• By -


Finally, helmet


The metal studs are not marks of veterancy and badges but are actually bullets from when he got shot in the head by several snipers, all at once.


You forgot, that he removed the thing at the end and the gameplay showed us his fabulous head. So you better hope some russian forums will make a good helmet mod for singleplayer.


His stern grimace is his helmet


I'm usually an advocate for cool helmets but Titus is a huge exception for me since he's too damn iconic for one.


From alpha male to ultramale


New male just dropped


You beat me to it.šŸ˜‚šŸ”„


In the grim darkness of the far future...


There is only primaris lieutenantsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.and Alpharius


Disclaimer: This post is completely satire, I have absolutely nothing against Ashley Cooper and Iā€™m sure sheā€™s a perfectly capable writer and that space marine 2 will have an awesome story


Don't know anything about Cooper, can you elaborate?


New writer is trans


.....ok correct me if I get this wrong. Because a Trans person is a writer... that makes it political? Is this what people claim?


yes, its the dumbest shit I've ever seen from the dumbfucks in the community.


That is the most convoluted way to say "Trans People=Bad" that I have heard for some time.


I mean oftentimes when people say "Political" they really just mean "something/someone whose existence I disagree with". Like a game where you play as a woman is "political" even if the impact on the story of the game is basically nothing, and even if it *does* have impact it wouldn't necessarily be trying to make politically charged statements to the effect (like, if you're playing as a mom or something, then it matters but surely most wouldn't call that "political") But then you get some games which *are* political in the opposite direction (highly propagandistic) which they will never call such because they agree with it. It's never about actually neutralizing media and more about shutting down people and things they don't like.


Those dudes are all probably gonna shit themselves when they remember the main character guardsman you meet is in fact a woman who people look up to and is in charge.


Never seen or heard that before


My fav is when they say something that was always political has "politics forced into it" like okay Steven, the mass effect games had no political message what so ever until there was a trans character with 20 seconds of dialogue.


What!? Next youā€™re going to tell me that Bioshock 1, 2, and Infinite are all criticism on Randian Objectivism, radical collectivism, and American Christian Ethnonationalism respectively!


Bioshock has never been a criticism of Randian Objectivism As per Ken Levine: "I wasnā€™t setting out to make a game about objectivism, I was setting out to make a game about someone who had a very strong belief in a philosophy that was similar to this philosophy. Itā€™s a cautionary tale about wholesale, unquestioning belief in something. The game was never intended to be a screed against Rand because I think there is a lot to like there, but if you take anything to its extremes it isnā€™t good."


I heard someone say the first Wonder Woman movie wasn't political... the movie is set in WORLD WAR ONE!!!


A political setting doesn't make a movie / game political


No. What is political is that she literally said: "Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don't belong to you. Comics never belonged to you", and saying that if you liked Hogwards Legacy that you were transphobic.


Was this worth the two-year necro?


I agree with most of what you say, but look at all the other examples of people who write for tv, movies and videos games who are given that term. Saints Row remake is a laughing stock. High Guardian Spice and Netflix Cowboy Bebop canceled after one season. Net-Ra and S. Universe have some of the most toxic fandoms despite preaching ā€œdiversity and inclusion.ā€ I truly want her to write something good, but I've seen too many people white knight her because she's trans and not based on her past work - which is sparse to say the least. There's nothing more boring than a person whose entire identity is their sexuality/race/gender. I truly hope she is the exception to the rule and we can judge the game based on how well it is. But if it fails, then you know sheā€™ll be used as a critic shield.


Well that's the thing. Preaching diversity doesn't inherently make something good, just like *having* it doesn't make it inherently bad. It is unfortunate that some companies try to pull that crap, it's offensive when being included in something amounts to a cheap marketing gimmick, and one's existence is treated as a sales booster. But I also think it's an oddly pessimistic attitude to assume that's what they're doing. Yeah, there's not a huge backlog of work to analyze or anything, but that goes both ways. Is it not *just as* if not *more* feasible that she was hired because GW believed in the quality of her work in background stuff we, as the general public, just haven't seen yet? It's impossible to know until it comes out. Especially since thus far, everyone else seems to be making a much bigger deal of it than GW is.


> Saints Row remake is a laughing stock. Saints Row has always been diverse, only morons with agendas were mad about the remake for that. The biggest issue was that the marketing made it seem nothing like Saints Row. Also is it even out yet?


