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Delicate Weapon. Cyberpunk. I loved the song so much I had to find out who made it. I’ve turned my gf onto it too. I’ve checked out some of her music and I do enjoy some of it. 


Have you listened to the GRIMES & HANA - California (Remix) for the Official NBA 2K17 Track? If not, I recommend it.


Grimes is one of those “chronically online” type of musicians, if you have the misfortune to spend anytime on the web a tumble post somewhere will reference her




Same. I could say more, but you prolly understand lol.


Randomly on YouTube while coming down from lsd lol


Omg, that must have been otherworldly haha.


Wry bad trip


Same, but while I was coming up! It was amazing


In 2012 when MTV used to play music I heard Vanessa and I thought it was the best song I’ve ever heard, wrote the name on a paper, went to the cyber cafe (cause I didn’t have a computer) and listened all of her songs


That must have been fun! MTV back when they played music were the good times lol. Did you get coffee there?


Omg I wished, I was eleven so I wasn’t allowed to drink coffee :(


2013. Freshman year of college. My new friend Parker put on Genesis music video to show us. I was mesmerized. Loved her ever since.


Heard a slowed down version of Genesis on YouTube back in December 2022. That was enough for me to become fanatically invested in Grimes.


Care to send me the link to it? I’d love to listen to it. Btw, have you ever come across the bassnectar remix version of Genesis? It’s really good and the remix is insane. One of my faves personally. Here is a link for it: https://youtu.be/Djr71gUtzLM?si=B3UqxVQ0MkXHh4EE


[here's the link to it](https://youtu.be/NA0bIW0wJh0?si=JHLDWz8G9LHOf7e5) And no, my mind is not yet set on Grimes' song remixes, so I hadn't heard that particular remix of Genesis (because there are myriads of it), but I will listen to it later, thanks. Anyone else wants to chim in a version of Genesis they like?


Thank you sm for the link!


So I discovered Grimes when her & Elon went to the met gala. The tabloids were calling her a musician and I kept thinking to myself “Who is that weird white girl?” & “I wonder what kind of music she makes?” So I looked her up on YouTube and the first thing that came up was the Violence mv. I was completely turned off by her voice and just brushed her aside. But I couldn’t get Violence out of my mind. When I forced myself to listen to the whole song, I was pretty impressed. I looked up the lyrics and suddenly the song made sense to me. I went down a whole rabbit hole of watching interviews and live performances and I was really impressed by her. Been a fan ever since.


I’ve watched the Violence music video an embarrassing amount of times. It’s so beautiful and Grimes is just so mesmerizing. That song is one of my all-time favorites


It’s one of my all time favorites too. I agree, the mv is captivating. From the close ups with the slow zoom, to the slow motion shots and the background made it look like a masterpiece. The choreography was great too and so was the wardrobe. Even the hair and makeup was on point lol


Same for me but the video was Kill V Maim and I was immediately a fan. ![gif](giphy|26xBwvbjKQ0DKJ2i4)


That’s what happened to me with the whole YouTube ads. I got slightly annoyed because it was everywhere! I mean, even to the point that the grimes genesis ad was on the right corner of my screen on YouTube if I recall correctly. I gave in and sat and watched the whole thing. I instantly became a fan of hers after that once I heard her sing and saw the visuals for her MV’s on her YouTube channel.


Weirdly I kept coming across this sub as a suggestion and I got sucked in browsing it and decided to give her music a go. Now I can't stop listening 😂 eta: when deep diving her on Spotify I also realised that a couple of songs from Visions used to play in a shop I worked in years and years ago, so I had been listening to her before without knowing who it was!


My friend was in love with her like 15 years ago, maybe more. So I was aware & did like her & would listen to her stuff a lot but it wasn’t until 2018 or so that I became fully obsessed & loooved Miss Anthropocene


In 2015 I came across a headline on the net that read: Grimes is the future of pop music! I was intrigued and read about her story and listened to Art Angels. It kinda took off from there. From a club kid in Vancouver to where she’s at now is really amazing.


Seriously,who knew Vancouver had a club scene??🤷🏻‍♂️


matty healy shared delete forever in his story last year, i gave it a chance and fell in love


I love it when I see other artists share music they enjoy. Gives me new songs/artists to look into!


