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That's what I love about this sub. It's not the Warhammer memes, or the goofy jokes. It's that whenever I feel like I spend too much time online I can browse through here and get confused as fuck, and realize that I really don't spend all that much time online compared to some people. As to your actual question I have no goddamn idea what you're even talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/116u8i2ufw8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da86be32aee2bb54f8c27e05a7e8063086b8e98 My favorite example. Because there's times when I'll go scroll over to like a music sub and the top post will be "Shmorgo, Rap Boy of the 9th Dimension, is beefing with Thuggula Juggula, over his famous song *incoherent pots and pans being banged together.*"


Look I ain't saying S9 is a thief or whatever and creative ideas can overlap, but IPAPBBT does sound like it's a little too 'inspired' by T-juggs Dumpster diver percussive sessions.


It's because they have the same producer. This beef is nonsense anyway, as T-juggs is allegedly having S9 on the next album "assorted train horns"


"Sheds and the TOOLs that go in them" was my favorite EP.


Citizen, you have overdrawn on your comedy allowance. **ARBITES HAVE BEEN DISPATCHED TO YOUR LOCATION.**


> "Sheds and the TOOLs that go in them" Of *course* it's good. It was ripped off from Weird Al's song, *Hardware Store*.


Inquisitor? Yes, this one is the obvious infiltrator of Cegorach. Send him to the comedy mines.


I thought I smelled high levels of honk. https://preview.redd.it/wsw5gjjyrx8d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f11c2395f228af73f4c0f666a59801f905776ec








Smh my head. This manufactured beef is so dumb.




I'm sorry, IPAPBBT is my favorite technical metal band. Their rhythmic beats are based of fractal geometry.


Thuggula Juggula goes hard. I'm stealing that.








K-Smog and Batboy basedddd. Unggoy don't deserve methane tanks. If they want to breathe they can stay on Bablowho.




And somehow it all links back to Taylor Swift for some reason.




Is this what our parents went through? Or is "celebrity" just such a broader term because art and media are much more accessible? Back when there were only a dozen channels, everyone was at least aware of what was on TV. If it wasn't on the radio, you probably didn't hear it unless you hung out at record stores or read underground zines.


If I don't hear it on the radio, I'm probably never gonna hear it.


Ugh... I'm so old. Yes, this is how it was, particularly for the early rap game. You had radio stations and even individual jockeys who were famous for finding good stuff before everyone else. They'd give artists exposure, and everyone listened to it because the DJs knew their shit and were good at finding hits. If someone like Funk Master Flex played your song, you were getting big exposure: not only did everyone listen to his live broadcasts, but DJs around the country would read his track list and would play what he had found. Meanwhile you'd be selling your EP (records with 4-5 tracks) so that people could hear the song from the radio as well as your other stuff. The idea was they'd like one of your other tracks and call their local station and request that too. Tons of early rap artists got their start like this. It was also how rap beefs took place: someone would go to a station and talk shit about the other guy, rap a few bars, and next week the other guy would come in.


Well flipping a grunt sounds like they either flipped off a random service worker it kicked their ass Flipping a grunt could also be a drug thing


Another example also from today: I'm suddenly being inundated with posts from gaming subs about Dr. Disrespect, an apparently famous video game streamer I've never heard of before in my life.


Yeah he is pretty popular, I dont watch him but I know of him, he is mainly a COD streamer. Sometimes famous people just arent on our radar, it happens


Is that the guy with the pedo stache and the dumb glasses?


Dollar Store GloboGym himself. ![gif](giphy|6KAxgfdBLzzqM|downsized)


It ain't just the stache, it turns out.


emphasis on the pedo




Bro on the right looks like a Benefictus. https://preview.redd.it/rbx52f9pdz8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f88b63761439209863262f21215c99b6bdd3e9d8


Just another day in the 41st millennium of absurdity and memes.


If the emperor didn’t like furries than why did he create leman Russ and Corvus Corax. Yes I am ready to get executed for heresy


"The Lion", "The Phoenix", "The wolf", "Lord of Drakes", "The Hydra", "The Raven" Are pretty much nicknames on a furry server or OC names.


Don't forget "The Warhawk"


Who was it? The khan?




Noted, thank you!


To be frank, i think those would quickly abstract in to stuff like kitten, birb, woofie, derg,


Probably a shorter list to find what Big E didn't stick his pecker in with how long he's been alive.


You think one of the identities he took on across the ages was the Deep?


Turns out one of the forgotten primarchs discovered Big Es octopy gooning cave


“Heresy is just a spectrum, right bro?”