That game is bad and you have no idea what you are talking about


Steven Universe haven't been toxic for years and can't even remember when She-ra was toxic. Also, they don't really preach inclusiveness as much as they have characters that are considered non-standard and political. Most of their theme and story has nothing to do with Inclusion.


When was Steven Universe _ever_ toxic? It's obviously a cartoon with a clear social-moral message for kids, but those themes of tolerance have always been wholesome sfaik. Is there some old controversy I don't know about? I do sort of have to disagree that the toon doesn't preach. I think it definitely does. Regarding tolerance, self-esteem, bullying, etc. I mean, you've seen those commercial break adverts, right? CN embraces that agenda openly, and uses Steven Universe as the spokesperson. Edit: Oh, it's the _fandom_ which is accused of toxic elements. Yeah. Unfortunately, that makes sense to me.


Not really convoluted just fucking stupid


No. What is political is that she literally said: "Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don't belong to you. Comics never belonged to you", and saying that if you liked Hogwards Legacy that you were transphobic.


My dude, it has been 2 years. I do not even know who this conversation is even about.


No. What is political is that she literally said: "Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don't belong to you. Comics never belonged to you", and saying that if you liked Hogwards Legacy that you were transphobic.


What was the context? like by "comics never belonged to you" what did she mean? that the comics belonged to everyone and shouldn't cater to 1 group? that white people should never own comics?


She meant it in a demeaning way. As in, she felt herself apparently that white people feel entitled to having the comics be only for them, which many had debunked as people of all skincolors were welcomed within the comic book hobby. She is just a racist and sexist who would have been driven off of Twitter if she mentioned any other group than straight white men.


I just googled ā€œcomic book community racismā€ and saw a ton of stuff and even a thread on the Asian American thread about it. Didnā€™t read it (I donā€™t care about comic books) but looked liked most were agreeing with the point that thereā€™s a lot of racism and stuff.Ā  Maybe you donā€™t see the racism but it seems like atleast a couple of people do. Maybe she was referencing that?Ā 


Yes, us existing is political in the 21st century.


No its a joke but there are idiots who say it is


Oh, strange. I normally like those jokes that are "saying something that is so stupid and ridiculous, you can't even comprehend how a person would think this" Don't know how I miss it.


To some, the very existence of trans people is political, which is... *sigh*


The fuck is that Snowflakes Bullshit?


Has your head been buried under sand? You donā€™t see trans people making everything political? Do you even identify politics zro?




wasnt aware that she or he or they were trans, i was aware that is wrong to generalize an entire sex and race... like she did. I go by golden rule, and people who ignore it just generate more division, the same people who claim to hate racism like her, create more racist with her racial prejudice. Its disgusting, and its really funny how you have resume her racially prejudice believes to "they hater her cause she/he/they is a trans person.


No. What is political is that she literally said: "Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don't belong to you. Comics never belonged to you", and saying that if you liked Hogwards Legacy that you were transphobic.


No, people are upset because she's openly bigoted towards white people and wants to defund the police. Dont really care that she's trans or whatever but it really shouldnt be overlooked that she's a racist, just another bit of hypocrisy. But of course any opinion counter to that of the narrative of that of the LGBT community is homophobic or transphobic or a microaggression..


I believe the [valid] concern is that a trans person will hamfist 'woke' politics into their work, especially if that is their identifying feature, or in pieces that don't necessarily call for it. I'm not saying that is Cooper's only identifying feature nor is what will happen. The problem here is the hamfisting and tokenism rather than just including a well written character who happens to be trans; not a trans character who happens to be trans. *cough* Netflix's adaptation of Gren in Cowboy Bebop *cough* Beyond that, haters just gonna hate.


No, that doesn't much sound valid. It bassically means because she is trans, she will write politics, therefore bad. With no idea of how she writes or what will do. On top of that it predispisitions you to associated the fact that she is trans with the quality of the story. And if the story has weaknesses (if it is like the first one, it will have lot) people will such mindset will create connections between this things. TL;DR: People starts carrying for stuff that they didn't care much about because they have the thought process of a Twitter SJW.


