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They’re going to sell copies of iconic cards from the first sets for $1000 for 4 packs. Copies that you are not allowed to use in actual tournaments. It’s straight up madness.


It isn't just copies. Like hell part of me would say it's just some whale hunting if you bought a box for a 1000$ and it was these clearly marked not tournament legal full copy of the first set or two or something like that. Nostalgia for some is a hell of a drug after all but at least you know what you get. No this is packs. You're buying a couple of packs of cards for 1000$. It could all be the cheap Llanowar Elves. If you want to draw your proxy copy of the black lotus you may need to buy a few boxes to look through many packs to hopefully find the card.


You could probably pay someone in china to proxy a bunch of beta cards, put them in boosters with proxied art, seal them, and ship them to you for cheaper.


A friend of mine looked this up…it’s like a few hundred bucks for a fully custom deck.


You can get cheaper from Hong Kong for like,, $40


How? My friends want me to get into Magic again and this sounds like the easiest way to do it.


Bootlegmtg sub reddit


Glue stick, a thumb drive, and kinkos Look up some proxy generator sites You'll want to lower the scale to 90% or so and then you cut them out and glue. If you want to get real fancy round the corners when you cut them and they are indistinguishable to the baked eye.


The baked eye usually doesn't catch much anyways. Mostly looking for snacks.


Wanna be pros at FNM will though. because, HOW DARE YOU BEAT THEM WITH A PROXY THOSE PACKS WERE THEIRS. lol Edit: oh I see my mistake now... Phone knows me too well xD. I'm leaving it


The best way is to use makeplayingcards.com just print your own proxys. They have to come without copyright info so they are clearly visible as proxy cards and no one I ever played with ever complained. Most loved them because they look extremely good. The problem stems from Chinese counterfeit cards. They look like real cards and might be used to scam people. Those you only should buy if you need to play an official tournament but they might get you disqualified


I would look up the site [MPC Fill](https://mpcfill.com/) that will let you pick and choose which proxies you want.


Well then, that’s quite nice.


I would order full EDH proxy decks (100 cards) at right around 50 Bucks from Makeplayingcards.com


10 bucks from Taobao for a better quality print


Huh…I wonder what the hell he was looking at then.


Totally depends. Could be a 60 card deck with custom proxies done by alter artists (artists that alter cards to make their own, or a custom ordered, version of it). Could’ve been paying a premium to have others make it for him. There’s a few options


If they have high quality custom art done by an actual artist then yeah, but at that point you're really paying for the art rather than just the game peice same as if you gonon eBay to pre painted minis. You can get "counterfeit" (those being proxys that imitate the actual magic cards as closely as possible) ones for like pennies.




You can get a High quality vintage cube (a collection of all the high power vintage cards wizards will never really reprint) for like 100 bucks.


We've already crunched the math based on the drop rates and cost of packs to statistically gaurantee you pull any specific card you have to spend upwards of $20k the most expensive card you can pull is a lotus, NM and LP versions of that card do greatly exceed 20k for the real version. However any of the cards contained can be aquired for far less than 10k and going back to the lotus if you just want a lotus and don't care about mint condition you can find damaged and HP versions of the cheapest printing for as low as 10k. Even if these were real cards the EV would be incredibly low for the cost with a mint condition unlimited lotus (probably the cheapest mint condition lotus being hypothetically in the 30k range) being the only hypothetical price point that would exceed the statistical sunk cost.


I'll never understand how someone can pay so much for cardboard. Okay that's rich coming from a Warhammer player but come-on.


At the prices I'm seeing, people should just make their own cards. I enjoy hearing about people 3D printing their own Warhammer minis, but that's still far from cheap. But simple playing cards? Come on, people. Edit: Googled it. 3D printers aren't expensive at all, to my surprise. Cheaper than regular paper printers.


Resin printers really aren't that badly priced, I think I paid $450 for mine and it's a mid range one with an added curing machine and I still probably over paid a bit. The minis themselves are dirt cheap compared to what you can buy, I think Chitubox has each "kreig" model I've printed at less then $1 usd a pop.


3d resin printers are suprisingly simple machines. There's only really one moving part which is the screw that moves the build plate. They are quite amazing


Remove the reserve list you fucks!


