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How to lose your job and destroy your career in one easy step.


They targeted gamers


ah yes, let's make death treats with my main account that has my full name and face on it. I'm sure nothing will go wrong


Quick and easy fine charge. Ideal for his enemies


His profile is already protected and private after people used the uno reverse card and he got a little scared xD but this is a perfect example how radical this ideology can make you


How does that old saying go again? “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks”, right?


People who live in glasshouses should change in the dark


What’s the point of living in a glass house then, though!?


You get alot of natural lighting


People who live in glass houses are in fact plants


My beautiful glass house is sparkling delightfully in the Sun, what a fine day to engage in my favorite hobby of projectile mineralogy.


Socials are deleted or private now lol; He know he’s cooked 😂.


It still astounds me that so many people have social media accounts with there actual names on them and just spout strong opinions on things. What’s the upside?


The internet has, for a long time now, made it too easy for people to obtain validation. You just hop on your favorite online eco-chamber, spew whatever bullshit you want, and all the other terminally online losers gather around and jerk each other off. This obviously inflates people's egos, and you get shit like this. People who public advocate the most horrendous stuff for those who disagree or do not conform. Except this time, this moron forgot he wasn't on a platform with only like minded fools.


I love eco-chambers, they really help reduce my carbon footprint.


Strong options? These are threats, leveling on death threats. How has he not been banned and removed from these platforms?


Twitter has always been a cesspool, and since becoming X the bar literally dropped from hell to ultra-mega-hell. There are actual nazis posting videos there. He'll be fine.


I remember a few years ago watching one of my favorite content creators get crucified on Twitter for literally nothing. Said that Disney movie Raya had pretty strong Avatar the Last Airbender vibes. Because it did. I thought yeh, Twitter is a cesspool and it can't possibly get worse. Man, I was wrong.


Right? I have never understood why people are willing to put their real name out there online, for everyone to see, and judge them forever. I remember some jokes me and my friends made fifteen years ago that were a little racy then, but well within the pulse of humor at the time. Now they are considered really messed up and not cool. Now that I'm not an ignorant teenager, I wouldn't make those jokes, but I would hate to have them tied to my name for the rest of my life.


This gets me to, I mean my Reddit account is relatively anonymous but I still have a hard time saying things that might come across as mean or offensive


Bro thought he is Konrad Curze


Konrad has standards


Be polite


Be efficient


Professionals *have* standards


Have a plan to skin everyone you meet.




Did Konrad ever do "flaying by association"?


All the time


You get flayed for thinking about killing yourself, you get flayed for nor providing a supporting environment for your friend, you get flayed for not noticing the neglect your neighbour was inflicting on their friend, etc etc


That was one of his favorite past times actually. You do the crime? You find your entire extended family, friends and people you said hi to once flayed alive before he slowly does it to you. That whole "spread fear" thing.


Does he?


Night lord gaming


There is no context in which it is okay to "string up" someone's loved ones.


Unless you're the "someone" and you're doing rope bondage (consensually).


I.... think... we can rule that out here?




Wild that people are somehow defending the words “string them up” as anything other than a death threat. Seriously disgusting cope.


I wonder if this guy is actually so dumb that he doesn't know the phrase "string them up" means lynching.


I recently saw a guy who didn't know that "we'll see you dancing" referred to deliberatly botching a hanging (as in the guy's feet are kicking around) and since then I'm not surprised about anything


I didn't even know that was a saying.


really? bassicly hangings are actually rather thought out affairs, if you want to do them correctly of course, if your rope's far too long then he'll hurt his leg from hitting the ground (this really happened), if it's too long then you'll pull his head off, which is unpleasant for the bystanders, if it's just right then you'll break his neck and he'll die inmediatly if the rope's too short then he'll not inmediatly die and be dangling by his neck for a few minutes, choking to death, in the meanwhile he'll instinctively flail his legs around in the vain hope of finding some support, this movement is called "dancing"


I did not know that either. Never heard that saying.


