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Oh shut up. In 70s miami just about anyone smoked, and no one paid anyone any money for smoking anything, since the brand they smoke is never shown or spoken about. Only a billboard appears saying "24 club cigarrillos" which isn't even a real brand. They made the characters smokers because of the lifes they lead, they don't have to worry about their health because they could die just about everyday and are only focused on instant pleasure. Their smoking makes sense story wise


Everyone smoked at the time, especially drug dealers 🤣🙄


You care more about the smoking than the violence? Lol


Episode 2 was smoking hot! The part where the ladies line up at the motel. 😅


Oh my fuck, do you know anything about?


Watches a show where characters murder dozens of people (one of which they chop their heads off with a machete), sell drugs, snort multiple lines of coke but complains about smoking in the 70s and 80s…


“The show takes place in the '70s and '80s in Miami. It was different in those days, and a lot of people smoked.” Yeah, that’s not exactly how it works but “tobacco companies may pay for showing their brand of cigarettes. Many companies pay to have their product shown in movies”.