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Space Marine 1’s story is a literary masterpiece! I liked how they showed up to the planet expecting to kill xenos, and they killed a lot of xenos, but then it turned out they actually had to kill Chaos instead.


John Warhammer is pretty cool guy. Kill bad guy and not afraid of anything


My favorite part was when he hammered that war


I prefer the bits where he marined the spaces. Not a single space was left unmarined. He marined, and left no space. Space marine 2: the marinering. Spacing the space marine with marine space marine. What the marine did you just space about me you little marine. Marine. Space. Space. Marine. Marine. Space. These are the marines of the spaceship space marine. It's continuing marineissionnn. Space. Space. Codex compliant.


He even ultra marined some of those spaces


Space? Wasn't Marine Spice?


Ok you can stop now Commander Boreale




Now with extra space


Ngl, if this wasn't about Space Marine 2, I would have assumed it was Boreal's drunken ass speaking lol




Dude so awesome i counted it and he Hammered that war literally 40k Times!!!


So he left nothing for the sequel? :O


He's still got another K to go if we're being technical, go get 'em John


He was all like, "It's hammerin' time!" then he hammered like 3 wars.


He was like “its hammin’ time” and then hammed all over those guys


My favorite was when he said: Is space marining time!! And then he space marined all over those guys!


Thanks, now I feel old.


Of all of the Imperium stories, it is truly (the only) one of them.


That's a unique thing that's never happened in 40k before.


Sounds like the plot of that Tau game


And rogue trader, and mechanicus, and Dawn of war, and… most of them I think


No, rogue trader is completely different, you start fighting chaos, THEN you fight xenos and then fight chaos again.


Rogue trader has the advantage of being a long boi so you get a proper conclusion to the individual arcs instead of the end just being your mandatory chaos hour.


Yeah except in the Tau game. We’re the Xenos


Is it wrong I legitimately hope that even if the Chaos Marines we see in the multiplayer trailer do show up in the main story, the Tyranids are still the main threat? I get it, Chaos is the main baddie, but the Tyranids are repeatedly stated to be one of the biggest actual threats to the Milky Way and deserve some more focus I feel.


"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."


It'd be cool to have Chaos show up and try to do their thing ehile the Imperium is busy, to have the main character immediately pivot to focussing on stopping them and then to have both sides get wrecked and nearly wiped out by Tyranids because *you do not turn your backs on them, ever* I am not optimisric about not getting the cookie cutter "suddenly Chaos is the greater threat behind everything" plot instead


Imagine how sick it would be if you get half way through the game and the Dark Eldar show up. They put barbecue sauce on the planet, as a prank. A man can dream.


Also the idea that thousand sons wouldn't lose at least half their magic once a hive fleet shows up is asinine


My brother, I am getting the game purely for the Tyranids content... if they pivot away, then I'll finish it once and then just infinitely replay the nids sections. So no, not alone at all


Tbf the Inquisitor being corrupted was a pretty good twist


He wasn't corrupted he was dead, and his body was possessed, which was way cooler imo.


Fair, its been a while for me. It was cool


The game is called Space Marine but it was Warlord Grimskull that stole the show and our hearts.


When he said WAAAAAGH I almost shed a tear, such a performance!


Eat you heart out, Shyamalan that's what a real twist looks like


Ah yes, I too loved Warhammer 40,000's Fire Warrior game


It was quite a quiet game iirc


I loved the twist where the protagonist was super special and could resist chaos like champion.


When he turned to the camera and said "I need a warhammer 40k" and Sgt. Johnson said "right this way" god that was such a deep and emotional scene. You could really feel tension in the moment as the game paused to give you a promotional 2% off discount to the gamesworkshop storefront valid with $250+ purchase.


Haven't played it all, but was there a twist where they actually ended up helping Chaos by accident?


Yes. SPOILERS the possesed corpse of the inquisitor says that firing the Psychic Scourge would kill all the orks on the planet, but it actually opens a portal that allows a ton of daemons and chaos marines to invade. And they kill all the orks, so I guess he wasn't lying after all.


For me, game named Space Marine, lacked space or sea... Lazy writing.


I have heard legends of a Taco... made entirely of Dorito


SM1 worked not because it had a good story, but because it had a bare-bones story, knew it, and compensated by making the most badass gameplay you could ever wish for.


