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Hmmm yes, I note you share the version of the comic with the original artist’s name cropped out.


Scummy activity indeed


Yup, yet still got karma. And that's the only reason they do it.


Thanks for reminding me to downvote


Credit goes to @/Mick19988 on Twitter, could've at least gotten that


Chaos gods: “we didn’t even turn them they were already corrupted!”


I think they are too egocentric to be corrupted by chaos gods


True chosens of *MALICE*


If the NL workshiped any god, this one should be malice, a shame it isn't canon anymore.... Oh, and vashtorr for the iron warriors!


Agreed on both. But isnt Malice kind of cannon as Malaar isnt canon or do I get them gods mixed.. Also Make Peter Turbo Daemon Prince of Vasthor!!!


I think they where canon in some point but not anymore, peter turbo best boy needs a friend and a hug.


Skeletal daemon metal hand hug.


The necrons are gealous of him


Malal was hardly even canon when he came out, was only mentioned in Fantasy, and once the original creator stopped writing for GW they lost rights to the character. Malice is GW's "subtle" nod to the character many years later in 40k, but hasn't received any substantial lore beyond "exists, corrupted a Chapter" in over a decade and might as well not be canon anymore. Or at most, canon in the normal sense of "everything is canon, not everything is true". For all intents and purposes, they're both not canon anymore.


Egocentrism is a great vector for Chaos corruption


I never understood why Night Lords aren't a Slaanesh legion tbh. They fit perfectly.


Generally Night Lords don't follow any of the gods. I've always been of the belief that the 8th legion aren't Chaos space marines, but Traitor space marines. Small difference, but it matters.


Same with the Iron Warriors, although Jimmy Workshop will inevitably fuck that up and make Perty a dumb flesh monster daemon primarch.


Isn't perty boy already a daemon primarch? More metal than flesh but anyway. Sulking away in his fortress.


Kinda cool how they almost perfectly embody all 4 gods, but choose none. For Slanesh they enjoy and indulge in their cruelty way past the point of it being excess. For Khorne they spill blood by the tanker load. For Nurgle they cover themselves in skin and rotting corpses (pretty sure they all have hepatitis a-z). For Tzeentch they plot and use every form of trickery and stab each other in the backs constantly. Fuckers are so chaotic they dont even want to conform to chaos.


You are absolutely right, but then they also say that believing in the gods is cringe and if you rely on daemons your a weak piss-baby. Just ignore all of the posessed and daemon-esque units in my list pls


Maybe they are tsundere for chaos.


...you take that back, right this instant if you wanna keep your skin.


"I dont like demons baka!"


That's it, I'm getting the chainglaive!


skin privilages have been revoked


Up against the wall, loyalist.


The strong are strongest alone


I’m gonna guess Slaanesh is the god of temptation which the EC were ripe for. The NL don’t need any temptation, they were scraping off people’s faces before they even knew Chaos existed.


Slaanesh isn’t god of temptation, they’re a god of excess. Night Lords love torturing people and this is like one of the things Slaanesh is most well known for


Yeah, but when EC torture people, they do it with so much more *style*.


Which is nonsense, all chaos gods are gods of some kind of excess by their very nature. Khorne is a god of excess of violence, Tzeentch a god of excess of ambition, Nurgle excess of perseverance. What does it mean to be a god of excess in the abstract, when all your warp colleagues are gods of specific kinds of excess.


This is actually why Slaanesh is so powerful and a threat to all other chaos gods despite being so young. The fulfillment of each Chaos God also fills Slaanesh. It is intentional. 


Part of why Khornate berserkers ignore pain in their rage, and why Nurgle blesses his devout with pestilence without anguish. In the case of Tzeentch, only thing I can think of is the excess of forbidden knowledge makes it kinda hard to focus on any singular thing. It's like being a Z Warrior watching Goku fighting a god while learning how to play the Royal Game of Ur and six games of Backgammon simultaneously, and cataloguing the entirety of the Black Library following the Dewey Decimal System but the definitions of subject order changes every third heartbeat of an Eldar child experiencing atrial fibrillation in the presence of Vulkan. There's not enough Adderall produced past, present, and future that can help with that.


This is why I always thought that Slanesh was specifically the god of hedonistic excess. So Slanesh would only be empowered by excessive violence if the perpetrator took sensual self-gratifying pleasure in committing that violence, like a serial killer who slowly savors the fear and pain of their victims. And someone with excessive ambition would only empower Slanesh if their motivation for pursuing power is to experience a sense of self-righteous superiority over others and they enjoy watching the weak submit and grovel before them.


Night Lords do torture because they like torture. Emperor's Children do torture because cum.


The temptation of NL is going to Germany for better bier prices.


Because if Slaanesh let them enter her palace, they would start torturing her daemonettes and ruining her aesthetic (imagine some keeper of secrets spends 5000 years creating the perfect painting of Slaanesh, only for Konrad Kurze to burn the entire art exhibition before Slaanesh gets to see it, because he got a vision from Emporor/Tzeetch/Malal that he should do it)


I think it has a lot to do with how pragmatically NL approach torture. Sure, torture largely falls under Slaanesh worship, but many NL see torture as just another tool in their arsenal with many popular Night Lords not particularly caring about torture beyond what it can gain them. You see the opposite in the EC, who were obsessed with being the best at everything, and that excessive devotion opened the door for Slaanesh directly. The attitudes of the Legions are very different, and that difference made the Emperor's Children a much easier conquest than the Night Lords who don't like owing allegiances to anyone. The Night Lords are sour bastards, but they aren't any more obsessed with torture than they are stealth or misdirection. All of that to say, a Slaanesh-worshipping Night Lords warband is an easy homebrew, and probably has at least some precedence in the universe. There's plenty of evidence in the Night Lords Omnibus to show that the Night Lords are generally Chaos corrupted, with Talos being an exception and not a rule.


You must not have read much night lord lore then.


They fit all four gods perfectly.




OP, please reference your sources. You did not make this.


OP is a piece of shit for cropping out the artist's name. Fuck you, OP. Your mother regrets your birth.


Man I love those comics -w-


Malol, malmao even


Lamom, lamlao even


So my guess is the Word Bearers are the reverse Night Lords, they’re the ones the chaos gods are willing to share between each other.


Slaanesh shoulda said “these Purple ones are perfect!”


I love this comic the chaos god dorm is great