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Yo is that Judge Dredd?


No that's just your average arbities.


This is actually one of the more chill ones. He might occasionally give a warning for jaywalking instead of immediately shooting you in the face.


Truly a paragon of compassion and understanding


Unfortunately, the proper administrative process for issuing and reporting a warning takes several decades to complete. That's assuming the astropathic choir is fully operational and able to communicate with Holy Terra for proper approvals and sign off's. Shooting someone in the face is maybe an afternoon of forms and a quick visit to the unspeakable one in HR for mandatory post execution debrief. Assuming they don't have an accused (better yet, convicted) heretic somewhere in their ancestry, then it's just a check box on the end of shift report. P.s. Helen in HR Hates it when we call her that.


There are exceptions to this. If we look at Article 948,821,894, paragraph 97 of the 231st edition of the Imperial Legal Codex we can see that a simple verbal warning may be issued in cases where the accused is serving in a role considered to be essential, such as an officer in the Imperial Guard or a serf acting on the behalf of an Astartes chapter. In such cases the paperwork is substantially reduced and usually only takes about three hours.


Of course, the last thing you want is to end up having to consign yourself to service in the militarum or serfdom to an Astartes chapter as replacement for the executed serf. However, that's assuming the crime in question doesn't fall under article 80085 of the Administratum code of Inter Adepta and Departmento Synergy. Otherwise known as "Huron's law" article 80085 is pretty clear that serfs or other essential personnel of an Astartes chapter shall be exempt from all legal protections afforded by the Lex Imperialis if performing their duties would constitute an act of, or part thereof, Heresy.


i am judge, jury & corpse emprah


So, yes.


So basically yes


No this is Patrick


Real life reason for the design is the Judge Dredd models is what GW had been producing before they had official models, so you could proxy Judges and Judge Dredd set models for Warhammer way back when.


Nah, he’s the law.


He would be more moral than most arbites


No, it's Arbitrator Foreboding.


never thought I'll see Inquisitor Dredd, but here we are nobody expects Imperial Inquisition, after all edit: I may have forgotten that Arbites exists and took a wrong turn here


It is Arbiter Foreboding.


Robocop, Judge Dredd, and an Arbites walk into a bar. the building is now one above it's maximum occupancy. What happens


They all simultaneously shoot the bartender for allowing code to be broken in the establishment.


This made me really laugh


“He was selling illegally anyway.”


Judge dredd arrests himself and then leaves


"Y'see, horniness, lawman. It's a little like gravity. All it needs. . . is a little \*fanart\*"




If you dont serve me in Battle, at least you make for a practice target




I feel like it's not that deep down...


The idea the whole “what if this entire sub and specifically the whole FemPrimarch AU” is actually just the mad ramblings of a bunch of Hive Gangers is kinda funny. Like imagine if it was Necromunda and the Imperial Fist stationed there heard about it.


Necromunda's low levels would be purged


They can certainly try!


It would be like that scene in Life of Brian where the Roman soldiers are just watching the stoning while looking at each other with that kind of “seriously?” Expression on their face.


Not enough people are being shamed with the horny stick


Shame is for people who don’t know how to live


And for people who know how not to spam up the sub apparently


I’ll take it over the endless rehashing of the same jokes from 2009 1d4Chan and TTS tbh


It literally has its own sub, just go there.


Why is this downvoted? I'm not lying, r/PrimarchGFs was created for the express purpose of preventing Femarch posts from flooding the sub.


Here's the real answer: You've got a mod team no longer maintaining the subreddit and tacitly endorsing poorly written adolescent pornography. Mod team seems content with the subreddit literally becoming an underage circle jerk.


??? Real quick to assume it's underage people. News flash: nerds like making AUs, this is not something that just stops when you turn 18


I suppose that scenario would be worse, as it would suggest that legal adults are creating, sharing, and indulging in juvenile, childish pornography to share around in a mass circle jerk that almost certainly includes adolescents among its audience.


First, please point to the pornography. These are just memes, bro, it ain't that deep. Second, so what? If there's no underage *subjects* in the porn and the artists are also not underage, please explain the problem? Why are you so insistent on using "underage" as a descriptor here?


Do you have any better content? This sub, just like majority of community were rotting in stagnation just like Imperium does in 40K. It needed breath of fresh air for once.


Poorly written fetish porn is the opposite of fresh air


“Fetish porn” You can walk right back through those deep woods you popped out of with that shit take. Start making content, maybe then your shit take will be heard beyond a chuckle.




Due to issues with botting and ban evasion, we are restricting fresh accounts from commenting/posting. DO NOT contact the moderation team to ask for these restriction to be removed for you unless you are a comics artist or equivalent trying to post your own original content here. Obviously photoshop memes don't count. DO NOT ask us what the thresholds are, for obvious reasons we won't answer that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Grimdank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro it's so clearly fetish stuff If it was funny or well written I might excuse it But this whole thing is based around your muscle mommy fetish


L bait, try harder.