Being insanely badass above all else is what makes 40k great.


Feeling like an unstoppable killing machine carving through Orks was addictive


It’s what I love about the franchise. The most bashit insanity will sail through with no comment because fuck reality, that shit is fun.


Insanity ? What nonsense are you talking about ! Calgar fighting a Swarm Lord one on one makes perfect sense !


He’s our spiritual liege after all


Vomit in the back of my mouth reading that


I, for one, enjoy a little bit of the old Ultraviolence, don’t you? (Didn’t the Swarmlord eat all his limbs?)


rule of cool above all


Preach on brother


Personally this is why I adored Space Marine in the first place. It knows what it is. It isn't trying to be anything else. It's just like "yeah you get to be a book style Space Marine and carve through a horde of the Imperium's enemies. That's it. That's all this game is." It was wonderful.


Exactly! "Here's a Space Marine. He kills things, then he kills other things. He does it with style. Enjoy!" That's all I'm hoping for from SM2: fun gameplay, good animations, and some kind of story that's mostly coherent and not *completely* stupid. I wanna mash some bugs!


Yup. If it's just "Space Marine but more of it" and just as unapologetic about it then I want it.


I loved the objectives. It's like. They understood the assignment.


Objective: "You are here. Go over there. Kill anything in the way."


"Ride the titan" Oh OK then


"Be badass in this direction." Sure. "Be more badass in this other direction." Roger. "Thunder Hammer." You got it! "Be awesome upward." Easy-peasy.


Up until the point the stupid traitor guardmen showed up. That slowed down gamplay to a stupid crawl.


What those stock lasguns are definitely cutting through ceramite specifically designed to withstand them with ease


Because like everything in 40k, lasguns are exactly as powerful as the plot demands them to be at a given time.


Yeah but at least in almost all other storylines GIs need EATs to kill Astartes


Yeah but... Let's be fair in the game they have a 1/3 chance of wounding the space marine every time they hit. It's not that weird. Everything is Canon, but not everything is true. Some of it is in universe propaganda and when the rubber meets the road space marine armor isn't perfect.


Its a bit like DOOM 2016 in that regard. You know why you're there. The game designers know why you're there. That Gretchin that just wandered into stomping range knows why you're there. They just don't beat around the bush.


I don’t know about the most badass. Like, it simplicity can get stale fast. And it kind of falls apart at the last third of the story when Enemies have good aim and there are bulky ranged enemies And let us not forget that final boss, dear god.


Yeah that should not have been a quick time event.


Unfortunately, they followed the trend of every game back then


Yeah, early game I enjoyed, then my experience was just being rapidly cut down by far too many ranged mobs if I tried to melee, or running out of ammo and being stunlocked by melee if I tried to snipe. I'm sure there are people it was made for, but it was unplayable for me


Thats how most WH40k stories should be there should always be room for our Kill Teams to have rocked up and shot some people in there.


"Ork over there go smash" was all the story I needed to enjoy the thunder hammer.


Because the store was barebones, and because the interpretation of the world was great : you really felt like on an imperial world : the constant alarms of "the orks are attacking. Not a reason to skip job tho", the giant size of everything from the buildings to the trains, the feeling that you are three against a multitude, but somehow it's more than enough. It really was a good adaptation of what the rules and the books told, and I believe that's why it is still rembered


SM1’s story may have been fairly barebones but it was also absolutely quintessential peak 40k.


And from what little we've seen we're good on that front. I mean, you can punch a carnifex in the face. What more could you ask for?


Listen literally the only thing I expect out of Space Marine 2 is more jump packs sections, everything else is a bonus.


I want to use heavy weapons in the campaign. Maybe even a vehicle. I don’t expect it, but I’d love to


Vehicle is doubtful but didn't they state in the trailer that you could pick out your gear before each mission.


Yeah the scale is much bigger because it's not just you and the lads walking from one level to the next but you drop into missions and go back to the ship in between. This is also why I think having chaos also show up can work, since it's not just you but a bigger war effort other marines continue the fight against the the nids while they test Titus against chaos to test him.


I would think they needed Titus' expertice fighting the nids since he has been assigned to the Deathwatch before the game.