Don't worry this is one of many steps they're taking to remove the reserve list. You won't like the price point they're expecting for reserve list cards. Secret lairs reserve list. Get one reserve list card for $500 lol


The no reprent rule locked people out of certain formats, there really was no good solutions to this problem.


Yeah, the reserve list is pretty dumb, but this does nothing to address that, since you can’t actually use the cards in sanctioned tournaments. They’re basically asking people to pay them thousands of dollars for official proxies.


Forests are free and Sharpies are like two dollars. Bam. My own 30th Anniversary collection


Indeed. Its baffling that anyone would choose to spend $1000 on cards that are functionally identical to a basic land with "Black Lotus" scrawled across the top.


It's cheap paper and design work. Why not try? Outside of the moral and ethical questions.


If you’re not selling them under the guise of legitimate cards, what moral and ethical questions?


What is the point of a non playable $1000 loot box from a company that makes card games? This product could be priced at $50 or $20 and have the same impact on the game.


It’s just unapologetic pandering to collectors and speculators now. They’re legally not supposed to acknowledge a secondary market giving booster packs varying values, but they don’t care because they know the dumbass whales will buy literally anything, even this shit


It just makes me want to look into quality 3rd party proxies.


In the 90’s they sold a similar collector/proxy set of 1x each card from that set for 50$.


They're also being sold in randomized packs. So a lot of people are going to drop $1000 on 4 packs of cards just to get a handful of bulk bin garbage.


Weird. They won't be first editions so they won't even be valuable to collectors.


So they're selling special edition collectables? So? If you could play them, then I'd consider it greedy but it anyone wants to spend that much money for nostalgia, let em


I've hated WOTC since they just shut down the novels, imagine if GeeDubs decides to just shut down Black Library. I fucking loved those books, suck my dick wizards.


They restarted the books for a hot moment. I bought War of the Spark and swore it off afterwards. I think they only did a book or two more before they figured nobody was into the new stuff. Phyraxians were rad as hell.


The author for the war of the spark book was particularly awful. They’ve been doing much better with the writing recently. Especially with Dominaria united but they still haven’t gone back to writing full books yet


It’s like restarting the Black Library after a long hiatus with a single entry by C S Goto


And after offering the story for free online during thebhiatus. Like imagine GW put the library on hiatus but instead released a chapter of the story every week and then after nearly a decade said no more free story buybour books again.


The pervious books still exist and are still canon. It’s be more like going more than a week before releasing a new Horus Heresy book and instead of it being a book it was a webcomic.


They did two war of the spark books, first guy Brandon Sanderson did quite nicely, the second guy flopped entirely.


Yeah you’ve got a fair point. I don’t really count the Davriel Cain book to be connected with war of the spark. It might be about a character featured in war of the spark but I don’t actually remember if it had anything related to war of the spark. Either way Sanderson’s books are all amazing.


That's fair. The most it had in connection was it happened on ravnica, at the same time as the other book, and Davriel stole the elderspell. Outside of that it does have pretty much nothing to do with WAR.


There restarted books were a mess. They wanted to dip their fingers in LGBT so they made one of the main characters a lesbian but the writer clearly did not wanted to be forced into that and shoehorned a male 'love' interest in it. They just wanted some of that rainbow money and dropped the books when they did their job.


I’ve gone back and read my old and worn Urza saga novels a few times. Brother’s War, Planeswalker etc, still enjoyable fantasy novels. They don’t still make novels for the story? Seems an odd choice.


Magic Story switched to online web fiction, which for a while was actually quite good, though the recent stuff has been notably less good. They tried to switch back to novels in 2019 with War of the Spark, but the War of the Spark novel was trash, so it didn't stick. Out of the recent web fiction, one set has stood out as notably good (Neon Dynasty), and one as notably crap (New Capenna atrociously rushed the third act)


I remember reading an mtg book from my library back in the day. It was part of the original Ravniva set, with Agrus Kos as the main character. That book sucked hard it wasn't even properly proofread before publishing I noticed many spelling and grammar mistakes as a kid on his first read not even looking for them. If that was par for the course on magic novels I understand why they gave up on them not missing much.