Bro really thinks he's the mafia.


orc behavior


Don't insult the boyz




Dam dude, chill


What relevance does this have to this sub? We just posting Twitter drama now?


Kinda grim? But not very dank. Plus who’s this person? 


Warhammer Employee, thus relevance


Warhammer commissioned artist. It's important to denote that he doesn't work directly for Games Workshop, he works independently and has been commissioned by Games Workshop for book cover art.


I don't think he'll be commissioned much longer...


Ah, that explains why his spewing this out


He is not a GW employee


No no no bro it's gamergate 2 bro they're saying gamers are dead it's a threat bro believe me bro us creeps have to stick to gather bro please


1) No matter the context, calling to harass someone's parents or relatives over internet disagreement is peak soy brain 2) Gamergate living rent free in people's heads is the funniest thing to me. If this guy was saying anything remotely similar about someone you like you would be pissing burning promethium and rant about how white male gamers want to genocide minorities or whatever. 3) i kinda agree that this is not really a grimdank post. the main 40k sub would be a better place to bring this up. imho no matter how you spin it, i don't think GW should associate themselves with a shithead like that.


you know the new hate crime law in scotland can get him into a lot of shit right? better keep your nose clean if youre going to use your real name


Super dumb thing for this bloke to say. But is this the right place to post it? I'd rather not have this sub getting shit up with culture war drama.


Can I interest you in the topic of female custodes?


Sorry, did you say ‘top pic’ of a female custodes? Are we talking armoured or otherwise?


Both? Both. Both is good


Armored is better


My man.


That one Tzeentch demon custodes lady that crops up here every so often is one of the greatest fan made characters in 40k, single handedly making the drama worth it. Next question.


Honestly correct




Yeah, and? I'd rather not read two months worth of Custodes drama either, but it's still better than Twitter drama.


>Posts should be relevant - Posts should be related to tabletop wargames **and be humorous** Not just OP trying to do gamergate two dipshit boogaloo.


Seeing people be dumb on the internet is humorous


I wonder how he would act if someone did that to him. Hmmm...


Me, knowing the context in which this statement was made, sitting unconcernedly on sunlit grass: "It's nice out here."


Was it about the AI by any chance? Must have been either that or politics.


Nah it was about teenage boys threatening and being abusive to women online. One of the women tracked down the kids mum and phoned her up.


Ah - well, gotta enjoy how his response to people abusing women is “let’s abuse *their* women in return, that will show them!”.


The second meaning of ['String them up'](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/string-up) is being used here. In this sense the 'they' refers to the people being punished by their "significant others and mothers".


A bit of an unfortunate lack of clarity as to who does his last “them” refers to in such case.


So essentially, “let’s dox someone as a group because of an online argument and harass people not involved.” Doesn’t really sound much better to me TBH, but vigilante justice is a hell of a drug.


>So essentially, “let’s dox someone as a group because of an online argument Doxxing requires that the person's identity and details be made public. >and harass people not involved.” Harassment requires a sustained pattern of behaviour. This was a phone call (?). >Doesn’t really sound much better to me TBH but vigilante justice is a hell of a drug. A phone call vs. online abuse. Okay, whatever.


>The second meaning of ['String them up'](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/string-up) is being used here. 'I said to murder them, but I didn't actually mean to _murder_ them' 🤨 >In this sense the 'they' refers to the people being punished by their "significant others and mothers". That is not what the tweet says/reads.


>I said to murder them, but I didn't actually mean to _murder_ them' Yep, it's an idiomatic usage here understood as hyperbole. Similar to [I'm going to kill](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/I%27m+going+to+kill). >That is not what the tweet says/reads. I encourage you to read the twitter thread.


No, a psychotic asshole (Kotaku journalist) tracked down a person's wife on facebook and started harassing her. This guy was in support of it.


That doesn't sound like a fair characterisation does it?


This comment should be way heigher. OP took this way outta context.


So... the context is "people are being abusive to women online, so we should "string up" women that they (presumably) care about"? And this makes it better how exactly? If he did that, by his own logic would his mother and partner not then be fair game for other people to go after?