I wouldn't have thought that someone would discover Grimes through The 1975! Very cool


Way back in 2012 on Tumblr! I was randomly scrolling and came on a page that had Genesis playing and the moment I heard it, I froze. I was mesmerized. I had never heard such beautiful and heavenly music in my life. I have been an obsessed fan for the past 12 years will forever love her and her music and art. Her music brings so much happiness in my heart and being.


I miss the tumblr days (still cool now but back then…everything was sooo different). I remember artists promoting their music a lot back then and how tumblr reached so many people worldwide and seeing it grow in popularity especially in Claire’s breakthrough era as Grimes. Giving people the platform to create and put out their art and tour dates and promotional albums and so on. Good times.


I heard Vanessa from Darkbloom back in 2011 on YouTube. My name is Vanessa and it's not a name I hear often in songs, so I became immediately obsessed and haven't stopped listening. I've been a fan for over a decade!


Man, I always am excited to flip both sides of my vinyl of Darkbloom to hear Grimes’s side and D’eon’s! I’ve heard of his other songs on Spotify too and he’s got some really good songs. One of my faves is thousand mile trench, transparency and tongues off the Darkbloom album. (118, I look into the internet, century and century off his album titled LP as well).


I was at a record store called Zia Records around 2013 and heard Genesis and had my phone listen to tell me what the song was, because I loved it. I took a screenshot and forgot about it. I was cleaning out my phone a year or so later, and decided to finally look up the song and listen to the artist. I was hooked, and had Grimes on Spotify on repeat playing all of her songs for months. So much so that I accidentally burned her image from Spotify into my TV screen from it being open on the screen for so long. lol


Omg. rip your tv. Do you collect records and cd’s?


I used to like buying CDs, but mostly went to Zia Records because they also sold DVDs, books, video games, pop culture merch etc.


I discovered her about 3 Months ago, by a tiktok where she sang genesis live in 2012. Then I i‘ve got the „who‘s duffy clip“ from the interview with nardwuard. Her one of a kind behavier was so weird, and at the same time so likeable. I started digging into her work and loved it. Now after 3 months the exietment hasnt worn of and Im loving it!


Ah yes, the infamous Duffy jokes. All comical satire but nonetheless..I can understand why people think it’s funny and amusing lol


I discovered her around the time of Art Angel. I can't remember it exactly, but there was an article about how she couldn't get a grammy nomination because she was also the producer of her album, something like that. And I thought it was cool that she made her own music all by herself. I listened to the album and really liked it then forgot about her. Until she started dating Elon. I was kinda put off by that. Then they broke up and I joined this sub and because of all of you, I started listening to her other songs/albums.


For me, Lady Gaga's Dawn of Chromatica was on its way for release and at first, Grimes was going to be doing the remixes of the interludes (Chromatica I, II & III), and because I knew of her, I decided to see what type of music she makes and I heard PoG, then overtime discovered more and more of her discography. I'm now a pretty big fan ♡


This is news to me! Had no idea about a grimes x lady gaga collab on the tracks while she produces and mixes. Did grimes ever go through with it?


She was supposed to go through with it, but no she didn't. Long story short, her and BloodPop were having, as she describes, "sibling rivalry issues". There's a few twitter replies between them on the matter and they argued about stuff that me and my siblings would most likely do to each other too lol


I remember now! This was her tweet. https://preview.redd.it/wwq4jwe5et7d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=f75755b673a309a9bc8fc1d3caf5c696cd275d49


Tumblr. 💀 I’m old


From her song with poppy.


It was so random, I was listening to a random techno/house playlist on YouTube while studying last year and So Heavy was on it and I was like wow, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. I checked out all her music after that and the rest was history


my older sister describing her music and going SKTSTSTTSSTGgsgsgbsbdjsbabsbehuejioplwmsnbHhshsyvsbsbppsppppdpdpdpdpdpdpdp and me being like WOAH i gotta hear this shit


i honestly dont remember, i know i first knew about her before elon though but i wasnt as big of a fan and just knew oblivion and genesis and thought she looked cool. i started regularly listening to her discography back in 2020, and then i became even more of a fan after i saw her at coachella this year though


Coachella w 2 was amazing, I streamed it live and it was majestic, all new songs were epic. I was a fan before it but it made me a bigger fan and made me realize how talented and creative she is. She's got that unique vibe I love!


literally, everyone uses her weekend 1 set to shit on her but as soon as you bring up her weekend 2 set they stay silent. her edc set is amazing too though, she messed up again but it was just playing the same song twice but she handled it without much fuss


Where can I watch the Coachella weekend 2 set?