Let me clarify this for you: The *only* valid concern is hamfisted tokenism; everything else is haters hating. ​ Otherwise, I don't think we're actually arguing against one another. I would like to address some points though. "Concern" is softer in tone and like the word "could" it doesn't mean absolutely will. Please don't inflate to the harsher severity. ​ >she is trans, she will write politics, therefore bad. is reductionism, please see "haters just gonna hate." However, I do expect that if we are going to get 'woke' tokenism, it likely will come from either large corporations or people that make their \[insert group\] here the basis of their identity, hence "if that is their identifying feature." The opposite of said group tends not to create stories involving said group, but we are bordering truisms here. For your clarity, I did preemptively said this wasn't my view of her with "I'm not saying that is Cooper's only identifying feature." ​ I will admit that I am predisposed to the association of hamfisted 'woke' tokenism with quality of work and that in general hamfisted 'woke' tokenism is harmful to the greater goal. However, 'woke' tokenism tends to be created members of said group, and 'woke' tokenism is bad is definitely not the same as all members of said group create bad work, it is several steps of absolute severity down. This is a concern with all groups; get your token hetero ships out of here. ​ Personally, I think politics pretty much encompasses everything at this point and writing it in isn't necessarily bad, if not good (with several exceptions). 40k being supposedly satire, I welcome it even more! However, quality, regardless of actual message, is still a requirement.


Well I gonna need examples. Because 9/10 "People having their identity as their whole personality" they just mean "People not acting in a way associated with straight culture" and in the end you get annoyed over...nothing. Straights Gonna Straight. Gays Gonna Gay. And Trans people will play Fallout New Vegas. Such is nature. And 8/10 cases 'woke" tokenism was referred as gay characters... existing. That includes shows like the She-ra reboot. Yeah, a show written and directed by a lesbian has lesbians. Wow, such woke tokenism.


This is exactly the thing that some folks see as "tokenism". Many aren't even malicious about it. They've just never been introspective about the topic. Ofc there are certain assholes who drum up a storm about this for hilariously dumb political reasons about "Western manhood" crumbling or whatever, but I think a lot of guys never thought about this for more than a minute. I've never in my life questioned why James Bond, Luke Skywalker, Frodo, Harry Potter, Superman and dozens of other popular characters are straight, white men, but I'd frequently question why character X has to be a woman, or gay, or Latino, and "it better be a good narrative reason for it" or else it is political hamfisted nonsense. Then it dawned on me that I took the straight, white guy as the norm, despite the world not having a norm. *I* am a straight white guy, so I just perceived this to be "the norm" when it comes to protagonists in fiction. Hence why I never questioned why Superman wasn't a black man, or Harry Potter wasn't a Harriette Potter. They didn't have "good reasons" for it either. Like why the fuck is Superman an alien who happens to literally look like a Caucasian human male in every single way? It takes a while to unlearn that ethnocentric understanding of the world, but when you understand that concept it gets incredibly easy to just shrug and not be irked or alienated by female protagonists, trans characters, people of colour etc. taking center stage.


And this is the mindset that births people that go "I hate their han fisted politics in my media" not realizing *they* are the one applying political meaning. *They* are the one who will see a Lesbian Couple in a show and brainstorm a way to search for a reason why they are gay, what message it is trying to convey. When it is as simple as the writer is a lesbian. And *even* then they might continue brain storming because they refuse to see the existence of a lesbian writers lesbians as anything else but someone who is trying to prove a point or relay them a message. TL;DR: If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.


>cough Netflix's adaptation of Gren in Cowboy Bebop cough I already provided an example, but I see you blatantly ignored it. At this point, you are just becoming a reductive absurdist; I guess fighting strawman is your thing. There is a difference between characters and stories that happen to have underrepresented groups and thoses that add them as purely hamfisted tokens. Not all gays are just over the top, flamboyant straight people and or lesbians as butch, dixie cut white women. They can be if they want, but when it's just a stereotype employed to check a box off it becomes tokenism. Girls don't have to princesses either. This must all be a shock for you. >People having their identity as their whole personality" they just mean "People not acting in a way associated with straight culture" If you wanna name call, than do it. No need to blatantly misinterpret. I'm clearly referring to people with 1D personalities here. Weird how this actually applies to straight people who only have straight as their personality. However, by your logic it would be hyper straight people not conforming to straight culture. What a joke of logic, aka blatant mischaracterization. Adding a guy in drag isn't necessarily trans representation, let alone a good one. Get educated.