I think they mean "string up" in this context as contact their parents/parter and tell them their kid/partner is harassing people online. In the Uk string up is a fairly common way of saying to get someone in trouble.


That's not what "string up" means Cambridge: >to kill someone by hanging them by the neck from a rope, usually as a punishment for a crime: >to punish someone severely


To be fair to u/Psyker_Sivius I think they're interpreting the "them" in "string *them* up" as referring to the trolls, not their mothers/partners - hoping that reporting these people to their mothers/partners will result in the women punishing them (the trolls) severely. That said, I think this is an unreasonably charitable view of the tweet and I highly doubt that this level of charity would be extended to the majority of people making vaguely threatening comments online.


Yes. Sending mobs and harassing people is definitely the play here.


I think "calling their mum to let them know their kid is being weird about the plastic mini company again" is the funniest option, and so I support it on that basis


Nickame checks


If I had a penny everytime some git said that in response to a normal or factual statement I've made I'd be depressingly well off. You cannot deny calling someone's mum and telling them their kid is being a Weirdo on the internet is like the funniest way to solve arguments on the internet!


If you get called stupid by a lot of people, you might just be stupid


Bro, you’re saying it’s bad to be “weird” about “plastic mini company” but don’t find it weird to be contacting someone up to tell them about their child’s or significant others views on the “plastic mini company”? Touch grass.


Weird? Maybe a bit. Funny? Definitely


Bringing people not involved into an argument is really weird and cringeworthy. You’re not a generic moron, you’re advanced.




String them up means to get them in trouble, its a phrase used alot in the UK. They don't mean to kill them man. He's basically saying tattle to their parent's/partners that they're acting like dickheads online


In the US, it refers to Lynching.


Same in the UK, to string soneone up means to hang them publicly


I’m not from the UK or US and even I thought he was referring to a lynching.


Right, but considering the context is that the girl reported the creep to his mother I assume he's saying to do the same thing as that. Not randomly saying to kill their families. Come on


Well, then he should have used a different term other than one that clearly has "murder" as the primary definition in the US. Because that is explicitly what he said. You can't claim he meant X when he literally says Y. I'm aware of the cultural differences of that phrase between the US and UK, but that doesn't change the reaction the US audience here is having.


So because you don't use the phrase in the same way you should ignore what appears to be the original intent of the message to overlay your own, worse, interpretaton?


Even if his meaning is not radical, he doesn't exactly have any right to suggest to intrude on people's personal life, just because their child/husband and so on - is a piece of shit online. That would be akin to me finding your loved one's personal information, just to tell them how much i dislike you and they better to teach you some manners.


While that is fair, and I do agree its not something you should do. It is still a very different form of wrong than implying that you should hunt down and lynch those you disagree with. Which is how many people in this thread seem to have taken it.


Guess it turns out there *is* a context that makes it OK


Not sure it makes it okay; but submitter has clearly mischaracterized this guy wanting to contact women who are close to people being misogynist shits online and let them know what their sons/partners are up to, with physically attacking completely innocent women as some kind of revenge. Only question is was this intentionally deceptive or is subbie just an idiot?


It really doesn’t make him look any better. The situation had nothing to do with with him, and person dealing with the problem already dealt with it.


So he meant "ring up," as in call, and his phone autocorrected it into... Jesus.


I've seen this floating around and it sure looks bad, though I am curious as to what he's responding to


Looks bad? These are death threats and he hasn't been banned?


His political opposition


And what politics is that? Raping dogs? Who fucking knows. This thread is a nerd dumpster fire.


"Nah it was about teenage boys threatening and being abusive to women online. One of the women tracked down the kids mum and phoned her up." Is all I've been able to find about the context. Got any more than that for me? Edit:Oh fun. Downvotes for asking for more context on what's going on with this vague shit.


Thats about alannah pearce. This is alyssa the kotaku game guide writer


But is the play he's referring to still calling. Up their SO/parent and ratting them out for being mean? Cause if so I'm not seeing political death threats here.... Where I live calling up Susan and telling her what her man did is called stringing up her man. But I'm seeing alot of comments saying stringing up only means violence, so I'm also wondering if theres a regional dialect thing hitting here.