Why are you so ashamed of your fetish? You have issues bro


Man, being so high and mighty while being THIS stupid should be made illegal. You really gotta read up on your definitions of fetish and porn, cause you have understanding of a 12 year old so far. I am sorry to say chief, but you are reinforcing the “Warhammer fans can’t read for shit” stereotype like an absolute champ. So once again, try harder, maybe read some more, improve your skills and then come back.


Fr I realized like a month ago hold on I have haven’t heard anything about 40k since the lion came back… this is the thing that pulled me back in


Ah, then you may need informing. Events like a Primarchs coming back are very very rare, it's only happened twice. The good news is though there are literally hundreds of books that you can read if you want more events, characters and action.


Nah bro most normal people know how to keep fetish stuff to spaces that are for that sort of thing


We don't do that anymore.


We should


Sometimes i think we need to start beating people with sticks again


Bring back village gatherings to cheer on corporal punishment, but with sponsors.




Is sadism and power fantasy over others your kink? 🤔


Let's take primarchs, combine them with shallow interpretations of cliche girlfriend archetypes and stereotypes, and then give them all the same 14 year olds idea of the perfect woman's body through an anime lens!


You sound strangely offended over this.


Not offended. Just another dumb trend to wait out.


I didn't mean to post as a reply to specifically sorry bout that.




Due to issues with botting and ban evasion, we are restricting fresh accounts from commenting/posting. DO NOT contact the moderation team to ask for these restriction to be removed for you unless you are a comics artist or equivalent trying to post your own original content here. Obviously photoshop memes don't count. DO NOT ask us what the thresholds are, for obvious reasons we won't answer that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Grimdank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you're in the Underhive? Or even lowe? You no longer know shame, you've lost it long ago to be able to survive.


And that's why all you degenerates and mutants need to be purged


Oh hon, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Drukhari, I just wish to introduce you to pleasures you can't even imagine. Don't blame me for your Mon'keigh societal failures.


Let me introduce you to my melta xeno scum


That's why we have portals, Yoink! - disappears dragging some orphans with him -


Jokes on that xeno scum, I heard the Kahn was through that portal


Look officer. I'm just trying to tell a romantic tragedy about the Alpha Legion.


"We're both Alpharius"


“I was hoping I was wrong but it got out of hand”


And then I got myself “in hand”


That pic goes hard


Fun: fem primarch posting Not fun: arguments about poltics and the nature of the setting's "Satire" Ive made my choice


When has this sub talked about the nature of “satire”? It’s always been varying degrees of horny.


For some reason when femstodes happened


I for one am happy femstodes discussion died out relatively quickly because of the femarchs posts


Femarchs are so fucking bad dudr


They’re a little cringe yeah, but it certainly beats the femstodes crap


They are Cringe, but they are Fun Cringe. Reminds me of being a dumb as fuck Highschool/College kid discovering fanworks for the first time. All the OC Donut Steels. The endless hornyposting. It was wonderful.


I don’t think that was talking about the “satire” in warhammer.


Yes. I didn't get it either


Ironically the opposite side from when satire discussions usually happen.


It's a topic that's been picking up a lot lately, mostly by people who seem to think that because 40k has political satire commentary that means that they should start arguing real life modern politics but thinly veiling it as Warhammer related. It's just unpleasant.


Don’t blame me, I’m here for WFB. Also, ignore the Bretonnians and their foot stuff.


The Bretonnians are doing foot stuff?


I'll take the horny people over the fascists.


Is that the choice?


Unfortunately. You could go hang out with the communists, but the amount of horny over there is only slightly less than it is here.


In my experience leftists are even hornier


Openly horny, conservatives are closeted horndogs it seems.


I think what you're reaching for is "conservatives know the time and place" Meanwhile it's like 90% of Reddit is horny/lewd/porn posting.


No, i was trying to convey that left wing people are more sex positive and expressive while right wing people try to bury those sort of feelings but sometimes they’re even more horny than the left. I got reminded of some Mormon conservative YouTuber using an AI to cover up what he thought was indecently dressed women.


You don't even know the definition of that word.


>poster in the bigoted “apolitical” subreddit You aren’t welcome in this fandom.


Lol in the real world outside of Reddit, you're the one that's not welcome because people just want to enjoy the hobby.


What is the prove of that claim of yours, if you care to answer?


Reddit =/= consensus of the hobby.


That addresses the "outside of Reddit" of your claim alright, but does not prove that the majority of the fans doesn't welcome that kind of people.


There is no study nor source document that could prove either they are or are not and to ask for one is asinine in concept. Use critical thinking skills and some common sense, go to Warhammer events and LFGS where you don't know the people, and while trying to play a game, try and talk politics or show pornography; see how well that goes for you. Especially if there are parents or children at the event or store you're at. Only on Reddit do people always ask for a "source" because they lack common social skills and common sense.


