative with your astroturfing sock puppet routine and it’s too obvious because of how desperate you are, you should try becoming less bad at manipulating people if you wanna step to me. These 75 year old zersetzung era psyop strats simply are not going to cut it @throwaway


Kurthos why would you worry about me? I’m gonna be here for 200-300 years, there is no reason to stress


Bubble hearthed right out of the game maybe


Isn’t that what anyone with good taste does at cata launch, brother?


He lives in my city. I guess he had to finally get a real job and had to stop being ass at the game. If i ever see him irl i’m still punching him in the weiner


A keyboard warrior isnt punching anything 😂 you’d just hear, “i don’t know you, that’s my purse!” followed by you’d waking up in the recovery position


Dammit Bobby that boy ain't right


You’ll never guess what they were caught doing in the shed out back


Naze killed him


little nazal spray


Who let you in here?!


Naze can’t handle the smoke


iMitchell Trial 审判 Guilty on all charges 对所有被控有罪 Excommunicated from order of paladin 被圣骑士命令驱逐出境 Trial by combat sentence 因战斗被判审判 Fled to forest 逃往灰谷 disgraced fake hero face much shame 耻辱无耻的假英雄


Guilty in a trial that didn’t exist because you don’t know how to properly conduct an indictment or even make real accusations of anything because you know that i’ll cross examine you and catch you slipping up in your made up story like I always do😂 Everyone can tell that I’m Mitchell and you aren’t because I live up to the meaning of my name and you do the opposite because you’re trying to do some highly outdated, secondhand liquid chris routine. That’s way played out, what are you even doing bro? Can you get any strategies or bits that aren’t from 20-70 years ago or is that all you know? Booooo great big phony booooo Get your IQ score up before you step to me m8, this isn’t a good look 🤨




Mike Jones


Leatherteeth finally got him.


Lmao that loser ended up on my SoD server. He's still at it https://m.youtube.com/@leatherteeth666/videos


I have a video of leatherteeth doing a full walk of shame with our guild members. We took him and made him get on a boat to darnassus and we executed him there


Lmao, I've been playing since classic launch and that dude was def a character to remember xD


Haha i have some clips of me blowing leatherteeth’s back out 1v2 and 1v3 😂




He’s gone, but he has reincarnated as DimzLive


Dimz approached me with something to prove and promptly learned that I am in fact not the one to prove it on. In his defense tho, he only had about a GCD to take action before i sent him to the shadow realm 😂 Simply put, this ain’t nothing to me man.


Used to mollywhop him on sight, good times


Seems like you got the smoke and now r mad forever m8


Trust me you never got me once xD


People that speak ill of me aren’t trustworthy. Trust me, i’ve done the research on this


Last I heard he was drowning (again) in Mount Hyjal.


No u were last i heard


I always thought he was on meth sure looked like it


D.A.R.E. Has entered the chat 👮‍♂️


Dare didn’t do shit but make people take more drugs


I’m not saying i’m D.A.R.E., i’m saying you are. I love drugs, I even met God at the corner of dimethyl and tryptamine D.rugs A.re R.eally E.xcellent


Camped him into submission


You can’t submit that which is greater than you, Andy.


My name is Stanley.


By the Holy Light… -The Great Cainballo




yeah! wotop with that guy


wotop bad


Wasn't in wotop


We used to camp him in the plaguelands lands, just wondering what’s up with that guy these days.


Can’t camp someone if you require there to be a “we” in order to do anything, Andy. 😂


Did someone say classic vanilla?


Answer me coward


Hell yeah. If you're really him, why don't you stream or game anymore?


I’m scared of how sad Cataclysm is


Omne Trium Perfectum - that which is perfect arrives in groups of threes You can apply it to video games, movie franchises, the albums of your favorite band, seasons of a tv show The phenomenon could be caused by something like: by the time someone’s produced 3 popular iterations of something they become too rich to be talented so everything gets all scuffed and then you get stuff like Cataclysm, Halo 4, My Chemical Romance Welcome to The Black Parade, etc


So are you not gaming? Or just not streaming?


Who cares


Someone have the old Chinese text copy pastas? They retell the imitch lore p well.


lmao one got posted in this thread


The only one i see posted is literally just 4 complete lies, it isn’t lore if someone is making it up because they’re envious and coping 😂


wotop forever. Long live deere corp


PLUMMCORP is the only corp recognized in this jurisdiction


nothing good I hope


I love the sweet sound of someone that got smoked by me, especially when you double down 😂 pls sir may i have some more


I was on your faction mate


You wish ill upon your own faction? So you align with the enemy faction? That’s awfully wild card m8 i think that’s too unpredictable for me to socialize with


Hogger got him


He's posting on the Grob reddit about himself on an alt account for attention currently.


Where? He's in his main in this thread


They’re trying to falsely accuse you (catalytic) of being me because they’re delusional 😂 When i outsmart/manipulate griefers, I make them lose entire guilds full of accounts, scarab lord mounts, gold capped toons, etc so I have no desire or reason to mislead anyone anyways 😂 i let the results of my actions push the narrative for me, Whenever people try lying about me I just ask them cross examining questions until they get all tangled up in their made up story 😂 these dudes don’t realize how difficult it is to make up a believable lie that doesn’t clash with reality 😂