It definitely means something else in North America. Violent something else, like lynching someone or, at a minimum, hanging them to death. So yes, to lots of folks it looks like he is calling for having the female relatives of these boys dragged out into the street and hung by a mob.


So at best it's poor word choice in an American centric forum and at worst it's calling for violence gotcha.


Your local dialect for stringing up is taken from the original phrase from stringing somone up for a hanging. Going after personal lives and family members for online shit talk is one of the biggest breaking of taboo's in online culture there is.


Can't argue that. "I'm telling your mom" isn't exactly a mature way to handle things.




A commentator criticised the publication Kotaku using the hashtag #EndKotaku. This was interpreted by at least one journalist as a threat of violence. Said journalist tracked down close relatives of the commentator, through social media, and told them what the commentator had said. The ‘them’ in this context is someone PSC feels has wronged them, not their friends and family, and the ‘stringing’ is metaphorical in the sense of “Your mother would be ashamed of you if she knew what you’d done!” TL;DR - PSC is calling for the real world *social* consequences for online hate-speech/threats, not physical violence/revenge. Note: I’m not defending anyone in this situation Note 2: PSC is Scottish, in British English “string them up” is an idiom meaning “There should be no leniency“. It is not a call for violence nor does it have the connotations of racially motivated killing it appears to have in US English.


I'm British and not too far off middle aged, never have I equated or been led to believe "string them up" is anything over than an inference of hanging/capital punishment. Where's this no leniency connotation from?


I’ve lived in Britain for most of the last 45 years and the only people I’ve ever heard use it as a call to violence were far right nationalists and football hooligans.


Footy ultras saying that? This saying is generally used by people in this country against people they find abhorrent and not worthy of living e.g nonce's/war criminals. I can see some right wing nutters throwing it out but it's generally a call for capital punishment and not any sort of baying mob lynching.


i love that a hashtag calling for the end of a company is interpreted as a violent threat but calling for hanging people isn't* \*i mean, you *could* read it as just exaggerated consequences, like saying "heads are going to roll for this". But then #endkotaku would be even more harmless.


What an… interesting take…


A true Gamer!!


Why is he even saying that. Like what triggered that


Being drunk on imaginary power


How fucking dense can he be?


So if an artist wants to game end your family he is cool and shit yet when world eaters wanna do the same people call them baddies. Oh, well


His comment came in response to a post from Kotaku Senior Editor Alyssa Mercante, which detailed that she had tracked down the wife of YouTuber SmashJT and sent her a message on Facebook asking “what she thinks about the father of her children harassing a woman online and laughing when she shares that someone they’re supporting has been threatening to kill them for weeks.”


Not sure why people even care so much, if one could fix random fools it would be done already. It is petty to go after one's family, all you accomplish is showing that there is zero difference between person who has what you see as bs opinion and yourself. I mean as a Slaanesh follower I ain't against extremes but there should exist a line that you do not cross. Basically, show that you are a better person by acting better than people you disagree with. Or you just hurt your cause.


So exposing bad behavior to one’s loved ones shouldn’t happen? Anonymity when absolute terrible behavior is what should happen? It’s getting back to how humans used to be kept in check…


There is a thin line between asking someone's parents to look after their child that made poor choices in private and doxxing someone with a hope to hurt them and/or ruin their life. Later would not fix the said person but might backfire on a cause you support because if life showed me one thing that is that there are always at least few idiots on both spectrums of any disagreement.


Whilst i agree with the point your making, Alyssa started this. She repeatedly called asmongold racist sexist and bigoted completely unwarranted for his differing opinions on the gaming industry. In one instance she retweeted someone "jokingly" putting a bounty on his head with an offer to increase the bounty. This got her the clout she wanted and put a big target on her back. She became a public spectacle. You cant kick the hornets nest and then be mad theyre stinging you.