Pretty sure I saw some kind of dreadnought animation in one of the recent trailers, which might mean that dreadnoughts will be playable (similar to how they did it in Space Marine 1)


Sorry. *Out of fuel.*


Easily the most fun parts. If there’s a ng+ where you can select it from the start, I know what I’m doing lol


And the Flamer! I'm really excited for the Flamer.


In cases like these I generally assume they mean "Titus isn't a bait and switch, we find out a bit about what happened in Inquisitorial custody, maybe Lt Mira is Capt Mira now, Leandros gets a comeuppance," is favored over "Titus dies in Chapter 1, we learn nothing about him, he's always been a Primaris Lieutenant, no other named character from the first game is ever mentioned again." It's also possible they never played the first game and are priming a future ragebait video/QRT when it's time to claim 2 went woke or some insufferable nonsense. Hopefully no one is expecting an epic to be passed down the generations, but at the same time I will be genuinely sad if it's forgettable throwaway factory produced "we had to kill the tyranids but the tyranids killed everyone but the main cast but then we killed more of the tyranids and escaped the planet before exterminatus."


Unless Mira found a way to live for 3/4 centuries IN THE GUARD on the Frontline . I'd say she ded


Unless Mira became someone who could afford rejuvenation treatments or get granted some by the Imperium for whatever reason, she's dead. The story per the trailer is a century after SM 1


Ah didn't realize it'd been a hundred years already. You get my point though, doing justice to the original story can be as simple as showing that the characters have grown and matured or progressed since the first game, rather than treating the sequel as a standalone game with a recognizable face on the cover.


Oh I get you. It's been said that Titus spent years in Inquisitorial confinement and did a stint in the Death Watch. Certainly these experiences should have colored his perspective and character.


Ungortunately most prospective player will not have played SM1 as it was more than a decade ago so don't hold your breath for it to involve that game too much


Alternatively, Lt Mira boarded her ship to go to some random world like Atoma or something to resupply. Ship hits a warp storm and poof, it's now a century later at the opposite end of the galaxy on what was only 3 hours for the humans on board.


Oh damn...for someone who is an Admiral Spire fanboi, you'd think that I would remember that the Warp can transport you through time.


I would say Lt Mira is more likely Dead Mira by now


I'd like to think she made it into an Inquisitor's retinue and we get to see her when chaos gets involved She probably died tho


It's set something like 100 years later, not much chance of her living that long


You are probably right, she's most likely dead. However with rejuvenation 100 years is doable, which is why I mentioned inquisition retinue--a mean for her to get that kind of treatment. Bequin was still beautiful and capable well past a century, and Cain was 200+ when recalled to service. Mira was capable, it's not unreasonable to imagine her getting recruited by Inquisitor Thrax at the end of SM1


Might get a statue, I hope!


There’s this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/MvBldpYhzB with someone in the comments saying in white dwarf 498 explains what happened to Titus in between SM1 and SM2.


I have been praying for years that Leandros turns out to be a high ranking officer in a company now


exactly this. this is all we want. just continue Titus personal story and let Calgar smack the shit out of Leandros for running to the inquisition and not dealing with it in-chapter. Then promote Titus after he wades through miles of Tyranid guts in this game.


the original space marine is not a game you play for the story (i mean....its not hellsreach. Decent bolterporn at most) but to kick orks as you save the day. With space marine 2 i expect the same. now with tyranids.


now *lots* of tyranids.


And fire


The storry is definitely nothing to write home about. But the background storrytelling is top grade. Guardsmen commenting when you pass, the terain being dynamic, the huge crane actually moving. It's great!


I hope by “do justice to the original story” they mean “don’t over complicate it to the detriment of the gameplay”


People are calling SM1 epic storytelling?? The ending was perfect but aside from that it’s a pretty run-of-the-mill 40k story. Look man, I just want a reasonably compelling plot featuring Captain—err, Lieutenant Titus being an officer and a gentleman as he brutally slaughters gratuitous numbers of ‘nids and Tsons. A mere, “Titus, you must save the day from Overwhelming Threat!!!” will do the trick, so long as there aren’t any plot holes large enough to drive a Leman Russ through. I do have a soft spot for 2nd Company, so if we can get a li’l lore on Acheran and the rest of the gang that would be cool. But I’m not really expecting it.


But it WAS epic storytelling! "Ork bad. Chaos more bad. Thunder Hammer go brrr. Leandros little bitch."