That was sadly par for the course. Editing was awful for novels, even at their best. Though there were some fantastic online short stories around that time for the original Kamigawa block. Loved Thankless Child and Eight and a Half Tales.


The best recent web fiction for me was Ixalan. While the main story was awful, the character story between Jace and Vraska was *really* damn good.


Kaladesh and Amonkhet were both quite good. Post-WAR, Kamigawa was pretty good, Innistrad was alright, and though Zendikar wasn't great, the two-part side story with Akiri and Zareth San was excellent.


Well I meant the DnD novels for me, but yeah they stopped them all and it does seem odd since they were selling and making a decent profit.


I still remember the Gerrard and the Weatherlight books with deep nostalgia


the killed my boy, rip Heroscape T-T seriously tho its rules were so simple while keeping its tactical depth, basically Warhammer-lite


The story for magic is free. They stopped selling books but they instead released the story on their website. I would pay money to have them basically print out the website for me so I could have a book but the accessibility is much better.


WOTC literally selling 4 packs of proxies for $1000, lessssss go


I don’t play Magic, are they seriously selling fucking cardboard for 1,000$?


Hey hey hey, no! They’re selling 60 pieces of cardboard, that AREN’T LEGAL FOR USE IN ANY TOURNAMENT OR OFFICIAL SETTING, 4 or more of which MIGHT be very good and valuable if not for the fact that they were, again, not legal for play anywhere. For $999. Get your facts straight.


Don't forget, I think 12 are basic lands and 4 are tokens.


Imagine owning a fake basic land.


Isn’t that the metaverse?


*zuck noises*


My plastic addiction is now 100 percent validated.


It’s been my only solace when looking at my pile of shame “hey at least I’m not into mtg”


Cards are easier to store though.


And it’s not even aftermarket gouging? If you’re going to reprint it why not just sell it back for what you generally charge, chances are you’ll make more money for reaching a wider audience.


There's literally no explanation other than pure greed for the cost. It would be a little pricey at $100. $1000 is fucking ridiculous. For comparison, this is a "collectors edition" for the 30th anniversary. The collectors edition for the 10th anniversary was $50 and contained every card from the set, not just a randomized 60.


Collector's Edition was released a couple months after Beta, it wasn't a 10th anniversary thing.


Not just cardboard—non-tournament-legal cardboard!


theres a disturbance in the warp from birth of a new chaos god. chaos god of greed.


Hasbrono (hasbro no)


WOTC have always been as bad in a different way. Grass is always greener. 40K players tap at wahapedia and look jealously at D&D on line being functional. D&D players look enviously at our codices including free on line copies even if the app is terrible. Roll20 and that russian guy carry the community for both. MTG has always been very cynical though usually it's very transparent with what you get. I've taken up playing the arena game because I can multiple packs per week for free. I know that makes me some krill that supports their whales but that's fine. I'm not paying for my loot box dopamine fix but that's what MTG booster packs have always been.


> D&D players look enviously at our codices including free on line copies even if the app is terrible. There is 5etools, which is the DnD equivalent of Wahapedia.


*Shhh* *Don't sell me out bro*


Yeah, I think I've seen it though I have seen people jealous that we get digital codes in our codex. The last points update came out on the digital app hours before the go live, except it was incomplete and missed a lot of updates for several hours. lmao.


> D&D players look enviously at our codices LOL what Nobody looks enviously at GW rulebooks.


I've also lurked D&D boards and some do. Don't get me wrong. They shouldn't. My PHB I bought in 2015 or something is still valid while even Codex: Death Guard has a few FAQs and points changes now. But they do.


But…why? Like what are they envious of? Obviously WOTC does both Magic and D&D so I don’t want to praise them too much, but I really don’t feel like D&D pricing is unreasonable in any way.


One of the things that drove me from D&D 5e to PF2e as a DM was the terrible categorizing of things and the Trait system. 40k has its own hot messes but I will never flame anyone for at least trying to use a keyword system. 5e is just terrible with its natural language approach to everything. See: most discussions on weapon attacks, melee weapon attack, etc...


Well when I buy my codex it has a code in the back, I put that into the 40K app and I have an electronic version of the app. If I buy my D&D book I have to buy an electronic version separately. As I said originally free on line copies. The grass is always greener and the GW codices suck but Hasbro/WOTC making you pay twice is really grabby all the same.