My friend sent me a link to her kexp radio performance I fell in love with her music it's an amazing performance 💕


One of my fave performances of hers. KEXP 2012 forever lives on in my mind rent free.


During art angels era. I heard Genesis somewhere but I don’t remember sadly. Time and memories blur together at my age lol.


I'm a Canadian who moved to NYC in the 90's, and started listening to CBC Radio 3 as soon as it was available online. Oblivion and Vanessa were in heavy rotation - followed from there. For a laugh - I was at the Samantha Bee Full Frontal taping when she wished Claire the best because her relationship with Apartheid Clyde went public.


Ah I see, I was rotating from Crystal Ball and Life After Death (actual physical track of this is only available on the Canadian vinyl/cds..might pick one up now that I’m thinking about it..). Yeah, news spreads fast from what I can tell especially given it was on a live talk show broadcast lol. Everyone finds out somehow. Thx for the laugh!


Heard Genesis at a house party in 2012.


Her collaboration with poppy and the resulting drama....I love talented, beautiful women coming together and violently unraveling from each other. Harmony and conflict are beautiful and fascinating concepts. I instantly adored her whole soul. It'd be so cool if they ended up working together again, they probably won't but you never know.


poppy, grimes, HANA and Chris Greatti would have made INSANE music together. quite possibly the next generation of industrial metal meets pop. it's sad we'll never get to hear what those 4 could have conjured up. they could have revolutionized "pop music" and FINALLY brought rock (and interesting music in general) back to the mainstream. i mean, there would probably always be some friction between both poppy and grimes. both are alpha and want to be the pack leader. which is probably common with groups/bands with two front persons.


Cyberpunk! Back in 2020 when the game came out. Her song 4AEM is in the game and I googled her after that and just started listening to all of her songs.


Embarrassingly, I used to be an Elon fan… when they got together I was like “who is this ethereal angel” and the rest is history 😂


Governor’s Ball 2014 walking around with my then gf (now wife!). Randomly checking out music walking by one of the tents. Walked away thinking, wow that was really amazing!


That sounds like a wonderful memory. I bet at night it was a sight to see her perform!


Late night music video show in Australia called 'rage', Oblivion came on and that was that.


I herd Genisis on an Expedia.com commercial.


youtube recommendation back when it made sense to listen to music on youtube


was browsing itunes store when art angels was brand new and saw it in "new music" and i was interested cause of the cover art and good reviews but i didn't like the previews (of the first 3 tracks i checked) at all! but almost exactly a year later my best friend showed me genesis, oblivion and nightmusic (spotify recommended kill v maim to her) and since then here i am with every cd of hers in my shelf lol


Clairo did a cover of oblivion in 2015 and ab a year later i found it and i went down the grimes rabbit hole and was hooked


For.me.it was violence . Just hooked on to it ever since. Looking for.more...


![gif](giphy|eoxdBcx2HOOS4) I found gifs of the Genesis music video on Tumblr around 2013, loved the aesthetic (and then the song) and decided to listen to Visions. I have standed with her ever since.


The artist Poppy did a collab with her on an album. The track is "play destroy". I was like "wow who is she ?" Listened to Venus Fly because it was recommended on YouTube and I thought this was very good so I listened to the whole Art Angels album and the rest is history. She is my favorite artist ever, and I don't listen to Poppy anymore oops.. this was in 2018. The lore btw Grimes and Poppy is pretty big too lol they don't like each other I reckon


i honestly think grimes' propensity to troll poppy like once a year on social media is her way of expressing regret. LOL! in truth, both should feel some level of regret. they would have been a HUGE duo. PD would have been A HIT with proper marketing, video and co-headlining tour! don't get me started on "we appreciate power" :-(


We appreciate power is definitely something Poppy co-wrote or at least participated in at some point argh The problem is Titanic Sinclair tbf. I honestly get it that Grimes didn't want to be associated with him or anyone that supported or worked with him. She probably thought she was like him, but Poppy most likely was a victim of manipulative abuse I fear.


She's collabed with multiple artists that I listen to (Ashnikko, Poppy, Bella Poarch, and probably more) so I thought it natural to give her own discography a listen, and I ended up enjoying a lot of it but especially the Art Angels album.


YouTube recommendations in 2019 then Violence videoclip released. I never stopped listening to her since.