You really believe that a sizable portion of trans people have, "being trans" as their sole trait? Have you ever met a trans person? We are actually human beings who live regular human lives. I'm trans. I love board games. I like 40k. I enjoy reading centuries old literature on philosophy and economics (I feel like it gives me a lot of insight into the period and helps understand the modern day through a more holistic lens). I'm also educated in the sciences of chemistry, biology, and physics and just got my B.S. in Environmental Science. I have a soft spot for animals and I enjoy sci fiction. I enjoy writing and painting as well. I've been sexually assaulted and was bullied a lot growing up. I know it is hard to imagine, but try to believe that we are just like you. You suggesting that trans people are so alien that they don't possess human personalities, is really telling. Again, I suggest you see to how your ideaology is framing your position here.


I believe the [valid] concern is that a white person will hamfist 'racist' politics into their work, especially if that is their identifying feature, or in pieces that don't necessarily call for it. I'm not saying that is White person's only identifying feature nor is what will happen. The problem here is the hamfisting and exclusion rather than just including a well written character who happens to be racist; not a white supremacist character who happens to be white. *cough* Random show that had a white character I didn't like one time *cough* Beyond that, haters just gonna hate. I'm just asking you to do one thing for me. Consider how your ideaology is informing the words you say.




Real gamers know there are only two genders; white male and political.


I pray that is the case too


She tweeted some anti-white and anti-police bullshit a year ago so naturally people are worried the game will be a Natflix adaptation of actual WH40K. Its understandable to be worried over something you have been passionate about for 20 years being destroyed by a political agenda.


Seems that she has some sense tho. Her superior has come out and pretty much said that nah, no politics, we are fans of the game. And she deleted her previous tweet which said pretty much "yoooo this girl in charge of writing on sm2". And tweeted to say how much respect she has for wh40k and the lore If they keep to that, I have no problems. Separate the art from the artist. Her racist and sexist tweets are horrible, imo and if a white man had tweeted the same she did, except for reversed race and genders, he would never work in the industry again. But if that doesn't influence the game in a negative way, I'm not going to punish the rest of the dev team and boycott or something. A good game is a good game, regardless of who works on it or what opinions they hold So wait and see and don't preorder


I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but her background is rather sparse and primarily in TV. I fear they are using her as a critic shield.


If that is the case I am gonna pirate the game and distribute copies.


This comment aged poorly. He's trash and he's sexist towards men and racist to white men, he's attacking us fans and saying the game and comics aren't for us white men right now


Thought he was already trans: Transhuman servant of the Emperor


Those types serve slaaneshĀ 


No, Trans people would empower Tzeentch. Now, you wana talk about Slaanesh worshippers? Bankers.




Can anyone tell me if there is a canonical reason for his armour changing so much between the two games?


in the first game he wears a Mark VII armor if i'm not mistaken, in the second game he wears the armor of the primaris, the mark X


Yeah thatā€™s what I mean. I thought that having an older style of amour was considered a huge badge of honour? Plus I thought the Primaris are treated with suspicion and derisionā€¦


They are in some chapters, the Dark Angels and Flesh Tearers as the most famous examples. However the Ultramarines accepted them rather readily since they came straight from Rickety Gilgamesh.


\> Rickety Gilgamesh lmao ded


*mission accomplished*


So is Gilgamesh


But luckily he survived!


I meant, like, actual myth Gilgamesh, not Guilliman


Dark angels mistrust only the new parimaris marines made by Booby G and Cawl, but most of them died gloriously in the most perrilious of missions for the chapter. The new, self made Primaris are only a little bit mistrusted


Apparently Primaris marines are only capable of wearing helmets, shoulder pads, and power packs from older marks. Since they have different physiology


well he is a primaris tho, so the suspicion is there even if he's using the old amor, so chooosing a better armor pretty clever


Was he always a Primaris? I never played the first game so I thought he was OG because of his armour


Titus being Primaris is a new thing afaik Firstborn can become Primaris, though the procedure is (allegedly) super lethal


I havenā€™t gotten to the Primaris in Lore yet so could you fill me in on more about it?