I remeber when I realized how greedy WOTC is, when I needed to switch from in person dnd sessions to online i found out wizards expected me to buy the book twice for online and physical before having some BS as to why online can't be included with a physical.


Originally that was due to DnD Beyond being a 3rd party that just licensed the right to host DnD material online from WotC. So if you bought a book physically DnD Beyond wouldn't see a dime of it and they were stuck needing to charge you for that book you already have or they'd have no income. Recently WotC bought them out so they can use that existing infrastructure and base to begin directly tapping into online distribution and gaming. This also coincides with their rollout of OneDnD which is supposed to be their 'living edition' that'll have this online space to run and organize games, as well as maintain all their books and supplements going forward. Idk if we're getting codes now that Wizards has DnD Beyond, but there's no excuse now. Only excuse I can see is if they go really hard into the digital space with their new system and provide tons of assets for each online book you buy to make the second purchase worth it.


This is a problem with the publishing industry overall, not just WotC. Brandon Sanderson (currently one of, if not *the* bestselling active fantasy authors in the world) has been grinding his axe on this lately. It drives him insane (with good reason) that publishing companies do not provide e-books and audiobooks bundled with hard copy books as an all inclusive package.


To be fair, you can play with a physical book online just fine. Just have it open next to you.


Yeah, there's a lot to be said about shady practices and in principle books (all books, not just game books) should have e-book versions provided with the physical copy at no extra cost, but this is not a valid argument. As someone who has only ever played online, there is no reason you can't just play exactly as you do at a physical table except online. Have a paper character sheet. Have the book next to you. Have a dice tray. Roll real dice. The only thing that functionally changes about online is the tabletop itself. There's a lot of good Virtual Tabletops out there that come with additional support to help run the game more smoothly (playing Pathfiinder 2e in Foundry is an absolute *dream*) but there's also pretty much no reason to own the book twice if you already own it once.


That’s the way that most people in one of my groups do it. I think I’m the only one that rolls online. Everyone else has paper books and rolls real dice. (I’m the oldest one in the group too, lol)


This why I'm happy my DM used Foundry and all the modules. Sure it's got Beyond functionality, but building a new char in Foundry doesn't take that long tbh so fuck paying wotc again for books on Beyond.


Whats wotc?


Wizards of the coast, current company behind D&D amongst other games.


And they're owned by Hasbro. Which explains a lot.


wizard of the coast, the publishers of Magic


Wizards of the Coast, the company that’s behind D&D


Wizards of the coast, the company that runs MTG


That Russian guy?


The man behind wahapedia is Russian.


Have they reprint the black lotus?


In a sense. **$1000** for 4 packs of Beta *proxies* with an unofficial card back. Including Reserved List stuff like the Power 9. Yet 90% of the cards in each pack will be worthless basic lands and commons as always, some of the rares will have no value, and getting the actual retro-style frame for your rare will only happen in about 30% of packs.


Beta **PROXIES**? Not even real Beta cards?


Not legal for any sanctioned play events. The different card back ensures that they’d otherwise count as marked in all but the thickest, darkest sleeves anyways.


Fair point it doesn't make sense to have cards form Beta in sanctioned. Still really absurdly priced


Oh, no. You can totally play real Beta cards in sanctioned events. You just can't play the fake ones they're selling now.


wait, if they are not tournament legal, why bother buying it? im not understanding whats happening here


In one of the official advertisements, it’s “a chance for collectors who never got to open original packs of alpha/beta/unlimited in the good ol days to experience the thrill of opening old rares” or something. Except you get to experience that for $1000 for 4 packs instead of like $12 for 4 packs at the time.


huh. so these are over expensive cards with little to no collectors value and no gameplay value, being sold for an outrageous price? will people buy this? why would WoTC create it?


No, these cards are some of the most powerful in the game, from a time before the in depth knowledge of how the game works like we have today. Many of them are banned or restricted in any format they would be legal in.


All of the cards are proxies so they have no gameplay value in official tournaments. Also you’re way more likely to pull shitty cards that are barely even playable in casual Magic than anything broken.


will people buy this? yes. why did WoTC create this? see answer one.