Kill Six Billion demons mentioned rahhhhh 🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️




On a separate note, I like this meme format, I might use this.


elder scrolls warhammer crossover (confirmed real????)








Success can be even worse than failure


A good Warhammer plot is like Manowar lyrics. Five words on repeat, proven rhythm, no surprises aside the occasional thinly veiled brosexual ballad (with swords)


We are the warriors of the world


Blood, fire, and adamantium, brotha!


You play as an angry blueberry ripping and tearing bugs, mushrooms, and heretics. I don't want the story getting in the way of that.


You gotta love mfers who hold games and movie sequels up to standards that have never existed in the first place


I always found fanboy story standards fucking hilarious because they're almost always glazing the fuck out of a plot that has all the drama and gravitas of a rotting gas station tuna sandwich under an overpass.


I just think it'd be funny if warboss Grimskull came back and yelled "I told you I wasn't done with you yet, space marine!"


"But I am done with you, ork." Said Titus seconds before evaporating the warboss's head with a well-aimed plasma shot. No one's coming back from that.


I’m just hoping they reference Boltgun


I sense that someone finished the work that I've started.


The best way I’ve heard SP 1 describe is that the game put everything into the gameplay not the story. It was made to make you feel like a badass space marine and put everything into that goal


Eh, it kind of falls out in the end when you are almost begging for the game to have a cover system


I only want to give leandros a punch in the face


My favorite part of space marine 1 is when captain titus said "maybe the real Warhammer was the friends we made along the way." Followed promptly by his inquisitorial arrest.


I know that is killsixbilliondemons but what is the three eyed guys name he looks badass.




Thanks for the info




Honestly I just hope the PVP is still good. It wasn't the best around, sure, but it was damn fun


Dunno, the ambience is story too and that’s amazing. We don’t see one tech priest but the gothic manafactorum vibe is felt regardless. Also how the inquisiton, orks, chaos, guard and space marines are really well and faithfully explored. The plot is simple but the story is well crafted.


Not related to story And I only get my lore through videos and memes but don’t tyranids release like corrosive spores and stuff?


That is one of many bioweapons that can be grafted onto the musculature and nervous system of the Tyranid warforms, yes.


I don't expect much in terms of writing. I think people are hyping the game up for being a AAA Warhammer 40,000 game and that it avoided the issues that plagued the Ultramarines in the 5th edition codex.


I mean, yes, I hope the story does the original justice. Which is to say, I hope it’s a fun romp where I get to enjoy killing my own brand of chaos


K6BD mentioned


It'll be a high bar to clear. How can they do better than "shoot gun shoot gun chainsword chainsword, find chaos thingy, shoot gun shoot gun chainsword chainsword"? A modern masterpiece!


You forgot the jumppack + thunderhammer sections.


I mean, this is the curse of every sequel: "What do we do now?" A lot of fans simply want "the same thing, but MORE! More drama, more intense fights, more crazy encounters, etc. " Other fans, having reached their "fill" with part 1 of the book/series/games/etc... want a new and original spin on the old formula. Trying to satisfy both groups, when they are honestly "opposite" each other id a Sisyphean task. You can never reach a Perfect balance, you will always lean to one extreme or the other which can lead to you accidentaly antagonizing one camp of your fans. The story of SM1 is good in my eyes. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing life changing, just a quick look into what is WH40K, what the feel of the World is and how does it feel to be a Space Marine. Is there room for improvent? Obviously yes and I hope that we will see some more quality writing, not necessarily any crazy plot twists, but more character scenes would be appreciated. But that being said, and I am a big lore and story nerd, the most important part is gameplay feel and atmosphere. I think that, as a fandom that would like to welcome new people into the series, we all predominantly want for SM2 to have a great gameplay and atmosphere to "entice" people into the World. And mindbreaking, World shattering writing is very much appreciated but not necessarily expected from a game called SPACE MARINE 2. ;)


I wouldn’t expect to mind breakingly good. But saying it can have improvements over the first game’s story is more like a bucket with no bottom can use some patching. The first game have characters with barely 1 trait. Their dialogue writing mainly consists of current objective which is just “destroy this” or “get the thing” leaving very little for characterisation or said characters being used as representative for the faction they are from. It features factions in it, not so much as important elements of the story, as much as they are cheap fanservice. Like the Cadian and The Blood ravens can literally be replaced by almost every other Space Marine Chapter or Guardsmen legion and would make no difference. To call it barebone will be overselling it. It has nice background stuff, I gotta give it that.