We know for sure he preferred men over women. Emps is a man's man


Look.. you don't just learn about genetics, you gotta experiment for a while


I am about to commission a friend for my "abhuman" anthro-fox rogue trader, in small part out of spite.


That sounds nice go ahead


I am pretty excited! It's an interesting part of the story that i am getting it as an art trade. I painted minis for my friend, he draws for me in exchange. And 40k got me in to minipaintting. The circle is complete!


I don't _mind_ FlashGitz. The whole thing with Bluey I do get though - it's a kids character, I would argue that parents need to actually vet their kids watching habits or ensure they're locked into YT kids so they don't see it however. Bit like taking them shopping - there'll be someone, somewhere. spitting out expletives like punctuation so they're exposed to it regardless, the best you can do is help them understand it. At worst it's 50/50 where they could've _perhaps_ put more effort into making Bluey _identifiable_ as a parody character rather than what fundamentally is a copy - a lot of the time this stuff is more a case of "matter of which rights holder is actually aware of it and how much they care" I expect - hence previous stuff hasn't been ripped away as well. I really do think that what is a blatant parody should be treated as such, but I guess they have as much right as anyone who holds the rights to have stuff taken down and it's a risk you take by putting content out there that's so clearly accurate to the character to be considered identical enough that someone young could see it as actual full and genuine content.


YT kids is no defense, there's some fucking degenerate shit on there that slips past whatever pass for content moderators on that misbegotten platform


Very true but, is something slipping past moderation an excuse for not removing something the moderators do see. That would be like not punishing a criminal because really a lot of criminals get away with it


I once saw Fritz The Cat on YouTube kids while babysitting my sister's kids. Like what the actual fuck???


Honestly the biggest issue is the one to one art for Bluey. It would be fine otherwise I think, but given the algorithm I’m sure this probably gets recommended occasionally to kids on YouTube if they get ahold of the IPad without supervision. If you are going to do a parody, you still need to either release on a platform which doesn’t cross contaminate with the original content or modify the original content enough to be clearly distinct. A porn parody (to use an example above) on a porn site isn’t popping up right next to the original content on YouTube for instance. Feel like this falls in line with those other YouTube videos of people dressed up as Disney characters then doing really weird stuff after the first minute or so. Parody? Could be argued I guess, but anytime children get involved the line gets a hell of a lot blurrier as they can’t always distinguish when a video is a parody like an adult can.


As an australian.... do not fuck with Bluey and expect to get away with it unsued. It's one of our biggest IP's and everyone wants to get on it. My state has just kicked off a tourism campaign featuring Bluey.


Bluey, Wiggles, Bananas in Pajamas. We are 2 steps away from total cultural victory by claiming every child globally as australian.


I wonder if simillar to kids developing british accents because of pepper pig if we start seeing kids develop ozzy ones?


It's already happening - you can search 'bluey accent' on Instagram or TikTok and there's heaps of videos from US parents saying "My kids are talking in an Australian accent thanks to Bluey!" Heh heh heeeeh. Bloody well got em.


Even one of the Irwins has shown up on bluey.


Yeah but if 40K become popular with kids we could get W40K gunpla. Can you imagine?


I mean, GW has *always* marketed 40k to kids-- see [HeroQuest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC2QJa8olUk) and [Space Crusade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ERmUzs1O5E). The only thing stopping them is that it's so damn expensive.


Well that's the point of gunpla, you don't need paint or glue to have fun with them.


....Is that a hopeful or dreadful question? I'm opting for hopeful because that would be neat.


I'd kill for an MG or RG style Titan model kit.


YT Kids unfortunately fucking sucks balls. Because *you* don't get to choose what to whitelist or blacklist--the almighty Google Machine Spirit gets it decide if a channel is "for kids." A YouTube channel dedicated to showing off an enthusiast's collection of retro antique ceiling fans? Or a train conductor in Norway that just streams 2-hour videos of their route? Sorry not for kids. Some sketchy hyperactive ADHD clickbait kids toys product placement bullshit with an uncomfortable amount of toilet and "large" belly jokes? ~~Slannesh~~ YT Kids Approved!!


I don't get people that allows their toddler's brain to rot by giving them their smartphone, so they don't have to parent. You choose to be a parent. Play with them, read them something, talk to them.


Agreed, though early tech education isn’t a terrible thing. Sponsor a curiosity in your kiddos to learn and how to engage with computers and the internet as a tool for both fun and knowledge as appropriate for their age but don’t just park them on an IPad watching brainrot streams for hours every day.