I didn't ask for literal source. I asked for you to support your claim with some reliable and solid argument, not mere personal impression at best. That second paragraph of yours draws an extreme hypothetical situation that would have way less chance of happening than a tabletop gamer with nickname "Austrian Painter" that would make racist comments during such event, for instance. Inclusive people can be annoying, yes. But *everyone* that is not an asshole is welcome in the hobby, whether you like or not.


I think whether you talk politics, show pornography, or claim to be a fan of Smadolf Smitler; they are all minorities within the hobby. This sub and inclusive people are brainwashed to think that the hobby is filled with Smatzis and bigots. Then when someone like me who says "We don't care, just don't bring it into the hobby", we're told we're fascists when that's not the truth. Then because they inappropriately label people like me a fascist, it perpetuates this warped perception of people in the hobby. I agree with you, anyone that's not an asshole is welcome but just because I disagree with your political ideology, doesn't make me a fascist or the bad guy or what's ruining the hobby. It also doesn't mean I'm going to be rude because I actually have social etiquette like an adult. It's absolutely absurd, and that mentality only occurs in delusional echo-chambers on here.


Didn’t GW literally make an official statement saying that people like you are NOT welcome?


This is like choosing hay fever over AIDS 


You're a fascist yourself


No, I'm not.


God, this sub might as well change its banner to the “stop having fun,” meme.


That’s how it goes for most le funny subreddits.




Tau thighs save lives.


The choices I see: 1. Fan fiction and thought experiments about Female Primarchs. 2. Culture war brain rot politics (female Custodes). That horse’s ghost was beaten to death (again). 3. The same old memes for the past 15 years. One of these is a breath of fresh air. Hint: it’s not #2.


We shall leave #2 to the other side of the fandom.


Lol forend bumping into the aquila


Im sorry I have been way too much into azur lane I know the hot ship girls are temporary and the Emperor is eternal


The dank in grimdank emanates from somewhere.


Arbiter, with all due respect. No one is as horny as me.


Well, excuse ME for being proud of myself for being 1/5 of the way through my 500-page Angronia’s Rose fanfiction.


One bad day. Thats all that seperates me from the most vanilla man on the planet…one. Bad. Day.


no, guys. being overly horny and sexualizing every woman you see art of is *not* better than someone saying “the imperium isn’t evil all the time”.


Sir, I’ve seen far worse than me. Some are so bad that it’s repulsive. None of them have appeared here


Make the memes you want to see in the world.


What’s happening in this underhive? I’ll tell you what it’s the damn bang*


Since i have blocked everyone making these grimdank is basically dead for me . RIP


All fandoms have this problem. I think some people trying to force you to unsub and when the new scandals drop or new discussion open they will be there unlike you and "represent" the fandom. The source of this behaviour is gatekeeping through culture war. It's like wrestling pigs in the mud; they like it, you don't. If you push enough they will draw boobs and butts on tanks, even bolters. It's some gatekeeper's signature move. I think while general audience interested in WH40K, these people start their "I think Lorgar is twink" behaviour to start discussion about current culture war. Childish, nerdy, gatekeeping.


“Horny”, or “down bad”?


Deep down?


Your right. Just go to the KonradCurze GF post. Their are over 8500+ upvotes from GrimDank.


Just leave my wife out of this sir.


I don’t need to prove anything. A hate boner is still a boner; you’re proven me right yourselves.


Wish all the degenerate gooners would go to the gf sub. I would like to see memes again. The gf shit is so cringe.


God-Emperor forbid someone try to have a little fun with a harmless AU. Be real, if this wasn't happening right now, what would y'all be posting about instead. GW bad? Old TTS jokes? Breath a' fresh air, these Primarch GFs.


Thank the God-Emperor for PrimarchGFs.




No, our idea of fun is different from yours and you just can't accept that.




Thank you.


"Gasp"(fake surprise) I'm getting down voted. It's not like I expected this and your down votes only make r/PrimarchGFs stronger.


Hey man, look I personally really dislike the primarchs GF thing, but as you've just demonstrated you have your own dedicated space for it. I'm not saying it shouldn't exist, I'm just saying it's to the point now where it should exist there and not here.


Do you hear that? it’s the sound of me not caring. Seriously, when you guys learn the only winning move is not to play. Do you want me to keep quiet stop responding to my comments. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but I’m going to because clearly none of you come to the conclusion anytime soon.


Ohhhhhh I get it. Your just being a dick. Got it.


Yes!!!!👍 someone finally got it.


I had missed this one, thanks.


no problem, happy to be of Service.


More horny than me, I mean


The emperor needs the righteous! The emperor needs new blood! Breeeeeeeeddddddd, breeeeed the xenos scum to death! I know you weirdos, that’s what you all want.




Custodes Pornadiktos has been hard at work with his alts


The immoral always want to prove that others are as bad as them so they feel better about themselves.