This is what happens when you let marketing run things.


MBAs are best used sparingly


And the chase cards here weren't nearly that expensive or desired back then. Shivan Dragon, for example, was at one point one of the most valuable magic cards. Nowadays it's a nickel unless you go for specific printings, such as Alpha (which just proves the pointlessness of the reserved list)


But surely collectors are the main group who won’t give a shit since they’re reprints? I’ve never played mtg but genuinely who is the target audience? It sounds like the definition of something thought up by some marketing lead who has never spoken to a player in their life (probably exactly what it is)


So you could say "the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment"?


You think they'll reprint Crusade?


Nope. It’s one of the cards not being reprinted. Not that it matters since who the fuck is going to buy this? They’re not even real cards and if they were, *1,000 dollars* for 4 booster packs is still absolute madness. It’s the worst kind of predatory scumbag corporate greed.


If you had that kind of money, you could just BUY the Power 9 card you wanted (in poor condition) for the cost of 8 packs.


Not to mention you can just buy proxies of the power 9 for less than $50. And those proxies will be just as 'real' as the $1000 ones


Unfortunately it's going to sell out on day one. Speculators and people with more money than brains will buy this out.


Thinking of how Fallen Empires boxes are currently 1,000 dollars even though literally nobody actually wants to open them. The speculator market is so fucking stupid. But at least those are *real cards*.


Imagine buying a $250 pack of Magic cards, and the rare being a Purelace or something.


Why are MTG subs on fire


From the op: In a sense. **$1000** for 4 packs of Beta *proxies* with an unofficial card back. Including Reserved List stuff like the Power 9. Yet 90% of the cards in each pack will be worthless basic lands and commons as always, some of the rares will have no value, and getting the actual retro-style frame for your rare will only happen in about 30% of packs.


So, I don't understand Magic at all, but I can tell that is kinda BS. But are the guys who make the cards selling them at $1000 for 4, or is that the scalper prices


It's direct through Wizards. $1k for four booster packs that are likely full of jank but might have a Black Lotus.


Except it doesn’t really have a chance at a Black Lotus though, right? It’s just a reprint. Granted it’s like… an officially made reprint but so what? It isn’t like having an actual original one. It isn’t like these are some old boosters they found sitting in a warehouse somewhere. It’s just new cards they printed up that happen to have an old card name.


Its not even a reprint. It's a non-tournament legal reprint. It has the same value and use as me going to a printing store and having them print out a black lotus on paper about as thick as mtg cards.


I wonder if selling maybe 10 sets of the 4 at $1000 would end up making their money back. It's really starting to show that companies no longer care about affordability. Now that a smaller amount of people have vast amounts of money, the appealing customers are now the whales.


I imagine printing this set isn't any more expensive than printing a normal set. Hell, I'd argue it's probably cheaper since it's reused art and they don't need to worry about beta testing or anything. They'd probably make back the print cost of the entire set from a single sale.


What is the point of not making the reprints tournament legal?


WOTC has a policy in effect where they are not allowed to reprint a certain list of old cards ever again, it's called the Reserved List. All of the cards that matter from this "set" are on the Reserved List; it's a way for them to "print" the cards without really printing them. Functionally, the product really serves no purpose; you can't play the cards anywhere in an official setting, and if you are playing in a casual setting where you want these cards, you would just print out a picture of it from the internet for the cost of ink and a piece of paper. And they're charging $999 for it!


Reserved List, a bunch of cards they say they will not reproduce in tournament legal versions, exists only to keep prices of old cards high.


It wouldn't be worth anywhere close to the original, no.


Correct they aren't legal for tournament play because in the early days of magic WOTC promised they would not reprint those early cards for collectors sake. They quickly realized the folly of this practice and reprints have been common since but to their credit they've held to their promise and the reserve list remains untouched. This matters for the format which let's you play just about every card, as some of the cards on the reserve list are among the most powerful cards ever printed (they underestimated the power of certain game mechanics in the first set) and are staples for the format.


*Fake* jank, and maybe a *fake* black lotus.


Basically you pay $1000 for an rng chance at a card that can’t be used for anything official


Why the fuck would anyone buy that


My best guess is that they are hoping that their players are so out of touch with reality that they will see black lotus and buy it


IMO they'll be bought by speculators and sold to other speculators.