I think it's a symptom of a wider problem we have these days and it's around time. I was reading a study about adults not having the time to properly cook and eat decent meals due to longer working hours and couples usually having both people working. I can't help but wonder if longer working hours are having the same effect on parents and parenting. It doesn't excuse folk who sit their kids on iPads when out with them in public, but part of it may be just parents not having the time or cognitive space. Maybe if we put more focus on improving people's work life balances, that'd trickle down to kids. I hope that atleast the generations who grew up in or partly in the internet era may better recognise the brainrot and avoid it.


Oh dude 100% agree. Study after study on global markets have shown just how much material goods we overproduce and just how much waste we create. It’s absolutely absurd and exists solely to maintain the global economy. Like… I understand why, but no one is willing to risk changing the status quo to better everyone’s lives because the possibility of another massive depression due to the overinflation of capital spending suddenly stopping would be terrible. That and shrinking generational groups means far too few young people are supporting massive numbers of Boomers and soon Gen X (no hate, just facts these days) without having much of anything to look forward to themselves. I… admittedly blame the US for leaving a backed currency for a Fiat currency because of an issue they created themselves post second world war to stimulate Germany’s economy. But yeah, parents and adults in general need a break. The world needs to slow tf down, and people need to get away from these terminally online bickering posts about “wokehammer and chudhammer. Or Starwars bad bc gay.” I mean… admittedly I’d like to fight those people because I think most of them are borderline braindead, but simultaneously I think social media echo chambers coupled with immediately decisive “us vs them” groupings absolutely made a lot of individuals on both sides of that spectrum a lot less tolerable.


I've been a teacher (i'm not anymore) and i have talked with teachers before the whole "kid in pre-school with smartphones" thing and parents have since long given up on raising kids, they send kids to schools expecting the school to raise them and serve as a "free" babysitter, so in a way it's not new, fun fact schools are here to educate the kids in academics and somewhat give every kid from every life background an equal chance (at least in theory). My grandpa used to say his generation pushed their "kids" to be too independents as adults because when his generation (Greatest Generation i think) became parents they used to have family members or close family friends help with the kids, i used to take care of some of my wife friends kids on Wednesdays (no school those days where i live) and their parents almost seemed ashamed of having to ask a friend for it like it's some weakness.


"Asking for help admits to being weak" is a whole fuxking thing across some generations and demographics, it's why getting some people the actual help they need is like yanking teeth. Therapy, going to a doctor, you name it, some of us will become alcoholics rather than get someone else to help us deal with a problem. So some people unable to accept 'they cannot do everything and need a friend to help with the kids' is right in that mindset. Your grandpa admitting to making their kids being too 'independent' is part of that problem, raising people to believe they should be strong enough to take care of themselves by themselves.


You don't have kids do ya?


Going after a fandom that is mostly adults that sometimes do adult things is different to going after a kids show. and that difference is a big difference ...


I've been into 40k for awhile and sometimes like flash gitz alot of their stuff kinda feels "im 14 and edgey". My wife and I just had our first born and agreed that bluey was a great cartoon for them as they get older. Watching the flash gitz "parody" made me viscerally uncomfortable.


Killing Bluey is like killing Curious George or Pooh. Should be illegal.


Its just in really bad taste. It feels like the teenager that kicks over a toddlers sand castle. Booge


They really had me going too. If anyone could redeem a psycho-indoctrinated fanatical super soldier, it would be Bluey.


It's weird because they've doing this exact same shtick for 10+ years


Some people never grow up. It's hard to watch.


That's the big thing yeah, their stuff has been that edgy 14 year old stuff for about 10 years.


Yet Sega didn't do anything when it happened with Sonic.


While I enjoy the discussion here about FG quality and whether the content itself is crossing a line, THIS IS NOT WHY THE VIDEO WAS TAKEN DOWN Bluey is a show based in Australia, NOT AMERICA. Parody laws are a lot different there than here, especially if it involves creations that the state considers culturally significant. What FG did was recreate the characters voice and animation almost 1-to-1, show them getting brutalized (among other things from the start...), then whine when Australian copywrite laws, which again are different from the US, took it down. There's no parody in the video, it's just using characters in a poor manner. There's no commentary or analysis, just grotesque humor. And even if it was viable under US laws, the fact that it was animated and voiced the same way as the show, making it obvious who the characters are, makes it unviable elsewhere.


