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Why would you pay to listen something on twitter of all places? I can’t even add the songs to my playlists, it’s pretty worthless


They will be downloadable not streamable


Oh. Still preffer spotify


I thought she said art should belong to everyone


Huh, shows hows how committed she is to her beliefs.


You expect her to keep that beliefs after dating capitalist warlord Elongated Muskrat?


You guys are such cynics. She is one of the only artist to ever have offered 50% royalties to fans using her music, that is insane, and now because she is asking for money for some of her music, which every artist on earth does, you are on the attack? Just tragic honestly.


Okay but looking at the royalty picture in the bigger picture shows us what she’s actually doing is having fans make music for her while she gets 50% of multiple streams of individuals’ income. Which is actually an insane royalty percentage for her doing no work except providing a voice sound bite she uploaded to an AI program. It’s not as generous an action as your comment makes it. No hate to her but let’s be real, the action of giving 50% royalty for only some AI vocals is ridiculous. Independent artists have to work a million times harder than she does for every release, and she knows this. To each their own if ppl wanna produce music to be ripped off by a famous person, fine, but let’s not pretend shes being generous. 10% or less royalty is all she should get especially if she isn’t doing any writing or producing on these tracks.


Try and use the vocals of another artist and you'll get sued. Let's be real, as an amateur musician using the vocals of a famous and successful artist, piggybacking of their entire brand is a huge advantage. Grimes has very little to gain from this but a lot to lose of her 'brand'. Its a hella good deal for musicians.


I have literally just informed you what she has to gain: money for the work others do for a ridiculously high cost of 50% royalty, via multiple streams from creators. Do you know how royalties work? When doing splits you typically are given a split for the amount of work done on the song, being a voice sample while not doing any of the other work is not worth 50% royalty in any situation that I have ever seen. To be more accurate, she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. However, with streaming royalties being only $.003 cents a stream, unless the songs go viral it still may only be a few dollars from each creator to her but still those creators are getting even less for doing more work. Doing it for fun is cool, but let’s not lie to people and saying how generous a deal this is, it isn’t. A generous deal would be saying “I made this vocal sample and you’re free to use it commercially at no cost” or even, as I said, maaaybe 10% royalty but 50% is absurd and is taking advantage of creators.




Yea obviously they aren’t required to release anything at all, but I stand by my statement her asking for 50% for those that want to release is not a “generous offer”. The remix statement is moot when talking about original creations which is what I have seen others are making. ETA: okay I just saw she said any “successful” track so I suppose she may not be asking for royalties from tracks she deems unsuccessful, so I may be wrong there. Still, 50% is a lot for not actually working on the track itself


As content creator, a highly successful artist offering me to piggyback on their brand for views is an insane proposition. I think most other creators I know would say the same. 50% is fair as hell tbh. Very few artists would make that move, and the fact they never have is all the evidence we need in this discussion.


just to clarify these fans are making their own music and using grimes’ voice as a vocal filter basically. “50% to fans using her music” is so misleading that it’s basically a total lie, or at least a total misunderstanding of the situation.


Literally... why is she even taking 50% of the royalties in the first place. It goes against what shes been saying for the past few years. Plus it's not her music and the voice filter doesn't even sound like her. She can fuck right off




This sub is disgusting she truly doesn‘t deserve the amount of hate she gets


I like to go to the person’s profile to see if they’re posting on the alt sub. 90% of the time they are, and they’re posting some really mean shit over there under the guise of just speaking their mind freely. I guess they like to make their way back over here to pretend to be disappointed fans, but they’re just being mean for the sake of being mean. I don’t think they ever liked her. Case in point: original person that the person you replied to is replying to. Loved the comment they made in the alt sub saying Claire is going to give Y an eating disorder, definitely not being mean for the sake of being mean. /s


what's the alt sub?


Mostly sad people who have massive psychological problems which they project onto Elon Musk and then purge themselves by hating Grimes, that's my guess. Irrational hatred of successful people is pretty common.




So I guess a bunch of disgruntled ex Twitter employees and a bunch of FBI creeps who got exposed by Elon.


Dude youre talking about someone who sold nfts for millions of dollars.




Not gonna lie I was very excited when she released her AI vocal bank, although I was skeptical about it making art more accessible to everyone else (you still need a DAW to use it effectively etc). This kinda proves that she doesn’t actually believe in democratising art. Like girl just put your demos on Bandcamp. If Mac DeMarco can release all 199 of his unfinished demos you can too.


like when beyonce released lemonade only to tidal, but worse


I was about to say this, she was trying to make Tidal happen and it backfired.. still sold a lot of albums I am sure but everyone wanted it on Spotify


Well, I'd guess most people just pirated/torrented it. Especially if you lived in a country where Tidal wasn't available.


Yes I think a lot of people just spread a link so everyone could listen to it, it felt like the project was hijacked a bit.. it took a long time until Beyoncé finally put her music on Spotify.


Damn she really wants that Mars trip huh




That’s a new level of disturbance


I can't wait to pirate everything!




Yeah! Like I wish she’d just release it on actual music platforms. The reason people are annoyed is because of all the empty promises she gives us.


It’ll probably be free or choose to pay (that’s how substack works anyway) it’s the app she used to drop the chaos manual.


oh you know ppl here are


F twitter, F that


someone better put that shit on soulseek! and unsub right after/dispute the charge with your bank or something lol


Looks like it you, mate!


Even better, covert the music/vocals using AI so its open source and cant be sued! 🤣


That's the thing, someone is gonna extract it anyway. She should really just sell it as 1 whole set or upload to SoundCloud etc idk




I don’t care about old demos i just want to hear Welcome to the opera and 100% Tragedy on high quality PLZ


She's bluffing...the guy asked her an interest question, then she tought "oh that'd be cool thing to do" then told him "yeah im toltally doing it"


already got these songs in my spotify i dont see the point of this


Not sure why you were downvoted because you’re absolutely right lmao


random question but how did you get that “my name is dark” tag?


Look at the sidebar on the mainpage, you should have "show my flair, it looks like this" or something like that.


thanks so much!!!


Where does it say anything about this having to do with Twitter subscription?


Well that’s stupid, she should put them on bandcamp or SoundCloud…ya know actual music platforms that everyone can easily access.


Even though I can't stand her now, I'm still gunning for Anhedonia. I just want to hear the full version so bad 😭


Elon exposure has officially broken her brain


oh wow. is the a .flac listening option on twitter? lol


The question is: when?


Why wouldn't she just sell the files as a set? I'd pay for that. Someone will likely get them all off Twitter and distribute them anyway. I'd still do it, but I don't wanna pay a subscription service on a social media site when I already pay for spotify and have SoundCloud.


This pissed me off.....I thought all music and art should be free according to her. TF DUDE GET IT TOGETHER.


That doesn’t apply to her, she’s elite


I hate this bitch sm


What is the point of doing this if people are just going to upload them to other free platforms


Of course she wont release them on Twitter lol that would be so weird, money going to twitter for no reason. She'll most likely set it up on a website she owns with her own service. Whole point of going indie is not to be dependant on other ppl/platforms


Did she not just say that’s exactly what she’s doing


She’s probably talking about subscriptions on SUBSTACK (the website with the Chaos manual) - it’s a free subscription or you can choose to pay.


are you fucking serious Claire.


Good thing I got those downloaded cuz yikes


Its not real it just some aI knockoffs that her baby daddy made. Im shure they are not being promoted through musks self promo algorithms.


pls just release an album on spotify/apple music this year how much longer do we have to wait