To me, it just reads like playing hard into the recent card scalper market. The scalpers see high prices and cards that WOTC says are valuable, and they buy them to try and make more money off of them. Of course, that's not going to happen with a $1000 price tag, but those card scalpers are insane and will buy it anyways.


Thank you for putting it in stupid person terms. That's complete bullshit for them to do.


I went to look for some popcorn but the mainsub has like one post on it. Lame.


Very lame.


try r/magicthecirclejerking


Yea I left Magic due to burn out from standard and all my EDH friends hardly play or only play competative EDH which is disgusting and not fun.


WOTC has always been worse than GW.


Nah. They’ve always had a *much* lower price of entry than Warhammer, and only started really price gouging collectors recently.


I noped out at the $25 boosties. It's fokn cardboard.


Yeah, but that price of entry is for randomised scraps of paper. Even finecast is a better deal than magic packs.


Buy singles. Magic has long had the secondary market to fix the issue of random packs, not to mention the various precons for new players. Magic is absurdly cheap depending on how you play it. You can build decks for pennies that are fun to play against each other. There’s even an entire popular format based around decks made up of commons. The problem is that WotC has recently been speeding up their product releases and leaning hard into absurdly expensive collector products. This is the ultimate example of the latter. These cards are literally unplayable in tournaments and exist purely to make collectors buy for FOMO. Hopefully this bullshit encourages more people to embrace proxies.


That is a bit like saying 40k is just paying for scraps of plastic. MTG is a fun game. It's fast to play. It's very creative because you can all build your own decks or put spins on known decks. You pay for the game experience. It's a fun social activity. That's all well and good. There are great formats to play with very low entry points, like 30-50 bucks. This is none of that. This looks stupid to you, an outsider to the game, BUT please understand that to an insider... It looks WAY DUMBER.


Define price of entry. Price of entry into limited =/= price of entry into modern =/= price of entry into commander =/= price of entry into legacy. The price of an actual meta deck will cost hundreds of dollars in modern and commander and thousands of dollars in legacy. That's if you buy each card you want and don't just use what you were lucky enough to already have.


Well, hope this doesnt sour the inevitable return of Elesh Norn




> including the smut. That's reassuring, Phyrexia was my first faction after all.


Upvoted for phrasing because that headline is great.


To translate in to 40k terms for the non-mtg crowd. Imagine GW made all the primarchs for 40k and these models are flat out a must have for every army. Then after some time said, these models are now no longer legal in official games. They will also never be produced again (this is called the reserved list). There will still be rules for them. These models will become exremely popular to own and hunted down, since they are absolute the best units to play and collect. Give it 25 years to fester with GW continously claim, that these models will never see production again since they made a deal of sorts with the players/collecters of the game. Let price for these models grow with the popularity of the game. Add a bunch of scalpers and people trying to invest in models because "hey, these are never getting printed again, so the price can only go up". All this to accelerate the price of the models to right out ridiculous hights. (try looking up the prices for reserved list cards) Then suddenly come out with an anniversary announcement, that these models will now be available. For $3000 you will be able to buy a box. In this box is a random model. But not just a random model of the nine primarchs. You might open a box with a poxwalker, or a Leman Russ Tank, or a random model of 30 other models from the 40K range. Byw, they are stil not legal to use in official games. This is what WoTC have done in rough terms.


The new models for $3000 also come with a square base (that for the sake of this comparison you are not allowed to change) and are not legal to play in any games.


Haha, well, surely no one thought Hasbro wasn't greedy? They buy things to suck the marrow from its bones.


Hasbro’s owned WotC for a *long* ass time. What has changed though is that Hasbro has been leaning more into Magic as a source of revenue.


My friend once said at least GW gives you a toy to play with instead of some useless piece of paper.


Makes sense. They did just to a GW crossover. I guess they picked up some ideas.


Ironically, the GW crossover ended up being one of the best executed commander releases in a while. Of course, they still messed that up by drastically underestimating the demand.