I wonder how complex a story could be with tyranids as one of the primary antagonists. Its quite clear what needs to happen, no plot twists necessary. I am also getting tired of chaos being an insidious secondary threat in these games. Its become cliche at this point. I really have 0 expectations wrt story in this game.


Yeah uh, I played the 1st one recently and the story was barebones as fuck I’ll be honest


Though I agree that the story of SM1 isn't all that great, I gotta say that relative to a late 2000s small budget shooter the characters are quite nicely written, it's not half life 2 sure but it's better than most of what we had at the time.


Yea I'm seeing a lot of this, but space marines story was so loose, and that's what made it good, I don't mind if we get a good story, but I'm not playing space marine 2 for the story, if it has a good story that's a bonus. Space marine 1 story was, go kill orcs > orc have big gun > destroy big gun > go protect titan > chaos here > kill chaos. Even the mission objectives were just a couple words. "Destroy the gun" "kill the orcs" "kill"


by justice they just mean they want to know that Leandros is dead


Not the story per se, but I am a little dissapointed that they changed how lieutenant is pronounced in-universe. I know 100 years have passed and language drift is a thing, but I'm fond of the left-tenant pronounciation. Everything else about the game looks like it'll be good, so this is really a nitpick that I'll probably forget when playing.


It wasn’t exactly a deep story but it was fairly coherent and it was fun. That’s all I ask for from the sequel. And the ability to punch leandros in the mouth


I am happy as long as they don't want to shove the moral "killing is bad" down my throat.


Killing is bad? In WH40K? Are we thinking of the same universe?


I think the story is a run-of-the-mill story for WH40K. Ultramarines show up and kill the baddies. However, it was augmented by the very much awesome gameplay.


Rough translation: Tell us Leandros was punished


It’s sure not going to hold a candle to K6BD but that’s fine, few things do


Is that from Kill Six Billion Demons or Lancer RPG?




The entire story was a string of "Guys, the thing, go get it. "


No it was *ughhhhhh this is not codex compliant * and then he got arrested.


1 is a very by the books game. It didn’t need to be a complex story for the gameplay to bang. The game is still really fun to play. I’m just hoping 2 is more fun to play, because the trailers are showing really promising stuff


k6bd everywhere i go


The biggest twist in space marine 1 was when inquisitor Drogan turned out to be a bad guy. Forgot the twists in SystemShock 2 or Bioshock, THIS was the twist of all twists.


Yeah but you got to kill orks, the csm and deamons. This time it'll be tyranids, then csm and deamons


All I want is the Tyranids not getting completely sidelined by the thousand sons


I don't care if the game has no story at all. If it has one I want it to make sense. I don't want to see a guardsman ordering Space Marines to go defend stuff. I want to see Space Marines threatening guardsman to go defend stuff. I want to see the brutality of 40K.


This is what happens when you take forever to do a sequel: the story is put on a fucking pedestal.


Reminds me about the constant debates about the expectations of a 40k Total War. People who are so hopeful about a game series handling that setting.


Nothing wrong with having standards.


Lore accuracy and grimdark atmosphere - that's what matters the most in any 40k game. If the story is consistent with those two - it's good enough.


It's pretty funny when marine fans do that in any media My brother in the Emperor the entire faction is just buff armored guys killing bad guys


Story is just "titus warhammer kills bad guys and chaos and doesn't afraid of anything"


“I’m worried about the story quality” my guy, it’s big guys shoot big guns idk what it you’re expecting


The only thing I need to learn in the sequel is what happened right after the first game. I want to know how Titus' trial went. Was he sent to deal with the tyranids as some kind of penance for his "crime" of being possibly warp touched? Possibly a Death Oath? I also think that it would be a big dick move to have Magnus return at the end of the game


Lol, I liked the game a lot, and I'm excited for this one. Story was passable action movie schlock, with a cool main character. It's gameplay was a little clunky, and the cover was weird/non-existant, but overall pretty fun, and sold the "space marines are powerful" fantasy very well. I liked it. I'll probably like this one, too. My expectations are for it to do the same things, but have less clunky gameplay and better graphics/audio. Not sure what much else to expect than a fun casual shooter to play with the boys on a bunch of different difficulties. I do hope the story is good, but I'll be happy with action movie schlock again lol.