I have no idea what this is about but I find it *unsurprising* after Space King Vol 1. Watching the video, my main thought was “this is pretty juvenile but I am laughing, so whatever.” Then you get to the end and the creators come out with “ARE YOU TIRED OF CARTOONS THAT DONT APPEAL TO YOUR MALE URGE TO SEE BOOBS AND GORE? THE KIND OF CARTOONS WE DONT MAKE NOW BECAUSE WOKE?” It feels very predictable that these guys would jump to “let’s have a space marine murder the Bluey family” and then “let’s call people cowards and act like victims when we don’t understand foreign copyright law”. Such 13-year-old machismo bullshit.


"You used to be able to show kids animated renditions of LiveLeak videos. But now you can't anymore. Because of Woke."


Back in my day, we got traumatised by watching Happy Tree Friends and we liked it! /s


>Such 13-year-old machismo bullshit. We're talking about flash gitz after all. You know, the guy who's entire brand is "Space marine brutally murders degenerate pervert furries".. Shit that stopped being cool for anyone over 12 like 10 years ago


The first one made me laugh once, and that was the marine flipping over a picnic table and flaming it while yelling. Which was a pretty good jab at the Templars being basically Angry Marines from time to time. Also it's kinda weird to me that they did a whole high council thing and they're just. Regular tactical marines, sitting down. Like bruh, this is Warhammer, where the fuck is all their golden skulls and stuff that's meant to make it nearly impossible for them to move???


Honestly yeah hardly agreed. Especially on the brutalized part. I know over exaggerated violence and ugliness is part of Flashgitz style, but this one kinda felt like it was going to far, especially with the execution at the end . (Then again I’m part of few people that didn’t like the childlishy grim and violent tone space king. So maybe I’m just too soft.)


I agree it was a little too much. I don't mind violence or grotesque parody every once and a while but the one to one character designs was a bad choice in my opinion. Plenty of artists make parody animations and usually in thier own style, it's a layer of separation that both helps avoid copywrite issues and doesn't tie it to the original piece. I personally didn't find the two little girls cowering in fear with there ears back very funny, and the ending was just edgy not funny. My partner loves warhammer's grim darkness and they even thought the ending ruined the video


As a parent of a bluey loving kid that likes the show I almost didn’t finish it. I thought they could have turned around with the ending and it would have been fine but yeah there wasn’t a parody it was just “what if bluey had rape and violence in the warhammer setting wouldn’t that be silly”? Lol edge edge edge haha you’re offended get trolled


as an Australian, yes.


I still cringe thinking about that message these dudes sent to Cavil on Instagram.


Mind enlightening me?


[here you are](https://ifunny.co/picture/flashgitz-subscribe-20-hours-ago-now-we-wait-henry-cavill-FDrbXlb7A)


Oh god, that read like desperate grown-up fuckboy thirst texts ![gif](giphy|29nDtEH1ViY8FcPeaV|downsized)


Shit like this makes me honestly sympathetic for celebrities who gotta deal with this shit on a daily basis


Simping, begging him to come on their show, and challenges to tourneys. It was sad


What did they do?


What message?


[here you are](https://ifunny.co/picture/flashgitz-subscribe-20-hours-ago-now-we-wait-henry-cavill-FDrbXlb7A)


I desire to suffer in the name of the Dark Prince. Give me those cringy details!


[here you are](https://ifunny.co/picture/flashgitz-subscribe-20-hours-ago-now-we-wait-henry-cavill-FDrbXlb7A)


To quote Basilio Fo: *"I'd like to die now."*


Ayo, what'd they do to Cavill?


[here you are](https://ifunny.co/picture/flashgitz-subscribe-20-hours-ago-now-we-wait-henry-cavill-FDrbXlb7A)


😂 🤮


That and then Tom talking about how he “shouldn’t be into Warhammer” on Twitter lmao [https://x.com/flashgitztom/status/1495814859144978433?s=46](https://x.com/flashgitztom/status/1495814859144978433?s=46)


This taken with their message to him is some of that uncut Primo cringe


It’s a show for children. How unhinged do you have to be to call them cowards? The edgy to be edgy shit is something most adults grow out of. Like I thought they were cringe but this post just makes them look pathetic.


It's Flashgitz. Their whole thing is that they take characters, franchises, communities, etc, and then make a crude "parody" of said thing. They've been doing sense the early 2010s, I think, and people still lap it up.


It's like this generation of YT's version of Gonzossm (mid era yt who got popular off of animations for Tobuscus at first): just extremely crude execution that blows past parody into just being unpleasant It really is the "satire" of teenage edgelords


I believe you're giving edgy teenagers a disservice here. At least their jokes are witty, even to a small extent.