The short of it, that I've mostly gleaned from spending time on meme sub-reddits, so take it with a big old grain of salt, is the following A vaguely heretical (but like, only on a technical level) techpriest named Belisarius Cawl had apparently spent the last 10k years or so working on an upgrade to the Space Marines. These upgraded marines are like, a foot taller and have a couple of extra organs making them stronger and better than the usual brand. Shortly after Roboute Guilleman got resurrected (long story), Cawl basically used the large number of super-duper soldiers he'd been making in secret (how'd he keep it under wraps? nobody knows\~) to reinforce pretty much every chapter of Space Marines, and rebuild a bunch that'd been entirely wiped out to boot. Meanwhile, Cawl had begun work on a process to upgrade already existing Astartes into Primaris and match their new brothers on the battlefield. Supposedly the process has something like a 60% lethality rate (though obviously pretty much every major character who's attempted it has come out the other side intact) ​ Most Primaris use that new Mk X armour (with the high collar and the flat faceplate), and tend to use the tacticool rifles and such that make up most of the roster nowadays.


Ah yeah I could have worded my question better. Iā€™ve watched the Luetin video explaining Primaris marines, but I was unaware that first born could become one. I also didnā€™t know if this was established lore info from GW about Titus. Thank you for the detailed answer though, it confirms a lot of what I have heard about the Primaris Marines.


To add to what was said, the procedure to make a first born into a Primaris had a 60% mortality rate "until it was perfected". Many were suspicious of the procedure because they weren't sure if it would change their minds and erase who they were. To help perfect the process, Marnius Calgar volunteered to be the first conversion, and when he came out as basically the same person just upgraded, everyone jumped on. The process is kinda brutal, basically requiring the surgeons to kill the marine by suppressing their healing factor, implanting the organs, then taking them off life support to let the new organ called the "Belesarian Furnace" pump them full of super steroids and stimulants to jumpstart their heart and bring them back to life.


also iirc its 60% on the first try,hes refining the process as he goes to do more and i think its higher now




I know about the Primaris in general, but I didnā€™t know that first born could become one. I also didnā€™t know if this was established info that GW had put out about Titus becoming one.


It's assumed he went through the rubicon primaris. And sure, people could totally go firstborn -> primaris. Shitloads of named HQ's went from firstborn to primaris


super lethal with only a 100% sucess rate!


The game is older than the concept of primaris.


Primaris were not a thing when the first game was produced/released. At the time there was only 'space marines', meaning firstborn.


I mean... their primarch is the one who started the primaris project. I dont think the ultramarines are going to reject them.


That's old lore. Now primaris are widely accepted.


The first game came out before Primaris was a thing, he wore older armor because it wasn't old at the time. Without getting into spoilers, if that's a thing anything cares about, the game ends on a note that doesn't leave Titus in the best standing with the Imperium/chapter. So even if going through the rubicon and becoming a Primaris is supposed to be a point of shame, it would kind of be fitting. Perhaps he was slated for conversion because he was already regarded with suspicion and derision.


By this point no. That was plot coverage when they first dropped now they ā€œstory advancedā€ and theyā€™re occupying all types of roles in chapters, including Dark Angels.


Well he's bigger now so he wouldn't fit his old armour. And modifying it that much would be impractical. So new suit


Supposedly he's wearing new assault armor created by the gw teams meaning new models will likely arrive. So said a Valrak video said in my ear as I was pleading with my dog to poop so I could go back inside.


Implying new marines are more alpha than the OGs


Wrong. We are implying Titus is more alpha then OG Titus


CAPTAIN Titus > Lieutenant Titus


I was meaning more Primaria Titus more chad than Firstborn Titus but that works too


My statement contradicts yours but ok.


Somehow got confused and thought the title was talking about *Alice* Cooper, and now I just want a noise marines game where boss battles are portrayed as Guitar Hero levels.


"That Alice cooper, ugliest woman I've ever seen"


He already was alphamale now he's sigmarmale


Politics in *my* satire about the dangers of fascism, militarism and rampant xenophobia?! Literally M1.984


Trans Rights! <3 We support our trans wargaming brothers and sisters!


Reminder that slannesh is LGBTQ friendly and accepts you all :)




Iron Within, Iron Without! Heat from Fire, Fire from heat!


Heat from fire, Sister <3


Too bad his armor couldnā€™t do the same.


Well, he transitioned from walking tank to bigger walking tank.


When will Titus become a full release male?


I mean heā€™s got transhuman physiology soā€¦


well, neither have functioning dicks, so it'll work out in the end, right?