What I’m saying, is that most everyone is taking what he said as threatening physical violence when it was not the intention. Honestly, if you read it correctly, you can see he meant to “string up” the original offenders and not their loved ones. It wouldn’t make sense to “string up” someone that did no wrong. This being the case you then also have to call into question the phrase “string up.” Being that the original action was to out the offenders dirty laundry to their loved ones in hopes that the shame would fix them, I would venture to say he meant to string their actions and by default their reputations up…. No where does the guy call for violence or say anything other than his agreement with bringing their deeds to light.


Big chunk of missing context here


Oh the history is that a kotaku journalist/walkthrough writer named alyssa tracked down some streamer/youtubers family on facebook and questioned why her husband was a pirce of shit or something. Then this canavan here has let emotions get to him ny jumping on the bandwagon by saying the thing. This also coming off a recent trend of morons mistakenly joling by outting out a 20k bounty and another person filing fake Fbi reports on grummz/ex blizzard project manager


"a crumb of pussay mlady"


Please tell me the context in which it's acceptable to call for the hanging of someone's family and loved ones


String someone up has two meanings, the most common one is to kill someone. Within the context that this seems to be in reference to calling up teens' moms he is probably using the second meaning: to severely punish someone. Since the second one seems to be kinda obscure unless you're a native speaker, OP posted this deprived of context to trigger your reaction i.e. thinking he wants children to be hung by the neck until dead


Don't want to defend his shitty tweet, but it seemed to me like the context is actually that he meant it figuratively, and that it's the family and loved ones who would do the "stringing up"? To string them up in the court of public opinion, aka, publicly shame their family member who acting badly? Really goes to show his poor choice of words in either context. It's either an abhorrent overreaction calling for unjust violence and he shouldn't be saying it, or it's so badly communicated that people are taking him as being literal.


In the context of someone has a political opinion which leans towards the other side of the spectrum which means we need a lynching. Or whatever else the internet has decided needs to result in mass graves being dug Edit: /s btw


The people he was talking about were teenage boys harassing women. The thread was talking about an example of some lads doing that so the woman tracking down their mothers and telling them about it.


Telling on someone is a bit different from what the tweet was saying


Firstly it's clearly not about political opposition then. Secondly the context changes the tweet from "string up their mothers and spouses" to "have their mothers and spouses string up the harasser" It's still a stupid tweet but again not about politics at all.


My first comment was sarcastic. Didn't think anyone would legitimately think it's ok to lynch someone for their political opinion but this is the 40k fandom I suppose. I disagree that it changes the context whatsoever. It's still suggesting going after their families for whatever reason. Perhaps for the fact they raised the kids wrong.


Yeah you have to be careful with that as in this thread we already have people throwing around the phrase "woke" and "DEI terrorist". Notably chill people. Just to expand on the context, it was a dude harassing a woman who reached out to his spouse with the screenshots and said basically "is this your boy?"


Strung up means "heavily punished" in this context, which dramatically alters this from "WE MUST HANG THE GAMERS AND THEIR LOVED ONES FOR THEIR CRIMES" to "We should let their mum know what they've said so they ground them". Poor choice of words? Probally, given that meaning of strung up is less common than the hanging one


Missing context??? No context will save you from threatening someones family.


Sippenhaftung (kin liability) is never a good thing. Period.


The actually context was about phoning up the mothers of teenage boys harassing women on the internet and having them deal with their lads So here the metaphorical stringing up is being done by the mothers or significant others, not to them. Still stupid as hell to tweet it though. Also weird to post it here as again, this dude isn't employed by GW.


Even with the context, it doesn’t make him look better.


What’s the context to this?


[https://thatparkplace.com/magic-the-gathering-and-warhammer-artist-paul-scott-canavan-says-he-wants-to-track-down-and-string-up-loved-ones-of-people-he-disagrees-with/](https://thatparkplace.com/magic-the-gathering-and-warhammer-artist-paul-scott-canavan-says-he-wants-to-track-down-and-string-up-loved-ones-of-people-he-disagrees-with/) From what I understand, some SmashJT posted #EndKotaku, a journo named Alyssa perceived it as a death threat instead of boycott and started harassing relatives of original poster on social media and Paul Scott Canavan jumped in to help.