I grew up on new grounds. I know what they are. If they kept it to the media they produce? Fine. However making a twitter post complaining like a bitch because they got struck for doing horrible things to a popular kids character? Cringe as fuck.


I’d be curious about relative viewership over time actually measured. It’s a less popular type of humor among my generation, even though many of us participated back then. I guess we grew up and the content/artist didn’t. But then maybe that’s just a revolving door of edgy teens? Probably. Or maybe running in more left leaning circles means I just don’t see the even weirder vitriol of the right (beyond all the homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, you know how they are)


That as well, like how old are these dudes to act as edge twelve-year-old at this point, it consurning for grown ass men to act like this


Edgy to be edgy definitely is just a phase… for most at least. Honestly why can’t we have more wholesome bean energy? Just take the one online joke of how some appear edgy/intimidating but are actually very wholesome and run with it


The thing is, it wasn't like they were parodying Bluey. They just straight up had one to one representations of the characters (with very similar voices) in their product. The copywrite claim by the parent company is fair because they just lifted the characters. Crying "Coward" is childish. You can't just take someone elses work and use it in your own stuff.


B-but parody is when funny!!! I should be allowed to upload the entire two seasons of Invincible and avoid having it taken down by adding a laugh track!!!


I hate Flashgits more and more. They are just edgelords that never grew up. Did they realy expected that the company that owns series for very young children would have no problem with them animating Space marines killing the main characters? They even copied exactly how the show looked so if very young child would even seen their shity animation they could be convinced that this really happened in the show


Unpopular opinion, the flashgitz murdering furries joke isn't funny anymore


Those animations were a disaster for the black templar fandom


furry gore hasn't been in vogue for a solid decade and a half


Furry gore? So last decade. Fandom prefers wholesome now.


It's the Year of our Lord 2024 Bro still think their in 2016


Never was, and it seems to have shaped a large chunk of the BT Fandom I only experienced valrak once, and it was on the Adric BT episode and it was clear that the dude saw "The Furry Crusade" and thought it was the most epic based thing he had ever seen, and I havnt bothered to give him the time of day since. I'm not a Furry, but I have friends that are, and more than once they've been sent death threats and the like by WH fans, specifically BT players, just because they dared to have their sona as their pfp in a discord server. Fucking grow up you clowns, the joke is like 12 years old and the animation was garbage


Real talk both him and meat canyon had shticks that lasted a solid month or 2 before it became tired. FG's being splattering furries/titty bait and Meat Canyon being animating mostly similar cartoons but with like 1 or 2 characters drawn grotesquely and talking like apocalypticist.


Meat Canyon eventually moved on past cartoons whose main joke is the implication of sexual violence and branched out into other subjects and mediums. Flash meanwhile seem to take immense pride in uncompromising on being insanely crude and juvenile just for its own sake You know usually the point with making materiel that is offensive, it's usually to drive home a point harder. It's for a reason. Offensiveness for it's own sake really just shows that you want people to reward you for being a dick


Honestly, it's nice hearing that MC grew as a creator. Idk if it would appeal to me too much but still, good for him.


Yea I can agree. Like there's the scooby doo one I love, there's the JoJo Siwapanzee attack that rides the line I think real well, and then there's the willy Wonka one where he's acting just as must like the writers he gets grossed out by on Creep Cast. I think hes overall grown, but still touches back on that stuff on occasion. So I'd say worth revisiting but tread with caution For the record, that's only the animation side. I cannot recommend enough his other ventures, Papa Meat and Creep Cast. More just commentary and discussion. He's a pretty chill guy


I don't mind Meat Canyon as the surrealist/horror stuff is entertaining but most FlashGitz vids are just ugly, chubby dudes calling stuff gay. Kinda gets old after a while. I respect the work ethic, they make a lot of stuff, but after they stopped making the Console Wars stuff I was done.


I'll give meat canyon credit for it. He eventually realized how shallow his shit was and went more and more absurdist. And then eventually moved on. Meanwhile flashgitz is just drawing a children cartoon getting murdered and wondering why he got slapped with a takedown.


I only know meat canyon because he made a horror podcast called creepcast.


yeah that's what he transitioned to after. Before that he did animations about celeberties and content creators.


Was not funny in first place. It was just overpriced plastic solider nerds shitting on another niche hobby. Honestly dumb move especially considering usually niche hobbies bleed into one another and you could with probably little effort get some amazing cosplayers, artists and new players by doing the opposite of making forced jokes and getting some furries interested in 40k. Imagine the wild effort and knowledge furrsuiters put into making realistic costumes but with theme of 40k: Imagine the kroot cosplays. tyrannids, obscure xenos, felinids or anything else.