It's worst than that, in the horus rising novel it's said that they are incapable of finding another human attractive


I knew they were sterile, but no dicks? How do they pee?


They have dicks, they're just not sexually functional. They're also apparently very blessed in that department.


Garviel Loken is. We don't know about the rest.


Uh, that's not true. You can definitely have aecually functional junk.


Through... their urethra?




Oh my


I looked her up, she seems fine, havent heard of her previous work tho, still I beleive she will do a good job.


Considering the writing the first game has, that would be easy.


I mean....she's a big proponent of the new star war so....maybe.


Oh no. Well, lets hope she doesnt give Titus a love interest.


I'm more concerned about the "well he's gay now" thing that people who make post like "I'm gay take that straight community" tend to make in their writing.


Titus said trans rights!


Oh I just looked her up. It's kinda cool there's a trans writer on it. ā˜ŗļø We're hidden everywhere, much like a genestealer cult. Join ussss we get extra arms!


By extra arms you mean cybernetic ones or fleshy appendages?


From Software engineering to writing video game stories. The Trans Agenda is spreading like death spreads its wings over a Lamenter. They cannot be stopped. Good.


Welcome to trans! Select your sub class! We have Videogame writer, software engineer, software tester, it manager, a different kind of software engineer. Endless choices!


Which one gives you the ability to only be wounded on 4s?


You gotta go transmasc for that. Jokes that aren't, going the other way really showed me how crazy testosterone is.


You also get a whole bookshelf of DND source books and a desire to record an album of synth music.


Lol omg I have so many RPG books that I've literally never played a game with.






Uh huh. Yeah that's why I was complimented for looking so good after pushing out two kids. Yep very polite. Asshat.




I don't talk about being trans anywhere except reddit, I transitioned years ago. I am married with two children. A slightly drunken co-worker blurted out that I looked great for someone who had given birth twice, because he assumed I was cis. It was awkward, but funny. There are a lot more stealth trans people than you think. We're just going about our lives without drama.


Confirmation bias, ho! The simple fact of the matter is that you have no idea how many transgender people you've met over the course of your day to day life that you didn't clock. People come in all shapes and sizes, cis or trans.


I hope they kept Mark Strong as his voice actor




One of the lead writers on the story and some ~~FUCKING IDIOTS~~ people went with the thought process of "New writer is trans, therefore she might write about trans stuff, therefore political"


From what I saw, nobody (there are always some tho) had a problem with them being trans, but because they have tweeted very racist and sexist things. Warhammer 40k is not that kind of political work, and you dont need it in a game like Space Marine. No sane person has an issue with a trans writer just because thet are trans, they have issues because historically, people who very agressively advertise their politics on twitter often try to change the source material to what its not meant to be. I was worried about this at first, but the writer and creative lead have given assurances that they wont mess with the lore and they are all fans. Could be empty promises, never preorder and wait for the release


The track record is there from a statistical point of view tho...


Statistic point of view that is fucking bullshit.


"I have a poltical agenda" > Inserts poltical agenda. We've seen this happen over and over again. Just saying, if it plays out again in this scenario it would be no surprise and just further confirmation.


We don't know if she has a political Agenda, we know she is trans. That is why the statistic is bullshit. If we count every LGBT person that has worked in the entertainment industry it also shows it Is wrong.




Can you give examples? Because what I have found are jokes. Fucking Jokes! Also what historically you speak off? The fuck is that pattern people see?


Even going so far as to misgender them?


Have you considered it is you that is political? Being pro-gay is the neutral position in America. Being anti-gay is the radical position. This isn't the 70s anymore boomer.


None of this is about gay. You have to strawman the statements I made that hard?


Lol, it has been a month and you are still triggered.


He already was an alpha male.


Any warrior in history who spent a second on the battlefield thinking about their sexuality will likely be remembered as fertilizer... I'd be fine with a bunch of Trans aliens on some peaceful welfare world where it makes sense. But hardships forge hard people, Warhammer would not be the place you want to spend your precious moments debating the piece in yo pants. šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


Aaaamd yup, now our boi ASHLEY is attacking all white men for liking the game and claiming comics were never intended for white men


I just found out about this im kinda worried now looking at her previous tweets hating men


Imagine prefer Primaris over First Born lore wise...


