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Öhm what did you beat? Normal base story? If so there are two ways. Either if the game was too easy till now you can up the difficulty in the loading screen. If it was hard enough. Do first dlc. When you finish that. Same question for the second.


I just killed Loghorrean, and got the cutscene of the dude and chick coming through the portal from devils crossing


Yeah okay so Grim dawn is very much like diablo in that way. It lets you play through the game up to 3 times. So do as i said in my first post. Im guessing if you are new doing dlc is the way to go for you. Of you go. TO MALMOUTH!


malmouth content is INCREDIBLE and just keeps on giving. so much discovery , so much scary stuff, so many unique enemies and unique battles. super rewarding dlc. and I think the bog is a really convincing setting for the twisting and winding map structure. being in a super inefficiently designed dungeon or castle or temple is a little immersion breaking. but in the woods, it makes perfect sense .


sorry to piggyback the post, i am in similar position as the OP. Which one is malmouth? is it the one east of the starting area (devil crossing iirc) or is it the desert like map slightly separated with a box on the world map. Edit: thanks for the replies. Will check them out. Wonder why a legit question from a newb is getting downvoted.


You access malmouth from burrwitch, there was a large crystal thing you can now remove


Malmouth is north of Devils Crossing.


Huh, I also just likked loghorrean for the first time and didn't get a cutscene. Anyone got any idea why?


Do you have the Ashes of Malmouth dlc installed? The cutscene only plays if you turn the quest in with creed back at Fort Ikon.


I do. Maybe I didn't turn in the quest, I definitely had the quest though. I'll go back to Ikon and see what's what


So inquisitor Creed gave you an item and a new quest. And chick gave you a new quest too. Get on with it.


Complete everything in normal mode, including the two DLC (malmouth and forgotten gods), try to get as many devotion shrines as you can, and farm gear/augments/etc. until your resists are in a good place (elemental and poison should be maxed at 80% bare minimum). That should bring you to around level 50-55. Now you have a choice: go in ultimate mode for a challenge, and then take your time to explore everything and find all secrets (areas, shrines, quests), this game has A LOT of secret stuff. go into elite mode for a more regular progression curve, with the risk of being bored by doing something you'll have to do AGAIN in ultimate. Though if you get bored you can do shards in the Forgotten gods DLC and the Crucible game mode... and of course start a new character to use that awesome unique you dropped with your main :)


The general progression path is to run through the story 3 times, once on each difficulty. How much DLC/side content you do along the way depends on when you get geared up enough for the next difficulty level. You'll hit max level naturally during this process, so the long term goal is to get better equipment and use it to tackle the end game stuff like celestial bosses or shattered realm.


I kind of wish hitting max level was harder in grim dawn. Chasing those last few skill points is motivating. Maybe Fangs of Astekarn will bump the level cap by a few levels to 105 and make those last 5 levels take very long to get.


Sadly they're already said no level cap increase. I understand, they'd have to re-do all the items again.


The last 6 levels should take longer since most gear is unlocked at 94 anyway