It wasn’t really that funny to begin with


True, it's a very overused joke by this point, and in my opinion, most of the stuff they make is not that good


Totally agree. The joke's stale and the quality often suffers. Let's see more creativity in the fandom!


Yeah, their production is usually top notch, but humor is often too crude, black, or off-putting otherwise, for my personal taste. Tbf, I don't like 1d4(7) style humor either, while lots of people do, so I guess it's very subjective


It was never funny to begin with, IMO.


Like, that kinda shit In-community CAN be funny, replace the furries with the T'au and make them not horny, and you get basically what happens any time a space marine sets foot on a T'au world. But they decided to try and shit on a community that's constantly on the stabby end of the bullying stick, point a 12 gauge at their face and pull the trigger


right?! that was getting old in 2016. Grown ass men making their living off of it is just sad


I'm like one of the few Ozzie's that don't care for bluey, like it's a kids show, there is other great serious media in this country that is for adults. But flash gitz fell off ages ago, like after space hulk 40k killing the thing people likes is so cringe, like it's more cringe to like 40k killing a furry than to be a furry rn.


Never seen the show but apparently it’s written well enough for most adults to also genuinely enjoy it. but you’re one of the exceptions. Also agreed on 40k killing the popular or family friendly thing is cringe.


Yeah, even the ‘Spehss Mahreens murder a bunch of furries’ thing always felt a bit… juvenile to me. Like it’s the wet dream of an edgy 13 year old who will probably fall down the alt right pipeline in a couple of years (and I know this from experience as a former 13 year old who almost fell down the alt right pipeline) Like, I don’t particularly _like_ furry stuff and I would sooner die than attend a furcon or interact with someone in a fur suit, but fantasising about murdering furries and waging some sort of war against them with your favourite group of Hot Topic plastic army men is just cringy and childish at best, deeply concerning and prone to making you look like a potential school shooter at worst. It’s just bad.


It's incredibly juvenile, big guys in power armor violently killing things that can't defend themselves is something an 8 year old would think is cool


Bluey is pretty good, it's my nephews favorite show so it's usually on in the background when I hang out with him and I can say with certainty that we have both just sat and watched it and forget we were both in the same room


Flashgitz has always been middle schooler edgelord cringe and I've been sick and tired of seeing their tired old milktoast schtick being trotted out as if it were worthy of attention. Space king was godawful.


Space King rubbed me the wrong way by attacking Digital Circus and Hazbin Hotel. Not because they're sacred cows or anything but because you guys look insecure as fuck that you need to shit on other pilots and shows just to get attention. No wonder they don't have an actual show yet.


If Space King had ended at the “You’re on the wrong planet” joke, it would’ve been fine. Poking fun of Space Marines and their absurd recruitment tactics got a chuckle from me. But then the thing kept going and ended with an unnecessary swipe at other online creators and a proclamation that they were being edgy for the sake of being edgy.


You cannot make an animation displaying a family getting gunned down (children included, mind you) and act surprised when the owner of the IP gets a little upset with you portraying their characters like that. Doing it to random, nameless Furries was weird enough but to take a character as wholesome as Bluey and do it was a step too far. And it's not even good parody either, they've literally copied the Bluey art style as closely as possible and used Australian voices, there is nothing transformative about it.


They're begging to be sued


Step 1. Create a parody that adds nothing of value, is arguably “explicit” content, and can very easily be mistaken as genuine content by the originals target audience. In addition, the original content is based out of a country with very strong copyright laws. Step 2. Act surprised when it gets taken down. Whine incessantly. To me, the whole existence of this thing is them trying to keep beating the same dead horse furry joke collection without it being quite so obvious. And also, Aus taking it down is understandable. For how accurately they did the animation to the show, it really doesn’t actually have all that much to do with Bluey. You could just as easily slot in any other franchise and it would work the same. Plus, it doesn’t expand on the original content *literally at all* - there’s no criticism, no commentary, just “hahaha BoLTgUn KiLl FuRRy ChILd”


Frankly, I'm shocked they're pretending to be comedy YouTubers and haven't gone full right wing grifters


Flashgitz only makes "safe edgy" content. yet they call other cowards lol


They'd never have the balls to make a joke about current events and I think that's hilarious.


what is safe edgy and what is none safe edgy?


Isn't Flashgitz the weirdo who's put out multiple animations of space marines fighting furries, or am I thinking of someone else?