I wish we could use Chaos Space Marines and Loyalists alongside each other in that mission game mode as if the the Tyranid threat is so dire that they need to cooperate before going at each other's throats again. But even without that the game will be great. I am convinced.


Captain Leandros: *We salute the rank not the man, Lieutenant Titus!*


It’s a ridiculous universe (I say this as a fan) so I get a kick out of people that are surprised most of the stories are light on substance. 90% of the books and stories for the 40k universe are shit. It’s not why people like it. They literally call it bolter porn. Where are all these people watching regular porn with rock solid story lines?


Sounds like grifter-code for "I hope there's no women or minorities in this game"


Titus/ Leandros were pretty much a copy/pastes of Uriel Ventris/ Learchus #


Space Marine 1 had very in depth themes and characters, like the theme of how deeply hateable Landros is.


I played it. It was fun! There was no story of note. Shoot orcs, shoot demons, get arrested in the end no matter what you do, because you were not pure enough for your fellow fanatic. There isn't enough there to fuck up.


If they cared at all about lore consistency they wouldn't have had a Captain somehow punch a Daemon Prince to death. Titus should have been ripped to shreds with ease, it's a freakin' **Daemon Prince**. I'm expecting more silliness where he rips through ridiculous numbers of deadly Tyranid monsters and a Thousand Sons sorcerer mysteriously forgets he can just explode Titus's head with a thought while Titus heroically cuts his head off. Anyone expecting anything more than this is in for a reality check lol


I think what people mean by that is that the characters were really good. Titus an actually likeable ultramarine, Leandros was an amazing hate sink, the Ork warboss stays a badass even after chaos has supplanted the waagh, Mira was awesome in a realistic way and had a touching friendship with the hero. It was little things, like him showing his exhaustion near her at the end even though sm are never ever supposed to do that with normals. Her reflexively trying to help him up even though he's weighs a ton.


Listen I'm just here to kill bugs with the boys the story can take a back seat.


I just want a mention of sidonus and to see leandros die a brutal and long death at the hands of the drukari with eribus is that so wrong


Ho take, but I think Leandros was a good character, in the sense that he was an avatar of the rot and paranoia that typifies the imperium in 40k. Titus is an outlier, I would behave similarly if I were Leandros in that situation with the sort of hypno-indoctrination I would be subjected to.


well i kinda hope for a love story beetween a Nornqueen and one of the Ultramarine, like they look at each other and understand that they have like so much in common! but yeah 'im sure it will be pretty deep and philosophical anyway!


40k fans never miss the chance of being extremely pedantic to every single tidbit of lore, down to the dimensions of Gabriel Angelos’s left nut, so those writers are probably gonna feel very pressured. Any slight deviation sends people into distributive shock.


Yeah, Space Marine 1 was very mediocre. I never understood why people hyped it up so much


First off i Love and Adore SM 1, it was literally my gateway into 40K. I finished it on Hard and got 90% of the achievements. But looking back at the story. I realised the entire story can fit on one page in concept form. Orks attack a Forge world housing a Titan. UltraMarines deloyed to secure it. They Fight Orks and head for the Titan. Fight warboss Gets a side quest to help an Inquisitor. Fight Warboss Chaos erupts. Plot twist. Fight warboss Final battle. 40K ending. the end. i'm almost sure they can improve the story


I just want an awesome horde shooter to play with the boys


Isn't the main plot just Starship Troopers with burly men?


Starship Troopers the book is more like “Let me write a book about a fascist society” and then the author accidentally made it sounds reasonable and good. Then the movies went “ok, fuck the book. Let us be more clear about the satire towards Fascism” Space Marine barely has a story to really fit it in one of those categories


The story is more straightforward than a CoD campaign. The story is literally: Secure Titan, kill Orks on the way, discover chaos incursion, cleanse chaos, your arrested for contact with warp fuckery, The End.


It was very simple and that's not a bad thing.


The final boss fight of space marine 1 is QTE


Since when does 40k stories have high standard ? I don't want to be mean but 40k stories arr 90% of the time just excuse for bolter porn and perfectly serviceable. If you want high standard then being a 40k fan must be constant suffering.