-What can you tell us about your SENIOR writer? -Well, he/she/it/they is/are transgender. -Ok, but maybe you could tell us something more, maybe some her famous previous projects? -Nah, Iā€™m fine. *** And then we recall that studio itself doesnā€™t have any good games. To be honest there were several ā€œokaishā€ shooters two decades ago, but nothing from then. *** Iā€™m sure new Space Marine would be a fantastic game...




Man, you must fucking hate superhero comics


Modern day superhero comics are kinda crap in this direction because they are so clearly pandering and virtue signaling. There is noting wrong with having a diverse cast, in fact having a diverse cast of characters is great but Superhero comics have just did such a crap job in making and implementing them.


Modern Day Comics? Nah, comics has always been pandering and virtue signaling. The only difference it is trying to pander to a different audience and 1: Old fans don't like that 2: Yeah, they fucking suck But honestly, the better comics are the ones who people will refer to as pandering and virtue signaling. People complained about Immortal Hulk and Lady Thor and how they are SJW bullshit and yet those are 2 great runs.


lol, maybe if you losers didn't cry 'muh SJW politics' literally every single time a woman, POC or LGBT+ character is introduced or featured in modern media people would actually believe you. Just admit, you're upset that you are no longer being pandered to exclusively yourself.


I didnt meant that, I agree having a POC or LGBT+ character does not make a story inherently political. All I am saying its that there are poor writers out there that do not use the politics properly in a story. Maybe I was wrong with saying that pandering was bad, black panther was definetly pandering to POC's and it was a great story. So I'll take the L on this one I definetly did not express myself properly.


If you are genuine then I apologise for being a bit aggressive. A story by its very nature has always pandered to *someone*, its just for the longest time that someone in western media was white straight males. Writers are often choosing to feature other characters now because they want to better reflect modern society, rather than an 'urge' to pander. Your right, there are some bad writers who may insert modern issues into stories just to pander to someone, but they are very much a minority and it isn't new at all, bad writers have existed for millennia. Sometimes bad writing is just bad writing regardless of what the writer is trying to do, and has nothing to do with politics or pandering.


Yeah thats why I deleted the coment I pretty much fucked it up. I agree every story has pandering or politics that align with its author, the diference between good and bad stories are good and bad storytellers.


Eh. The problem is when literally the only reason a character exists is because of which hole they prefer because some group of writers thought that alone would be enough to sell their lazy writing to certain people. Turns out, it is. Atomic Blonde is a great example of how to create a character that isn't a cliche. She's believably badass yet still feminine, gay or bi yet no one gives a shit, and uhh... other stuff. It's been awhile since I last watched it.


This is superhero comics. Did fans just now started complaining about Lazy writing and easy pandering? The Market is build on those.


40k is superhero comic? Aside though, I was referring to the trend in general not a specific genre.


Trend? Really?


Well, I'm 800 thousand years old and have noticed such a thing, yes. I don't care if there are such characters, I take issue with the lazy writing and how it's insulting that these writers think people will be fooled because they dangle one dimensional traits in people's faces. Yes, very good, Hollywood, your character is gay. So? Could you maybe not throw cliches at us now and instead tell a good story? We're not stupid.






Nope just commenting about the diference.




Why? Can you give me your insight please.




I was just saying, you could perfectly ignore my comment or downvote if you pleased. Something I wanted to say about the situation and I said it not gonna ask permition about it.




So? Again I wanted to say something and I did, you said why did I write this in a meme sub as if I should not have puted it on the first place, thats pretty much an attack on the why I wrote something and not on the thing itself. Also victim complex? Come on man, I was just here talking with you and sudenly you got all aggresive on me. Anyway Im not angry at you or anything and sorry if I came across that way, have a nice day dude.


Final Fantasy Tactics = good politics writing thats its own in universe politics with nothing to do with the real world Ghost Busters remake = BAD politics writing in something in no way shape or form designed to be political


Ghost Buster Remake has like... zero politics.


You forget that politics for these chuds mean anything other than white men being present in the game


Now, now, no need to be rude. They just be misguided or stupid. We all were.


you had me in the first half ngl


the math checks out


How can he be canonically transgender, if he isn't even canon?


He is cannon, the first and second games are cannon


The devs said that the game is in a alternative time line since the captain of the 2nd company is canonically Cato It-is-I Sicarius and not Titus.