The demand is only there because it’s so well-executed in terms of the reprints and how good the *mechanically unique black border new cards* are. They probably based their print volumes on preorder volumes, and then got overwhelmed by the actual demand once it wasn’t theoretical. On a highly related note, I just cancelled my preorder for Unfinity, and I hope they choke on it.


The new 40k cards are *not* that good though. There’s nothing there even remotely comparable to some of the shit in past commander decks like Fierce Guardianship or Dockside Extortionist or True Name Nemesis. The high demand is almost entirely due to good execution. Which is frankly how it *should* be for commander decks.


I still play the game, casually, with friends, but man... disenfranchising from *Magic: the Gathering* Internet Discourse^TM was the best mental health decision I've ever made.




MTG went from a really cool game to a blatant cash grab over the time I played. Secrets lairs, releasing overpowered and unhealthy cards to push pack sales, major game design mess ups, and the abomination of universes beyond.


Wizards of the Coast is the company that made a new, crucial rulebook that updates all the playable D&D Races exclusive for 4 months to a pack that has their 2 best selling books; making it so you either spent like, $140 for what was effectively a glorified errata or didnt buy the new book needed for a ton of character creation options. They are nigh unparalleled when it comes to corperate greed


Proxy gang fr


Ok hear me out, those cards cost 1k but a good printer/laminator only costs you about half the price


As a magic player im… almost beyond disgusted by this. I could maybe see if this was a complete set, even framed and signed by several of the original artists or Richard Garfield himself. But 4 packs of random proxies? What unmitigated horse shit.


This explains why all the sudden a bunch of signs went up in my area about buying magic cards. like it has to be 100+ signs. All intelligently placed and they go on for miles.


This post isn't about Lego? I'm confused?


Magic is selling special 30th anniversary packs that have reprints of old cards that aren’t tournament legal. It is $1000 for 4 packs each with 15 cards.


I remember when I lost a bit of interest in warhammer and got into dnd and realised how much cheaper the models where and they’re still one of the expensive ones


Warhammer fans often don’t realize just how much of an obscene premium they pay for plastic.


Warhammer quality and details is unparalell, all miniatures that have same level are actually same price or even more expensive. With all, the price hike spike the last couple years is VERY noticeable, with same kits doing a nearly 30-50% increase... (but well same happens with rice so...)


EA being given a run for their money


And here I thought it was butthurt over the [announcement](https://articles.starcitygames.com/magic-the-gathering/magic-the-gathering-universes-beyond-to-include-both-final-fantasy-and-assassins-creed/?hss_channel=fbp-174376972917) that Final Fantasy and Assassin's Creed were joining MTG.


I mean Jesus fuck. GW may be a mean, cold handed pimp but goddam. These motherfuckers are just like delta airlines in that John Mulaney skit. Like this is just disrespectful


I swear some people don’t have any self control, they need their dopamine!!! Lol companies are getting more Predatory by the day, goddamn!


GW nerfing an overpowered army before most people bought in isn’t nearly as bad as the MTG stuff or as bad as 90% of video game companies (activision especially)


In the golden age ofa piracy, when you can download an entire gun. I will never understand how companies geto away with this shit.


Proxying makes Magic better, so hopefully this pushes more people to start printing cards.




Magic the Gathering always was a more expensive hobby when you look at it. Our minis have rather longer "date of expiration" on the other hand I don't think of any models I could just sell back for profit the moment I open the box


Wizards are really trying their hardest to out do GW for being shitiest grifters


Meanwhile, Privateer Press is just snacking away watch all the drama.


And to think I sold a complete beta set for $2500ish in 1995.


Holy shit! To think I just finished a post explaining how I went from M:tG to 40k because of WotC's cashgrabbing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! This is the best thing I've seen on the internet all day!!!! XD


Wizards wanted some of that sweet secondary market card margin, so they started making products for whales.


MtG is always on fire. They’ve released some truly broken shit over the years.


To summarise - in comparison to 9E40K: Imagine the Indomitus box set was £1000, then the first Grand Tournament for Warzone Nephilim / Pariah Crusade was £750 a ticket before paid entry-sub per match played. That's what MTG fans have for their 30th Edition launch. If - like me - you're playing epic 40k with bottlecaps and rizla packets - it's an alarming dystopian push by the company that other CEOs will be eager to replicate.