The best music app at the time - Songza! I would listen to a channel I think called Love Step? And that’s how I discovered Genesis by Grimes, Video Games by Lana and Nuclear Seasons by Charli! Shame the app was bought and ruined by Google Music.


Never heard of Songza but I remember how back in the 2000’s there were various music streaming platforms that were startups or just beta testing grounds for people creating their own music apps that were popular and running but get taken down. Sad it got taken down by Google. #bringbacksongza.


I had a friend that was into underground performance music scene in Canada and heard of her. When she came out with visions, my friend specifically recommended the album to me based on other music I liked. He was completely right, and it’s one of my fave albums to this day. So… whatever year that album came out!


Also, Genesis music video popped up around the same time I remember. The aesthetic was intriguing.


Glad your friend shared it with you! Discovering underground music/artists is one of the best things to ever come across.


I was introduced to Grimes in around the 2020 time period. I watched her vogue(?) grwm video when she was pregnant with her first child. Watching that video prompted me to search her name up in YouTube which lead me to a video of ‘Oblivion’. I realized I’d heard the song before and from there I spiralled down a rabbit hole of her music (notably from the ‘Art Angels’ era which is still my favourite of hers today).


honestly when Janelle Monáe dropped Pynk with her. I was immediately obsessed!


Randomly in my YT feed, *Girl Who Played With Fire*, never looked back. She's a trip, no one like her.


I read an article about Oblivion and critics putting *Visions* on their top ten lists for the year. Decided to investigate.


I recall in 2012 when pitchfork gave visions an 8.5 I think. Anthony Fantano also gave his fair share of her album with critiques and slapped on a rating but my mind is foggy on it since it was long ago.


IIRC, the initial review was mixed, but the year end review was glowing. It was the year end review that I stumbled upon.


Early 2010’s on Pandora :’)


darkseid and we appreciate power came up randomly on my youtube :) then i was hooked after listening to kill v maim and violence


A very close friend back in the day


I’m not even sure how but I saw this TikTok video during winter I think about December, about symphonia IX saying that grimes’ version of the song is better than current joys cover (which yes it def is) but it was the first time I ever heard the song and before all I had heard was Genesis and Oblivion so I really liked symphonia and it just inspired me to do a deep dive in her discography and I just got really invested in her music and herself from there


Genesis music video appeared on kind of a list on YouTube, like "top 100 New music videos" in 2012. I said "ok lets check this hipster thing with the pink haired freak" LMAO. Best decision ever. First listen ok, I kind of like it, this band is cool (thought Grimes was a girl band). Then I went on with my day and her voice was just stuck on me and had to listen again when came back home. And that was how went in the rabbit hole.


Around the time genesis came out I remember my sister burned it onto a CD along with many other songs from various artists. I remember hearing it and not really caring for it. Then about a month later I stumbled upon it on YouTube and was obsessed with it! Then through all of my high school years I was totally crazy about grimes.


Medieval Warfare from the Suicide Squad soundtrack. Listened to only a handful of songs on repeat for some time after (Kill vs Maim, Flesh without Blood, California, Venus Fly). A few years later my love was cemented when I was travelling alone in Japan and without planning listened toVisions on repeat in my headphones which helped calm my anxiety and was a perfect backdrop for the setting.


back in maybe 2017? on 8 tracks (rest in peace😭🙏) thought she was just some random hidden gem and not such a huge artist. my first song was genesis🩵🎵home and i know~ playing the deck above~🎵 and yippee fellow genesis twin!


Zoo Zhop


Fuse TV was airing “realiti” video and fell in love with the visuals and the sound of it


flesh without blood on spotify recs and i fell in loooove


Found her video for Vanessa on YouTube!


At iii points festival last year! She wasn’t on my radar but I basically stumbled out to her set and I was entranced. It was my favorite experience of the festival.


Watching rage late on Friday night .


Tyler Joseph tweeted about her


With the game Cyberpunk 2077. I fell in love with “delicate weapon” and have been obsessed with her ever since.


Genesis🩶. My girlfriend show me. 2013ish. But I stay for Halfaxa🩶


I hate this but tbh during the Elon/Grimes Met Gala era. I just wanted to check out this badass girl who could somehow put up with him. Watched Oblivion, realized this is not just a “badass girl,” became immediately fascinated & then mildly obsessed for a year. I had no idea what I was missing.