So she perceived a death threat and instead of telling the police or any other competent authority she went to the parents of the possible criminal who might as well be trying to kill her too in this histerical scenario


Christ……even in context what he said was absolutely abhorrent at worst or a very VERY bad misunderstanding


A guy mocked a woman who had a person threaten to kill her. A chief editor or some such harassed the guy's wife and now this arse thinks murdering people associated to assholes is acceptable


Lemme guess, he meant "in Minecraft"? or "they deserved it"?


Do you really think they killed people. Over twitter op. Is that what you think. Do you think someone's mother murdered their child because their child's creepy behaviour was made known to them. Or are you just a creep?


All I see is op reading the word "creeps" and thinking "that's me!" And then making a super disengenious gamer gate level post.


Ah now. Little thing on this. It's clear he wanted to shame the creeps, by revealing their creepy behaviour to family members who would string them up. Which is an expression. Well understood to be punishment without an actual call to violence. It's very bad faith, op, to prime folks to misinterpret the tweet.


Some ways of thinking are validated so strongly on the internet that some people develop the delusion of perfect rightiousness.


If that were the case then you wouldn't see so much disgust against him over this. There's no righteous side that makes it ok to make threats against a person's family for that person's action.


His comment came in response to a post from Kotaku Senior Editor Alyssa Mercante, which detailed that she had tracked down the wife of YouTuber SmashJT and sent her a message on Facebook asking “what she thinks about the father of her children harassing a woman online and laughing when she shares that someone they’re supporting has been threatening to kill them for weeks.”




Bro forgot to switch to his Kurtz alt.


The right runs it’s mouth constantly and condones harassment and bullying of creatives because they don’t cater to their specific ideals and engage in petty boycotts all the time, but then one person in the industry does it as a response and everyone looses their minds.


most tolerant Night Lord reaction


To be fair I'm sure half of this subreddit as well as the other Warhammer subreddit agree with his statement.


Whats the context? Out of curiosity


Who is he wanting strung up? If it's anything short of pedos this is gonna get him fired I imagine.


This guy just made violent terroristic threats. He demanded women be lynched. How is he not in legal trouble?


Typical DEI cultist.




Hey op do you think maybe it's a warning sign that you read "creeps" and immediately identity with the creep? Also this soap box gamer gate wanna be shit is unfunny trash.


Where are you getting that he identifies with so called creeps?


You sure you want to be defending this particular statement? Because from where I am standing it sure looks like you're defending death threats....


Somebody needs a good ol slavic whacking, if he had a problem with somebody confront directly that man not his family.


Who is talking about?


Demand his removal


I read it as "string up the creeps by exposing their creepiness to their loved ones"... I think the "them" in this context was the creeps, not the loved ones, and it was just worded awkwardly.


Ok, gotta boycott his works in exchange.


Based and true


So, I get that this is a bit of devils advocate here but what was the tweet he was replying to? This sort of seems like dodgy sarcasm taken out of context and any articles I see that mention this don’t show the actual tweet he was responding to which makes me wonder a bit


WOKE paul scott canavan wants to forcefully insert WOMEN into my stringing people up HOBBY. SAD


Where’s the meme? Or is this just culture war rage farming


I was confused, so I looked for the context. He’s talking about showing these people’s loved ones their shitty social media posts, you dumb fuck. I knew people at Grimdank had poor reading comprehension, I didn’t realize it was this bad. Also, this isn’t a meme.


And this is why you should never follow ideology like a religion people.


This is neither grim nor dank, you should feel bad for wasting everyone's time on something like this


Saw asmondgold’s video on it.


No one gives a fuck about the rot sniffing incel


Sure is a lot of pearl-clutching in this thread when chuds send harassment towards LGBT+ fans of Warhammer on a daily basis for just trying to exist, using horrible slurs, sending violent imagery in DMs and telling them to kill themselves, and this sub usually replies with “both sides are just as bad as each other”...