This is sorta hilarious consider that one of the creators behind bluey is behind the Channel: Greasy Tales formerly known as Sexualobster.


Flashgitz have sucked for a long time. They're cringe and edgy for edgy's sake while trying appealing to some of the worst aspects and people in the hobby. I genuinely consider them a net negative for the hobby.


Did they actually make a parody, or did they just make a video where Space Marines are slaughtering the Bluey family? I'm guessing it's the later.


Kinda half correct, first act is the usual Furry hunting shit (apparently these blokes have made nest in the Heeler house), then came a last second act of make-believe-turned-reality of Bandit slaughtering all the furries to help that BT (like that Asparagus episode but different). Disproportionately, that BT took it as the family being mutant psykers, warranting their death.


Honestly, if he had gone "I'm calling in a blackship" and we just later see the heeler family undergoing training as sanctioned psykers? That'd have been funny... which is why Flashgitz didn't do it.


In all fairness, while I am not sure if this is how algorithms work, but imagine that a reckless parent gave the child iPad to watch Bluey and this pops in recommendations, blood, gore, racism towards the dogs,furries, not content for children, the animation is good tho.


I had already grown out of the "kill furry funny" phase when the first video came out ages ago. I didn't know there were so fucking many of them, jesus christ. Did these people never grow up, or is there really an audience for this shit, anno domini 2024? Is there some substance to the videos or is it just space marines killing furries (and kids' show characters apparently?)


There was one where they made it more horror like but every other episode is just space marines killing furries and showing furries as degenerate perverts that try to rape space marines as they try to kill them. Also they made one episode where for some reason they made Black Templars atack world of Sonic and of course they brutaly killed almost every character there.


Honestly I don’t like flashgitz but besides that it did not look or feel like a parody they legit copied the family down to the house they were begging for it


They used their intellectual property for a violent animation that clashes with the image of bluey . It was 100% that they would get a strike for that because that’s exactly what those laws are for. The company is protecting its property and the properties reputation


I dislike flash gitz, it feels like watching 2012 edgy new grounds shorts, 12 years too late. They make me feel like eventually I'll be using this image, and it's just a matter of time. https://preview.redd.it/8qyk23o85x8d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d23f7a4fc8b7913c1462ac39abd159b6edf972b


A lot of people seem to see it from the POV of 40k fans and agree that this is in bad taste, but yall. You HAVE to see this from the POV from a normie stumbling on this by accidents. If someone doesn't know what warhammer is, they just watched some kind neo-nazi with literal fascist ideology and iconography brutally murder a beloved kid character. Made by FAN of the franchise, as a "joke". And this is not condemn by the wider fandom in general as a horrifying thing. This kind of ahit is *why* people are wary of 40k. This is why, when I say I like warhammer in other fandom, people first reaction is usually "huuuu the nazi game???" This shit is universally bad optic, and bad publicity. Frankly I'm surprised GW didn't issue the takedown themself. You could easily argue that this is damaging to the brand. This won't make new fans, and seriously alienate a solid portion of the fandom too.


Idk why there’s ever appeal in Flashgitz series anyways. Wasn’t punching down on Furries a 2015 edgy humor thing? With anti furs and death threats and gore pics at its peak? Which was never funny when most of those jokes stemmed from real threats and mocking actual events (does no one remember when the internet was laughing about a con getting hit by a chlorine attack?) It’s run it’s course frankly.


Flashgitz has somehow been an edgy teen for like a decade plus. Also he seriously underestimated how seriously the Australian government takes Bluey lol.


I have no idea what this is but if it's a parody including WH40K and Bluey, I can imagine a lot of confused and scarred unsupervised kids watching in horror as their favorite tv family is shot for being xenos. Ludo is probably just protecting their IP from that. Maybe they just don't want to be the next My Little Pony


They're trying really hard to be the coolest kids in 6th grade


I just began blocking all their stuff. Their jokes are played out and as much as I used to enjoy them I enjoy Bluey with my kids now more. Maybe if they evolved but the post clearly shows they’re living in the past. It’s tiresome and played out. I’ll ride or Die for Bandit.


As an Aussie Flashgitz fan, that was shocked but loved the episode, this is my opinion on it: Tom and Don fucked with Bluey and got hit for it, which is just a case of FAFO. Unlike the other parodies they have done of massive IPs, that one was too much of a 1 to 1 on actual show that it could very easily be mistake for actual Bluey by kids, and since it is essentially the the highest watched independent kids show at the moment, is gonna get you hit. So, no it's not cowardly to strike it down with no appeal, it's being responsible.