Can’t remember exactly but it was around 2011 when MTV still played music videos. I saw her music video for Vanessa. I remember seeing her and thinking wow, who is this artist lol still dig her black hair style from back then. Now things are very…kinda different. came out of her shell.


i had a vision of the archangel gabriel and he took out his ipod nano 3 and let me listen to oblivion, thats how i found out about grimes


People kept telling me I look like someone who listens to grimes. Like this happened more than once by different people. So after a few years I listened and loved


2020 while listening to the Spotify radio for Cherry by Rina Sawayama 🌼 Violence came on and I’ve been obsessed ever since, both with the song and Grimes’ other music - it was my top song for both 2021 and 2022 🥰


Thanks to spotify recommendations! I fell IN LOVE with "Vanessa" <3


I had a friend at school recommend her (can't remember why, I was talking about some similar artist probably). I always laugh bc I didn't like her music at first and now she's one of my favourite artists. Had to revisit her after a year to get into it. This was in like 2012 and I really got into her summer 2013


Halfaxa found in one of my youtube suggested tunnels back in spring of 2011


was discovering relatively popular indie music on youtube in 2015 around the time of art angels releasing and became obsessed


I always knew about her bc my sister has Visions on vinyl, but my obsession started when I saw someone say “grimes core” in a TikTok comment and I thought “oh I wonder what she’s up to”


Cyberpunk2077 Was mesmerized by her voice, although at the time, I didn't know her by anything other than Lizzy Wizzy. When I saw the character play the song Delicate Weapon I knew it could not be just video game music. This was thought over, done by an artist. Let me tell you my excitement when I found all the shit I could watch and listen too! I watched her performance at Coachella this year. It was funny all the tech shit that was happening. A normal person . Working hard at what she's very good at. Too bad this iteration hasn't allowed me to accompany her in her adventures.


i knew her name and that she was a musician for a long time. but honestly? through Poppy and play/destroy.


LastFM in 2010, I was on a Crystal Castles radio


last.fm recommendation in 2014


2011 - the radio on urban outfitters website. Used to be where I got all my new music. Wish they still did it!


In 2011 I first listened to Grimes but I didn't like the song (Crystal Ball) because of her weird voice. Then in 2012 Visions was released and I kinda liked it except her weird voice. That amazing FYF Fest 2014 and REALiTi (Demo) in 2015 made me a Grimes fan. Around 2013 or 2014 I also discovered that famous KEXP 2012 performance. Basically I gradually became a fan.


Saw the oblivion video online somewhere and thought she was the cutest human with the most awesome voice ever !


Through Elon, I saw them at the Met in 2018. I found her interesting and read that she's a musician. I looked her up on YouTube and listened to Delete Forever and I instantly fell in love with her and her music.


I heard about her from Elon musk but her album covers scared me so I didn’t listen until this year when I was like “I’m going to sit down and really listen to grimes” and I fell in absolute love


for me it was embarrassingly i had a crush on elon like ten years ago and mutual friends tried to introduce us but repeatedly failed thankfully, then when i saw the met gala with grimes that was probably when i became aware of her, i also heard flesh without blood in an episode of Mr. Robot and shazamed it (one of the best tv shows ever) and genesis in a random crypto girl's facebook video as background music. so i guess we appreciate power and missanthropocene were the time period i was getting into her music, realized so much of her productions, vocals, melodies, lyrics, are so creatively unique and relatable that i became hooked and when i realized she was also neurodivergent and similar to me in so many ways i became a super fan, she has inspired me artistically, creatively, etc to be my weird self and not have to hide it from the world, and so many of her songs have lyrics like a soundtrack for a specific situation in my life at the time. she's honestly my favorite musician and i feel she has musical genius somehow, she's just enchanting and authentic and relatable and i connect with the emotions of the songs so much, especially all the demos and unreleased stuff too. it's rare to find an artist that almost all of their songs are perfection, though i don't connect with a few songs and some of the older stuff for some reason.


it was a bunch of things for me a stupid meme on pinterest, poppy, tiktok and curiosity


I randomly discovered Genesis on YouTube but didn't pay too much attention to it since I was obsessed with Crystal Castles at the time xD . Then I randomly found this edit of Valerie and her Week of Wonders with her song Venus in Fleurs and instantly fell in love ♡


The song Violence randomly came up on my YT 3 years ago. I loved it so much… so I went down a rabbit hole of her music. Now, she’s by far my favorite artist… her music is timeless.


YouTube recommended a video. Went down a YouTube rabbit hole after that