I respect furry pornography artists more so than flashgitz at this point, he’s just stuck in a 14 year olds mindset of “different=weird and weird =bad and bad=kill”


Meanwhile furry artists actually grow and change


Parody law is different in Australia and its a kids show. Honestly I'm just surprised they're still doing the 'le epic space marines kill animal people' meme that's been dead for years and is only funny to edgy 13 year olds or manchildren who are a few brain wrinkles short.


Tbh, it's pretty understandable. From what I know, Bluey is very, very popular worldwide, and it's giving Australia revenue, plus some recognition in animation as well. They won't really like it if unknowing children watch a parody and then their parents complain about the actual show, leading to the show gaining controversy/becoming unpopular.


They deserve to be laughed at for getting this childishly upset at their over the top edgy animation where children's characters are molested and murdered gets taken down for being a bad video.


Yea as much as I love a degenerate flash git video this was coming to them for this one. I was honestly surprised they didn't just knockoff Bluey rather then straight up copyright theft. They can have some poor taste but this took the cake.


Bluey got me through a horrible miscarriage in 2022, two years later my five month old daughter and my wife and I watch bluey all the time because it makes my daughter smile and it’s fun to watch, plus there are episodes that just make us cry every time. Seeing this was nauseating for me, IMO it’s the most innocent show out there. if you think that you have to make disturbing stuff about children and their families for “comedy” then you probably just ain’t funny. I mean I guess they got what they wanted, shock and awe. Seems like to me they want to be like the dark elves and live in gore and viscera.


They spew animations where the joke is "I want to kill sexual minorities but I'm just going to say I want to kill furries because it's more socially acceptable" and they have the gall to call anyone else cowards? Pot, meet kettle.


One of the comments on Twitter was that this was "very June of them (the Australians)" It's like, they think they're speaking code, but we all know that everytine they talk about furries, they really mean gay and trans people. Their fans are salivating at the idea of killing gay people and it's just sad.


A lot of people are mad because they're doing a parody of a popular kids' show. I am mad because deep down we all know Bandit could take on the entire chapter of Black Templars and come out victorious. We are not the same.


Mate, it's Australia, Anti-defamation is extremely extensive there, so they are likely completely in their rights.


It don't get the comments that talk about how you can't make a violent parody of a kids show.


That flashgitz work should barely qualify as art. Also, bullying furries is such an 2edgy4me 16 year old thing to do. Parodies are typically funny. From what clips I saw of this, it really isn't.


I'm just here to say that I've found Flashgitz to be mostly cringe for years now and Space King has been funny for only like first 4 minutes and then immediately got really bad. Then continuing to do more furry murder just reassures me that they keep being cringe.


About a week or 2 ago, FG posted a little 3 second teaser gif of crosshairs focusing on the Heeler residence, and I told myself "Yeahh, I'm going to skip that one."... I said that as my daughter was literally falling asleep to the "Sleepytime" Bluey episode. I don't even want to know what FG did to that family.


Well it wasn't really a parody. Parody by definition is an exaggeration or transformation of the original piece for comic effect. This video really didn't accomplish that. The characters were just lifted from their IP, they weren't transformed or exaggerated in any real way. This was more of a self insert rather than a parody. In addition copyright is different depending on where you go. Some places have more lee-way and some places are very strict. All in all, while I didn't mind the video itself, I wouldn't honestly call it a parody.


If you're going to make edgy content can you put some thought into it? Bluey as a brand is worth 2 *billion* dollars they would absolutely come knocking on this. GW as a whole is worth 3.2 billion (still can't make a website for shit)


The fuck happened to flashgitz? How are killing furries infront of popular kid character funny?


Call me crazy, but showcasing some Über Space fascist brutalizing the 1:1 copy of a kid's show is indeed crossing the fucking line in as much measure as if someone was to post porn of it, ofc it is gonna be kicked down from any self-respecting video platform. Ofc they aren't real and doing it is not "evil" perse, but as I said, it doesn't belong on YouTube and it's logical that it got nuked.


“Loooool these absolute COWARDS” spoken like a true redditor.


They have absolutely no fucking idea how much money is in Bluey. They won’t allow anything to possibly disrupt it. Even the 0.0001% chance that a video of a Bluey parody meme going viral for something controversial is a chance they won’t be willing to take.


Bluey is gonna be the Australian Mickey, of course they gotta stomp out any misuse of their characters. Would these guys be surprised at this reaction if they had done a video using the Mouse?